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50 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL A DVKRTISKK: HONOLULU, ,1CLY Jl. 19D iMMMM MMI i fa MMI m M I " P' ?0S FACILITIES FOR PLACING MARBLE AND GRANITE Monuments At reasonable prices, are unexcelled, l3 Two THE TWO STAPLES Jas. f. morgan Market Reports on Sugar and CofTee. Tfrrup us a canl and our representa rlvp tUI call on you. THr. HAWAIIAN IRON FENCE AHD MONUMENTAL CO. 2 O. lox. G27. Ttepfcone 502. ;41 King Street. I inerva inllo The new effervescent aperient for the Liver, Blood and Stomach. invaluable for persons of sedentary habits. Sold Everywhere. ooo Minerva Mirillo One for the tabl'j, the other fo: tn yard both lor you. ri Fine quality of BLOWN jj TUMHLERy, "engraved in.'; designs. Your choice at T-" cents pf-r You know tlie regular price. Rattan Yard Broom?. 2o cr!ntrf each; regular price, G Cents Tnese are b! fir fit ly damage! hy s-alt water. $75.00. Complete outfits in Crock- lery, Glass, Cntldy, Plated War land Kitehan Utensils, including 1 Stove and Refigrator for' . No Advanc Antlcp itcl In Rw SuKars-Ha wail an Coff-s Hold ! Thi ir Own and Ar hlrm. 875.00. en on appli- 1b a mild and pleasant, but exceeding-; Estimates and lists r;iv Sy e!utive aperient, keeping the blood ; ration. 'SSiiivinA SS i cleanns he When you are in our store always eoznnvejtion. removinrr e-onrv mat pr : , . , . . J -wT ' r;, 7r i1"" im bargain lames on ine see- oia .he system, and generally ward Jng disease. Made from, and con end floor (take elevator). You ar.e sure to see something vou the valuable properties of, ! " V the wii, iron. 1'rized by travelers, sea- 1 t&rnig; men, and residents in hot cli-l varies. A sure preventive of diarrhoea, ! a delightful invigorator of the roauiJirrtion. When used simply as an effervescing beverage, It has most sal utary T3Ults. Valuable for all persons aedentary habits, removing de ession and head affections, and gen erally, bracing up the nervous system. fionsalves & Go. 3b3 .Agents for Hawaiian Islands for 4b Minerva Preparations. SHAVER LUNCH ROOMS. Tcrt Street, Opp. Wilder & Co. H. J. NOLTE, Prop. 1.1 II LIMITED. F?rt-Class Lunches Served '.TUTitb Tu, Coffee, Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Milk. Open from 3 a. m. to 10 p. m. 5:no'kers, Requisites a Specialty. SO LiS AG-JEN TS "JEWEL" STOVES for coal or wood. "GURNEY" CLEANABLE REFRIG ERATORS. NEW WICKLESS BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES. GERM PROOF FILTERS. "PRIMUS" OIL STOVES. Willett & Gray's late.-t t on;r:ning the New York sugar market is to the effect that in the second week of July then were buyers for centrifugals at 42 cents and for muscorados at 1. but few sellers, one cargo only having been placed since the holiday at last quo tations. Some holders are Inclined to try for 1-1; cent advance, but as the independents do not seem to want fur ther supplies at the moment, it is doubtful if any advance can ho estab lished, particularly as Europe, after a temporary firmness ami advance, is again showing considerable weakness and decline. A reciprocity treaty has been con cluded in Washington bv the renre- sentatives of the United States and Great Britain covering the trade with Jamaica, and now awaits ratification by the United States Senate and, the Jamaican authorities. The term? of the treaty are withheld, as usual, un til it is acted upon in the Senate. The exports of sugar from the Ha waiian Islands to all port San Fran cisco. New York, etc.) from January 1 to March 01. 1SC1, were 7:i..."2 tons (2(2 ! lbs.) against tons for The same period last year. Otis, McAllister & Co. report the re ceipts of coffee at San Francisco for the week ending July 12 at 1U!H bags, of which :M2 were Hawaiian. Prices of the latter do not show any material de cline during the past month, chietly for the reason that stocks are small and firmly held; something strictly fancy will still bring high figures, but such coffees are very , scarce. We believe that considerable concessions would have to be made on the asklnir nrices of medium grades in order to effect sales of any consequence. Sales have have been made of 1.1 bags Pea berry good to fancy washed, at ISMc; V.VJ bags good current nualitv. at lSUr: 573 bags prime, at 14$? irU; 1!) bags fancy, at HI 17c; US bags fancy extra i ..... . uoio wasneu, at lse: 10 bags Triage, at 57e. To-day's stocks in first bands amounts to 9G3 bags. The world's visible supplv: June 1. 1S99, fi.2;i,302 bags: against Mav 1. 1S91). ;,341,194 bags; against June 1. 1S98. "..475,022 bags. Iiiif I mMW Din 3 DIM AILUY'S IKE ITS. P. 0. BOX 44. TEL. 398. Proof Tire. IS RSSILIEST AS ANY T1RS MADE Pau : Puncture : PiliKia ii i Hi tniv. SOLE AGENTS. "AFTER MANY DAYS" the Milwaukee Puncture Proof Tires have ar rixed on the "Port Albert," from Seattle, having laid there since May 10th. ' Repairs that are repairs at the old reli ible 231 KING STREET, where ths latest is on tap. Special Machinery. J. J. McCate Double Spindle Lathe Heaviest Lathe Work. Two Lathes in One. Dnect Acting Electric Motor When Desired. jj, IX PIIILIPPINK WATEllS. WASHINGTON. July 13. The Navy Department has obtained by telegraph from Manila a complete list of Spanish vessels purchased by General Otis from the Spanish government and turned over to the Navy. With the addition of these vessels, all of which draw lit tle water, Rear Admiral Watson will have a sufficient number of light-draft craft to police the Philippine archipela go and to operate against the insurg ents in numerous lagoons and rivers of the Island of Luzon. According to a telegraphic report received at the Navy Department the vessels pur chased are thirteen in number, twelve gunboats and one torpedo boat. The gunboats are the Calamianes. Marive les. Bulusan. Pa m pa ga. Samar. Albay. Manileno. Panay. Vasco. Urdaneta and Guardoqi. The torpedo boat is the Bar celo. In addition to these the fleet in the Philippines has been increased by the purchase or capture of the tugs Rapi do, Sureste and Petrelita. the steam launch Iona and the steam barge On dina. Nine vessels are now in service able condition which were captured by Dewey. The tleet in the Philippines is sufficiently large for all present pur poses. The best of the thirteen vessels purchased are sister ships, the Bulusan. Pampamga. Paragua and Samar. They are steel gunboats of eight feet draft, built in 1SS:. Each is 111 feet. 1.1.1 tons displacement, and is credited with a speed of ten knots. The armament of each consists of one 3..1-inch Hontoria breech-loading rifle, one 2.7-inch Hon toria breech-loader and two machine guns. The Spanish names of the mos quito fleet will not be changed. BITS OF HUMOR AND STERLING FACTS. USE BY-O..R. & L. CO. ORDERED Y-6AHU. SUGAR CO., WAIALUA AGRICUL TURAL SUGAR CO., HONOLULU SUGAR CO. KIHEI SUGAR 00. OTHER SPECIALTIES: Gray Planers, Barnes & McCate Drill Presses, Combined Upright and Radial Drills. Shapers, Universal Milling Machines, Combined Bolt and Pipe Cutters. Henry D. Roberts, Agent, r Pacific 'Hardware Co. Ltd. Machinery Department. 33 Queen Street. P. O. i;ox 594. Telephone 72. T.u:; DAY. IIOBSEIIilLifraW At Auction. A. u. MURPHY & CO. "THE coooc A. E. MURPHY b CO. Progress m On Friday. July 2ht, 1899. AT Im O'CLOCK A. M. A! the r id- !i e of . l. M.m:i.ui. Lmma str t. opposite Ilmm.i Sj i.rre. 1 will sell at PCP.LIC ACCTION: O.ik Side Bond. Oak Dining r.i !!.. Crockery and Glasware. Cuibty. 1 Kitchen Stove. 1 Gasoline Stoe. 1 !u Box. 1 Refrigerator. Meat Safes. B.Uh Tub. Kitchen Tables, l Combin.ition Table. 1 Wheeler Ar Wilson Sewing Mn bine. Ferns and Palms. Bedroom Sets. J AS. F. MORGAN, Auctr. Auction Sale OK Im ported Cows ON" SATntDAY.' m:i T2. AT 11 O'CLOCK NOON. I will :ell by Public Auction, in the yard of the Poett Ktale. on IJucn street. M seb'ct Cows just imported. of the followitii; Staedard broeds: DFRHAMS. part ji:rsi:ys. And HOLSTLINS. JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctr, Auction Sale OF Old Buildings. On Saturday, July 22. '99, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. ON the Premises. Fort Street. I will Sell at PFBLIC ACCTION thi: largi: bi ilihng Formerly ntcupietl by II. May Co.. between the stores of .1. .1. I!;:a!i and Z. W. Jordan. Also the Iar;e t-het! ad joining. Buitdinus to be removed within T.0 ilnys from day of sale. Buildings hold from roof to ground. Terms Cash. C. S. Gobi Coin. Buildings o-n for iiri'eetIon : d.iy Friilay. July Jlst. r: Shoe House 'A. L MURPHY & CO 205 Hotj St., Ar!inr;ton Block. V3 3 Men's, Woman's and Children's i i FINE FOOTWEAR. -A. . MURPHY & CO. A. . MURPHY & CO. l Wi; A. v J J JUj JAS. F. MORGAMf Auctr. Auction Sale HOUSES AND MULES ! ooo ON SATl'UDAY. JULY '12. AT 12 O'CLOCK. NOON. At tin yard of the Dowsctt estate. Queen street. I will sell at public lUC- tion HORSES AND MART'S. MARKS WITH MFLi: COLTS FROM 1MPORTKO JACK. IMPOUTi:i) JACK. mfli:s broki:n to saddli:. JAS. F. MORGAN. Auctioneer. VALUABLE LAND IN MANOA For Sale. Handsoinnie Teanra oiT BL00P BAY GELDiMGS, n t AND SIX YEARS OLD, Well broken. -iMitlo. stylish, well matoil ami jrool mail- ooo onolulu Mock Yards Co. W. S. WITHERS, Manager. COKXEK ALAKKA AND QUKKN STKKIiTS. Nice Roomy p mnw ETOIS Sanopy eo nrreys ANI "Is Mrs. Barkis on your calling-list. Mrs. Montmorency?" "Yes: but not on my visiting-list. We call the tele phone book our calling-list now." The Sterling wheels are in the lead! Horses for racing purposes, or most any other, are in comparison to the Sterling. One of these handsome, up-to-date wheels is "a thing of beauty and a joy forever." The joys of an open-air existence and a spin on one of the built-like-a-watch wheels is a pleasure worthy of a king. "With all my worldly goods I thee endow" He stopped short his strong brain seemed to reel "At least with, all of them" he stam mered now my brand new Stirling Chainless wheel." Fditor "Did you write these jokes yourself?" Manager P. C. & M. Co. "Yes. sir." IMitor "You must be old er than you look." Don't ride a wheel unless it's a good one. Don't pay more than a wheel is worth. Don't take chances on an un known make. Go to the Pacific Cyile and Mfg. Co., on Fort street, and buy a Sterling bicycyle that has a reputation. The undersigned offers for salo the fine Residence Property of A. A. MON TANA la Manoa Valley, opposite the residence of H. 11. Cooper. IZ&q. The Tract comprises 11 acre?, faces on the main road nnd is nn elegant piece of land for residence sites. There is a large cistern on the land. The Tract will be for sale for two weeks only; intending purchasers must apply before that time. Except Further particulars in regard to terms, etc.. of JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctioneer. 33 Queen Street. FINS RESIDENCE PROPERTY For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale the residence of Mr. E. IL Hendry on KI nau street, near Pensacola street. The lot has a frontage ot 100 feet on Kinau street and Is 2X feet deep. A roomy Dwelling House Is on the place, and the grounds are as fine as mv In the city. Will sell also r. corner lot adjoining the above. Lot Is 100 feet on Kinau street and -A0 feet on Pen?arna street. An elegant lot. For terns and prices rpply to Jas. F. Morgan, S3 QUEEN STREET. Road Wagons Top A Iirti:tilarlv attractive line arrival iv tin tralia ami liv the liark V. II. Diiiioml." CALL AND INSPECT. S. "Aiis- roitr si HAND-MADE Of EVERY DESCKIPIIOX. Hor-e Clothing anl ISoot. Ki'linir Sallle anl ISi'MIe. Carriage Kobe anl Iliisier. Whips Sponge. Harness OiKaipl Soap, Kni-he-. Curry t.'oinh- anl Scraper-. KamlaL'es Salve anl Cnnlitiu Kowtlcrs, IIalteiaml Tie Kop. Kits. Spurs. Stirrup, Oirths Et. o Most complete line of all I.orfe go!s at reafor.Ablc r' IsLind orders prom;tly .m l s .itlf jrinrily fillet). C. R COLLINS r. O. C(X S07. ESTABLISHED 1S91. KIFG SL, nil! HUOMU S7. i 9 i