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TIIE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: IIONOUU JULY 20. 1S09. W.L Aclii PREM THE BEACH HOTEL & CO. lock CAMERAS T HE NE PLUS ULTRA Of Everything that a Camera Should be. Manager Clough Arrived on the Mariposa. Brokers 10 West King Street. -O.-HS" OR EMPIRE cw Company Organize! With Citltil Oce Hundred Thousand Dollars List ofOffic;rs. of STAT The Finest Professional Camera 66 In Existence. The only GOOD Five Dollar Camera that is made LENSES. TRIPODS, CARRYING CASES Films. In fact Photographic Goods i ICIESS OF THE SKIN. ha. thir hmr of trou- having any Irritation of ALE Honolulu Brewing & Halting Co. Oaiiu, Kihei, Ookala, Miku. Waimea, Waimanalo, Etc., Etc., Etc. Of Every Description. DEVELOPING AND PRINTING. This we guarantee to do BETTER and QUICKER than any other concern in the city. ISLAND VIEWS IN ENDLESS VA RIETY. O THE Le lunyon PHOTO SUPPLY CO. 426 Fort Street "There are None So Blind as Those Who Will Not See." Among the passengers who arrivci ve?erd:iv bv the Marinosa wa. Jas Clough of San Francisco. Mr. Clous! ccmes to take the active management cf the proposed Waikiki hoto!. H fmfs. with a sterlinc record, having for the past eighteen years lveti con nccted with the best known hotels n :he Pacific coast. The greater part o that time he spent as manager of D .Mnnt thi sniwrl). famed the vor over. He has also ben connected in recent years with the Palace and llald wln hotels of San Francisco. "I think that the Beach Hotel should prove a great success.' said Mr. Clough. "Travel to Honolulu is noth ing now compared to what it will ! in the future, and yet tne accommo dations are taxed. I have been out to your beautiful Waiklki'and think that no more suitable place for a complete, up-to-date hostelry could be found." Everything is now ready for active work on the project. The plans will b3 out of Architect Traphagms hands In a few days. They will be substan tially the same as were described in the 'Advertiser when the new enter prise was first started. '1 he articles of incorporatln will be filed shortly. with a capitalization of $100,000. all of which Is subscribed. The officers will be: V. C. Peacock, president: J. II. Soner. vice-nrcsident: J. G. Roihwell. secretary and treasurer: T. F. Ian sing, auditor. Mr. Roth well, roon whom most of the preliminary work has uevoivcu. insert thnt before many days the doors of an all-around first-class !each lotel will be thrown open to the people of Honolulu. Kwry Kly b!e. But ioj.!' the kin. Have many hours of tnrible. Nothing mi annoying. n;h!ng irritating. It is a hard and trying jIUvi. Ixive it alone ar.d yoi cm hardly lar the misery. Relief and curt have come at lat Melbourne ha. put it t the t Dun s Ointment rur-s ecry frr.i cf skin Irritation. People at home ar burning that thl i s s . Here U proaf !n a statement: Mr. William lres;n has !-.-n a r-l dtmt of Victoria for o.r half a en tury and therefore will knon l many 4if oar readers. Mr. Preston 1 at present residing at No. ; Arcyle St.. St. Kllda. He .iys: "For sorr. emiderabe tlm I have ! :i troi Med with Eczema n my leg. Th irritation at time- was very great I -n ially at night, ar.d it v.i.e me considerable annoyance. I oot.iinM a pot f H jin's Ointment and I mut ey that it allayed the irritatln al:r.;: Immediately. !Vans Ointment l a gd retr.idy and I ran highly rv ommend it for laz-nia." Dian's Ointment 1 sptendi.l in all diseases of the skill. vczem.1. pile. w. j. mm. m bank of mm in 410 Montgomery St. San Francisco. California. -LIMITED. Icctriratel FadT the lxwn of la Ur;ui::r of Hawaii. CAPITA! 1193.000.09 officers and directors. Gha. M. Co. le Irrldt P. C. Jose viof Imldesl C. II. Coke Cxihler F. C. Athrrion .WUtanl Caaoler Dirctor Henry WatcrbojM. Ttna May. I". V. Mar fat lane. E. D. Tenner. J. A. MrCan SlJcit ArmuntA Firm. Cot porat!on. Trm'.j. Iodll!ual. and will promptly and carefully attend to all h ttacVinc ra-Iurcha tt rr of Credit. s.viNc:s i!:p.utmi:nt. Ordinary and Term lfc-;vu rrcclrcd and Interest a!bel la acrordasoe !th ni!- and rad;titn pribtM In pa Uhk. ctp:e tf blh may be had on application. Judd llalldlnc. Fort tjeet. The attention of those having capital to invest is t-ine. connoted uu called to the fact, that no city lZt in tne unuea laiesor proo ably no city in the world offers better opportunities to make profitable or fortunate investments in Real Estate than docs the city of San Francisco at the present clm s spi:i:cki:i-s. vm. t;. mwix. UT'W, m,nv mwnc M CLAUS SPRBCKBLS & CO., Children's Photos -Are the hardest of all to make well until you become accustomed to the task. Mothers tell us we are at our best when making photos of the little ones. Our quaint, unique poses faith ful likenesses and dainty style of fin ishing photos find favor in every mother's eyes. Preserve baby's pretty face in one of Williams' photos. J.J. WILLIAMS, IK i no. Fort Street- There are some people who cannot be convinced that white is white and black is black, because they are deter mined to have their own way about it. Very good. Such people go through life missing the great truths and the greatest happiness as well as comfort. There are others again who are con vinceable. It is to the men of this class that we like to talk about the merits of our clothing. They are better than nine-tenths of the made-to-measure clothes turned out in this city and. the equal of the other tenth. Alfred Benjamin & Cos clothes cost about half the price of made to order clothes and have every desirable at tribute of the very best made to meas ure garments, besides embodying many unmatchable features strictly their own. That is why we say investigate the merits of the clothes bearing this label before going to a tailor. You risk nothing and stand to win a lot. C. BREWER &COL'D. Queen Street : : Honolulu, H. I. AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono mea Sugar Company, Honomu Sugar Company, Wailuku Sugar Company, American Sugar Co., Makee Sugar Company, Ookala Sugar Plantation Company. Haleakala Ranch Com pany, Kapapala Ranch, Molokai Ranch. Planters' Line, San Francisco Packets, Charles Brewer & Co.'s Line of Bos ton Packets. Agents Boston Board of Underwrit- ers. Agents for Philadelphia Board of Un derwriters. Standard Oil Co. LIST OF OFFICERS. r M. Cooke. President; George H. T?nhPrtson. Manager: E. F. Bishop, Treasurer and Secretary; Col. W. F. llen, Auditor; P. C. Jones, H. Water iouse, G. R. Carter, Directors. 9 Hotel Street : : Waverley Block WE MAKE SHIRTS TO ORDEfc Telephone No. 676. No. 9-ll, Hotel St Jas. H. Love, Stock Broker FORT ST., Next Biart's Jewelry Store. FOR SALE. ci.AUs siki:cki:i.s. hivt. bites. s.r-s. vhll'.daln. . . ft S I otc. it ror:vuy aim 'ry ;- fvctivr. Very frtqtKntly twn or thre l- h.iv in i d a ronip'i-to run of chmni.- cast's mat liuvf? not yieitM io ihikt ronudb'S for yiir. I).ianV Ointment is dd by all chmlst. and siorrJiriwn at nt. ptr box (six lfrs t2'.t r will nulled on rn-olpt f prl" by th I !! list it Drus; Co.. .Kn:s for mo ian Islanils. be ftiven why San Francisco realty will advance in value from now on. I offer my experience and knowledge cf values to in tending buyers of business properties or residence sites. I can submit some very de sirable purchases of Real Estate that will vlcld a fine Bankers, HONOLULU - XL L SAN rU.NC!.CO ACK.VTS TIIK Ni:VAIA NATIONAL HANK OK SAN ritANClSCO. hi: is Tim:t or it. Captain Dyer Indulge Talk. in S;roas lias Bownht Sonic Mud and Coi c Into a New Husincss. "How's your electrical plant pcttlnp along?" was asked yesterday or oip oi the engineers engaged in establishing the works with which Clans Spreckcls s going to get even on Joseph Crockett for telling him to go to the devil. "The works arc all right, but Mr. Spreckels has hail to branch out Into . - 1 f - t . -...I... , a new ousincss naiu. in i sor nti :i terra cotta nlant across the bay." "What is that for?" "Oh. when Gladding. Mi-Bean & Co. and the other terra cotta mon round that Mr. Spreckels would require some miles of terra cotta conduits for his electric wires they put the price up on him. He didn't like that and said so; but they were toppy and thought they had him. Ho figured on getting the stuff from the East, but that wouldn't do. So he said to those terra cotta fel lows: '"Very well; keep your terra cotta. You can make it; so can I. I'll buy some mud and go into the business myself.' And that's just what lie has arranged to !o." San Francisco Ex aminer. BOSTON. July 11. In a recent in terview Captain N. Miyo Oyer, who commanded thi Baltimore a: Manila bay. deprecated ih work of the antl IniperlallMs and Ervinc Window, secretary of the Anti-tmpcrUlUtir League, wrote him an insult ins letter. He charged that the Army and Nivy were inculcating a martial spirit that thrr-.Hened civil llbr'.V. Hre I lyers reply: "Vlnsiv ought to b. dn.uir.ced a a traitor it nis couniry ir niiiu; such a letter. Any one who u'.ll ddl- bcra:ely opH)se and try to prevent the work of the army and navy of hU country Is as low In ray estimation a thouuh ! were to dclilwrately t.ik up arms agalnsi his country, and jihubl b taken In hand at o:ne. "The American jo!dl rs ar endnr ing etuumh peri's and hardship In th. I'lillippines wit!.. ml bring d-eri-d and ilenoun-ed by a f-w lUis'.on erank who have taken It 1:.M thlr 4 ie Al::.lnis:ration Is carrying o:i the ampain fr th fun : the thinz. Senator .Maseti ay iw i icing carried on without th" Mticiioa ;f Congress. What dos this gatl- man tlilnk tiur Nation would l if we were attacked by a Kurop-an power? Does he think ih lrelilrnt wo-iM wait till Congress hid assembled" I am tired of this rot abotit Imperial ism." imu ot AO 16 1-3S ACRES COFFEE LAND AT HONOKAA. 8 acres in full bearing, 5 acres planted with trees from 1 to 2 years old. Over 200 Alligator Pear trees, with other fruits, oranges and peaches, and about 500 Banana trees. This land is all fenced and there Is also a 20x20 building, containing a cof fee pulping machine, etc., on property. A bargain. 5272 Address X. L., this office. Th c Sugar Fleet. RUPTURE. Address, USE NO MKE IRON HOOPS OK STEEL 81'INGS KuptDre re timed with ease and comfort and THOUSANDS rapidlv CURED by DR. FIEItrsR'S GREAT AME- RIO AN INVENTION If rnrtnred send at ouce for Pamphlet No. 1. Magnetic Elastic Truss Co., 620 Market St S4n Francisco For Sale: KIHEI. McBRYDE SUGAR CO. NAHIKU. OOKALA. KAHUKU. Eooert Lowers. F. J. LowTey. C. M. Cooke LEVERS & COOKE. Importers ana Dealers in Lumber and Building Materials. Office, 414 Fort St. GUIDE THROUGH HAWAII. PRICE, 60c. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. FOR SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERS. - AT THE GAZETTE OFFICE. The arrival of the sugar fleet from the Hawaiian Islands, most of which is now long overdue. Is being awaited with considerable anxiety. The I.ur- line came in Sunday, twenty-six day out of Kahului. with bags ox sugar. She was dacked at Oakland yesterday. Her captain reported that his delay was caused by the lightest winds that he ever met on the run He went 4."0 miles to the north of this port to take advantage of the north westerly winds. The following sugar laden vessels are now overdue: I rom Hllo. the bark Santiago. ?,l days out; the barkentine Archer. 2 days. From Honolulu, the barks Mohegan. 30 days: Rendixsen, 27 days: Irmgard. 21 days Robert Sudden. 19 days: Himalaya. 1 days: the barkentine Planter. 19 days the ships Standard, 26 days: 24 days: the schooner Aloha. 21 days: the brig W. G. Irwin, 2u days. From Kahului, the schooner William Row den. 21 days, and the barkentine Wrestler, 17 days. S. F. Chronicle July 12. days: i Aryan. 'I i ui.wv i:ciiangi: ON SAN ritANVISCO-TL NVva4a tbmal lUnk of San lYanciKon. IJCIXIHIN Tb- Tclon !Uok of Lon don. tl.M t Ni:W YORK Atarriraa Kicbacirc Na tional lUnk. income and steadily advance iw mk-cru i.ycntiaiV in vnhie Ihkulin ndnrr iiank. nformS!l'Jn Cheerfully glV- WatUn and SaaccfcH lUaUax en. rarties cominc iromine -nrauon. Islands who desire to Ti&rZJZxSx are requested to call. I will victoria ami vANeouvi:ii-nak be happy to correspond with any who may wish to obtain 0 GuEUll BHD 8 ElSlTff information in regard to San iv-roiu iirrUM- ioaa tnao a r. I r l r- .ii'i'iuiKi tTuiiii, luwiji s4 mm rrauciscu itrai ciuic. Trarrlcr' Cmliu Imi. Full charge taken of prop- hurhanc- iioucbt and som orttr onH tnvc nilH fnr nh- IcOU.ITIONS 1-ltOall- sent owner. BISHOP & CO. SAVINGS BAN EC On cwtobrr Ui, IWt. and rxntiauins linl II I1!f 1hf rl irf C I . rm Mill mrlrI and lnttTrt ailowc4 by thU Ilank at futir and coc-balf per " crat t r anaura. Tbc Irttaa. rnlM and rr:iiUt!un of lh Itaallan Postal Savlnc llank t!ll X adoptrl am tar an It l practicable lo apply tb"ia aad th Cah IlrM-rrr of lwd at rrqulml under th poMal Art taill lx? xaala- lalnrxL !rintr copir- t-f the Itulr and Urs ula! ion may 1 Malnc-J on applica tion. BISHOP fit CO. llono:ulu. :-mlr 7. TTT . J. GOHH, 110 Moa'.gosacrr St Saa Cailforala, Fraaclico, THE CLUB STABLES (Umltol.) C B ELLIN A. Manager. Fcrt SL, car EsiU. Tt!::8 471. Appeal l'apcrs File J. Appeal pajHTs in ri..H rntllbd II. II. Parker vs. Palea. II. H. Parker v.. II. K. Hull. John IWI v.. Pa'.ra. I Pahla vs. Palea. Wllliini Henry v. Palea and Molko Akawa vs. J. K. Pa- h-ivo bon f.rit nn from llm Ili)- rict Court of Koolaupuko fr entry on t!ie calendar of th coming term of the Circuit Court. Th Rritbh lloii. of Iird. Iiaj passed the bill requiring htpkjHrs in furnl.-h sats for thlr Calumet Does Not Belonjr to i Baking Powder Trust, but Con aumersaro Rapidly Learning to Place Their Trut in Calumet. nr n nnriRli?Bakinft MLvJlU Powder livery. Mm c'l Soles Stt. UOMIT SllltVICi:. STYLISH TfllN OCTS. SAFi; DHIVIIItS, Wi nr c-jtiMxIally cnulppcd to cater o your trafl Fair dealing and good cvi I what c depend on to ret It. Ir. Hon at I al aya In attendance at tho Stable. Club Stables Hack Stand Corner Fnion and Hotrl Strrr HVA MX Tower.) CtCB STABLES HICK STAID ASSEX ti:li:piioni: ttt. (Corner Kinj; and IVthH Street.) caui:ffl and wi:li. inioumi:d DItlVIIItS. FIUST CISA CAUItlAOILS. HACKS AT AM IIOUIUv. Onlm for Surrcyj. Wasoncttr-n, Slnclc or Double Team al a moment notice. HACKS No. 15. CZ. To. 77. 57. IZZ and ISO. C. BELL1NA, MRr. Tel. 313. Stable TeU 177. ist.m:lishi:i in im. BISHOP & CO. Ban kers- TltANSACT A fHINKIlAI. I1ANKINO ANI HXCHANCi: lltSINI3a. Commercial anH TrarrWa Ix1tTB cf Credit Imu'tJ. available la all the Principal dtle tf the World. H I fffl 108 KING STREET. : Manager. G. J. Waller NONE SO GOOD. On an Assigned Claim. Deputy Marshal Chillingworth has made return of service of summons on T. B. Murray in an action brought by J. A. Macroon on a claim of Holt Brothers Company, a foreign corpora tion, assigned to him amounting to $Jl'M.17 and Interest from January 1. 1S00. It has been decided that army trans ports going to Manila shall be armed with six-pounder repeating rifles to guard against possible surprise in Philippine waters. Wholesale and Retail M KEA VIEW 111. AND NAVY CONTRACTORS is now opi:n to Tin: priu.ic. Carriages and saddlchon s will meet the arrival ar.d departure of every Ki nau at Kawaihae; aUo for any othr point. SHERIFF ANIm:WS OF HAWAII says: "The only way of reaching the pteent lava flow by wagon road I via Waimea carriace.; can co within two miles of the How. For particulars apply to H. AKONA. Proprietor. Waimea. Hawaii. Oroheum Cafe AaoTB OfcrncrM TasT.c Fair t. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Meals Served at All I lour. It EG UL Alt DISXKIt. From 12 Till 2 o'clock. FAMILY DINING KOOM IN CONNKC- TION. tablfs mi:iivi:n fou idii. WHITi: IXlJOIt-IIXCLUSIVCLY. C. T. COW, ManaRor, 25c 25G INTKUIvT allowed aiter July lt. on firi depoUU: 3 tnoataa 3 per cent; C month 2 jercent; 12 taontcji per ccat. EE YOKOHAQA SPECIE BAIIK MM1TKD. aid l Capital Yea 12.000.000 Itrjcnc Fund Yea lZMHQ i n:ii offici:: Yokohama. DILNCHI1S AND ACIINCinS: K'!. Ixindon. I.yon. New York- San VrxnriMit. Shanshai. Uoa lay. Hone Koac. Tokyo. INTKItllST AI.IIWKD: On FH'-I IM:t f.r 12 month p. c p. a. On Fi! I ;.!. 5t f4.r C taoi;:!, Z p. c p. a. On Fi-! Iw;-f':t fr 2 n; T.thi 2 p. c p. a. ::.ti:iu:st ai.ijtiwkii ixy tidj lli:.D DFFlCi: AT YOKOHAMA. On Currttt IjfJt I ir cent. p. a. I ix-l lKp.Jt for 12 month. 0 p. c p. a. f I- Hank livyr and rec-ive for col lti'n lull of i:chanr-. lracs Draft ar.d lxit;a of Credit on tho ,-!ie Ilranejj'-ik and .ct,f and trarart a banking b nines. JUST ARRIVED New Importation of SILK GOODS. In th piece. SILK HANDKF.ItCHIF.FS. SILK SHAWI. DKCOItATFD FIjOWFU IOTS. NKW IOKCi:UIN GUI'S AND SAUCERS. TUA AND DINNKIl SI7TS. GAUVKD IVORY. RATTAN CHAIRS. CAR VCD SANDALWOOD IIOXIS. THKSi: GOODS ARK Till! HANDiOM- IST IN ALL HONOLULU. WING WO CHAN & CO. 210-212 Nuuanu Street. Anry Yokohama S;ri ltV: New Republic IlJd.. : llonoliln. II. L JUHE1 ISHIZUKA AGKNCY OF KEI HIN BANK, LTD. Vineyard Street. Transact Geceral DanVinc aad Ex change Ilufl&ea.a. iZUO OFFICE TOETO, JiPAIL Draw exchacre oa FIILST NATIONAL It A NIC. YOKOHAMA. M. W. F.lcCHESNEY & SOUS. 7t:!esi3 Groan tzi balm Is InVts ill Areata Honolulu Soap Works Com pany, Honolulu, aad Tannery.