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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Newspaper Page Text
THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU. JULY :!!, JW. LOCAL BREVITIES. Mrs. Annis Mi)iiti"iic I iirncr Sin fur the ailurs Orpheum tonight. Sugar Hif-ady at -P Beautiful ribbon.-, at Mrs. Manna's. J The hall of the Seaman's Cl:, v. a.-: Sorghum ami alfalfa see! at Salter's tow1m1 to its utmost ea:jitv lat i I night, the occasion being a concert, of Magic ami Mystery" j whi(.n tnc. following was the jograrn: Piano Solo Mr. T. Norton l til 11 I . til- ,, ,, .. , ,1. 1 . 1. 11 . Krocerv. See Troibert in at the Orpheum. V. T). (llailV A I iH:li-V!inll 'I'm. tor, has a card in this issue. " ; Sol(--Rocked in the Cradle of th. ... v. in (v. i.u. nat uvcinv -eignt ; Rad inir Repair shops would go brokf Cleveland bicycles only were used. Miss Annie Holt returns by the Mo ana to California to resume her stu dies. "Some Now Books" are mentioned in the advertisement of the Golden Rule Bazaar. A most pleasant time is expected at tonight's dance given bv the Healani Boat Club. The first battalion, N. TI. II., had an interesting drill last night with all companies full. The Japanese midshipmen of the Hi yei were out for a march and parade yesterday- morning. Manager Hedemann of the Honolulu Iron Works, has returned -from the Coast with his wife. S. B. Rose is about again after hav ing been confined to his home for sev eral days by illness. The Church Defense and extension Association held its regular monthly meeting last evening. Hawaiian Lodge No. 21 hold a spe eial meeting, with work in third de gree, this evening ?.t 7:30. Vrchie Smithies has resigned hVs position in the Interior Department to take a position down town. The subject of tanks is of more than ordinary interest just now. See what K. O. Hall & Son say on it. The regular quarterly meeting of the Pacific Hardware Co. will be held on Friday, 28th inst., at 10 a. m. A fine crayon portrait of the late Rob ert (Irieve is on exhibition at the Hol lister Drug Company's store. Mrs. J. H. Fisher and daughter, Miss Irene, have returned from a three months' visit to the Mainland. We call particular attention to the new advertisement of the L,e Munyon Photo-Supply Co. in this issue. The biggest crowd of the season is expected at tomorrow's baseball game between the Stars and the Kams. A dividend is declared and will be payable to stockholders of the Mutual Telephone Co. on and after 2th inst. Troibert, now playing at the Orphe um, is one of the cleverest sleight-of-hand performers yet seen in Honolulu. Mix . water and whiskey and you spoil two good things except it be C. D. C, the high-ball kind made to be mixed. A choice lot of young Leghorn chick ens are offered for sale at the store of J. R. Mills, Merchant and Alakea streets. M. R. Counter has largely augment ed his stock of optician's goods, and is prepared to supply any demand in that line. The Hawaiian Dry Goods Associa tion offers some exceptional bargains for this week only, in organdies, ging hams, etc. The new 5-cent stamps have arrived and were placed on sale yesterday aft ernoon. They are blue instead of red. as formerly 1 1 ib:?-; Miss Zimmerman ! Violin Solo Miss Kinn-y if : Recitation Mr. A. 1-2. Murnhy I Solo "The Song that Reach- 1 My Heart". .Mrs. Annis Montague Turner Piano Solo "Battle of Manila" So hearty was the applause that greeted each number that nf-arly all were repeated several times. Mrs. Twi ner's beautiful rendition of the pathet ic ballad brought tears to the y .!' many present. After the concert Mrs. W. L. Hov.t.;- 1, uu uas iiau indite il iu-f -.i i , was presented by the club v.irh a carved picture frame, the handiwork- of the steward of one of the v-'-N in port. Since its organization the vbrj hit", been the means of finding employment for about 300 men. besides f irnishing a place of resort for many wiio would otherwise spend their tirm ably. DRV QGOD 13. We have bought at a large dis-ount the entire stock of TRIMMED AND UNTUIMMED Millinery, FLOWERS and FEATHERS Recently imported by Mhs Pauline Dinan, of San Francisco, and i-huU of fer same on Wednesday And Follow ing Days AT ABOUT 50c ON THE DOLLAR, 1. 1 sin on en i. LIMITED. THE PEOPLE'S PROVIDERS. GOLDEN RULE BAZZAR'S New Book Bulletin! (c3 trong Garfield . '. - W i I V ERViCEABLE 1 A J I hVnH HOES. 'i r, A COMiM.KT 11 LINK OF TliK AliUVK IN Black and Tan and Patent Leather Gentlen ( n, Ic k to ymr wel'Mc m l XMINK n:r tnclc. o MANUFACTURERS' SHOE CO. q-7 Tho E Th eo. H . D A V I ES & Co LIM4TLL- Merchants and Commission Agents, Blv ;o c.'.ll x r.ttcr.lior. ot to their complete line of tl.iv.t-- ' flfflW My : I PAIN in mm Hi t . . ! ji AND OILS. p TTmv 1 UllUil u 44t mm m THE Everybotly ii interested in PHOTOGRAPHY. -O9O- Kodaks. All kindp, prices and slit. We m11 them and teach you how to use them. Films. Fresh supply always on hand Papers. A larce assortment in stock. S0LI0, AKIST0 PLATIN0, DKOMIDE, . VELOX. VELOX We hf ve in six kindp. Suitable for all kinds of neative. Word was received by the Coptic j BOOKS : AND : STATIONARY that the Gaelic had not been quaran tined and would be along on time. She is due tomorrow. Sir. Robert F. Lange has chaise of the affairs of the Belgian Consulate as acting Consul during the temporary absence of Consul H. Focke. Ex-Senator H. W. Schmidt, Consul'at this port for Sweden and Norway, re turned from San Francisco on the Cop tic, accompanied by his daughter. The old building formerly occupied by II. May & Co., on Fort street, is to be sold by J. F. Morgan at auc tion on Saturday, the 22d, at noon. V. G. Cooper, who is to be cashier of the First American Bank, arrived on the Coptic with nis wife. They are at the Hawaiian. Inspector W. F. Storey of the cus toms department retires tomorrow to take a position with Davies & Co. H. Kruger wilt fill the position made va cant. At 10 a. m. today James F. Morgan will sell at public auction the entire household furniture at the residence at K. E. Mossman. opposite Emma Square. Prof. J. W. YarDdley and Miss Cor delia Clymer were married at Kameha meha Girls' School yesterday morning. They will spend their honeymoon on Tantalus. Frank Keating, who holds the Cali fornia record as the champion horse shoer of that State, arrived . by the Bryant yesterday in charge of some stork for Charles Bellina. M. .1. Souza, whose store in Magoon ville was raided by Deputy Marshal Chillingworth a few days ago. was lined $100 by Judge Wilcox yesterday for selling liquor without a license. Elsie Adair, the soubrette and ser pentine dancer, who is well known in Honolulu, arrived by the Coptic, yes terday. Inducements have been of fered her to appear in this city at the Orpheum. The Agricultural Bureau has re reived from Prof. Koebele a box of par asites to destroy the white cabbage butterfly. The Professor is expected here on his way to the Fijis by the next steamer. Gear, Lansing & Co.. general agents of The Germania Life Insurance Co. of New York, present today on page 12 one of the many reasons why you should insure in the said company. The figures speak for themselves. Tickets for the Healani dance to night may be obtained from the com mittee F. B. Damon, C. B. Gray add G. H. Gere, or at the door. Tho.e wishing the 'bus to call for them will please communicate with Dr. A. C. Wall during the day. 310 FORT STREK "The Development of 72 n ; 1 ; M Thought," bv Simon N "i, Ph.D. "Swallow," by H. Rider Har-!. "The Wizard," by H. Rider "The Fowler." by Beatrice Harrm!..!i. "The Rough Riders." by Th-odrro Roosevelt. "Tho Trail of the Gold Sr--.-V 4 v Hamlin Garland. "The Downfall of the De:-v.V': ., ' ; E. X. Bennett. "Waldtraut," by M. Rudig-r: ted by C. LeDue. Crook. l-h.Z "The Minor Tactics of Che-." y K. Young and E. C. How. "The Major Tactics of C!i ." : y - K. Young. "Outsiders." by Robert W. C-:s. "Dross." by Henry Seton .'.h ry.r.i?. i. "With Kitchener to Kliar'.'.r." . W. Steevens. "Prisoners of Hope," by M?-. ston. 1 he upen uuestion. n" .r ' m Robins. THL NEW ENGLAND BAKERY and CANDY CO -oo- Manufacture a full line ci Bivud. American and German. S..:: a. cd mit kumel. milk brod and witli mohnsamen, Frent h Srt'.it-:, Y'liole Wheat, Graham, Hot Buns. Sr.?.;'.--. J n ny Linds. 1 A 1- A. - 1-- - - t I .-iso cue inosL comiueie a:, i . c- line of CAKE in the citv. Jelly Rolls, Angel Fool. Wine. Cit ron, Walnut, Sponge and Mar '! Cake. Lady Fingers. Cup Cak-s. Anirnd. Macaroons; all kinds of ccokles. f-sh every day. WEDDING CAKES from ?3 Delicious highly frozen 2 and Sherbets, any flavor. MS. C:--'.-:a French Cream Bonbon late Cream Drops our own ra: packed in elegant boxes :: :n wards. J. OSWALT) LUTTED. !anag:r. o Wt instruct you to u.-e all the ahovo. FOR THE ASKING. il 01 MH CCH. EING & FORT STS. Dry Goods Co Fort Street. Arc showing a new line of Purses, Side Combs, Ribbons, Veilings, Belts and Belt Buckles at very low prices. XI ill. IH 1 ii vm i lux A tine assortment of Kitchen Furnishings. GRAY AGATE WARE a Specie trcot. 3 9, O O o o o o o o o o o o o On Account of Takin? Stock W air cloaiitijr our rutirt !Hk of TURKISH TOWELS 5L2 O O : o ro . fi:u ncoKr.N I.IMJ IN At Greatly Reduced Prices. g o o o o o o o o o I.iix ii T;i!N' N.ij-kiii jT !n $J.r0 rnm rly j- r ! n. Whiti Vir!ri.i l.iwn. 71 !, -fl -l.-. lTim rly l.J.". .m-l l.r.n j. r jti GLMS liNDLKWfAR. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Natural t t s t i I "n-h-r-hir: .ml )r.iuir 'm 4!i -inii rlv .1 .irh. I ti!i.i Ctaiii linliT!iir: .V ivirh (mtiu;iii ami I!iiH!j Un. aul !.iir t.irj-J im arii!i' u1- u rn. I ! o ' o ; O a - An.1 a ccmpletc I ce of Gents' Furnishings! Egan Dry Goods COMPANY. Fort : Street 0 0 0 ; o Y I I 0 0 0 0 t o 0 0 0 4 TPW and see what you need before starting for the Crater. TOU AVILL WANT A SWEATER AND LEGGIMS. We keep the Most Complete and Best Assorted Line In the city. i TENTS hotel.- are crowded le- Yi.-ad their limits. Get a tent a lid he ind-i endent of them, and make the trip to the out- l ieiilv in comfoTt, and at the same time have a p nnine utinz. A FEW MORE LEFT. Be in comfort on board the steamers and buy. A Reclining: Steamer Chair. Fire Arms and Ammunition. - o Pearson & Potter Co., Ltd. 312 FORT STREET. 3T TEL. 5f5. 0 0 0 0 V 0 0 0 0 0 JUST ARRIVED A new line of JEWELRY con sisting of Watches, Chain Bracelets, Pins, Buttons, :tc. Also very handsome EMBROIDERY Cushion Covers, DAINTY CENTER PIECES, DOYLIES, and many other SILK GOODS at re-isonable Prices. S mportora and Doo! Hotel Street Robinson Block. 7k ocooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc ft E X HUSTRHLSH: A Large Invoice of NEW AND ELEGANT CO-Ml'IMSUNi.:- Elegant Imported Millinery Dress Findings, Ribbons, Etc., at MASS IKOILLEjWS HOTEL STRELT. ARLINGTON BLOCK. The hainlrcssin and manicuring dqwirtmcnt i now under dac supcrvi5ion of Miss Dc I-aniKiic, a !irt cli artiste just from the coast. J CO TO -II EMUB AND (Sen Yomir Money's Woritlh. hi'ir i-vriy tiini it ml ttftw I ii:it - what vein t:it more. Thi- opening wnk ouIl yet.'iiif.ii than Monky's Woktii" in nil ort- of Yore i HOT WEATHER CLOTHING TON MEN AM) Gents' Furnishing Goods, Mat nntl Caps. SPITZER. iiotiil sTi:i:i:T xi:.i: roirr.