Newspaper Page Text
12 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, JULY IT, 109. lie Pocilic Git IMW Issued Evey Morning, Except Sunday, by the eleven and one-half days from ban Francisco, to Hawaii Railway Co., car eo bricks, jcrain, etc.: consignees. Ko- hala Sugar Co., and S. O. Wilder Co. HOTicE to passengers. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE Von Holt Block, King COMPANY, Street. A. W. PEARSON. Business Manager. MOVEMENT OP STEAMERS. 3: earner due and to sail today and r the next six days are as follows: Ml ARRIVE, earners From V. O. Hall Kona Mariposa San Francisco Due 1 1 Hi of Pe k i n g Yo k oh a m a OfflKIWIilfllMif, TIME TABLE From and After Jan. lf 1899. City Moana Sydney Coptic San Francisco . Upolu Kohala Mokolii Molokai . . ehua Molokai inau Hilo kahala Kauai .... Claudine Maui . . DEPART. For . . July . .July . .July . .July . . July . . July . . July . . Juiy . .July . . JUiV . .July IS 19 19 21 21 oo . ' 22 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO passengers booking by any of th Unos of Steamers represented by the under signed agents that on and after Aug ust 1st, Ib'JO, a booking fee of ten dol lars will be required from each pas senger at the time of registration of name. This fee will be refunded in case of inability to provide accommo dation on arrival of steamer. (Signed) VM. G. IRWIN & COMPANY. Ltd.. By its President, W. G. Irwin. (Signed) THEO. H. DA VIES & CO., Ltd. By Thomas Rain Walker, Director. Agents of Canadian - Australian Steamship Co. (Signed) H. HACKFELD & CO., Ltd.. E. Suhr, Director. 5?u STATIONS. Daily 'Ontwaru) ex. 8un. A.M. Hono'nln.. 7:10 Pearl City. f Ewa Mill.. 8:31 Walanae Waialaa Eabakn Daily A.M. 9-tft 10:V 11:5 12:2 Dally f x. Sun. A.M 1J:J5 11:10 Vi.00 STATIONS. (Inward) Kabuka.... Walalna.... Walanae... Ewa Mill. Pearl Clly. lionoiulu.. G. P. DknisoN, Snperlrtendent, Dally eT. Sun. A.M. 5:5) 8:15 6:i0 Dailv A M. 5:35 0:10 7:10 7:45 8:01 8:35 Daily 3:15 3:47 4:05 4 : l't 5:40 8:15 Daily P.M 1:05 1:30 2:C5 Dm P.M 5:10 6:50 6:10 Dally V.HI 2: OS 2:50 3:56 A - SO 4 :52 earners iukuiu .MOioi:ai juiy Lehua Molokai juiy Kinau Hilo t1v Claudine Maui t.,iv Mikahala Kauai !!!july Lehua Molokai inU- Mariposa Sydney Tiv v.iij. ui 1 living aan rancisco.July 19 City of Peking San Francisco Jul v iq Moana San Francisco Jul v 01 Mauna Loa Kona July 21 Coptic Yokohama Tnlv 1 ujjoiu rvoiia Julv Sails 17 17 18 18 18 IS 19 - - ' J?: THE FrtYorite route TOR THE IsliGll i'tO.lC a ;s D Tourhts Oceanic Steamship Companji TIME TABLE: tl: i Fao- ZC I If rj-usd or A Superb Train Every Hay in the Year FROM MARIPOSA . AUSTRALIA MOANA AUSTRALIA ALAMEDA . AUSTRALIA MARIPOSA . AUSTRALIA SAN FRANCISCO: U.zo W.ll Arrive at anJ Lmt FOR SAN FRANCISCO: JULY 15 AUG. Z AUG. 1 AUG. 2 SEPT. 13 SKIT. 27 . OCT. 11 oct. rs MOANA . .... AUSTRALIA ALAMEDA ., AUSTRALIA MARIPOSA . AUSTRALIA MOANA AUSTRALIA JULY 21 . AUG. AUG. SKIT. SEPT. . OCT. . OCT. . OCT. IS 6 IS 1 IS 31 VIA THE i F. C. 8MITH, (Jen. Paso. fc Tkt. Asst. METEOROLOGICAL By the Government Survey, Every Monday. RECORD. Published BAK'J.M irllKKM SC'EI '! : ;iisj o! w c 10 . . - ; o Z z b , r ; 3: - ?- . "I 3 B i ! ; i ; . , 8 8 l.-JO.Ol 30 J0 7M SI .0l 6 : 7-a n k :i H 9 :io.ol,:K.0i! 7 rii , .0 ;oa kne 3-5 M 10;.i0.5.: 0.0 .75 84 .Uil 6' 7 vjaE w T 11310 29.95 71 i 01 1 '2 i NKK 3 W li'49.9i 29. 2' t5 8 .Oi"' 63 3 ' EN 1 T 13j:'.0i 5W.1H: 81 , .iiO 6K, I : SW 1 F U 3D. 0! 29.9J, CU 87 .0 ;7; . - s-x-E 0-1 l j I i I 1 1 Barometer corrected to 32 F. and PASSENGERS. Arrived. From Koloa, July 15, per stmr. eau. A Dreier, Mr. Walter, wife cniid, miss Rankin. From San Francisco, ner hkt v Dimond, July p;. Mrs. Sanford Dassell. I NOTICE. DURING MY ABSENCE. FROM 21st inst., from the Hawaiian Islands, Lin Chow will act as manager with full power of attorney for the firm of Sins Tai Co., and also as my personal acent under full power of attorney. All ac counts against both the company and myself personally should he presented before July 20. 2S4 C. AH MING. NOTICE. UNION PACIFIC. In connection prepared :o Uftie. with the ai:ini: of the aNjr :asjcr. lh AinU to latrnJInff ras,ncr. couroa throuch ticket br SAN FRANCISCO TO CHICAGO WITHOUT CHANGE. railroad from Fan Kranrl.oo. to a!l joints la the United State, and froa Not York by any steamship Iln to all Kuroptaa Tortx For further particulars aa?ij to No am H. J. eea level, and after the 1st of February for standard gravity of Lat. 45. This correction is .00 for Honolulu. TIDES, SUN AND MOON. i S S F r1 cd 1 m I O tO C C coo - S " 3 v I ta rr as OAT. ( 93! i -j ft CC?3 i p.m. p.m Sets. Moil. 17; 12.01 10.41 4.01; 7.30 5.27 6:4.1 u 21 Tue 18; 12.5; .tn. 4.5ti 8 25 5.28. ti.44 l.n I ; I ! Wert !9 1.10 0.10 5.51, 9 07 5. 28 6.41 2 1 Th '0 2.2.i 1.19? i.6!V 9.41 5.,6.41 3.5 Kr. 2 I 3.0-V 2".")' T.lfi' lO.lo! f 29 6.4V 4.12 t... 22 l. lt)' H.Of,1 8.30 10 r: 5 2J 6.4! 5 1: . 1 I i I I IRi- 2i, 4.2(1 3 55) 9.20, 11.20: 5 3i ; C.4-Jj 7.t5 j' Uii moon on trie zzna at 11:12 a. m. The tides and moon phases are giv en in Standard time. The time of 6un and moon rising and setting being given for all ports in the group are in Local time, to which the respective corrections to standard time applica ble to each different port should be made. The Standard time whistle sounds at i2h. 0m. Os. (midnight), Greenwich time, which is lh. 30m. p. m. of Hawa iian Standard time. ARRIVED AT HONOLULU. Saturday, July 15 Sch. Moi Wahine, Kuanoni, 2S hrs. from Hamakua. Stmr. Noeau, Pederson, 13 hrs. from Koloa, 4,500 sacks sugar, to H. Hack feld & Co. Stmr. Niihau, Haglund, 16 hrs. from Waimea, 5,913 sacks sugar to H. Hack feld & Co. Haw. sch. Euterpe, Saxe, 56 days from Newcastle, 1,684 tons coal to Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co. Stmr. Kinau, Freeman, 26 hrs. from Hilo, 481 sacks potatoes, 75 sacks corn, 30 head hogs. 26 head cattle, 4 cows, 3 calves, 23 bundles hides, 190 pack ages sundries. Stmr. J. A. Cummins, Searle, 6 hrs. from Koolau. Am. sch. Transit, Peterson, 20 days from San Francisco, general merchan dise, to T. H. Davies & Co., Ltd. Sunday, July 16. Am. bkt. W. H. Dimond, Nilson, 16 Y2 davs from San Francisco, 750 tons gen eral merchandise, to W. G. Irwin & Co., 42 horses and mules to G. Schuman. U. S. S. Brutus, Cottman, 11 days from Apia. rom Kapaa, per stmr. Jamis ai. kuc .juiy ib. hi. j. (J. Bryant, Dr. Na kazama, wife and child and ninp iWU- hrom rsiawihwili, per stmr. Mikn- hala, July 16. Mrs. H. S. Robinson t : t . f . . . .uiss iii. uav. .Miss 15. 'a mpr O - ' ---. m. , a J . J riari, .miss 1. ralmer, Mrs. H. Harri son, J. K. Malao Jr., L. Pingon, H. Morrison, S. Morrison, C. P. Kiinber iy, J. liart, W. Weight. B. L. Marx. M. J. bilva and familv nml KivK-.fnn.- deck. rrom iiawau and Maui, per stmr. ivinau, juiy 1. Volcano .Mrs. V. V. onu., miss iu. wail, iiss i-jvans, .-liss G. Merrill. Husro Wilikens F rc rnn. nart and wife, L. Conradt, Miss B Walker, J. E. Davey, Miss R. Jehu. D B. Bagley, W. H. Lewers, Mrs. W. La- ny, Capt. Matson, Chas. A. Gibson, wife and child. Mrs. Alice Humnhrov. - w ? L. C. Van Exern, Miss M. Van Exern. J. G. Crockton and wife. J. C. Brown and wife, Mrs. J. E. Berry, Miss E Berry, R. C. A. Peterson, Miss C. Cart- wright, Bruce Cartwright, Miss M. Johnson. Wilder Wight, N. Lang Sing, George D. Gear, T. G. Ballentyne. D. C Robertson, S. B. Rose, Jr., F. A. Batch elor, the Misses Dinan, Mrs. J. Col lins, Miss Katie McCorwilk, Oliver B Shipman, L. B. Porter, J. H. Porteous, F. A. Severin, D. A. Ray, Geo. Lyour- gus, Hon. Saml. Parker, Hon. W. H Cornwell. Way Ports. J. A. Kennedy, J. D. Kennedy, Fred Lee, S. Schneider, J. T. Lewis, J. G. Howatt, H. M. Thorn, J. W. Mason, H. E. Kelsey, Mrs. Mers berg, Mrs. Goldstein, F. W. Macfarlane, Geo. H. Fairchild. Miss A. Clark. J. C. Axtell and 10S deck. From Maui ports, per stmr. Claudine, July 16 Mrs. W. G. Scott. J. H. Bab bitt and wife, W. H. Babbitt. C. T. Day, A. A. Hobson, Mrs. S. Achoy and child, A. J. Storm, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. Engle and daughter, Young Kim, Mrs. Young Hee, Mrs. Ju lia Akana, Ah Ming, Ah Fong, H. A. Heen, Sing You, M. de Ponte. Miss Alice Martin, I. U. Iosepa, wife and two children, C. W. Dickey and wife, H. Waterhouse, Jr., and eighty-eight deck. From London, ner bk J. C. Pfluger Julv 16. M. Ravmer, G. Duncker. Departed. For San Francisco, per bk. R. P Rithet, July 15. Mrs. it. L. uower smith fien. H. Robertson. Jr.. Albert Hanscon. For Port Townsend, per schr. C. S Holmes, July 15. Miss Parner. Miss Howarth. Miss Dugan, Miss Clugston, Miss Johnson. For San Francisco, per bk. Albert. July 15. M. Grannan and wife. ALL PERSONS WHO ARE TEN- ants of what has been known as the Kapiolani estate are hereby requested to make prompt payment of the amounts due by them to the under signed at their oflico on Kaahumnnu street. D. K A W A N A N A K O A . 52 S3 J. KALANIANAOLE. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. In the matter of the estaie of Edwin. Iokepa and Keoni Hamauku. min ors. On reading and filing the petition of William O. Smith, guardian, praying for an order of sale of certain real es tate belonging to said wards, situate at Kewalo. In Honolulu. Oahu. makai of King street, being a portion of L. BUFFET SMOKING AND I CARS WITH BARBER SHOP. DOUBLE DRAWING ROOM SLEEP ERS. FREE RECLINING CHAiR CARS. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. DINING CARS (A LA CARTE). ONLY Zlh DAYS TO CHICAGO. Leaves San Francisco dally at C p. m. HWm. G. IRWIN & Co LIMITED General Aerents Oceanic S. S. Co. Pasinc Steam D. W. HITCHCOCK. General ApcnL No. 1 Montgomery St.. San iranclaco. Steamer Upoiu f:ccii8ntal AND ship Go. Oriental Steamship Co. Toyo Kisen Kaisha; C. Award 70C, R. P 5735, to Kukuna Will leave Honolulu at 10 o'clock &. m.. touching at Honolpu. Maaukoa.v K iwalhae anJ Kona ports, an follow: LEAVE HONOLULU. July August ARRIVE HONOLULU. July August St.mcr& of the aboe companies uill call at Honolulu and Irarc this u: on or about th? tinted le!ow mcntloncx!: Nehi, and containing an area of 5 5-10 acres, and setting forth certain legal reasons why such real estate should be sold. Tf ls lioroliv nnloroil Tlinf nil ror- " V . r Turn 11 nAifitro o on I to sons interested in the said estate, an-i 1 ncu. n. UMVICO Ql Lu. uiu. For freight and passage apply to FOR JAPAN AND CHINA; COITIC JULY 21 AMERICA MARK JULY Z0 CITY OP PEKING AUG. 8 GAELIC AUG. 1C 0 ill 4V i I T 1 DORIC SEIT. D pear before this Court on Friday, the 21st day of Jub. A. D.. 1S99. at 10 o'clock a. m., at the Court Room of this Court, in Honolulu, Oahu, then and there to show cause why an order should not be granted for the sale of such estate. Dated, Honolulu, H. I., June 29th, 1S99. By the Court: P. D. KELLETT. JR., Clerk. AGENTS. CH,. BREWER & CO.'S New York FOR SAN FRANCISCO: PEKING CITY OP OA KMC , C III 1 IK)RIC NIPlON MARU .. RIO DE JANEIRO COITIC JULY JULY AUG. AUG. AUG. SKIT. SKIT. II S IS 12 Line. 273 "Nuuanu" will leave Nrsr about July 15th. 1S9D. for FOR SALE -A BARGAIN. FAMILY CARRIAGE HORSE "Prince Henry," n good roadster, fast but gentle; suitable for a lady to drive. Two-seated Surrey, Single Harness, Lap Robes, everything complete. A bargain to the right party. Elegant upright grand "FISHER" PIANO, good as new, at half price. Apply to FRANK E. NICHOLS, of fice of Wall. Nichols Co.. Ltd. 527S FOR SALE, COMPLETE FURNITURE FOR housekeeping. Also Rambler tandem bicycle in first class condition. Apply rear of No. 100 Beretania street, be tween Punchbowl and Alapai streets. 52S5 FOR SALE. FURNITURE OF PARTLY FUR- nished six-rocned house, with priv ilege of renting house if desired. No. 100 Beretania street, between Punch bowl and Alapai. The bark York on or Honolulu. Advances made on shipments on lib eral terms. For.further particulars, aJ- dre-s Messrs. CHAS. BREWER & CO.. Kilby street, Bcsioa. or C. BREWER & CO.. LTD.. Honolulu Arent. For frcneral information apply to W. HACKFE lifi-iiii Canadian Pacific Railroad IP ! ill il Mini. The magnificent new service the "Imperial LImitetl" is now running daily between fancouver AND Steamers of the above line, running In connection with the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver. IL C and Srdnejr. N. S. W.. and calling at Victoria. It. C. Honolulu. Suva (Uiji). and UrUfcine. (Q.). are On or about the date below lald. viz: Montreal H.C;FK0.n SYDNEY. DtS&AB tQ) A5D SLTA i For Victor! aal Vtccoovct IE.O: Making the run 100 hours change. The finest service world. without In the FirOJt VAKCOUVEH ArC VICTOHA. For Sa v. Eritce(Q.) 03 Sjict: AORANGI AUG. 4 . MIOWERA AUG. 3 MIOWKRA SKIT. 1 WARRIMOO AUG. 21 WARRIMOO SKIT. 23 AORANGI SKIT. Zi AOILVNGI OCT. 27;MIOWKRA OCT. 2 MIOWKRA NOV. 21 jWARRIMOO NOV. 21 WARRIMOO DEC t2!AOILNGI DEC 21 1 I BOOKINGS TO NEW YORK AND I ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS. DIED. HONS At Bremerhaven, Germany, on June 24, 1S99, George Hons, beloved father of Georce and Ferdinand Hons, of Wailnku. Maui, aged C7 years. FOR SALE. TO HI8E. THE STEAMER "KAENA," IN perfect condition, with chains, anch ors, etc., complete; carrying capacity about forty tons. For further partic ulars inquire at office of Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co., Queen Street 230 A' IMPORTRn V A ATI I V UORSF Ger. bk. J. C. Glade, Stege, 145 daysdrives double, single' or saddle. Ad- T .r-v - ' I s-v 1 .1 T fill C IIlH It I I il I I 11 ISC . . . . juress, stating use, 10 "ieo, mis Qince, 52S6 FOR SALE. 12 139 o O hrs. sacks horses, from London. 2,4o0 tons to H. Hackfeld & Co. Stmr. Claudine, Cameron, from Kahului, 49 sacks corn, potatoes. 174 packages hides, 195 hogs, 243 packages sundries. Stmr. Mikahala, Haglund, 12 hrs. from Nawiliwili, 5,150 bags sugar to Alexander & Baldwin, 24 head cattle, Metropolitan Meat Co., 72 bags taro. Stmr. James Makee, Tullett, 12 hrs. from Kapaa, 2.G50 C. Brewer & Co. bags of sugar to NOTICE RARE OPPORTUNITY TO PUR- chase some high class furniture, in lots to suit. Party leaving Islands. account health. Inquire 21 Kinau street, Honolulu. H. I. 52S2 15. SAILED FROM HONOLULU Saturday, July Am. bk. Albert, Griffiths, San Fran cisco. 51 Stmr. Ke Au Hou, Mosher, Makaweli. Stmr. Waialeale, Green, Kapaa. Stmr. Nippon Marn, Allen, Yoko hama. Haw. bk. R. P. Rithet, Calhoun, San Francisco. Sunday, July 16. Br. sch. Retriever, Parker, Hong kong (in ballast) anchored outside. Am. sch. C. S. Holmes, Johnson, Port Townsend in ballast. Am. bk. Martha Davis, Friis, San Francisco. Am. sch. Fanny Adele, Ristrum, Gray's Harbor, in ballast. ISLAND PORTS. NEITHER THE CAPTAIN NOR the owners of the British ship Amphi- trite will be resDonsible for any debts contracted by the crew of said vessel. C. A. ANDERSON; Master. Honolulu, H. I.. July 15. 1S99. FOR SALE. All Information supplied by T. H. Davies & Go., Ltd AGENTS. NOTICE. THE PEERLESS PRESERVING PAINT CO. have this day disposed of their interest in the 11 DUSK PAINT ING business to Mr. J. II. WEST, who will continue the buslnc at the old stand. KING STREKT. near FORT. Thanking our friends for the patron age bestowed upon us we speak for MR. WEST a rontlnuanco of the same. Our manager. K. P. WALTON, will continue the busings of the PEER LESS PRESERVING PAINT CO. and Through tickets Issued froza Honolulu lo Canada. United Europe. For Freight and Passage and all renr?l Information, apply to Stasia and Theo. fiv Davies & Co., Ltd., Gen'l Agts. Ex S. C. Allen A LARGE SHIPMENT Pill' A FINE FAMILY IMPORTED COW acclimated. Fresh to pail. Will cheap. Address "Cow." This Office 52S2 LESS PRESERVING PAINT CO. and tr t O A TT- ? s-sci Surreys, mm Carts, Etc, phone Utf. All accounts due us and 2S6 FOR RENT. NEW COTTAGE OF FIVE ROOMS and bath, centrally located. Enquire of Dr. Alvarez. 16 Emma street. 52S5 FOR SALE. FOR owed by us may be paid to the under signed. PEERLESS CO. PRESERVING PAINT I Also, a new line of FOR RENT. BEACH LOT AT PENINSULA. particulars apply to C. J. FALK, 527S Room Z01 Judd Building. SITUATION WANTED. I. C. H. P. AI1LES. WALTON. AFTER JUNE 30th, THE PREM- ises corner Hotel and Richards streets, known as the "Gedge Cottage." at present occupied by U. S. Com. Dept. Particulars of N. E. GEDGE. 5251 Inter Island Office. BY BOOKKEEPER: HIGHLY EDU-I cated; long experience; desires perma nent employment; good reference. Ad dress Y, Advertiser office. 5279 POWER OF ATTORHEY. LOST. BANK BOOK NO. C34 B. POST OF fice Savings Bank on S. S. Columbia. DURING MY TEMPORARY AB- sence from the Islands, Mr. C. M. White will hold my full power of attorney. C. H. W. NORTON. Honolulu, July 14. 1S99. 52S5 ASSESSMENT NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT at a meeting of the directors of th HONOLULU RAPID TRANSIT & LAND CO.. held at the company's of fice on the 1st instant, an assessment of ten (10) per cent was levll on th C.nnltnl Stock of the Company, duo and payable at the Company' o!Hro, No. lit Fort street. Honolulu, from and after this date. The shares upon which any assess ment mar remain unpaid after thirty i"(H .lira frnn this date will be de- clarcd delinquent. Honolulu. H. I.. 5th July. 1SCO. J. A. OILMAN. in: vies. M l Bui fl. lis, ins, m . r b : 11 Mm And other carriaRe supplies. . ALL STILISH ASD OP-TQ-DATE. 1 t HONOLULU CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, WRIOMT, Cr MAHUKONA July John D. Spreckels, E. 10, brigantine W. Cristiaiisen, 5284 Secretary II. IL T. & L. Co. iim t I