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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU. APRIL 4, lSOO. 5 A- 1 4 4 'ft 3 OUR V. V. pn fir ?? A-rti-.i 7.,-. ,7-. 7 - under the direct charge of -Vi?. ARTHUR N. SANFORD a graduate of the Phila dclphia Optical College, 5 and, all icork will receive 5 closest attention. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Th accurate Jilting refraction will continue to be our special aim, though no part of this most necessary uork icill suffer from the slightest neglect, As ice grind all manner of complicated lenses in our own ? t workshop, the advantage to you of receiving your glasses within twenty-four hours after receipt of the prescription cannot be over estimated. m ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Recent imports of Lemaire, Bardou J6 anri c wonderful TRIEDER BINOCULARS ft places our stock of Optical ft Goods at the very top. The ft Tricdcr Binocular, having tj many times ' the magnifying 3 power of the ordinary Marine $ Glass, together with compact- ft ness, recommends it as the finest ft' glass for every use, ichere the ft magnificat ion of objects is de- ft sired. We will be glad to show XL 7j ilifTtwrMr.p.. nrnl rrmrinrr unit H J 0 fie above fact. ft ft ft ft ' K A Small Lot just received w and for sale at the City Furniture Store H. H. WILLIAMS, Manager. Love Buildingr, 534-536 Fort Sii TELEPHONE 846; RESIDENCE. 849. H. E. McINTYRE & BRO. East Corner Fort and Kingr Streets. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisio General Agents for the Sanitarium Brand of Health Foods. ooo New and Fresh Goods Received by Every Packet from California, 7&uieni States and European Markets. Standard Grades of Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Fish. Goods Delivered to Any Part of the City. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Island Trade Solicited. P. O. BOX 145. : : : : TELEPHONE 92. "0 J a? Founders and Machinist! 213 Queen St., bet. Alafcea and Richards Sts., Efaoluln. Inv!to Enquiries for General Ironwork; Iron and Brass Cast ings. Ships' Blacksmiths. Cemetery Railings and Crestlngs Made to Order: Samples on Hand. KEPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ONE MAN t ?Tv.a niira rrcntr nnrjs- his CT I At first the infant, mewling and puking in the nurse's arms. Play the first act successfully, to lead to the second gracefully, he may need Nursing Bottles, Nursing Fittings, Infant's Food, Condensed Milk, Lime Water, Soothing Syrup, Syrup of Ipecac, Spiced Syrup of Rhubarb, Powder Puffs, Violet Powder, Puff Boxes, Hair Brushes and dainty Combs, fashioned for tiny heads. He receives many a grateful prompting in the first act from the mysterious bottles and crowded cases of the Honolulu Drug: Co. Von Holt Block. - - - King Street. TELEPHONE NO. 364. LATEST AHD BEST.jJAPANESE DINNER THE NEW ASPIRANT FOR HONORS IS THE Oliver Typewriter Having all the good points of the older standard machines with many new ones, giving it claims of superior ity that invite inspection, yet at a lower price than any other high class machine. THOS. G. THRUM, Sole Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. New Supplies at hand of Stationery for Office or Commercial needs and So ciety Requirements. Late books by popular authors, and books relating to these Islands being constantly received. A new stock of the latter just received by last steamer. THOS. Q. THRUM, SiM mil News w. FORT ST., Cor. of Hotel. GRAPHAPKONESI We are SOLE AGENTS for the Ha waiian Islands for the AMERICAN GRAPHAPHONE CO., of New York, and by getting our goods direct from the factory, we are enabled to offer the same at prices reasonable to all. See our prices: Eagle Graphaphones complete, $12. Columbia Graphaphones with the re corder, reproducer, horn or speaking tube, and one Way hearing tube, ?25. Records, doz., $6; blanks, doz., $3. Recorders, $4.75. Brass horns and other supplies constantly on hand. Repairing Promptly Done. OCEANIC GAS & ELECTRIC CO. AT THE GAZETTE OFFICE. IT J? 2 it?, it ' TEL. 410. nets beins seven ases. 9 8 H Pi 0 Di ?m "VI and Feea ? T Officers of the Cruiser Chitose Entertained. Largs Gathering- of Citizens of the Land of the Mikado Speeches Made Banquet Tonight. The officers of the Japanese cruiser Chitose were entertained last evening by the Japanese Legation and a num ber of Japanese residents. The com mander of the cruiser and about fifteen officers were the guests of honor. The banquet was given in the open air on the grounds of the Japanese primary school, on Nuuanu street. There were about 150 people who sat down to a royal repast. The grounds had been elaborately decorated with flngs and potted plants, and were lit up by myriads of Japanese lanterns. Speeches were made by a number of those present. The Government band was in attendance and rendered a num ber of selections. Following is the program: Overture Band Festival. Introduction of the chairman Mr. K. Imanishi. Chairman's Address By W02. Mr By M. Saito. Band The General Oyama. Address Mr. H. Mizuno. Address Mr. K. Inouye. Address Captain of the Chitose. Ban d K i m i zayo. Three cheers for H. I. M. Band Sakura. Refreshments. Band Osaka. Two cheers for the H. I. M. man-of-war Chitose. One cheer for the captain. Band Charge of Battalion. One cheer for the officers. Band Over the Sea. Hawaii Ponoi. The Star Spangled Banner. This evening the captain of the Chi tose will entertain on board the cruis er those who gaVe" the banquet last evening. HOME. To parties with limited means d3sir us of having a home. I wish to caii ittention to the fact that for a small layment down I will build houses, up n the Pawaa Tract or elsewhere, upon he installment plan. WILL E. FISHER, Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer, Fort and Merchant streets. HORSES THAT DO NOT DRINK. (Honolulu Letter in The Chicago Record.) . The proverbial horse who can be led to water but who cannot be made to drink exists in great numbers in the Hawaiian, Islands. Among cattle he has thousands of cousins of the same proclivities. It is a surprising state ment to make, and yet one that is lit erally true and so commonplace that no one here thinks anything about it, that there are hundreds of horses and thousands of cattle which never take a drink of water throughout the whole course of their lives. On all the islands the upper altitudes of the mountains -are given up to cat tle ranges. The cattle run wild from the time they are born until they are rounded up to be sent to the slaughter house. Except during possibly two or three months of the rainy season there Pare no streams or pools of water any where that the cattle range. But everywhere there grows a recumbent, jointed grass, known by the name of maninia. This is both food and drink. Horses and cattle crazing at will oa it neither require water nor will drink it when offered. My first experience with this fact was on a trip to HalecSala. Our party were mounted on horses which had just been brought in from the range. The trip we had to make was fourteen miles, in which distance we ascec-ded about nine thousand feet. We started late in the afternoon, and atout sundown we halted for supper. I thought it strange that the horses should leave a feed of grain to nibble the scanty grass which grew where we were, but I was willing to trust their instinct in the matter. But before starting I insisted that they be given water. Our native guide de murred to this, saying they didn't need it, but with the good-natured compli ance of his race yielded to my insist ence, and led a detour of about a mile, which brought us to a ranch house where there was a well. But to my utter amazement and stupefication the horses would not drink. I took it as another case of instinct, and assumed that the water for some reason was not good, and so refrained from drinking myself. It was rot until our return, the second day afterward, to Kawaa pae, that I learned from Mrs. Bailey, our hostess, the secret of the wonder ful maninia grass. PAPER BANANAS. Bunches of bananas made of papier mache have been introduced as signs on the wharves of New York, where the depredations of hoodlums are fre quent. It is proposed to add wooden peanuts for the benefit of policemen and other friendly samplers of the stock in trade. IJONui.UU- l( Ai LXU1AXGE. Honolulu. H. I.. April C. 1S0. NAME OF STOCK. MERCANTILE. C Brewer & cj , SCGaR. American Aesib!e) I;id up) Ews Hiirnoa Haw. As. Co Hawaiian Sugar Co.... Honomu Hunokaa. Haika Katiaka Capital i Par ' PaU. -a! Eli. Ask 1A.H.00G" 10 sc: i 17.VMi! ooo.oa.' 1,400.10 3"U 000 500.(XIO 5UU,tlU 100 l'O ' icj ; 100 j no . . . loo KXI s 10n ;. 100 too ;. 100 JOG '. 100. I 100 1"";. 100 j 10M I. 10' .... ; 10v ! . I j 100 IMMr HO . .. '. lt"0 10U ' 10 j & 10i '. 10O 10; i. m I- 104.1 i no 2"0 Koioa Koua Sugar Co. As f lennno Klpahula ltuiooo Maunaiei j yuO.OOo' iro 0 275 120 laid Hps t) 0(X) Ononu-a.. 1.0IU.00O Ookala Olowaiu "" Faiuhaa sug: pjin.'Uo Paciiic Pain Pepeekeo 1 '. . '. '. Pioneer Wa am Agr Co. asV.V . Pd- upj viaiaaae Mauuku Waimanaio " Waimea " bTEAMSHIP COS. Wilder 6. 6 Co Inir Iaiaud S. S Co... MISCELLan Eors. t ;.o,oui: 75u,mo l,125,OOt'j i,500,oro! 700,000 252,WU 123,U00j 500,0"0' 5ou.uoa 2vi3.K0; JO.lOO; 159,000 31,000 2AO0.OU0 131 210 400 , 115 i 01 100 . . , Haw'u Ei. ct. Co Hou. Kpd Tran. & L Co Mutual telephone Co.. Makaba Cof. Co. L. a.-g ., ' Pidup.... O. K & L. Co. ...... 100'.... 100 .... 1 100 100 loo j ! ! ....i lOll. j J , i40 bonds. j riaw'n Gov't ti per ct.J. Ilaw'n Gov't S per ct..j. Uaw'n G. Poit Saviugs . 4Ja per ct . O. K. Jt L. Co . .lQr2i'. .. I Sales Reported Forty Wailuku. $400; 34 Hawaiian Sugar, $230; -11 Oahu, $275; 15 Honokaa Sugar Co., $295; $10,000 O. R. & 1,. Co., $102.25. Quotation Changes Fourteen. Food Frepered Wltti Calumot I Froo from Roohello Salts, Alum, Lime and Ammonia. "Calu mot' la the Housewif e'e Friend. 1 n?7 u rovder ; WOWE SO COCO. NOTICE. THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF the subscribers of the stock of the Niu lii Sugar Company, Limited, at the of fices of Henry Waterhouse & Company, Queen street, on Tuesday, the 4th inst., at 9 o'clock a. m., for the following purposes: (1) For organization. (2) For the election of officers. (3) For the agreement upon articles of the association. (4) For the transaction of any other business which may be brought before the meeting. HENRY WATERHOUSE, 519G Promoter. NOTICE AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Hawaiian. Carriage Manufacturing Co., Limited, held this day, the following officers were elected to serve until the next annual meeting: L. M. Whitehouse, President, vice Cecil Brown, resigned. J. J. Sullivan, Vice President, vice Frank Hustace, resigned. W. W. Bruner, treasurer, vice W. Savidge, resigned. L. M. Whitehouse and W. W. Bruner directors, vice Cecil Brown and Frank Hustace, resigned. WILLIAM SAVIDGE, Secretary. Honolulu, H. I., April 3rd, 1899. C196 - NOTICE. SUBSCRIBERS FOR SHATtES IN the Niulii Sugar Company, Limited, are requested to call at the offices of Henry waterbouse & Company, Queen street, on or oetore Thursday, April 6th, 1899, and pay for their subscriptions. All subscriptions not paid at the expira tion of this time will be delinquent. HENRY WATERHOUSE, 5194 Promoter. DIVIDEND NOTICE. A DIVIDEND WILL BE DUE AND payable to the stockholders of the Ho nokaa Sugar Company at the office of F. A. Schaefer & Co.. todav fMnnrinv April 3rd. F. A. SCHAEFER, President. Honolulu, April 1, 1899. 5195 BEFORE BUYING A PIANO : Seethe Pianos we are selling at $10.00 per monthly install ment? SOLE ACENTS FOR CHECKERING KIMBALL KKOEGER HINZE v. ' MUSIC LIMITED PROGRESS BLOCK. Telephone 321. Corner Fort and Eeretatia Sts. Pianos Tuned and Repaired. Mffi. & & j & & jn fi ja & ,? j LEADERS: New Victoria SEWING MUIS $24 80 REDUCED FROM $35.00 ooo- v . y . n 5 A . (! . i Less Tiiax U. S. PRICES. -000 Ajax Bicycles $37.50 A GOOD WHEEL FOR LITTLE EOKEY 000 CUTLERY See Display Of Carvers! 000 Hortd Goofls Bepoilneiii BETHEL STREET. -OOO- fir I) LiESSTED.- .00 Remipg oa Bicycle 41 . , For $50. t $85.00 Remington Bicycle I ...... For $50, J X $85.00 Remington Bicycle X For $50. 00 Remington Bicycle X For $50. FORT STREET. Remember tse Maine And also be sure to remember a fact that is plain "We are the only view artists in town who have a right to the name. AL DEWEY EFFECTIVELY CLEANED UP THE DONS at Manila in May So we have shown to friends and to foes that we're in the business TO STAY. But when it comes to the Amateur trade, our methods can't help but win, Because we finish and deliver our work before our opponents begin. We have now on the way from the States a very fine photograph stock. When you want fresh and GUARAN TEED Goods, go to LE M UN YON, IN THE LOVE BLOCK. NOTICE AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING of the stockholders of me Pacific Cycle & Manufacturing Co., held this day, the following officers were duly elected: President J. F. Humburg Vice President Geo. Rodiek Treasurer A. Stadtlaender Secretary A. Stadtlaender Auditor W. Wolters Manager Horace J. Craft The officers of the Company consti tute the Board of Directors. Honolulu, March 28th, 1S99. A. STADTLAENDER, 5191 Secretary. Head tXe Hatcnii? ttaatti a flr 1 $85 Pccilic Cycle l i. I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. i A few elegant lots at Manoa on the road, with unsurpassed view and climate. On line pro posed Rapid Transit. Easy terms. 2 Several town lots on Ber- etania Street, Ewa side of Geo. Ross. 3 One house and lot on Beretania Street. 4 Lots in different parts of Kewalo Tract. 5 Kapiolani Park Addition Lots, on installments. 7 Seven acres, more or less, rice and kula land, ad joining Minbter Cooper's land in Manoa. 8 Two elegant homes at Makiki or Punahou school tract. 10 Lands in Nuuanu valley, 1 1 Long leasehold at Kaka ako with good returns. 1 $ Only 6 more lots of all sizes in different parts of the most desirable lo cations of Kalihi, with fine views, macadam ized streets, and water supply from city. These lots we sell at lowest figures in monthly in stallments without in terest so as to put them witMn reach of any body who wants a home. 16 Good business location Beretania, Waikiki side of Nuuanu Street. 17 House and lot, well im proved, on wide, macad amized street in Kalihi, just past Kamehameha Schools. Price $2,250. 18 Fine House Lot of almost 3-4 of an acre, on good street in best locality of Kalihi, with fine view. Water laid on. Will sell cheap. 19 FOR RENT Two Cotta ges, one located at Kali hi and other on Punch bowl Street. 20 FOR RENT A suburban cottage completely fur nished (inclusive a new piano), in good locality with all the latest im provements, containing 6 rooms, kitchen, pantry, bath-room and cellar, out houses and large grounds planted with a variety of bearing fruit trees- toa responsible party, who is willing to take good care of premises. 21 FOR SALE A house lot 100x200 in block 17 on Lehua Avenue, Pearl City. 22 A few of the very choi cest lots, of various sizes, in all Kalihi, Ewa side of H. C. Myers, Esq., commanding an unsurpassed view, on fine street with water from city. A visit tQ the grounds will con vince. Terms to suit yourself. o Offer for saleany kind of Island Stocks. Buy and sell outright City and Suburban Real Es tate. -o- Apply to J. H. SCHNACK or F. L. D0RTCH. -DEALERS IN- Real Estate and Stock Brokers. 223 Merchant St. P. O. Box No. lOi