Newspaper Page Text
Till: PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, JULY TH FAClrlC ' ommercial Advertiser. W. N. ARMSTRONG EDITOR. WEDNESDAY, : : : : JULY 19. A WISE GOVERNOR. SOLID KEfvlMENTS NOT WANTED. PETITION I OR LETTERS. i It is fortunate that Uncle Sim has tlcorRC R. Carter to Administer been fighting men below his size for the, Mdward Dow sett's Estate, last year. The mistakes he has made ,u the probate department of the have cost comparatively little, but they :CIrcuIt Court a petition has boon ai. give excellent lessens. The President now refuses 10 take any solid regiments as volunteers. He' dressed to Judge Perry by David A. The striking difference between the .administration of affairs in the hands of an educated soldier rather than in the hands of a politician is seen in the Tecent order of General Davis, the commanding general in Porto Rico in which ho says to the people that: "Ho will be pleased -to receive sug gestions from all who may feel dis posed to submit the same, relating to better methods of administration, the system of levying and collecting taxes, wise retrenchments -in municipal and insular expenditures, improvements in tho jail system, elections of alcaldes, town councils, and municipal boards, changes which may be found desirable in the judicial system, or which may tend to simplify and expedite the ad ministration of justice, reduction and consolidation, if practicable, of muni cipalities, development of the school system, improvements in the law relat ing to marriage and divorce, and sug gestions relating to public morals, the regulation of the liquor traffic, legal restraints upon Sunday -work and amusements, such as exist in most of the states of the Union, the suppres sion of prostitution and of the sale of obscene literature, and all kindred subjects of public concern. "Mere criticism of existing evils will not bo of value unless accompanied by specific suggestions as to the best practicable remedy." It would be delightful indeed to call this plan the "American plan" of governing a conquered or weaker race. During the hundred years we have un dertaken to govern the poor Indian, tho politicians have refused with in dignation to lower themselves to the level adopted by Gen. Davis. While the friends of the Indian insisted that there -would be no Indian wars if the anilitary men were placed in control, the politicians, and the professional Fourth of July orators insisted that it was "un-American" if the spoils were not properly divided, and that the most disagreeable and cantankerous man to deal with was an army officer who "would not take care of the boys." T-ho noliticians and the average Fourth of July orators feel that the placing of military men in civil offices is a long step towards converting the Republic into a despotism; that it is stifling the air of freedom which is kept in its .purest state by an invigor--atlng oxygen, which is generated through the division of offices accord ins to "pulls." But .it will he the sad fate of the American people to foolishly insist on the administration of their own affairs by competent men who are deficient in the gift of making pulls. The military rulers often lack a worldly wisdom, which comes from the friction of business life, so that they Jiv nn means ideal statesmen. But w - j - - - - .they are not corrupt, and are not under obligations to corrupt men. The British nation alone prepares men in the Civil service for the admin istration of government in foreign lands. America has not needed in the past .thte class of men, because the theory of government by democracy has not permitted it. The extension of government over people incompe tent to rule themselves now demands this order of men, and rule by military men As merely a stepping stone to rule by. trained civilians. Dowsett that letters of administration i on the estate of hU brother t will gladly accept men, but not the .. . T t t . ' no died intestate on Jnlv 3 last, mnv officers. The men he can dispose of in- . . . . . ' . . . . iue grauu-u 10 ueorge it. warier, i ne i temgently by putting them under tne. iti. 4 . . . care of experienced officers, who will care for them. But the Executive will no longer trust the volunteer officers. who know nothing about war, or the; care of men, and should be in the ranks: if they desire to serve their country.! Many a fine young fellow has lost his life during the last year, because hej was under strict military discipline.; and could not take care of himself, because an ignorant officer forbid it. 'petitioner states that due and diligent; search has been made to ascertain if the deceased left any will, but none ! can be found. I The value of the estate is estimated . at about $30,000, as follows: One un-! divided twelfth of the estate of James ; I. Dowsett, deceased intestate, and one ' share of the James I. Dowsett Estate. ; Limited. The heirs of the deceased, as far as ! Before the army was organized for the Spanish war, the experienced offi cers, the West Pointers, urged that the volunteers be properly officered. They saw men who had some military train ing put aside, and young men with a political pull put in places they could not fill. But the President was help- 3ess. The people rule. It was a war of the people. Public sentiment was not sufficiently intelligent to back the President if he attempted to put the politicians aside. The people needed a lesson and they have it. Now, the President has the people behind him. when he refuses to accept political regiments. Good people ore shocked when they read the stories about human sacri fices in Hawaii. But these sacrifices were due to mistaken notions about the relations between God and man. Everyone of the enlisted men that died through the ignorance and incompe tence of officers who were appointed under a system approved of by the peo ple, was a victim of human sacrifice, due to mistaken notions about the rela tions between the State and its citi zens. While civilization is indignant at the spectacle of the heathen plac ing dead bodies before "the gods of wood and stone," it places the victims of its. own needless ignorance, in the sacred temples, and then gives them the miserable compensation of a pathe tic funeral, and warbles over them the sweetest of hymns: "Nearer my God, to thee." The sacrifice is there. President McKinley intends, if the people will permit him to do so, to suspend these funerals, and stop these human sacrifices. known to petitioner, are Phoebe K. Raymond. Mary K. Parish, Alexander I C. Dowsett, Annie K. Brenham, Eliza-! beth J. Parker, David A. Dowsett, Ro wena N. Dowsett, Samuel H. K. Dow sett, Marion Dowsett, Guinevieve Dow sett, all brothers and sisters of de ceased, and Annie Dowsett, Madeline Dowsett, nieces of deceased. Judge Perry has set Friday. August IS, as a day for hearing the petition. Mood's Sarsaparilla Cures Permanently Cures Scrofula, which U one of the wont at 11 let ions ot the human ra rc, an3 corner from impure blooJ. Salt Rheum, a torment to the flesh, a dis figurement to the body, and a drain on tho ylcai, also due to vitiated blood. Pimples, which no disfigure the skin, and make the face divine anything but a thing of beaut but which arc Nature's adver tisement of foul blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla I th Wst In f.vt the One Tru- IuriST. oM by all drtissUt. $1; !x for fv. Hood's Pi1l ?.rt Jnnonlrtttljr ith TIMELY TOPICS June ist, 1899 SUB-DIVISION OF THE HKEIITON HOMESTEAD . I T7 , V I es 1 SI rot2 x I 22 -I v I S HH 1 X .. . xl It 11 I Nothing So Bracing -AS- I Now that spring time is here, have! you given a thought about renovating 1 your home. The nasty, wet weather ! K V G & Z WW km A GOOD CLUB. A T WES I'lETIl CE2STUKY TORY. KAC- The officers of the Waverley Club earnestly request the attendance of its members at a meeting to be held on Thursday evening, which has been called for important business. This club was organized in order to promote social intercourse, and pro vide a suitable place where social amusements could be had, and the best current literature of the times be found. The management of the club has been excellent, and its officers are entitled to much credit for the way ithey have discharged a gratuitous service, rne cnrei vaiue 01 a ciuu ot this kind is that it gives facilities .to the young mien especially, for social , intercourse and for an opportunity to improve their knowledge by good reading. It is in no sense political. As its objects are excellent, so it should be encouraged. Out of it should grow in due time, a larger society, which should have a decidedly elevating in fluence 011 its members. This is a cos mopolitan place, and the need of good clubs will increase every year. A goad club cannot rise in a day. It-must grow, and there is a social duty' im posed on the members of it, to see that it grows wisely and serves a good purpose. Everyone enjoys it; your health de pends upon it. "You cai just aa well have it as your prudent neighbor. Old and young alike endorse it. DISINFECTINE With, the heat of summer comes the foul and disease producing air from the cesspool, vault and cellar. You must be on your guard against the ac cumulation of trash, garbage, etc.; it is dangerous to have around. 1 These, finely improved Lois for sale. Location excellent. Lots nlnnted with rhnire tre nnr!: wc have haa for ,ho raJt n.on,h baa shrubbefy.' Pr!ces reasonable. Lots i. 2. 4 and ? are sold., doiaycd the usual sPnnBWork. but bet-j Lot j-A Beauliful Lot. Best barpain in tow n. Easy tcr late than never. Wo kindly ak. terms ;o purchasr' you 10 reau mis list ana xnen can inio . our store and get the prices. We have. I Irn-miri rf Just received a large shipment of the following: WHITE LEAD in Oil. PxUNT OIL MIXED PAINT, assorted colors. COAL TAR, in barrels. Bruce Waring & CO. PROGRESS BLOCK. HONOLULU.'. TRRVEL EXeHTEMEMT. IRREGULAR MEALS TCXD TO I'ltOIJL'Ci: CONSTIPATION. Ult. McCAUDO'S IMI'UOVCO INSURES CAR 1)0X OIL. in barrels. VcgctaUo Antl-miious rtu should be In your gTlp bU)?r you lAe town ' for thrco ilayn or as rcauy raonth.. No need to rIto you a Korc of mwll- C P1IT T VITITM in hirrnlc : ral tcrma to explain their action. They brine relief from conHlratloa aaC' 2lIlO;Llil.lj JI, Hi uailv-i;t constipation Is responsible for lots of inran little complaint -j know. STOCKHOLM TAI?: 'in .oj" gallons and barrels. Horiolialu Drug Co. METALLIC l'ALNL ground gg telephone no. 364. in oil. V. O. BOX NO. 67$' m mm imjjk.!-Mm uStoll See ' jtins (Masury's or Fuller's) No skill is required to have the air about your home pure. The cost is tri fling and effect is wonderful. Dteln fectlne as prepared by us will serve the purpose. PURE VARNISH of various kinds ) t. We have it prepared in quantities to supply any or s.11 demands. We will deliver to your home. If within the city limits, a trial bottle at 25 cente. Don't neglect to order a bottle at once. for carriage and house build ing purposes. FLAT PAINT Adams. Will Drive Mosquitoes Avay. !1RUSHES. VARNISH Adams. BRUSHES,! Cures the Bites! Brings Cornfort! AIR. Those who are familiar 'with the article order it by tho gallon, which proves beyond all doubt that it is the proper thing. WHITE WASH BRUSHES.! j cheapest and best. j These goods have Just arrived from the Hast and Perfectly Fresh. There appears in another column, an nriicle published in the X. Y. Inde pendent, describing the management of the National Cash Register Company of Dayton, Ohio. The subject has been discussed before in this journal. It Teads like one of .those stories of the future, and suggests "Looking Back ward." This story .of humanity towards employees makes many of the em ployers of laborers groan and wish that the daring cranks who had the audacity to walk "in His steps" in business af fairs, would be plunged into bank ruptcy and bo taught a lesson. The idea of making the young women employed in a factory wear nice white aprons and cuffs, which are laundered at ;the expense of the company; the idea of having a boys' garden near fl, factory and encouraging them to raise vegetables, in order to keep them out of mischief, these ideas are indeed revolutionary, and ought to bring the concern .to grief. But it pays very 'handsome dividends. Those who do not like the way the concern is man aged feel that the profits are not due to good business management but to a miracle which the Lord has perform ed in that factory, and is not due to natural causes. But the men who are doing this fine work say it pays to do it, not morally, but financially. It brings out faithful conscientious work, -rwi thnt mnkps nood nrofits. And it incidentally makes good citizens. Al together these Ohio cranks are strange IF YOU WANT to have a. good laugh go to the OHrHEUll tontgnt- i i i 1 Manufactured only by m i iGTrn nmi ULLftCKUKUbbU Benson, Smith & Co LIMITED- i mm mm ; Fort and Hotel Streets. Llmltod 307 FORT ST. SOLE AGENTS. IP YOU LOVE your wife take her to th OltrilEUM tonUht. M$ Afetiser, 75 cents a ionfii 75 Cents a IVJonth. - n. -y- - DEPHRTORE u u u u -T. u hi f, U ), !. K )J. ), h U -t. -t. -V U U U U K !. . K . . !. ?. f. f. RLE Al L IB MRU'S, - - -"V --. - - On August ISth I ;un going away and the WHOLE STOCK IS TO a laijze and complete lino f the BE SOL0 At prire tliat will makr competition impoihle. It now i-oni priv Of imported Dry Goods, purchased from the Ka-tern Kactorit. BtST QUALITICS I Now i- voui time to hny at thf rijht pi id. Kxcrvtliiir iiiu-t l:. QUEEN STREET, .1. L. IB KERR 9 IMPORTER. m - i i m 4 -3 -I -i I a T t .y-j .3 -H n -i -j -1 -i ? -f - 4 -H fr:-H -5 -i - - - ? -i -i A -5 -i -i i "V 'I l ' 'i -i "i '1 i creatures.