Newspaper Page Text
THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, MARCH. .0, 1SW. tt,0 Me Ul Issued Giiral Hhse HAWAIIAN Von Hole Every Morning, Except Sunday, by the GAZETTE Block, Kin A. W. PEARSON, Business Manager, COMPANY, Street. SAILING VESSELS FOR HONOLULU. Due in March. Vessel. . Fro in. Spokane, Am. schr Port Gamble O. M. Ke'.logg. Am. schr. (K).. Gamble Mildred, Am. schr Gamble Geneva, Am. bg . . .Cllpperton Island WHARF AND WAYE. OAHU Rllffl I LIB CO.'S TIME TABLE From and After Jan. 1, 185)?). ETTATIONH Daily Daily (Outward) ex. Ann. Daily ex, Sim. Daily Daily A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. IM Honolulu.. 7:10 9:15 11:05 3:15 5:10 Petri City. 8:03 9:4 11:40 3:47 6:50 KwftMlll.. 8:33 10:08 12:00 4:C5 6:10 Wai&nae 10:50 4:45 .... WalAlia 11:65 5:4!) X&hufcn 12:32 6:15 8TATION8. . Dally (In ward) ex. riun. Daily Daily Diily A.M. A.M. P.M P.W Zahoku... .... 5:35 2:08 Waialoa... .... 0:10 2:50 Waiauae... .... 7:io 3:56 KwMlll.. 5:50 7:45 1:05 4:32 Pearl Oily. :15 8:03 1:30 4:52 Honolulu.. 6:50 8:35 2:05 B:25 Q. P. Dbnisou, So peri n tenden u F. C. Smith, Gen. Pas. A Tkt. Act. SHIPPIHG IHTELLICtllCE. ARRIVED AT HONOLULU. Saturday, March 18 Stmr. Lehua, Bennet, from 13 hrs. to Al-from 8 hrs Kaunakakai Stmr. Kilohana, Thompson, from Makaweli; 4100 bags sugar exander & Baldwin. Schr. Lady, Martin, 10 hrs. Kaneohe. Stmr. James Makee, 13 hrs. from Ka paa; 2350 bags sugar to C. Brewer & Co. Schr. Ka Moi, Sam, 20 hrs. Trom Ko hala, Schr. Waialua, Nelson, 30 hrs. from Hanalei. Stmr. Maui, Freeman, 18 hrs. from Paauhau. Stmr. Kinau, Clarke, 30 hrs. from Hilo; 320 bags spuds, (JO bags corn, 31 bdls. hides, 14 bdls. awa, 25 head cat tle, 9 head hogs, 4 horses, 165 pkgs. sundries. Sunday, March. 19. Stmr. Helena, Macdonald, IS hrs. from Hamakua. U. S. tug Iroquois, Pond, 8. hrs. from I.ahaina. Stmr. Hawaii, Lane, 30 hrs. from Hilo. Stmr. Upolu, Henningsen, I6V2 hrs. from Kohala. Schr. Kawailani, Torch, 17 hrs. from Kalaae. Am. brig. J. D. Spreckels, Christian son, 15 days from San Francisco; 320 tons mdse. to W. G. Irwin & Co.; 80 tons mdse. in transit to Mahukona. Stmr. Claudine, Cameron, 14 hrs. from Kahului; 10,104 bags sugar, 389 bags potatoes, 103 bags corn, 52 bags bones, 84 hogs, 120 pkgs. sundries. Am. ship J. B. Thomas, Thomas, 45 days from Newcastle; 234S tons coal to order. Stmr. W. G. Hall, Haglund, 11 hrs. from Nawiliwili; 6205 bags sugar to H. Hackfold & Co. Stmr. Waialeale, Green, 15 hrs. from Kilauea; 3500 bags sugar to V. G. Ir win & Co. Albany, Ger. bk. S. D. Carleton, Am. ship . Republic, Ch. ship City of Adelaide, Br. bk. King Arthur, Br. ship-.. Blairmore, Br. ship ...... Robert Sudden, Am. bk. . Chas. F. Crocker, Am. bk King Cyrus, Am. schr . . Metha. Nelson, Am. schr H. D. Bendixon, Am. schr. Carrier Dove, Am. schr. Himalaya, Br. bk Louisiana, Am. schr. Honolulu, Haw. schr. .... Edward May, Am. bk . . Defiiance, Am. schr Honoipu, Am. schr. A. M. Baxter, Am. schr. . . Defender, Am. schr C. F. Sargent, Am. ship R. P. Rithet, Haw. bk ... Fort George, Haw. ship . S. C. Allen, Am. bk Alice Cooke, Am. schr. . Alden Besse, Am. bk. . . . A. J. Fuller, Am. ship Norfolk Amelia, Am. bktn Port Ludlow Amptitrite, Br. ship London Due in April. V. F. Jewett, Am. schr. . . Port Gamble Azalea, Am. schr. Port Gamble Fred E. Sander, Am. schr..Pt. Gamble Klikitat, Am. bktn Port Ludlow Charles Hansen, Am. schr Eureka Jennie Wand, Am. schr Eureka Standard, Am. ship Seattle Adder ley, Br. bk Newcastle E: M. Phelps, Am. ship S. F. W. G. Irwin, Am. brig S. F. Due in May. Iroquois, Am. ship Baltimore S. P. Hitchcock. Am. ship S. F. H. Hackfeld, Ger. bk Liverpool Aryan, Am. ship Norfolk . . West port , . Hongkong . . Newcastle . . Newcastle . . Newcastle . . Newcastle . . Newcastle . Newcastle . . Newcastle . . Newcastle . . Newcastle . . Newcastle . . Newcastle . . Newcastle .. Newcastle . . Newcastle .. Newcastle .. Newcastle Puget Sound , . . . . Tacoma Tacoma S. P. S. F. S F S. F. S. F. Ka- t ha The iurk'ntine Irmgard : a: Br. er's wharf. Th stmr. J.inu's Mak -.t;I.. paa today at 1 p. m. The steam whali-r J-an:: sailed for the Arctics. The shin Star of B.-n 1: is .li-hirr ing coal at Fishmarket -a barf. The steamer Hawaii, from Hilo port. last night, will und.-m general repairs here. The liner Ioric aild at o'clock last Saturday morninc for Sin Fran cisco. Th United State -llir Sclndia sailed for San FrancUco at 10 o'clock last Saturday morning. The steamer Claudia brought a small list of cabin pas.agers and In on deck from Maul yesterday besides a full cargo of sugar and other Island produce. Capt. J. B. Thomas, of th ship J. II. Thomas, coal laden from Newcastle, which arrived yesterday. Is accompa nied by his family as passenger. Oa the voyage one of the c rew fell to the deck from aloft while furling sail and died Immediately. The steamer Kinau arrived from Hilo !at? Saturday night with the usual cargo of island produce and a lot of live .stock. One hundred and forty-five passengers were on deck. Good weath er Is reported during the lot week on the windward Hawaii coast. The Ki nau returns to Hl!o tomorrow at noon. ' $75.00 "1 Wiii take vou from Hilo or Honolulu . iTo SAN FKAXCISC0 Via SEATTLE. Oceanic Steamship Company! TIME TABLE: . Pjci s Herraader; .uciri ot Ta:t Lit Will A:. .. - w ;1 or w.i:-.r r the Crx:. 1 ; FROM SAN FRANCISCO: FOR SAN FRANCISCO: A FINE SPRING TRIP and an EX CELLENT OPPORTUNITY to t the PUGET SOUND COUNTRY ilhor. additional crt. Through ticket so!d to any fx-Ia: In ta United State via Svatile at.i tat Great Northern or Northern Pac'.f.c R a I! way. ALAMEDA . AUSTRALIA MARCH I I AUSTRALIA . APPJL. I2iMAUirOA . I a AisnaUA atril. 1a I HOGG At 11, 1M'J. a son. BORN. Lihue. Kauai. H. to the wife of J. I.. A. March FA YE At Kekaha. Kauai. March to tne wire or 11. v. vy. a daughter. Foohng Suey Haw. bk New York John C. Potter, Am. bk. . . Nwcaatle Due in June. Wga, Ger. ship Due in July. George Curtis, Am. ship .. Due in August. Emily F. Whitney, Am. ship. New York London New York CHARTERED FOR HONOLULU. Bundaleer, Chil. bk Newcastle Euterpe, Haw. ship Newcastle Star of Italy, Haw. ship .... Newcastle W. H. Talbot, Am. schr. .. Newcastle Novelty, Am. schr. Newcastle Robert Sudden, Am. bk Newcastle Geo. C. Perkins, Am. bktn ..Newcastle Golden Shore, Am. schr .. Newcastle Louisiana, Am. schr. Newcastle Inca, Am. schr Newcastle Lizzie Vance, Am. schr Newcastle Reaper, Am. ship Newcastle Wra. Bowden, Am. schr. .. Newcastle Colusa, Am. bk Newcastle Kilmory, Br. ship .' London J. C. Glade, Ger. bk London Kinfauns, Br. bk London W. F. Jewett, Am. schr. . . Pt. Gamble A S. West, Am. schr. ..Gray's Harbor FURHITUREJOR SALE. OAK BEDSTEAD. BUREAU. C111F fonler. Spring and Hair Mattresses, one fine Oak Bedroom Set, larpo and small Rocker, Camphor Wood Chest, Fur Rugs, Ivory Legged Chess Table, Ivory Ches3 Men. The above are as good as new. Apply at residence of Walter Bromley, opposite T. B. Murray's. Punahou. :,1S3 FOR SALE. For acroxiiH!at!oni apply to h ehry mm I CO., la connection "we.d ti MaiUsc cf llo alot LI Atresia iu wwur, tf ia.34i pqj KQCtrn, Cva3 iGfcw 17 raiirol from !Ua Kraaclwa, to all pcr:atft fa lb Uai: Sui ar3 2? N York by zj mxaiZl? to All Uirua Ir-a. Tardier prtka!xr irJy to .iSSTuse. Wm. G. IRWIN & Co. HI COOK'S TOURS TO IMS on! Mi i H m J-varwe on TLkels 50U en all PaiUay ani Stram ship Linrsin the UnlteJ State. AccommxJations $:cureJ all Transatlantic Lines. Special Excursion to JAPAW Per S. S. China. April 1st. 1899. A month will b- nt In this t!:Ughtful country. Strictly hrst dais a;co:nino!a tions. UMtTE General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co. Pacific Mail Steamship Go. Occidental & Oriental Steamship Co. Toyo Risen Kaisiia. FIVE PURE-BRED HOI-STEIN cows, with or without calves, can !o seen and quantity of milk tested at corner Alakea and Quen street. W. S. Withers. :,1S3 For particulars apply to THOS. COOK &. SON. 6:1 Market street, San Francisco. Or their representative. I MR. A. E. KAESER, H .va j! Ion I Ltd. Honolulu. CHAS. BREWER & CO.'S New York Line. AND b" tracer of ih a tote coarulcg ut all at HosaIa tri lM9 port oa or about tl dates btZow cwaiZozfl. FOR JAPAN AND CHINA: FOR SAN FRANCISCO: HONGKONG MAUL" MARCH II NIPPON MAUU MARCH Zi CHINA APUIl, llltlO tin JANEIRO APRIL i IX1IUC ATRIL 11 i NIPION MAUU .., RIO Ii: JANEIRO APRIL 1 apuil r: COPTIC APUIL 11 AMKUtCA MAUIT , city or rirxiNr. APRIL II PASSAGE I 7S WANTED. The lark Foohng Suey wilt leave New York on April Cth, for Honolulu. If uEkInt Inducement oTcr. Advances made oa shlpracntji on 11b- MR. K. PIERCE, AT PRESENT AND feral ten. . For further particular, a J- dreA Mfwr. CHAS. BREWER CO.. 27 Kllby street, Ikxstoa or C. BREWER tz CO., LTD.. MEMORANDA. for many years past bookkeeper for. Hamakua Mill Co., and Kukaiau Mill Co., desires an appointment. Was formerly for a long period chief ac countant to the Royal Niger Co. Ref erence: Messrs. Theo. H. Davlcs & Co., Ltd., Honolulu. RATES OF SINGLE TTUr. For Saa IYac Cisco Cabla Scoal Cab! a (Toyo IClsea Ka!aa oalj.) Europetka Bteerax: I For YoloaASA Cabta 11X4 Second Cabin IN (Toyo Kliea KaUha only.) Duropeas steersjee IS For Ho3koa Cab'.a 1TS For tearal tsfortauloa apply to AHE AS FOLLOWS: P-wsJ Cat! a in tToyo KJt-ra Kalwa calf.) Ejrc;ma Elcent 1(1 ROUrCD TIUP. For Sia IYadco CaUa, 4 xaci'J123 For Yokos CaUa, 12 xsola. .... For Hocclocc Cabta, 4 Cabla, 12 eo'i .... 4 DO'fL... XOX3 ntzz Honolulu Agenv. ri-n Per stmr. W. G. Hall, from Kauai, March 19. Sugar left on Kauai: K. S. M., S700; V. K., 140; Mak., 10,000; G. & R., 1200; E. L. P., 3500; (W), 6C0; K. P., 7000; U P.. 1000; H. M.. 14,500; M. S. Co., 17,000; K. S. Co., 2000. Total, 65,700 bags. Steamer Ke Au riou and steamer .Mikahala both discharging, the first at Waimea, the latter at Maka weli. Refreshing rain all over Kauai. Crossing the channel light east wind with smooth sea. NOTICE AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF the stockholders of the Palaxna Groc ery Co.. Ltd., will be held at the offlce of Mr. T. B. Murray. King street., on Wednesday evening. 22 March at 7 o'clock. A full attendance Is requested. GEO. CAVENAGH. 5183 Secretary. FOR YOKOHAMA The A I Japanese S. KEE LUNG MARU. C. TARAI. Master. ii-Oui in Will Mil for tiu above March 2Hh or about. port ca NOTICE SAILED FROM HONOLULU. Sunday, March 19. Br. bk. Linlithgowshire, Anderson, San Francisco. Saturday, March IS. Br. stmr. Doric, Smith, San Fran cisco. Stmr. J. A. Cummins, Searle, Wai manalo. r' Stmr. Iwalani, Gregory, Honokaa. IT. S. collier, Scindia, Field, San Francisco. Schr. Mokulele, Townsend, Hilo. Am. stra. whaler Jeannette, Newth, cruisinir in the Arctics. PASSENGERS. Arrived. Mafli, per stmr. ISLAND PORTS. HONOIPU Arrived, March 17, schr. Muriel, from Honolulu. HILO Arrived, March 15, bk. Rod erick Dhu, from San Francisco. Sailed, March 17, bk. St. Catherine, for San Francisco. In port, bktn. Archer, ship H. B. Hyde. MAHUKONA Sailed, March 14. brig Consuelo, for San Francisco. PASSED. By stmr. Kinau, in Hawaii channel. March 18, 4-masted schooner, bound for Honolulu. MOVEMENT OF STEAMERS. i Steamers due and to sail today and for the next six days are as follows: ARRIVE. Steamers From Due Keo Lung Maru Yokohama . .Mch. 20 Mikahala Makaweli Mch. 22 Mauna Loa Kona Mch. 24 Hongkong Maru S. F. Mch. 24 Nippon Maru Yokohama ....Mch. 25 Kinau Hawaii Mch. 25 Lehua Molokai and Lanai ...Mch. 25 Claudine Maui Mch. 2G W. G. Hall Kauai ....Mch. 20 Alameda San Francisco Mch. 29 Upolu Kohala Mch. 29 Mariposa Sydney Mch. 29 DEPART. Steamers For Sails Doric San Francisco Mch. IS Kee Lung Maru Yokohama ..Mch. 20 Lehua Molokai Mch. 20 Upolu Kohala Mch. 21 Kinau Hawaii and Maui Mch. 21 W. G. Hall Kauai Mch. 21 Claudine Maui Mch. 21 Mikahala Makaweli Mch. 24 Hongkong Maru Yokohama . Mch. 24 Nippon Maru San Francisco . .Mch. 25 Mauna Loa Kona Mch. 25 Alameda Sydney Mch. 29 Mariposa San Francisco Mch. 29 From Mafli, per stmr. Claudine, March -19. C. W. Dickey, wife, child and nurse, W. J. Kenny, G. P. Wilder, Mrs. W. O. Smith, Mrs. R. Von Temp sky and two children, Mrs. S. H. Dow sett, S. Kahu, Kaua, R. Guessefeldt, Col. C. Bigelow, J. Ouderkirk. Jno. Cook, A. McKibbin. Yeoung Young, Wong Kong Tuck, H. Renter. From Hawaii and Maui, per ?tmr. Kinau, March IS. Volcano: F. H. Lindsay, E. K. Miller, M. S. Levy, Vin cent Fernandez and wife, Mrs. F. A. Lakey. C. B. Kendall, T. J. Higglns. Way Ports: C. L. Wight, J. W. Mason, C. E. Eagan, Rev. O. P. Emerson,. Miss Grubb. Geo. S. Waterhouse, Mrs. E. Brumaehim. Miss K. Brumaehim, Y. Aaachi, Y. Seike, C. Kaiser, E. C. Bond, Geo. Hons. Mark P. Robinson, R. F. Lange. From Kapaa. per stmr. James Ma kee, March IS. George Fair-child. From Makaweli, per stmr. Kilohana, March IS. F. Gay and child and three servants, Ed Shott, Miss Mahlum. From Molokai. per stmr. Lehua. March 17 Dr. Oliver. C. B. Reynolds. B. Johnson. F. W. Warde. J. K. Ka- hinu, R. Kahinu. From San Francisco, per brig J. D. Spreckels, March 19. R. J. Hodson. From Kauai, per stmr. W. G. Hall, March 19. A. S. Wilcox. W. H. Rice. Jr., A. Robinson, I-. S. Chon, C. Shan, C. Awai, R. Nelson, E. R. Turk. C. R. Dement, Akana, M. F. Prascr. Departed. For Australia, per S. S. Miowcra. March 17. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Waller, A. Dodd. For San Francisco, per S. S. Doric, March IS. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Honour. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wood, child and maid, Mrs. W. A. McKay, Mrs. W. H. Bailey, Miss M. II. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Lowrey. Miss A. Lowrey, Mr. Mulford. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wells and two children, Mrs. F. A. Lackey, Mrs. Annie S. Knudsen. Louis T. Grant. Miss Schultz, Mrs. Schultz. Mr. and Mrs. K. Tosawa, two children and maid, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Lyman. Mrs. J; J. Raley. L. Geritile, B. R. Hecht, Miss L. C. Turner, G. M. Sanders. Capt. A. D. Lathrop, J. C. White, Miss K. L. Stevens, J. A. O'Sullivan. F. F. Hart. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE shareholders of the Ookala Sugar Plan tation Co. will be held at the Bank of Hawaii In Honolulu. Wcdmday. ta- 22nd. at 10 a. m. E. F. BISHOP. Secretary. Dated. Honolulu. March 1I. 1S93. 51S1 NOTICE. NO ONE IS AUTHORIZED TO SIGN receipts for Bills and Moneys due The Manufacturers Shoe Co. prior to Octo ber 17, 1S9S, except Mr. W. L. Disney or myself. D. B. SMITH. March 1, ISO?. Mo7-::5t NOTICE. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT the olilce of E. O. Hall & Son. Ltd.. up to Wednesday noon. March 22nd. 1S33. for tluo construction of a two-story brick warehouse, to bo built on the Es planade, corner of Allen and Kekua naoa streets. The right U reserved to reject any or all bids. Plans and pev Ifications can bo obtaine.1 at our oftLe. 5172 H. O. HALL & SON. LTD. For freight cr rajsage apply to THEO. II. DAV1ES&-C0.. ID Japan Emigration Co. Room No. 1. Spreckels' Block. Steamer Upolu Will leave Honolulu at 10 oVlci: a. in., touching at Honolpu. Mahukona. Kawaihao and Kona port, aj follow: ARRIVE HONOLULU. MARCH 13 , APUIL S APUIL 10 APUIL t7 MAY 10 HONOLULU. ......... MAI C II 1 MA UCH SI APUIL 11 , APUIL Zl MAY 2 For frv!ht and piMAjre arr-7 THEO. H. DAVIES & CO.. LTD. AGENTS. ip Cijiiii. Sparser of the above Use. raaclec la O3oacifea :ta tie CANADI AN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY ttra Vascoartr. IL C az4 Fyfl- nf y. n. rv. asa cai..a a; .czocu. iu Hoao'a, Sara tni;). WeUIaroa. N. ar ta:e4. Tlx: WEDNiDAY . SATUUDAY .... WEDNESDAY . SATUUDAY .... WEDNESDAY . LEAVE TUESDAY Fill DAY TUESDAY FRIDAY TUESDAY "CJ" Oa or a boat the date t-c'.oi F0n VA!C0C'ft A0 VICTOHA. WAUIUMOO APRIL II AOUANGI MAY 12 MiowmtA juni: WAUUIMOO JULY 7 AO RANG I AUG. 4 MIOWERA SEPT. 1 WAUIUMOO SEPT. 23 AOUANGI OCT. 27 MIOWEHA NOV. 21 WAURIMOO DEC 22 f ton SYC!tY.TUJCT0?tLX4.a KTTA Fee Vktsru al r C-;: AOILNGI APRIL 11 MIOWERA MAY ! WAIUUMOO JUNC T AOUANGI JULY ft WOWEUA AUa 9 WARRIMOO ACQ. t9 aouangi nrrr. XI miowi:ra oct. n warrimoo :jv. a AOUANGI DEC. t Tarouja tic Vet rra4 fraaa Hoao -".a la Eur For FreUat aa5 rare aa5 a!l ct7x lafcrstic. Ut::M Gtim r?"y to Theo. H. DaYies & Co., Ltd., Gen'l Agts. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. A I LEY'S KE MAPS, MAPS, MAPS, of Honolulu, just Issued by the Hawaiian Gazette Co., von Holt Block, King 6treeL Se cure one before they are all gone. 50 cents each. ; have now on tap a .-upp.y oi pure and unadulterated wind, free to all. di rect from our own windbag, warranted to ride easier than any other brand oa tap In Honolulu, puncture proof and free from oil or any substance that could possibly lujurc the mo: $ en!tlve tirc. Remember that a blow up at Bailey's will go farther than any other in town. We have the finest thins la a connection for freo air, no hoe. r.o trouble. Talking about puncture proof, we shall have In stock in a fow days a tire that a Kiawe thorn cannot rvn trate. We sent to the maker a full line of thorns for a trial, the factory ex perimented with them and found that the Milwaukee Puncture Proof Tir i impervious to the worst Kiawe thorn you can find. It is also a- easy t rUe as any nrsi cia3 tire za xae market. Puncture proofing ha not affected Its resiliency, no metal, no strip In the thread. For sale In the Hawaiian I!an ! ex clusively by The ua-lr;gaed. havln? b-:a ap pointed aA!sncc of the vtatc ti S. Dicker, a bankrupt, of HnV.utu. Oib J. by onkr of th Hoa. W. I. S;aa!ey. second Ja-f ? of the Circuit Caart of the First Juilcial Circuit, heretr boU ties all pcrjin having claim alcot the etat of S. Decker, or Me-e:ro L Decker, to prrrat aa:e trp.a voi:her duly authenticate.!, evea tacaza l- QtniQc ??.n: ecurcJ by zasrtjnc r.p:n I O U I I Cjrb rcaz cs:a:i wr.::n s:x aioata :ruj da'e hereof, cr ;:rh clalazn forever barre !. All pras Inifbtti to th ?ta of S. iwkfr or Me!!ri IWker. ar. alo no:lSl to pr s-ch deb: to th ai'.a. rvxte! Honolula. February 7ih. 153X I. RUniNSTEIN. A of Wytr.ia Brot.. Quea a.r:. Stylish -AND- Up-to-Date and Phaetons, Buggies, Road Carts. .-.-!;: of siro S. Dicier. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. AT A MEETING OF THE STOCK- ioMrr of tl; MuaaU-i Sucar Cx. EX MOHICAN: A Fall Line of Carriage Supplies. L I. d on Bailey s HiiJlllIll Ml? Esraldi'hed 1S02. 231 Kicp Street. March lPh. 1?:0. the :!- urre duly tecte!: Tho. F. IMnnln? IreI.!ea: Wm. M. Mtnton Vice Pr'. Ua: Ctxf TT 17 . It. (Jray jretary W. It. Sin; Au Iltor Th alo offerii cor..!tu: Board of Drre-.-tor.. C. R GRAY. Scrttiry. :ne Honolulu Carriage Manufactory. KW.W.WRIGBT.Propr. lL 4