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THE TACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, APRIL. 4, 1S99. WHEELER & WILSON x x X X X x X X X It 71 Ball-bearing, Rotary Motion, X X X X X Ik A. And the only Machine X X X which successfully sews with both the Locn and ' Chain Stitch. Famed for lightness and durability. Sold on monthly install ments. Instructions given free. X X X AT f X X X X .X X X X X I Renting and Repairing. x X x Needles and All Machines. Parts for X X X X X X X X X X X X ft ft" ft ft L. F. PRESCOTT, "MIKIM HAOLE." Fort, near Hotel. Orpheum Cafe Above Oepheum Theatre, Fort St. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Meals Served at All Hours. QRp REGULAR ORn 0UU DINNER, JU From 12 Till 2 o'clock. FAMILY DINING ROOM IN CONNEC TION. TABLES RESERVED FOR LADIES. WHITE LABOR EXCLUSIVELY. C. T. GOW, Manager, fi chie m. co., lis. 121 Queen Street. CARRIAGE AND WAGON BUILDER! RUBBER TIRES AND ROLLE3 BEARING AXLES. WILSOB & WHITEHOUSE, Cole Licensee Hawaiian Islands. Ill Qaee& Street. BEAVER LUNCH ROOMS. Fort St., Opp. Wilder & Co., H. J. NOLTE, Prop. First-Class Lunches Served With Tea, Coffee, Scda' Water, Ginger Ale or Milk. Open from 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. Smokers Requisites a Specialty. TIME TABLE i S. S. KIIUAU, CLARKE. Commander, Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday at 12 o'clock noon, touching at Lahaina, Maalaea Bay and Makena the same day: Mahukona, Kawairae and Laupa hoenoe the following day, arriving at Hilo on. Wednesday evening. Returning, "will sail from Hilo ever Friday at 6 o'clock p. m., touching at Laupahoehoe, Mahukona, Kawaihae, Makena, Maalaea Bay and Lahaina, ar Tiving at Honolulu Saturday night. Will call at Pohoiki, Puna, on the second trip qt each month, arriving there on the -morning of the day of sailing from Hilo to Honolulu The popular route to the Volcano is via Hilo. A good carriage road the en tire distance. S. S. CLAUDINE, CAMERON. Commander. Will leave Honolulu Tuesday at 5 p. .m., touching at Kahului, Hana, Hamoa and Kipahulu, Maui. Returning, ar rives at Honolulu Sunday mornings. Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, once a month. This company reserves the right to make changes in the time of departure and arrival of its steamers without notice and it will not be responsible for any consequences arising there from. Consignees must be at the Landings to receive their Freight; this Company wilL not hold itseli responsible for freight after it has been landed. Live Stock received only at owner's risk. This Company will not be responsible for Money or Valuables of passengers unless placed in the care of Pursers. Passengers are requested to purchase tickets before embarking. Those fail ing to do so will be subject to an ad ditional charge of twenty-five per cent The Company will not be liable foi 2oss of, nor injury to. nor delay ia. th delivery of baggage or personal effects of the passenger beyond the amount of $iuu.uu, unless the value of the same be declared, at or before the Issue of the ticket, and freight is paid thereon. au employees of the Company ar forbidden to receive freight without de 2ivering a shipping receipt therefor in the form prescribed by the Company and "which may be seen by shippers up on application to the pursers of the Company's steamers. Shippers are notified that If freight is shipped without such receipt, it will ?e solely at the risk of the shipper. C. L. WIGHT, President. S. B. ROSE, Secretary. CAPT. J. A. KING, Port Supt. V Ik V ft' &' A" nnimvm MACHINES I lletsiiiDlii We have commenced with the first letter and will run through the alpha bet, one letter for each week. Read the list of articles we carry ia stock: BASKETS, BUTTER MOULDS, BUTTER PADDLES, BUTCHER KNIVES, BREAD AND BUTTER PLATES, BREAD AND BUTTER KNIVES, BREAD BOXES, BREAD PANS, BEER GLASSES, BON BON DISHES, BON BON SPOONS, BELLS, BONE PLATES, BERRY SETS, BANQUET LAMPS, BRACKET LAMPS, BAKING SHELLS, BROILERS, BABY FOOD CUPS, BAKE DISHES, BAKE PANS, BASINS, BASTING SPOONS, BATHS (INFANTS), BOWLS, BREAD RAISERS, BUCKETS, BIRD CAGES, BIRD'S BATH, BOUILLON CUPS, BUSH HOOKS, BROOMS, BRUSHES, i BURNERS, BRACKETS, BRACES, BITS, " And many other articles in B. LIMITED. SOLE AGENTS Jewel Stoves, Gnrney Gleanable Refrigerators w l T I -w w w w w w . as GET IT AT I WATERHOUSE'S. I i AFTER I Repeated Trials we S have at last found the article I we wanted. It came by the Albert and is now offered for I Bale to the public of Hawaii at the same prices as sold in I the United States. Come and JL see for yourself and be con vinced that'the above state J ment is true in every respect. "1 3 Housekeepers will appreciate I our effort after they have seen 5g and tried our new ' Scotch Granite Ware 1 and found it will not chip and then rust tbrougb, after it has "l been in use a few days. These I goods when they once get into $5 your house are there to stay. Aluminum Ware Is something that has been sold in Honolulu some time but the i prices we are offering these i k I T f I J, f I I :g I f goods at is a new departure altogether. Another thing we have pleas ure in bringing before the pub lic, especially those who have youngsters in the family, and have more or less washing to have done at home, is a Wash Tub with an attachment on the side, for fastening a wringing machine to, thereby obviating the necessity of screwing your wrists all out of kilter, by wringing out clothes by baud power. These wringers we have in three sizes. I i k I I J. T. Waverley Block, Bethel Street. I I I I 5 Crockery, Hardware, s L Groceries. L I I TEMSBflllll 1251. NlCHRn ID 1299 e a I I WlTRRHIinxR II 11 ULllAV J KJU tt M M M-"M M M A NAVAL RESERVES Applications for the Comins . in. Membership FIVE CREWS TO BE ORGANIZED Mr. McStocker Is Awaiting Deve lopments In the Meantime Enthusiasm Is Crowing-. Mr. McStocker has been besieged with applications from people who wish to join the proposed Naval Reserves. It has created much enthusiasm, and there is no doubt but that if the Gov ernment looks with favor upon the plan the organization will be success ful. Already five well konwn citizens have volunteered to raise crews. They are Marshal Brown, Capt. J. B. Pratt, A. W. Keech, and Charles Wilcox. Ar thur Wilder has also spoken about get ting up a crew among the boat club boys. All this is good guarantee that the project will go ahead. All now that is wanted is the official sanction of the powers at Washington and Honolulu will form a body of Naval Reserves will rival the best. Mr. McStocker expects advices upon the subject in a few days. As stated before in this paper his communica tion and Mr. Castle's were forwarded to the officials at the same time. The only question is whether or not the sanction will be received until legis lation is effected for the Islands. The Naval Reserves has grown more and more popular during the last few years. It has the advantage over the militia inasmuch that it is closer in touch with the government than the National Guard the latter being more of a state organization. During the last war the Naval Re serves proved that they were imade of the Tight kind of stuff. In the many engagements in Cuba they were always in the front and their courage was proved infiinching. Where hitherto the men-of-war's men looked with deri sion upon the "marines," thev now re ceive them on equal terms. The "land lubbers" received their baptism of fire and proved themselves worthy. If the proposed local organization be carried through the members will be on the same footing as their com rades in the States'. They will leave for a crui e on one or the tmien-of-war at certain intervals, and will be amen able to certain regulations similar to any other military body. If, as it is expected, a regular vessel be stationed here by the United States, it will make things doubly interesting. THE NEW ENGLAND BAKERY & CANDY CO. have an elegant display of Easter eggs and candies in their show windows on Hotel street, also big jokes in April Fool candies. Orders received now for Hot Cross Buns for Friday delivery. Call up 'phone 74. SHOT HIMSELF. An Employe at Hackfeld's At tempts Suicide. Just as the 1 o'clock whistle blew yesterday afternoon a shot rang out in. the rear of Hackfeld's warehouses. A native boy ran to the spot and found Karl Podyn, one of the employes, lying in a pool of his own blood. He had shot himself just above the heart with a 44-calibre bulldog revolver. Joe Conradt came rushing out and was the first man on. the scene after the native boy. The latter exclaimed that the man was dead. Joe raised up the dead man, who was groping for his revolver. Dr. Hoffman was immediately sum moned to attend the injured man. He found that the ball had entered im mediately above the heart. A shade lower and death would have resulted. The patrol wagon was sent for, but the injured declined to ride in it, so a hack was ordered. He was taken to his home and at last accounts was resting easily. It is believed that the shooting was a deliberate attempt at suicide. Podyn is an employe in the merchandise de partment of Hackfeld & Co., and for some time has been worried. He has had considerable trouble and presum ably attempted to get rid of it all by the suicide route. ' A WEEK OF SUNDAYS. By different nations every day in the week is set apart for public worshijj Sunday by the Christians, Monday bv the Greeks, Tuesday by the Persians. Wednesday .by the Assyrians, Thurs day by the Egyptians, Friday by the Turks and Saturday by the Jews. Gazette (semi-weekly) will be Issued as usual this morning for the out-going Island and foreign mails. Copies in wrappers at the newsdealers and pub- licittion office. J AS. F. MORGAN ill 33 Queen Street. P. 0. Box 594. Telephone 72. TENDERS TO PURCHASE. The undersigned will receive tend ers to purchase the stock of groceries, fixtures, wagon, harness, etc, of the firm of Voeller & Co., corner of Hotel and Fort streets. Tenders to be pre sented up to 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, April 4, 1S99, at my office, S3 Queen street, where an inventory can now be seen. I do not bind myself to accept the highest or any bid. Failing to re ceive a satisfactory tender for the en tire stock, an auction sale will be held on the premises on Wednesday, April 5, 1S99, at 10 a. m. JAS. F. MORGAN, 33 Queen Street. For Sale. A Fine Residence ON BERETANIA STREET Is offered for sale. Grounds nicely cultivated. Dwelling House has Double Parlors, Three Bedrooms, Dining Room, Pantry, Kitchen, Bath, Store Room. Outside: Stables, Carriage Room, Servants' Rooms, etc. Size of lot 75 ft x 300 ft. Should the purchaser not care to oc cupy the place for a residence a good tenant will take the place for one or two years at a fair rental. For further particulars apply to Jas.. F. Morgan, 33 Queen street. -IN- Nuuanu Valley At Auction. On Wednesday, April 5th, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, At my salesroom. No. 33 Queen street, I will sell at public auction a fine TRACT OF RESIDENCE PROPER TY ON THE LOWER SIDE OF WYLLIE STREET, NUUANU VAL LEY. The property has a frontage of 430 feet on Wyllie street, and is 79 feet deep. Offering a fine chance for a large res idence site or an opportunity to divide in smaller lots to sell at an advance. For further particulars apply to JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctionasr JAS. .F. MORGAN uin 33 Queen Street, p. 0. Box 594. Telephone 72. RESIDENCE PROPERTY 01 I A- E- murphy & co. O o Progress 03 - a. cc 15 Lxi OUR REPRESENTATIVES. We have Shoes for those to.) young to walk, for those too old to run; for those who dance with merry feet, or through weary years still shuffle on. Shoes as light as the heart of youth, as strong as manly courage, as beautiful as woman's grace and firm as truth most chaste. Shoes for dry and wet, for cold and storm, for week day and Sunday, and always to be depended on. All our Shoes are like good ministers they wear themselves out in the service of mankind. o - Interview these "A. E. MURPHY & CO. 205 Hotel Street. A. L. MURPHY & CO. n-o-. n Merit Alone Has Made it World Famous. w. c peacock & co lo G Dealer in FINE v CfllTifl6S Agent for the following well known firms: II. H. BABCOCK CO., WATERTOWN, N. Y. W. S. FRAZIER & CO., AURORA, ILL. COLUMBUS BUGGY CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. STUDEBAKER BROS., SOUTH BEND, IND. BOSTON HARNESS CO., BOSTON, MASS. And all other leading houses. Any goods not in stock will be ordered toy request of purchaser. Fort Street. "Whitman," "Turton," Racking, Racine, Snaffles, Bar, And All Other Bits! Laprobes, Momie and Dusters, And a full line of Horse Cr 13 ESTABLISHED 1891. 7BLEFSOPB 662. p. o. sox 496. a. e. murphy & co.- Shoe House. representatives at A. E. MURPHY & CO. I -rL L mii;.,Li Agents. TELEPHONE 4. CHUMAN Above Club Stables, Linen Harness, Saddles, Bridles Goods! V1V p, KM ST., near NODiSU ST. COLLINS. m o o "I I m rn