Newspaper Page Text
i JO- 12 lis PcGiiic dime ii m nise Issued Eveiy Morning, Sunday, by the Except HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY. Von Holt I31ock, King Street. A. W. PEARSON, Bu3ines3 Manager. 1 sfeiir rT - TIME TABLE From and After Jan. 1, 1 S)). 3TATIOMS D,i1Iy 'Oiitvaroj tx. San. A.M. nor o!"lu . . 7:10 Feri City. 8:03 F.wh Mill . B:3 Wnlanfte... .... Walslaa .. Kabaka Daily ox, Snn. A.M 1 J :05 11:40 12:00 Dailv A.M. 10:5.r 11 : 12:32 iJaily P.M 3 MS 3:47 4:(5 1:13 S?4U 6:15 Daily ir. M 5:10 6:50 6:10 STATION3. fin ward) Kbukj. . Wa'a'ua... . Ea Mi l. City. IlOliOil lu.. Daiiv ex. Sun. A.M D.iHv a sr C:1J T:1J 7:15 B:U Daily Dally P. i. 2:08 2:5o 3 :55 4 :M 4:52 ( :26 5:5' 6::0 1:05 1 :30 2:05 F. (J. Smith, Apt ARRIVED AT HONOLULU. Wednesday, Julv 19. Stmr Waialeale, Green, from Ka- paa with 2,500 sx sugar for C. Brewer & Co. Stmr. Mariposa, Hayward, from San Francisco, mail, pass, and general mdse., to W. G. Irwin & Co. jtmr. J. A. Cummins, Searle, trom Oahu ports. Stmi . Kilohana, Hawaii, with 451 Brewer & Co. Thompson, sx sugar, from LO 1. Stmr. Iwalanl, Gregory, from Hawaii with. 5637 sx Bugar for F. A. Schaefer & Co. SAILED FROM HONOLULU. Wednesday, July 19. Am. stmr. Mariposa, ney, via Apia. Hayward, Syd- Stmr. Niihau, Wyman, Kekaha. FOREIGN PORTS. SAN FRANCISCO. Sailed July 11. Schr. Robert Lewers for Honolulu. July 12. Stmr. Conemaugh, Roberts, Honolulu and Manila. Up and Load ing for Island Ports For Hilo, bk. Roderick Dim (to sail July 14); for Kahului, brig Lurline (to sail July 1C) ; for Honolulu, bark Mauna Ala (sails July 13); barkentine Irmgard, ship Fort George and bark Andrew Welch. SAN FRANCISCO Arrived, July 9. Brig Lurline, from Hilo. Sailed, July 9. Bkt. Ruth, for Kihei and Ka hului. Cleared. Julv 12. Sch. Marv E. Foster, for Honolulu. YOKOHAMA Arrived previous to July 10. Stmr. Doric, from San Fran cisco. SYDNEY Arrived nrior to Julv 10. Steamr. 'Alameda, from Honolulu; Br. bk. Woollahra. from Eureka, for Newcastle and Honolulu. EUREKA Sailed July 11 Schr. Robert Lewers, for Honolulu. LATEST FREIGHTS TERS. AND C HA It- Eliza Miller, Am. Mdse., San Francisco Fanning's Island, by son., 14S tons to Honolulu and John Yightman. Jr. Bertie Minor. Am. sch., 230 tons (at Eureka) Redwood thence to Honolu lu, by J. R. Hanify & Co. Mauna Ala, Haw. bk., 779 tons Pass, and mdse., San Francsco to Honolulu, in O. S. S. Co.'s Line, by J. D. Spreck ela & Bros. Co. Skagit, Am. bktne., 443 tons (at Lud low) Lumber, thence to Honolulu, by Pope & Talbot. Santiago, Haw. bk., 902 tons Re turns from San Francisco to Hilo, H. L, in Spreckels' Line. Lurline, Am. bg., 336 tons Will take a limited number of passengers, San Francisco to Kahuiui, H. I. SPOKEN. Per brig Lurline. June N., long. 152 30 W., bktn. HLlo for San Francisco. 27, lat. Archer 3S 14 from MEMORANDA. Per stmr. Mariposa, from San Fran cisco, July 19. Left San Francisco on July 13 at 2:29 a. m., making the run to this port in six days eight hours and forty minutes; experienced fine weather and light winds all the way. The Mariposa brings fifty-six passen gers for Honolulu and carries sixty through passengers. For over two days before sighting these islands the Mariposa experienced very hazy weath er, not being able to take observations on account of the smoky atmosphere. IMPORTATIONS. Per stmr. Mariposa from San Fran cisco, July 19. Thirty-eight parcels, 109 pkgs. U. S. supplies, 185 bags on ions, 1C2 bgs. potatoes, 542 bxs. green fruit, 24 boxes tobacco, 7 cases cigars, 22 cases cigarettes. 13 pkgs. playing cards, 143 cases dry goods, 15 cases books, 34 pes. furniture, 11 pianos, 254 pes. machinery, 2G bicycles, 5S pkgs. hardware, 15 cases wine, US pkgs. glass, 47 cases boots and shoes, 51 cases hats, 20 clocks, 4 hydrometers. 23 cases glass bottles, 3 bbls. alcohol, 1 ice box, 110 cases groceries and pro visions, 24 cases mdse., 12 cases leather and 1 propeller. CONSIGNEES. From San Francisco per stmr. Mari posa, July 19. L. Dinkelspiel & Sons, Victor Hoffmann, Hawaiian News Co., Hawaiian Electric Co., Vincent & Bel ser, John W. Farwell, Lewers & Cooke, H. Hackfeld & Co., H. Waterhouse, THE . uisnop & Co., Lewis & Co.. Gonsalves & Co., C. F. Bishop, Alexander & Baldwin, Hawaiian Hardwaie Co., E O. Hall fc Sons, Hollister Drug Co. Leo Toma & Co., Benson Smith & Co. v. nne.vjit-j ftons, i. u. uam- arinos, Sing Warm, Hon. Bicycle Co. uergstrom Miiiic Co., J. S. Bailey Pearson-Potter Co., Macfarlane & Co. Wilder Steamship Co., W. E. Hayes Fairchild's Honolulu Shoe Store, Theo u. uavies uo., McCabe, Hamilton & Remy, Coyne Mehrtens Fur. Co., C. J i-isnei, k. v. Jordan, City Mill Co., Hyman Bros., George Andrews, M Phillips & Co., The Depot Commissary PAS3ENGERS. Arrived. San Francisco, per stmr. l-rom ban t rancisco, per stmr. Mar iposa, July 19 Henry Alferitz and wife, M. W. Anderson, wife and two children, A. D. Baldwin. Fred Baldwin, C. L. Beal. W S. Belfield, J. J. Belser, Dr. D. R. Brower, Miss V. Christman, C. I). Clark. J. A. Clouch. Dr. Charles Davison, Mrs. W. E. Elliott, Miss El liott, Theodore P. Fluhr, L. J. Frank and wife. Mrs. Robert Grieve. II. Mil liard, A. F. Jones, wife and son, Mrs. George F. Kimball, Miss Kimball, W. T. Lucas, It. W. McChesney. J. L. Mc Lean, wife and two children, Miss Martin, A. C. Paulsmeer, Miss Hanni- B. Mullen, Robert Owens, wife and two children, Mrs. F. A. Potter, J. S. Schweizer, Dr. N. Senn, D. B. Smith. C. D. Vincent, J. Waterhouse, S. J. Wilks. wife, two children, maid and valet, Mrs. L. D. Allen, J. W. Rylan- der, C. Gardner, George Hedges. Geo. Sands. John T-Tollv Tncnnli T iMitio- - T J WOV J'il liltUllj, E. Breckinridge and wife, J. W. Kie man, James Scanlan, II. Lindig. F. Berger, F. Vinkle, T. Mullane. George Ward, M. Silas, R. Lewis, D. Hall. B. Brown, F. Fevier, George Wende, Wm. Griffin, F. McMauee, N. T. Simpson. jMax Germandt, J. Howe, F. Seegor and three children, Miss Seeger, J. L. Housemann, L. Brule, L. Phillips. H. H. Perry, A. W. Anderson, William Gordan, William Keolgh, J. 'Breckin ridge, James Kamana. M. Thelkon. J. N. s. Williams. For Apia E. L. raves. For Auckland- F. E. Ban me and wife, W. Gentry Bingham, D. Craig, A. Duncan. Miss E. C. Izard, W. A. Keiller, John B. Teal. For Sydney H. A. Benson, Mrs. Henry Bratnober, 1 T. J. Bush. D. N. McBride. H. Mur doch, Wr. C. Peacock, Miss II. Ralph. Prof. E. H. Rennie and wife, George A. Stonier, H. A. Thomas, wife and child, Edgar E. Turner, G. H. Wrood bury. Join at Honolulu for Auckland Captain B. F. Chapman, Miss Pos- ton. Join at Honolulu for Sydney M. C. Sherman. F. C. Taylor, Captain T. G. Taylor, L. C. Vanuxem, Mrs. E. K. Vanuxem, Miss Florence Vanuxem, Miss Mary Vanuxem, Hugo Wilckens. From Honokaa, per stmr. Iwalani, July 19. F. A. Schaefer and son, Miss A. Rickard, Miss F. F. Rickard, Mrs. Swift and son. Miss A. Brickwood and three deck. From Kauai, per stmr. Waialeale. July 19. Mrs. S. N. Hundley, A. Croft. Mr. Christian and ten deck. Departed. For the Colonies, per stmr. Mari posa, July 19. For Auckland: Captain B. F. Chapman, Miss Boston. For Sydney: M. C. Sherman, F. C. Taylor, j Captain T. G. Taylor, L. C. Vanuxem, 'Mrs. E. K. Vanuxem, Miss Florence Vanuxem, Miss Mary vanuxem, Hugo Wilkenp, P. J. Ryan, wife and family, C. T. Loncstreet. Bishop Willis and (wife. FOR RENT. RESIDENCE AT f57 NUUANU Avenue. Tnnuire Criterion Saloon for particulars. 52S9 NOTICE. THERE WILL BE A SPECIAL meeting of the Myrtle Boat Club THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING at 7:30 o'clock at the club house. Business the election of a captain. T. H. PETRI E. 5289 Secretary. WANTED. YOUNG MAN OF GOOD CHARAC ter; must come well recommended, as delivery man. Apply at CALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET, Alakea and King streets. 52S7 WANTED. THREE YOUNG BOYS FOR MES senger service. Apply to HONOLULU MESSENGER SERVICE, corner Ala kea and King streets. 52S7 WANTED. YOUNG MAN OF GOOD CHARAC- ter with experience in grocery trade. Apply to P. O. box S07. 32S7 WANTED. A GOOD STENOGRAPHER AND tvnewriter who is a cood penman. Ref erences required. Apply in own hand- writing to X, Advertiser olhce. ozbt SITUATION WANTED. BY BOOKKEEPER; HIGHLY EDU cated; long experience: desires perraa nent emDlovment: erood reference. Ad dress Y, Advertiser office. 5279 FOR RENT. AFTER JUNE SOth, THE PREM ise3 corner Hotel and Richards streets. known as the "Gedge Cottage." at present occupied by U. S. Com. Dept. Particulars of N. E. GEDGE. 5251 Inter Island Office. LOST. IN THE VICINITY OF THE DAVEY Photo. Co.'s office, a gold (Chinese) hair ornament about three inches long. Return to office of Drs. Herbert and Humphris, Alakea street, and receive a suitable reward. 52SS I'ACIFH! COMMERCIAL ADVKKTISEK: HDXniriP v ry i lu i luiit UUndrAN T A. a: A uiH.rv r-n N. t . M m nt I urn. Itlv 211 II fllllM III 1 1 I ' . ' e r-i n mi ii.., .. - 'ill ' III! hfd THIS I H I I'SIl t Yi L'VWiv.. ju- at o il i h f,,r PA I I. -iitm, I ill. ' .ii tn iiiiiiaii.i'r FOR GUAM DIRECT. A GOOD STAUNCH SCHOONER will meet with quick dispatch for aoove port. T i or passage ana other Information apply to J. R. MILLS & CO.. New Market Grocery, Merchant street. near Central Telephone Office. 52S7 STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. A SPECIAL MEETING OF tup stockholders of the OAHi: haiiaviv & LAND COMPAW M-m i. - "... mill ill he Chamber of Commerce rooms in lonolulu on Mondav. .inH- m k. ... 4 o'clock p. m.. for the silering the sale of treasnrv sfi 1. W. G. ASH LEV. Secretary. Honolulu. July VJ, 1S99. 02SS TO LEASF, OR FOR SALF. NEW HOUSE OF SIX LA RGE rooms, with bath an patent W. , servants' rooms, carriage hotis-. tc. Alio in rear of the aboo on, cot tage of three rooms, with bath ar.d i'tiii-ui, w. v.. jmuaicii on Young :,trei:t on the town side of Thomas Squar". For particulars ndlr- II (z.nn P. O. box 220. ."2S FOR SALE. A COMBINATION SINGLE OR double-seated tran: comparatively new; ruhber tiren. Will sell at rea sonable figure. Apply N3. tills o(Tn- "2S$. FOR SALE. RARE OPPORTUNITY TO PU It chase high-class furniture In lot to suit. Must be sold before August 1st. Leaving Islands account health. MRS. CHARLES CLARK. 217 Kinau street: fifth house from Ala- FOR SALE - A BARGAIN. FAMILY CARRIAGE HORSE "Prince Ileary," a good roaJstcr, fast but gentle; suitable for a la ly to drive. Two-seated Surrey, Single Harness. Lap Robes, everything complete. A bargain to the right party. Elegant upright grand "FISHER" PIANO, good as new, at half price. ppiy to FRANK E. NICHOLS, of fice of Wall, Nichols Co., Ltd. 27S FOR SALE. FURNITURE OF PART: A" FUR nished six-roomed house, with xriv ilege of renting house if desired. No. 100 Beretania street, between Punch bowl and Alapai. 327." FOR SALE. THE STEAMER "KACXA' IN perfect condition, with chains, anch ors, etc., complete; carrying capacity about forty tons. For further partic ulars inquire at office of Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co., Queen Street. C250 FOR SALE. A FINE FAMILY IMPORTED COW. acclimated. Fresh to pall. Will sell cheap. Address "Cow." This Office. 32S2 FOR SALE. BEACH LOT AT PENINSULA FOB particulars apply to C. J. FALK. Room C01 Judd Building. FOR RENT. TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms centrally located; would suit two gentlemen. Address Z.?. this of fice. 52$ S NOTICE. DURING MY ABSENCE. FROM 21st inst.. from the Hawaiian Islands, Lin Chow will act as manager with full power of attorney for the firm of Sing Tal Co., and also as my personal agvnt under full power of attorney. All ac counts against both the company and myself personally should be presented before July 20. 52S4 C. AH MING. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS WHO ARE TEN ants of what has been known as the Kapiolanl estate are hereby requested to make prompt payment of the amounts due by them to the under signed at their office on Kaahumanu street. D. KAWANANAKOA. 52S3 J. KALANIANAOLE. NOTICE NEITHER THE CAPTAIN NOR the owners of the British ship Amphl trite will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of said vessel. C. A. ANDERSON. Master. Honolulu, H. I.. July 15, 1S0O. 52S0 - - ,trw THE Favnrite Hnufe FOR THE Ishnd Ptopie AND 0's pjc'tov Tourhts Super d Tram Every Day in the Year VIA THE UNION PACIFIC. AN L'll 1 'r t . ..v .. . rurt.MitMju ill l;iiIUA-0 V JTMJi:r l IIANC.K. liLi l iii SMOKING AN 11 I.TItltvirv - CARS WITH BARBER SHOP. 1UL DLL DRAWING ROOM SI.Kf?l. ' ERS, Kfc.K RECLINING CHAIR CARS. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS DINING CARS (A LA CARTE). ONLY CIA DAYS TO CHICAGO. Leaves Snn Francisco da!y at 6 p. m. D. W. HITCHCOCK. General Agen No. 1 Montgomery SL. San Francisctx Steamer Upolu Will If tve Hono'alu at 10 o'clock & m.. touching at Honolpu. M&bukooa. kavainae and Kona port, as follows: LEAVE HONOLULU. J11I7 . 2 August 4 ARRIVE HONOLULU. July .- 2 Fir freight and passage apply to TKE0. H. DAVIES & CO., LTD. AGENTS. . OHAli. BiiEWHK York Th bark -Nuuanu" will leave Mix York on or about Jul IS: Hone lulu. Advances iaue on sipxeatts cz-lib eral t?rms. For further particulars, aJ- uross Messrs. CHAS. BREWER & CO.. K Iby, Boston, or C. BltnWER St CO. LTI. Honolulu Arer:.. NOTICE TO PASSENGERS. NOTICE IS 1 1 ERE 11 Y GIVEN TO passengers booking by any of the Lines of Steamers represented by the under signed agents that on and after Aug ust 1st. IbOO, a booking fee at ten dol lars will bf required from each pas senger at th time of registration cif nainv. This fee will be refunded in cas9 of inability to provide uroir.nio datlon on arrival of steamer. (Signed) WM. G. IRWIN & COMPANY. Ltd.. By its Provident, V. ;. Irwin. (Sicncd) THEO. II. DAVIES & CO.. Ltl. By Thomas Rain Walker. Irtrrctor. Agents of Canadian - .VtMrallan Steamship Co. i Signed) H. HACKFELD At CO.. Ltd.. E. Snhr, Director. r.20 IN THE CIRCUIT COITRT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. In the matter of the estate of Edwin. Iokcpa and Keonl ILimauku. min ors. On reading and filing the petition of William O. Smith, nuardian. praying for an order of Palo of certain real es- tato belonging to said wards, situate at Kewalo. in Honolulu, Oahu. cakai of King street, being n portion of 1 C. Award 70C. IL I 5733, to Kukuna Nehi, and containing an area of L Z-10 acres, and setting forth certain legal reasons why such rxl estate should be sold. It Is hereby ordered. That all per sons inicresieu in me saui relate, ap pear before- this Court on Friday. th 21st day of July. A. P.. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at the Court Room of this Court. In Honolulu. Oahu, then and there to show cause why an order should not be granted for the sale of such estate. Dated, Honolulu. If. I.. June 2th. 1S99. By the Court: P. D. KKLLKTT. JR.. Clerk. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT at a meeting of the directors of th HONOLULU RAPID TRANSIT & LAND CO.. held at the company's of fice on the 1st Instant, an assessment of ten (1) per cent was levied on th Capital Stock of the Company, dns and payable at the Company's offim. No. 411 Fort street. Honolulu, from and after this date. The shares upon whch any assess ment may remain unpaid after thirty (30) days from this d.ite will b clared delinquent. Honolulu, II. I.. 5th Julv. HfO. J. A. OILMAN. ie 4 5277 Secretary II. R. T. & L. Co. I 20, i son. Oceanic Steamship Company.' TIME TABLE: Thlj Ior: as I!"rvucdr: FROM SAN FRANCISCO: USTRALIA irn M MOAN A i in 1 2) 13 Zl 11 STKALIA Al'i:' MKI). CT'IT THALIA r7T MARIPOSA OCT AUSTRALIA ".."... OCT. Tor farther particulars ipply to Wm. G. IRWIN & Co UIMITHD General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co. Pacific Mail Steamship Co. i.cci(ieni8l & AND St earner of tbe above companies rill rnl! port on or a'jout tb dates below 3nl!oncd: FOR iAPAfi AMD CHINA: COPTIC AMERICA MARU city or pinaNG GAELIC AUG. S AUG. :c ..... SLIT. X SLIT. 3 CHINA DORIC For genera! Isfomutloa apply CANADIAN-AUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. Steamers of tL-s aove line, nnalng In cccstctioo wiih the CAI'ADLVN PACIFIC ItAILWAY COMPANY ltwca Vataer. II. X and SyVy N S. W.. nnd calling at Mctorla. IL O. Honolpu. Sua (FJ1), and Iriitl&c (Q.), aro IfllJ On or about Ux- ditrs below iiatrd, vli: nrOn VANCOUVER A.D VICTOHA. B.C..FIOA SYLMTY. BUAAe IQJ AKO CUYa AO RANG I MIOWERA WARHIMOO AO RANG I OCT. 27 MIOWEIt, NOV. 21 waiuumoo nrc 22 The ja.-ignifli-ct ce rlre tbv 'Iir.prrUI Umitor Is now naoinr 4uly. BETWEEN VANCOUVER AND MONTREAL Mjl.ias thf ra !-.M:t- without claaff.x Tie- nct;l Ibllnv .-!,.. In the world. TLrough tickets b.uel rras Eurorc For Freigbt Pa-Mat and all Theo. H. Davies & Surreys, Road Carts, Etc, Also, a new line of And other carriage supplies. ALL STYLISH AHD DP-TO-DATE. Hob: Hies. top 1 eui Mi. lis. tti. HONOLULU CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, A. A. WRIGHT, t o! TL.. win Arrirr a: iai lsr FOR SAN FRANCISCO: J MO AN A JULY Zl AUSTRALIA AUG. 3 ALAMEDA 4 AU4J. 19 SKPT. 6 , 5 KPT. 15 OCT. I OCT. II OCT. 21 AUSTRALIA MARIIOSA . AUSTRALIA MO ANA ... AUSTRALIA I ...( i sieaarr. the Arret broach tlrkeu by nr altr-1 States, aai froca Port. Oriental Steamship Co.. Toyo Eisen Kaishai. a: Honolulu aoJ leave tbla- FOR SAM FRANCISCO: -JHJ'S 3iclTX OF rnKIKG JULY II ,nAKUC JULY 22 CHINA AUG. S DORIC AUG. IS NIPPON MARU AUG. 25 REIT. 2 SEPT. 12 UIO I)i: JANEIRO COITIC AUG. 4 MIOWERA AUG. 2- SEPT. ljWARRIMOO ALU 21 .... SEIT. 25'AORANGI SEPT. MIOWERA OCT. 2, (WARRIMOO NOV. 22 , AORANGI DPC. ;i 4 m - - - - w Honolsl-j to Canada. Ua!2ed Stjs gTjl IrJrcatlor, arply Co., Ltd., Gen'l Agts. Ex S. C. Allen A URGE SHIPMENT IE PIIS -zXr r . . -Ay -4'.rV-''; l'; i i f o