Newspaper Page Text
0 Ktatllli July is. u. VOL. XXX., NO. 5289. UUNULCLU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY. JULY .iif. -TWKLVK PACKS. I'KICK FIVE CENTS. fl PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. Q. WOOD. ATTORNEY AT LAW. HONOLULU Address: Care of F. D. Greany. Boston address: Rooms 68 and 69 Smith building, No. 15 Court Square. A. L. C. ATKINSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. OFFICE: COR ner King and Bethel Streets, (up stairs) . DR. C. B. HIGH. DENTIST. PHILADELPHIA DENT al College 1892. Masonic Temple. . Telephone 318. DR. A. GORDON HQDGINS. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE 548 FORT Street. Office Hours: 9 to 11; 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Telephone 953. DR. A. C. WALL. DR. 0. E. WALL. DENTIST OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 4 p. m. Love Building, Fort Street. M. E. GROSSMAN- D.D.S. DENTIST 98 HOTEL STREET, Ho nolulu. Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p. tm. GEO. H. HUDDY, D.D.S. DENTIST FORT STREET, OPPO- eite Catholic Mission. Hours From 9 a, m. to 4 p. m. DR. WALTER HOFFMANN. BERETANIA STREET, OPPOSITE Hawaiian Hotel. Office Hours: 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 3 p. in.; 7 to 8 p. ro. Sundays: 8 to 10 a. m. Tele phone 510. P. O. Box 501. DR. 1. MORI. 13-5 BERETANIA ST., BETWEEN Emma and Fort. Telephone 277; P. O. Box 843. Office hours; 9 to 12 a. m. and 7 to 8 p. m.; Sundays, 9 to 12 a. m. DR. A. N. SINCLAIR. 413 KING ST.. NEXT TO THE OPERA House. Office hours: 9 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 3 p. m.; 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays: 12 m. to 2 p. m. Telephone 741. C. L. GARVIN, M. D. OFFICE No. 537 KING STREET, near Punchbowl. Hours: 9:00 to 12:00 a. m.. 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Telephone No. 448. T. B. CLAPHAM. VETERINARY SURGEON AND DEN tist. Office: Hotel Stables. Calls, day or night, promptly answered. Specialties: Obstetrics and Lame- CATHCART & PARKE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HAVE moved their law offices to the Judd block. Rooms 308-309. F. M. BROOKS. ATTORNEY AT LAW. (FORT AND Hotel Streets). Over Fairchld's Shoe Store, Honolulu, H. I. LORRIN ANDREWS. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE with Thurston & Carter, Merchant street, next to postoffice. FRANCIS J. BERRY. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT Law. Will practice in the U. s. Federal and State Courts. Pro gress Block, corner Beretanla and Fort Streets, rooms o ana d. vs r Aehi. Enoch Johnson. ACHI & JOHNSON. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS at Law. Office No. 10 West King Street. Telephone 884. CHAS. F. PETERSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY Public 15 Kaanumanu street. LYLE A. DICKEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY Public. King and Betnei streets. Telephone 806. P. O. Box 786. J. M. KANEAKUA. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT Law. Office: In tbe Occidental Hotel, corner of King and A'akea Streets, Honolulu. P. SILVA. 4.GENT TO TAKE ACKNOWLEDG ments to Instruments. District of Kona, Oahu. At W. C. Achl's of fice. King Street, near Nuuanu. T. McCANTS STEWART. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT Law, Progress Block, opposite Catholic Church, Fort street, Ho nolulu, H. i: Telephone 1122. T. D. BEASLEY, DRAUGHTSMAN. PLANTATION and Topographical Maps a Special ty. Room 306, Judd Building, Tel ephone 633. DR. T0MIZ0 KATSUNUMA. VETERINARY SURGEON. SKIN Disease of all kinds a specialty. Office: Room 11, Spreckels Build ing. Hours: 9 to 4. Telephone 474. Residence Telephone 1093. DR. A. C. POSEY, SPECIALIST FOR EYE. EAR. THROAT AND NOSE DISEASES AND CATARRH. Masonic Temple Hours: 8 to 12 a. m; 1 to 4 and7 to 8 p. m. T. MITAMURA, M. D. CONSULTING ROOMS. 427 NUUANU Street, P. O. Box 842. Telephone 132. Residence, 524 Nuuanu Street. Cottage Hospital, 530 Nuuanu Street. Hours: 9 to 12 a. m. and 6 to 8 p. m. Sundays, 2 to 6 p. ni. MISS F. WASHBURN. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER AND Typewriter. Office: Room 202, Judd Building. Telephone 1086. WILLIAM SAVIDGE. STOCK AND BOND BROKER. Mclnerny Block, Fort Street. C. J. FALK. STOCK AND BOND BROKER. MEM ber Honolulu Stock Exchange. Room 301 Judd Building. A. J. CAMPBELL. STOCK AND BOND BROKER. OF- fice Queen street, opposite Union Feed Co. WM. T. PATY. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. GOOD work. Reasonable Prices. Res idence 720 Fort Street. BOARD OF HEALTH Report od Disinfectants for Use on Mentailise. FORMALIN W01IT KILL MICROBES 0. G. TRAPHAGEN. ARCHITECT 223 MERCHANT ST., Between Fort and Alakea. Tele phone 734. Honolulu, H JAMES T. TAYLOB, fl. AID. SOC. C. E. CONSULTING neer. H. I. 306 HYDRAULIC ENGI Judd Block, Honolulu, BURIIETTE & GO. STOCK AND CUSTOM HOUSE BROK ers. Real Estate and General Agents. Office 639 King street, near Alakea. P. O. Box 262. Tele phone 641. AHIIIS MOHTACUE TURNER. Remaining in Honolulu for a few months will take a limited number of pupils for VOCAL INSTRUCTION. Terms by the lesson or month. Com mencing on and aftfthe 10th of July. vMIGNON," 720 Beretania Street, Honolulu. COOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL. Love's Building: Fort St. PIANO, ORGAN, VOICE PRODUC tion, Singing and Harmony. Especial attention paid to muscular control, touch and musical analysis. WOMAN'S EXCHANGE. 215 Merchant St. Makes a specialty of ancient Hawaii an Curios, and also carries the best assortment of modern Hawaiian work to be found in Honolulu, including Mats, Fans, Leis, Bamboo, Lauhala and Cocoanut Hats, Etc., Etc Tel. 659. HONOLULU SANITARIUM. 10S2 KING STREET. Telephone 639. Dr. Luella S. Cleveland, medical sup erintendent. Hours: 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Methods of Battle Creek, Michigan, Sanitarium. Baths of every descrip tion. Trained nurses in bath rooms as well as in sick room. Massage and manual movements. Electricity in every form. Classified dietary, etc. Ample facilities for thorough examin ation. Dr. C. L. Garvin, consulting physician and surgeon. S. E. LUCAS, Parisian Optician. But Sulphur Straight Gave Thsm Their Quietus Full Description of the Recent Experiments. In Homing this report 1 would .ug get that the lumiguthic rtxm le di vided into two or mor small compart ments and. nbove all. tbr.t thy ! made alr-tiht. Respectfully submitted. 1 F. ALVAUi:. M. !.. Barteriolosist to tho Hoard f lle.clth Honolulu. July i?th. iw. Tbcro were prevent at the mvii::c: President Cooper. Secretary Wilcox. Dr. Wood. Dr. Day. Dr. Kmerson. (. W. Smith. Agent Reynold. 1!. C. Wln stt n and 1 D. Kelitplo. A A A u ' Discussion of microbes and method of murdering them filled the air at yes terday's meeting of the Hoard of Health. The occasion was the pres entation of Dr. Alvarez report re garding the fumigation experiments carried on at the Mail deck. The sum mary of the report va.s as follows: Formalin had failed to kill the germs; on tbe contrary they had thriv ed upon the diet, but it was proven that sulphur-exterminated them. After reading the report the Hoard uiauustaeti strci.ii ui.iuri.- 111 j ecutive session. In fact the whole meeting was behind closed doors. JA The report of Hr. Alvarez is as fol-, I A lows: !T Mr. II. E. Cooper. President of the A Board of Health. 'A Dear Sir: I have the honor to sub- 'a mit the report of the experiments made 'A to determine the efllcacy of formalin a and also of sulphur as disinfectants of A merchandise. a On the 13th instant, under the dlree-'A tion of Dr. F. It. Day, the port physl-jA eian, and Mr. C. H. Reynolds, the exec- 'A utive officer of the Board of Health. I A prepared six agar-agar Petri dishes a and inoculated them as follows: Two A with bacilli of bulonic plague, one . with the bacilli of typhoid fever, one kk with the bacilli of diphtheria, one with A the bacilli of pseudo-diphtheria, and A one with the bacillus prodlgiosus. !a I prepared also twelve agar-agar test a tubes and inoculated them with the a pathogenic germs above mentioned a and also with the bacillus of pneumo-jA nia. I a The Petri dishes and the test tubes. 1 a containing the germs of the diseases a mentioned, were placed all over the a room used for fumigating freight at a the Pacific Mail wharf. Wire netting A was used to cover them as protection 'a against rats and mice. I A The doors were closed and the for-! A Robert ricvcH Funeral. Th funT:il of tlm l ite Uo! rt Grieve, who died in San Franc lo and whose remain arrived by the Mariposa yesterday, will take pl.u from the family residence at Z o'clock this altemiHin. The services will be cenducted by Rev. Alex. Mackintosh. The pallbearers will be a. T. Atkinson. J. H. Soper. J. Mort Oat. J. CAsldy. W. O. Atwater and (?. I- Mc!4L The body will 1h Interred In Nuu.itm cemetery. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA LOVE BUILDING, FORT STREET; .upstairs; i u. liox 3ol. l carry a full line of ALL KINDS GLASSES from the CHEAPEST w lut? uijo 1. . rice UAauiiuanuii of the Eyes. I fumes malin lamp discharged its vapor through a small hole in the door for nine hours and a half. On the following day the doors were opened and the Petri dishes and test tubes gathered. It could be seen at a glance that all the disease germs were growing and. showed vigorous colonies. The bacillus prodigiosus grew with such rapidity that the greater part of the Petri dish was covered with bright red colonies. Two days later numerous moulds and ordinary germs found in the air have grown in the dishes and test tubes. From the foregoing facts I draw the following conclusions: Formalin, as used in this experi ment, is worthless as a disinfectant. It is not capable of destroying the germs of any disease nor of arresting their development. It did not show any deleterious influence over the ordi nary germs that float in the air. Owing to the higher temperature of the disinfecting room at the Pacific Mail wharf, the germs, while exposed to the formaline vapor, grew faster and more luxuriant than they grow in the laboratory. However, it would be erroneous to conclude that formalin is worthless as a disinfecting agent, because it proved to be of no value In this experi ment. Its reputation as a reliable dis infectant is well established and our experience with it merely shows that the room at the Pacific Mall wharf Is not adapted to its use. Formalin to be efficient must be used in a room that is not too large for the size of the lamp. and. above all. the room must be air-tight. On the following day the 16th the experiment was repeated, placing new cultures of all the germs used the pre vious day about the room at the Pa cific Mail wharf, using the same pre cautions against rats and mice. Sulphur was used Instead of forma lin for four and a half hours. On the 17th the doors were opened and the Petri dishes and test tubes examined. All the germs of the different dis eases were found dead and no colonics of moulds or other germs that float in the air have appeared on the agar agar. Several bright silver coins which Mr. Reynolds had wrapped in many folds of a cloth showed clearly the effects of the sulphur fumigation. We mav conclude that sulphur, as A THE VI-2UY LATEST. A A The Advertiser' correspond- A ent who has done such go.xl A work In sending news from the A scene of the present eruption A and whose description of his A visit to the crater with the first A party to ascend the mountain A has met with wcll-nicrltcd A praise. Fend the following from A Punaluu under date of July IS: A "The Kilohana leaves here In A a few minutes for Honolulu. I bave Just been talking with W. A R. Castle at the Volcano House. A He and his party returned from A the craters last night safe nnd A well. They went up on Friday A nnd all had a good time. A "Mr. Castle says there Is con- A sldcrably Increased activity in A the live crater, anil one or two A of the other craters which were A apparently dead are now stunk- A ing a .4.1 in. a "The main flow, according to A Mr. Castle. Is now going north- A east and north Into Ainahau. A ami turned towards IHIo. This A flow Is already from twelve to A fifteen miles long ami shows no A sipns of decreasing. A "Mr. Castle's party discovered A an entirely new flow corning A slowly towards Kau. . This new A flow Is entln ly Independent and A distinct from the flnt Kau flow. ami it proceeds from a point A considerably below the high A crater. A "The whole of the Kau dls- A trict Is enveloped In a dense A smoke for the past two days. A We are unable to trace Its A source anil cannot tell whether A it is from Kilauea or the new A craters. It wns so thick last A night that we could not even A see the reflection. A "It Is Just two weeks ago this A morning since the present erup- A tion began." 17. S. Senator Clark Senator C. I). Clark of Wyoming Is In Honolulu again. He arrived by lh MariiHis.1 yesterday morning and in tends to complete, his tour of the I1 ands. The genial Senator is as cheer ful as ever anil vs sanguine over the future, of Hawaii. He ha not th slightest doubt but that a territorial form of government with broad pri vilegos will granted. While his visit here will ! taken up principally with sight-seeing he will continue his Investigations of local conditions. Al most the first man he looked for after his arrival was Colonel Sam Parker. his former ho;. When Senator Clark goes back he intends to hav the Colcnel go with him. FOR GUATEMALA Possibility of American Protector ate Has Arisen. WARSHIPS HURRYIIIG TO SCENE The Shortest on Record. In thv two suits brought by Je.if Kaae and Junitu Kaae asainst the Oahu Railway and l-and Company for the recovery of royal Jewelry and clothing alleged to have len contain ed In two valines Umi between Ka huku and Honolulu Attorney F. M. Hatch for the railroad company has filed what are probably the short: answers on record in any rase. They are identical and contain exactly eleven words each, viz: "SaM d fenda::: denies n,!i and very alle gation la plaintiff's complaint contained." A .Noted Surgeon. Dr. Nicholas Snn. a noted Chicago OF i used in this experiment, is capable of physician, is visiting this cltv. He is 1ST destroying the germs ;ol "the ffrcnt , , ion diseases which were exposed to Its . .. t'eltcl SUU Cotcnaeat M Cinei L'goa to Ttfce Cbirte Tlx re. Ni:W ORI.KANS. July 1Z. Thr Picayune prints the following: News of th gnvet Import from Cuatcmala. was brought to this. city by paswnpera on the Snyler :eam&hlp llreakwatcr. which touched at four or five of the leading Centra! -American port before putting In here late Mon day night. "Just before sailing for Ncm Or leans." said ono of the pajoagen. 1 was Informed by junrral person that P.ngland and Germany would shortly make a naval demonstration at tuc two leading port of the Republic of Guatemala. I learned tht a large amount of bonds Usncd by the Govern ment of Guatemala anil held by Kn- gllsh and German latcro; have been practically repudiated and that the German anil !?ng!l.h holder have pro tested vigorously to their govern ment. "Four worship are said to have leen ordered to Guatemala water, two German and two Kngllsh. One of cadi flag will proceed ta Puerto Harries and one of each nation will te sent la San Jtse de Guatemala, uhkh Is on the ParlHc !d of the republic. "The poirtl that mot Intcrrs: the Fnitrd State U that if this !xure of the cuOim-bour sh.viM result in a long holding of t Is port, in on!r that the amount could Ih collected. It would le necessary for a protectorate to 1m established over the republic of Guatemala while this wa going on. In that rase, the natural course of affair would Ie-to turn to either Mexico or the Fnilcd State for that protectorate. The first proposition would hardly le probable because of the lal feeling existing lietwcen Guatemala and the republic of Mexic oer the tMxmdary dispute." The minister mivi n. l o.jetioned tb Juilc- t.f the trr- li : f the lreyfa cvrjrt-mirtial: that In S;em!cr. it wa rvpjrtrU that an American vevl rat aUrat to rif the pri waer and ther vu -ime talk arnaag the warden aa to the ;tjM:i:y of hi -.'ap. II coco M. I-e!n Ura3) x.lJrJtK2 for the safety of the prton-r and ordered lrvyfu to fe mnnacl in hi hut m1th double Ii-kel dor. but with a. wtj- tlnel !nide until the hut wo ur- ro::ndel by a, ptlide. when the hut might be opened. The build lag f the ralixade ocruplel J crr than vac cx- ltel. l-4i a.i harm to the health of the prltner a nrpvriel. Ai.initiTisii p.xnnc IjONIHIN. July . ne -Iliily Mail" My thl roaming: "Il has been agree. I that Auttralajdi bal! bear right -el ghter nth tf the ool of tbo Paciflc cable and Great itriloln od Caniila each nvrJgh:"eath." Tin: figfi: in ai.kxanduia. AI.nXANDRlA. July 10. Tbrre case of plague mrrr rvported here yes terday. The Inhabitants are discon tented with the anltary precaution have thrcatrnerl trouble, and j otrrday niughly handled two doctors. I tKT f UN I NG VOLFNTi: Kits. The transport Ohio and Newport were sdghted off San Francisco harbor Just as tho Marlpos. left. The Second Oregon Regiment and California Signal Service men were on loard. At once the screaming of siren on the city front announced the tiding to the entire city, nnd the town across the hay. A moment later the firing of cannon began, shit after hot. a It thundered out In salute, placing the moaning of the earlier signal beyond doubt. At almost the same moment, on numberb-si flagstaff throughout the city, the national color s.hol upward and the Stars and Strli-s. everywhere flung to the breeze, gave yet further emphasis to th? fct that, the iwMJr Crowd. r.f p - .pi- NIIW.S NOTIl Kirg Oxar of Sweden U aiding the pear movement. The trial of Drrjfu will probably commence on August I. Senator Morgan I out for harmony In the IVrmcjcratlc ranks. General Wheeler has left Washing ton cn route to the Phlllpplce. The ItritUh r rollers Ikris and Wld gen have arrived al Ikdago Ilay. Six out of a family of Mvcn rcre killed by a train at an Ohio eroding. Torrents of rain hate flood rvl tho quarter ef American troop In Ma nila. Mr. M. I. Major, an old roJdcnt of lKivIsllle. California, was burned to death. The report that the King of'ltelglatn would lil the Fntt'd State this sum mer is denied. Secretary Alger enemies aert that he has rrslgnerl. but he !ll holds down hi dek. Queensland ha oflTere the Itrillslt gotcrnroent Z mounted Infantry for fervlce In Africa If fceeded. M. Daniel, the Governor of iVvll's lland. ha lost hi Job for undue e verltle Inflictrxl on Orryfu. In the oue of Oimmons It baa been announced that tbe IMsgoa lUy awanl will be made in October. The hospital ship llrdlef. on the way from. Manila, left Yokohama on July 12 with VA lick soldiers on board. Hlanrhe Itates I being critiefxed la New York for working advertising schemes through her press agent. The Congressional Investigating Committee on tbe Alaska boundary question has returned from. Alaska. The refrigerator ship Glacier, with a cargo of fresh beef for the Manila fleet, reached Singapore on the 11 to. General Wheeler's daughter Annie ha volunteered as a nurse In the Philippine, and will accompany ber father. It Is rumored that Spain Is negotia ting for the return of some of her ship raptured by the t'nlte! States In the late war. A. Iturlington special crashed Into a freight train at Newman Station. Cal ifornia, and two sleeping women were crushes! to dejlh. Queen Margherila of Italy wants to climb one of the hlghit teak of the Alp to take part In the dedication of a shrine to the Virgin. Margaret Franc U Hill ! the name I toy were returning hurried to the height overlooking the;f a child born In quarantine ui Angel northern bay. . ag. r to catch the flr: ' i'1' f!,,rt, "r M na" "f lbs ,. , , .. . . .MMon Mani s pasM-ngrs, glimpse pHib'.e ,f the hip brine-, ,3tn., lh. f;f,!M oWp-rad'. and lag back the m-a wh i had darel an' ' riclnator of the 1 1 at field -McCoy feud formerly studied uadvr him. ufferetl m much In the Par !: in their country's caue. The trip Into and up the bay U a long one and th nanonanmnt wa ;e"dily maile that It would be I oVIrk lK-fore the tras jrirts would reach their anrhor.ig. has ctt 111 Ihe. has uricnderel tti flovernor At kin of Went Virginia in ;eron. The M-.-imer lvrtia. from New York for Halifax. wa wrrLH aIout fiflem mile east of the latter plac. The crew and paMnger. US In all. were. savel by the hlp's toats. It Is likely that the French roTern- CUFi:i.TY TO niUIYFFS I)I:NH:I. ment will make General Itrncer.. rc.m. FAIUS. July 12. M. Il.n. theh?an:cr ln th anl vlr t resldent of rrmrr Minister uf ( o.onk ,. has d- fff r . Jaraon, It oni; drer, a long letter to the Government I rentlv lh,t tz,yrl ItmrM In reply to the charge of Iai(el General Zurllndn as xa Hilary gor- llavet. mem!er of the Fr-nch Institute. .err.or of Farl. who accomjvn!el Madame Dreyfus tol Kenned, who allege that Ireyfus wa- ! At thlc morning there m a for- cruelly treitetl In his Island prison. Ign Mercer anchored off the harbor. UJT WJWVDMEE Makes the food mere delicious end holcsomc