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6 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU. MAY G. mm TO TONE UP THE SYSTEM AGAIM3T OPPRESSIVE HE,Vi Ji Consider it Unequaied? Mr. ICdwin Hright of Iirisban., Queensland, gives this strong testi monial : . J J, . . A 'I am pleased to say I have u both in the United States and throul out Australia whenever I have felt th need of a tonic. As a remedy for oi of appetite, weakness and debility, an to tone up the system to w ithstand th oppressive heat and sudden chanj;ei consider it unequaled." For constipation take Dr. Ayei's Pills. Tin froinptly relieve ami surelv eure. Take tl e witu Dr. Ayer'.s Sarsajiarilla: one s.ids the citli HOLLISTER DRUG CO.. Agents. HOUSE LOTS FOR SALE! TEN HOUSE LOTS for sale at Ke- walo Tract on Laniwai Street and Cooke street. For further particulars apply to Mrs. Theresa Wilcox at Bethel Street, next door to Post Office, tip staira over the New Land Restaurant. LOTS FOR SALE AT - KAPALAMA. TWENTY-SIX LOTS for sale at Ka palama on Insane Asylum Road, and also Lots facing on new School street road, which runs as far as the Ka- mehameha Schools, which will be opened soon. These lots are not far from King street. Map of these lots can be seen at my Office, Bethel Street. MRS. THERESA WILCOX. NEW : LINE OF flilNDSOME SILK BED-SPREADS, TABLE COVERS, GRISS CLOTH CENTRE PIECES, These are of very dain ty patterns. Also a new line of Pajamas, Neck Ties, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs. More New Goods to fir- five soon ! Murata & Co. HOTEL ST., COR. MDOARU. ooo Branch Hat Store, Nuuanu St WE Have added another delivery wagon to our establishment. Parties living at Waikiki or any other part of the city, who desire their Bread, Cakes, etc., delivered free of charge, leave your order at our store or call up Telephone 677 and they will set prompt attention. -ooo- The GERMAN BAKERI TELEPHONE 677. 833 FORT ST. Hawaiian Moss Opal Jewelry Suitable for Cuff Buttons, Pins, Belts, Etc SOUVENIR SPOONS, In different designs JEWELRY Of all kinds made to order. BIART 40434 FORT Bl JEWELER. I A LITERARY GEM BROUGHT FORWARD (Carroll Carringion in the San Fran Cisco Examiner.) In the midst of a wide waste of po litical -waters Mr. Ambrose Bierce raises a hopeful eye to the horizon and descries in the distance a green isle in the shape of a poem. It is named "The Sea of Serenity," and was published in the Examiner, prefaced by a few lines attributing the authorship of the verses to Edgar A. Poe. Mr. Bierce manifests in "Prattle" a curiosity to know more of the mysterious poem, justifying his interest in the matter by declaring it to be a literary event of greater conse quence than the thunder of politics or the clash of arms. He calls upon the writer of the prefatory note to shed more light upon the question of auth orship. The writer of the prefatory note rises to remark that he wishes he might. But he has no light to shed. The poem was sent to him by a friend who had found it in a collection of unpub lished manuscripts with the name of Edgar Poe affixed to it. A reading of the lines, more than the name itself, persuaded thle discoverer that he had hit upon a veritable Poe production, and when he sent it post-haste to the writer hereof the latter took to the idea like a fish on an angler's holiday. The poem is here reproduced: THE SEA OF SERENITY. I. From the Mountains of the Moon, O'er her silent, silver valleys, Lit by earth-light soft in June, And Aurora Borealis, I and Isabel the saintly, Mute upon the mountain's top, Listened to the sweet dews faintly Into nether caverns drop. II. And we spoke not and we moved not In our musiner melancholy: Deep we loved, but, ah! we loved not .As thev love in worlds unholy. There the earth hung full and golden O'er our planets pallid plain, And all memories of the olden Days of the Earth swam back again III. With a soft, a sad insistence, Plowed a stream of melody Through the ether, through the dis tance, Flowed for Isabel and ine. From the zenith, blazing white, Green a-nd purple, opalescent, Blue and crimson suns with light Bathed the nadir, iridescent. IV. Many million triple suns, Violet and lilac, burning Where the crystal zodiac runs, On its golden axis turning. Brighter than the flames of Endor Glowed the ruby sphere terrestrial With a nimbus crowned whose splend or Was seraphic and celestial. V. O'er her scintillating face Bushed a mad and radiant river; O'er the poles it poured its race Where tormented torches quiver. Oh! their spiral tongues unending Like the mines of Ophir burned, To a liquid luster blending As their jeweled globe was turned. VI. Then I glanced at her beside me With the glory in her eye,. Deep I signed for words denied me Deep Ave sighed, yet knew not why, Spoke the Sibyl of the Utter Silence, with her waving wings, With her shadow wings that flutter Over nil Unfathomed Things: VII. 'Yonder star whose luster lonely, Tinted like the Triton's horn, Seems a sun its- flames are only Flames of human passions born. Love and Life and Thoughts that -sver Burn within the mortal breast, Flames which shall not die, oh, never Shall they die and never rest! Till yon globe shall burn to ashes Like this icy orb decrease Cold and dark with love she flashes Love till all that is shall cease." Thus the Sibyl swift our planet Rushed into a vast eclipse, And a shadow overran it, And the Night lay on our lips. But on our lips re-echoed lowly, In that Universal Peace, Lowly, slowly, softlyr holy "Love till all that is shall cease." EDGAR A. POE. Now, is it Poe, or is it not? The nat ural inference is affirmative, for who but Poe could, or can, write like that? The question involves something more than a mere personal choice of opinion. It cannot be disposed of off-hand with the sweeping assertion that "Poe prob ably left no unpublished work behind him," or with an arbitrary disincli nation to credit "these alleged voices from the grave." The question is more serious and more important than that. It demands from the one who answers it negatively an answer to a much more difficult problem: "If Poe did not write 'The Sea of Serenity,' tell us where we can find the man, or woman, who did write it." If that man, or woman, be found, we sball have before us in the flesh a per son who may very easily reconcile us to the fact that Poe did not write this verse, and to the fact al?o that Poe is not alive, to write us any other. We will have a substitute in his place who will make it unnecessary to search the past when we feel in need of a little Poe singing before breakfast of a sum mer morning. Perhaps Mr. Bierce has a "theory" that will more plausibly account for the verses' existence. For my part, when I have found a man who can write more verses like "The Sea of Serenity," I shall go to theorizing with some confidence in the present and less of steadfast conviction in the monop olization by Poe of that certain trick of metering which makes this fugitive singing so like the Raven's note-swinging in the days when he lived upon the earth. If I make so unlikely a find I'll let Mr. Bierce know about it and I myself will know w'ho wrote "The Sea of Serenity." HONOLULU ALtVE. When you know a good thing tell it, It will not lessen its goodness. But Avill do good to others. If you've been cured, tell it. There's more misery just like it, Waiting to find out how. There are lots of lame backs in Ho nolulu. fit's a busy place and people must work. There's kidney trouble to a large ex tent. Ever notice how many people over 40 complain? Seven out of ten say colds affect their kidneys. The kidneys are the cause, not the colds. Keen them in shape by all means. You can do it easily and pleasantly. No nauseating disturbances. No effect except on the. kidneys. But that effect is quick and perma nent. Doan's Backache Kidney Pills do perfect work. Honolulu is full of tneir praises. Mr. ,H. G. Crabbe,- of Nuuanu street, this city, formerly a merchant and clerk, is now a collector. He writes: "My age is 69 years and I am blessed with children and grandchildren. For about two years 1 have been troubled with a severe pain in the back. A short time ago I procured some of Doan's Backache Kidney Pills at Hollister & Co., drug store, and found great relief through using them. I keep some of the pills by me as a safeguard against attacks of my old complaint, which I need not fear so long as I have a, rem edy like Doan's Backache Kidney Pills to combat them." For sale by all dealers; price 50 cents per box, six boxes $2.50. Mailed by the Hollister Drug Co., Ltd., Honolulu, wholesale agents for the Hawaiian Islands. HARSHLY EXPRESSED. "I am determined to preserve the honor of the French army," shouted the man who had been fighting promi nently in the Dreyfus case. "You're doing worse than that," an swered the blunt American soldier. "You're embalming it." HIS WAY OF PUTTING IT. "What we want to do," said a mem ber of a self-constituted legislative body in far seas, "is to establish a board of public works." "That's right," responded the col eague, "I have never thought Ave have been working the public as thoroughly as we might." OR Hi LVJ AND OILCLOTH. Ml II M LUIII E Rugs, CENTER, SOFA AND STAND Heavy Stock and Great Choice. oo t t OF Best Value Ever Imported -oo- AT LII1UL Covers E. I: JORDAE Mo. 1 0 8TREET A FANATIC'S BED OF NAILS. Many queer modes of self punishment are practiced by religion fanatics in IndL, but few are as painful as the bed of nails, shown in the picture. This man takes care that his zeal is witnessed by the multitude, for he is the recipient of considerable alms from those who observe his devotion. The nails lacerate his flesh terribly. a. ft." ft,' ft,1 t V ft ft ft ft' fti ft ft ft ft ft ft V ft Hollister Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN American, Havana and Manila Cigars TOBACCO, SNUFF, AND Smokers' Articles. Fine Grades SMOKING TOBACCO a specialty. Cor. Fort and Merchant Sts. - - - Honolulu. ere Are P o SI OUR SPECIALTY IS sanitar There's as much difference between plumbing and SANI TARY PLUMBING ap there is between daylight and darkness. Anvone can put a lot of pipes together and run them off anywhere, but with Honolulu's point is to have the plumbing Sanitary conditions perlect. JOHN 6-79 KING ST. We Are Prepared To fill all orders RPPHIALTIES. such as Patent Dron Boxes to fit in Pigeon Holes, Letter Files, Bill Files, Insurance Cabinets, Library Tables, etc. We have a large shipment BOXES to arrive soon. in tit i c i i ? i 1 1 JP we ueiy COmpeilUOn, DOIQ 111 Everybody knows we make Jj but probably you have not seen spring coyer, and so simple a child -ooo- COYNE--MEHRTEN MM J. A. MEHRTEN, MANAGER. Progress Block. K A Small Lot just received w and for sale at the City Furniture Store H. H. WILLIAMS, Manager. Love Buildings 534-536 Fort St. TELEPHONE 846; RESIDENCE. 849. "The Pipe draws wisdom from the lips of the philosopher, and shuts up the mouth of the foolish; it generates a style ol conversation, contemplative, thoughtful, benevolent and unaffected." Thackeray. D te. Plumbing. surface sewerage the essential done in a way that makes the NOTT. TELi NO. 'V for DESKS AND OFFICE of LJU&KS witn I'Ai'JiWi uitur i : a c i,r.. r1 ,1-, A C quality ui lucjc vtuuub anu pin;eB. ABIES' 3JOX COUCHES the latest improvement. It is a can raise it without any difficulty. E TOR COMPANY LIMITED Offer for Sale: REFINED SUGARS. Cube and Granulated. . T PARAFINE PAINT CO.'S Paints, Compounds and BulMiatf Papers. PAINT OILS, Lucol Raw and Boiled. " Linseed Raw and Boiled. , INDURINE, Water-proof cold-water Paint. Im fide and outside; In -white a colors. FERTILIZERS, Alex. Cross & Sons high-rad Scotch fertilizers, adapted for gar cane and coffee. N. Ohlandt & Co.'s chemical fertil izers and finely ground Boat Meal. STEAM PIPE COVERING, Reed's patent elastic aectional pip covering. FILTER PRESS CLOTHS, Linen and Jute. CEMENT, LIME & BRICKS. AGENTS FOR WESTERN SUGAR REFINING CO., San Francisco, CL ALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, Philadelphia, Penn., U. S. i EWELL UNIVERSAL MILL 'CO.. (Manf. "National Cane ShredderM). New York, U. S. A. OHLANDT & CO., San Francisco, Cal. IISDON IRON AND LOCOMOTTVH WORKS, San Francisco, CaL A Modei Plant Is not complete with out Electric Power, thus dispensing 1th small engines. Why not generate your power froa one CENTRAL Station? One genr- Ator can furnish power to your Pump, Centrifugals, Elevators, Plows, Rail ways and Hoists; also, furnish light and power for a radius of from 15 to 20 miles. Electric Power being used, saves th labor of hauling coal in your field, also water, and does away with high-priced engineers, and only have one engine to ook after In your mill. Where water power is available it costs nothing to generate Electric Power. THE HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COM PANY Is now ready to furnish Electric 'ants and Generators of all descrip tlc at short notice, and also has on aand a large stock of Wire, Chande ers and Electrical Goods. All orders will be given prompt at tention, and estimates furnished for Lighting and Power Plants; also, at tention is given to House and Marln Wiring. THEO. HOFFMAN, Manager. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., LIMITED. Wm. G. Irwin.. President and Manager Claus Spreckels Vice-President JJ- Giffard..Secretary and Treasurer H. M. Whitney. Jr Auditor SUGAR FACTORS -AND- COMniSSION AGENTS AGENTS FOR THE Oceanic Steamship Company Of San Francisco, r?aA