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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
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TnE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVKItTlSKK: HONOM'I.U. .TULA 1S00. JIM 10 ) i , CUR FACILITIES FOR PLACING MARBLE AND GRANITE 0 At reasonable prices, are unexcelled. 7 T it w A GONTEMPr CASE! JAS-F- morgan j Chinaman Disobeys Court Z Injunction. ! Drop us a card and our representa tive will call on you. 5 THE HAWAIIAN IRON FEKC AND MONUMENTAL CO. P. O. Box. C27. Gil King Street. Telephone 502. Minerv; Mm G The new effervescent aperient for the Liver, Blood and Stomach. Invaluable for persons of sedentary habits. (r for tin? table, the other fo:- tn" yard both for you. tine quality of BLOWN TUMBLEKS, "engraved in .3 designs. Juc!g- Prry Ssninc-s Him to -it-ten Day's impr.sonmnt as a LtSbon to the Kuturc. Your choice at To cento per doen. You knnw the regular price. Rattan Yard Brooms, 2o c(,nt each; regu'ar price, Go cents i are slight ly damage 1 by fait water. Sold Everywhere. ooo Minerva Mirillo 75.00. . Complete oa fit-; in Crock- jery, Glass, Gatrry. Hated War land Kitclun Utensils, including ; Stove and Ref ig-rafor for ST5.00. Is a raild and pleasant, but exceeding ly effective aperient, keeping the blood! pure, regulating the liver, clearing the coinDlexion. removing tmnfw motfof from the system, and generally ward-; inspect tho Iiai'Sairi Tables on the see ing off disease, aiade from, and con- CI"! floor (taka elevator). Sow lie., a Chinrs.-. w.i.s s -i:.n.- . t: Jifteea days impr:s.-;niii a: by .ludi:. Perry yt.sterd.iy fsr contempt of coar;. He i.s one of the defendants in thr cis of dig Lin el al. vs. Leang Hoo : .!. in which .Judg- Perry on .Inly U;h granted aa injunction restraining defendants from diverting certain water used by plaintiffs oa Mondays of eacn week from o to G p. m.. a ad from interfering and meddling with th. us. of the plaintiffs of said water until the further order of the Court. The affidavit on which the pikv.m! i:..- ic;r contempt were uasetl states that on Monday last after bring s.rvel with a copy of the injunction the de fendant Saw Hee violated the same by breaking tht dam of the plaintiffs, thereby diverting the water and appro priating the same to tl'- I;. of the defendants. At the hearing yesterday after:;. n the Court found the defendant guilt v cf contempt, and sentenced him to lif--ieen days imprisonment. mm ui i A. t.. MURPHY & CO. Progress A. E. MURPHY CO. I 33 Queen Street. P. . Box 5(J4. Telephone 72. 11 Shoe House imiiiild IIITIIXTI'MITI i LI i At Auction. ; ( On Friday. July 21st, 1899.1 AT lo O'CLOCK A. M. At the residt ruo of I. i:. Kriinui street, opposite Ktniu.t Sq I will sell at. Pi m.IC ACCTION: Oak Side Hoard. Oak Iijnin.; Tabh . Crorkery and Olasswar. Cutlery. 1 Kitehen Stove. 1 Caroline Stue. 1 I e Pox. 1 Refrigerator. Men if.-. Rah Tub. Kitehen Tab!, s. I 'o:n!.initb:i Table. 1 Wheeler : Wil.oa S.winc Machine. Ferns an.l Paim. Pedroom Sets. !A. E. MURPHY & CO 205 Hotel St., Arlington Block. JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctr. Auction Sale -Of-- HORSES AND MULES! Men's, Wonun's and Children's I i I FIE FOOTWEAB. o 1 A. E. MURPHY & CO. A. E MURPHY L CO. I Estimates and lits given on appli- I cation. When you are' in ou store always taining all the valuable properties of, ripe iruit. Prized by travelers, sea faring men, and residents in hot cli mates. A sure preventive of diarrhoea, and a delightful invigorator of the constitution. When used fiimply as an effervescing beverage, it has most sal utary results. Valuable for all persons of sedentary habits, removing de pression and head affections, and gen erally bracing up the nervous system. Gonsalves & Go. Bole Agents for Hawaiian Islands for the Minerva Preparations. LEAVER LUNCH ROOMS, Fort Street, Opp. Wilder & Co. II. J. NOLTE, Prop. Fir&t-Class Lunches Served With Tea, Coffee, Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Milk. Open from 3 a, m. to 10 p. m. Smokers' Requisites a Specialty. You are sure to see something you want and the price will not stop you. LIMITED. SICK FROM CaNM-I) COFM'F. OOO OX SATl'KDAY. .ll'LY 22. AT 1 (VCIjOCK. N'OOX At the yard f th IVr.vseti estute. On the morning of July 12. says the hi""" "r.t. I ill sll .ft puMie am- i ? 1 - I ;ui riciueiseo luwieiiii. ine sieauier Thought They Had dm the Plague From the Nippon Marti. Caroline, in charge of Captain W .S. COLTS IMPOUTKD JACK. MCLKS liKOKKN TO SAIHH.i:. OOO JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctioneer. SOLE AGrEsTS "JEWEL" STOVES for coal or wood. "GURNEY" CLEANABLE REFRIG ERATORS. NEW WTICKLESS BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES. GERM PROOF FILTERS. "PRIMUS" OIL STOVES. HORSES ANI MAUES m with tn.r i.eaie. proceeueu in Anget isian.i ami FKOM IMPORTED JACK. took off the steerage passengers of the trans-Pacific liner, Nippon Marti. The passengers were landed at Jackson street dock early in the forenoon, and the Caroline remained at the wharf until noon. Shortly after lunch live of tho Caro line's men were taken quite sick. It was considered quite strange that the deckhands should be ill after having transferred passengers from the al- eged "plague ship." Their illness Is jelieved to have been caused by eat ing canned stuff, and cannot be attrili- uted to contact with the quarantined persons. The men who were taken sick drank I The undersigned offers m Private cofTee from tins, and this is supposed Sale SELECT COWS Just import tl. of to have made them ill. Ti.ey will all tin following Standard brvd-: ecovcr. I iirninv! PART JERSEYS. And HO I. STEINS. AILKY'S IKE ITS. Tt. P. 0. BOX 44 TEL. 393. Tiia Milwaukee PnECtnie Proof Tire. i iS RESILIE8T AS ANY TIRE MADE Pau - Puncture : Pilitiia BflUes s Hi win. SOLE AGENTS. ai;ti,m? AtANV DAYS" the Milwaukee Puncture Proof Tires have ar rived on the "Port Albert," from Seattle, having laid there since May 10th. Repairs that are reoairs at the old reli ible 331 KING STREET, where th-latest is oa tap. Special Machinery. J. J. McCabe Double Spindle Lathe Heaviest Lathe Work. Two Lathes in One. Dnect Acting Electric Motor When Desired. i Imported Cows For Sale, I'HC AMATEUU OKCIIKSTRA. Apply early, to JAS. F. MORGAN. VALUABLE LAND IN MANOA For Sale. Sonic of the Talent Which lias Already Volunteered. The arrangement of the program for he Amateur Orchestra concert at Pro gress Hall Tuesday evening. August 1. is progressing. Mention was made yesterday that Mrs. Annis Montague rurner would sing . There will also be i recitation by Mrs. .lames V. HcTg- strom, a post graduate of the- Emerson College of Oratory, Boston. This lady's work is highly spoken of by the New England press. It is also a pleasure to announce that there will be a bari tone koTo bv Mr. J. H O'Sullivnn. who i i r Tt. I me amierstgnsu oncra lor s-in ine ia .i i.lvl nunpfl iwrtv of A. A. MON. OSullivan. now singing .with much I yaNA In Manna Valley, oppoalte the success in San Francisco. I residence of 11. 11. Cooncr. Em Tim Trart rnnnrfsos 11 Here-. farM HITS OF HUMOR AND STERLING I nn tn "i OT,.i fl4 n i,n! nlern of land for residence nitrs. There to lrfvn I c I nn f I a nhn Mrs. Montmorency?" "Yes: but not I Tho Tract will be Tor sale Tor two I - A. f 1 on mv visiting-list. We call the tele- Iwccks omy; inicuuing purvurs mui phone book our calling-list now. 'Hie fcrernng wneeis are in me ieau; i purthcr particulars Horses for racing purposes, or most I terms, etc., cl i . f a Al. I any oiner. are in comparison io me ,.e c 1 1 n D n A M Anrllnnnnr Safeo t tl r i f Handsome Teainra of iBLOOD) KAY GELDINGS. TIE AND SIX YEARS OLD. Well lrokMi. pMitle. Mylisli, uvll matcl uml poil roail- Honolulu Stock lards Co. W. S. WITHERS. Manager. l )IN'Ei: AUXKKA AND QUKKN' STRECTS. Nice Roomy TH) Win ft IAETOMS r. - Samioipy Top Surreys AMD i ti regard to ZZ Queen Street. v Sterling. One of these handsome, up to-date wheels is "a thing of beauty and a joy forever." The joys of an open-air existence and a spin on one of the built-like-a-watch wheels is a pleasure worthy of a king With all my worldly goods I thee endow" He stopped short his strong brain seemed to reel At least with all of them" In statu mered now Except mv brand new Stirling Chainless wheel. i.Mitnr "Mill von write lliese :oxes yo,.rself7 - Manager I . C. & M. n Klniu rt anJ is 100 fcVt Vlccp. "Yes. sir." Editor "ou must l e ohl- ti,nn vmi look." A roomy Dw-lling Uouse is on tne . . . . . Don't ride a wheel unless it's a good Pue ami .ne grounus aro aa a . 1 i...... i. any i"" one. non e pay more iiuui a i worth. Don't take chances on an tin- Will soil also n corner lot adjoinln? , i'v,.in the above. Lot is 100 feet on KInau Kr 'Z- street and 200 feet on Pencola street. ana -mis- o., u i uh .-im-i, ..nw . -,tnnt in FINE RESIDENCE PROPERTY For Sale. The undersigned offers for sal the residence of Mr. E. K. Hendry on Kl nati street, near Pensacola street. Road Wagons ' ' I i.l V t . . LI ff'r A Pariirularly attr.ictiw lino arrivitl ly tin S. S. Au tr.ilia" and lv the hark -V. II. Diiiumd." CALL AND INSPECT. roRi sr. HAND-MADE Of EVERY DESCRIPIION. a Sterling bicycyle that has a repnta tion. More Honors for Kocbclc. XJN Jx U. 1. Ox: l. u. California's State F.oard of Horlicul- . . . -W m -w T T A T T T W I OBDJ3KJ3D BY OAIIU SUGAU CU WAIALUA AbUlUUL- luro nas aipointed Prof. Kocbelo to go TURAL SUGAR, CO., HONOLULU SUttAK tJU. KIREI SUGAR 00. OTII13B SPJSCIALiTl J5S: Gray Planers, Barnes & McCabe Drill!Presses, Combined Upright ani Radial Drills. Simpers, Universal Milling Machines, Combined Bolt and Pipe Cutters. For trms and prices arply to Jas. F. Morgan, 33 QUEEN STREET. Henry D. Roberts, Agent, Pacific Hardware Co. Ltd. Machinery Department. t i abroad to collect and import in: that ! State for general distribution parasi tical and predaceous insects. Prof. Koebele appeared in person before :h" Hoard and was warmly received by, them. Accompanied by Cte.. Compere. ' an expert entomologist of ls Anceles. he will arrive in Honolulu shortly on his way to the Fiji Islands. JAS. F. MORGAN P 1UU 33 Queen Street. P, 0. Box 594. Telephone 72. Ilie t-lothin and Hoots. Hiding Saddle and lhidh. L'arriac Rohe- and I hitter. Whips lfnj:. Harniv Oil -and Soapf HriL-die-, Curry Coinh and Si:r.sM?r. Rindaizc-. Salve ami "tilit icn l'ovdcr, Haltrrand Tic Kojw. Hit. Spur. Stirrup-, births Ktc. roraplt! lln of alt l.ort cc! at rror.aL!c prlc-. Inland ordn promptly ar. l jattfjrtnrily HlloL Aiiphnnpp 1 uu u C. R. COLLINS. ESTABLISHED P.O. BOX S07. 1S91. HSG ST., tea H0015D ST. V 1 v-i 9 s