Newspaper Page Text
THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISE!: HONOLULU, JULY 2. 1500. A' l33i2ed Evevy Morning, Except Sunday, !y the '2IAT7AIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY, Von HoU IiIo( Kins Street. A. W. PEARSON. Business Manager. f- .-irrr.r::- ...,tr nrwrrT 7 . 1 TIME TABLE From and After Jan. 1. 180H. STATIONS Dally Daily Oaivrtl) tx. Kiin. Daflv ox. Sun. Daily Dully A.M. A.m. A . M P.M. P.M 7:10 8:0H 8:3 11 :05 11:10 3:15 M:47 4:C5 4:t5 5:40 6:l.i 5:10 5:fX) 6:10 Iwm City. 2w Jf HI.. Wiijra ... 9:4- 1) T'fc 11: 12:S2 J3TTJfN3. IZihsia-.. . "Vi'rjL'o.... Wniif e.. Jtva Mill. Pf 1 City.'.a.. Dal iv ei. Sun. Daily Daily A.M A M. tM 5:Sr Dally P. hi 2:5 3:55 4 ;32 4:52 C :26 6:10 7:iu 7 :4"i S:0i 8::r 5:r,) 6:15 r,:to 1:05 1 :3D 2:15 8. P. Dbnisok, Wnperl r tenden t. F. C Smith, (rn. Pis. fc Tlrt. Act ...SHIPPING lilTELUCEHCE. AIUUVKI) AT HONOLULU. Thursday, July 2. U. S. transport Conemaugh, Lieuten .an'i .K- P. Winans commanding, eight vl73 from San Francisco; horses and stores for Manila. O. & O. stmr. Coptic, r, days 1 hour from San Francisco; pass, and mdse. to U. Hackfeld & Co. If. S. A. T. City of Para, Rol)inson, 7 ilays from San Francisco. Ajxx. bk. C. D. Bryant, Colly, from ;5aa Francisco; mdse. to II. Hackfeld fc Co; Stmr. Ke Au Hon, Mosher, 19 hours fmcn Waimear 4,000 bags sugar to H. flatkfeld & Co. SAILED FROM HONOLULU. Thursday, July 20. Stmr. J. A. Cummins, Searle, Wai m&na.lo. IStmr. Waialeale, Cretan, Kilauea. Am. bktn. Addenda, Delano, San Francisco. Ger. shp. Wega, . Uommerman, Port Townsend. Am. bk. Alden Hesse, Potter, San Francisco. MOVEMENT OF STEAMERS. Steamers due and to sail today and for the next six days are as follows: ARRIVE. SteuTtifr.s From Due Cit7 of Peking Yokohama ...July 21 !Uoana Sydney July 21 Coptic San Francisco . . . Gaelic Yokohama Upolu Kohala . . dofcoh'i Molokai JLehua Molokai Kinau Hilo Mikahala Kauai Claudine Maui Alauna Loa Kona DEPART. Steamers for ..July 21 ..July 22 . .July 22 ..July 22 . .July 22 ..July 22 ..Juty 23 . .July 2a ..July 2S Sails "City of Peking San Francisco.July 21 Moana San Francisco July 21 Al&una Loa Kona Julv 21 Coptic Y'okohama July 21 Gaelic San Francisco July 22 Mokolii Molokai July 24 Ihua Molokai July 24 Kinau Hilo July 25 3audinc Maui July 25 AUkaliala Kauai July 25 Upolu Kona July 25 FOREIGN PORTS. PORT TOWNSEND Arrived July 12 Sclir. Robert R. Hind, for Honolulu; sehr. William Bowdon, from Kahului; Haw. schr. Honolulu, hence June 29. MU RE K A Sailed July 12 Schr. Ot iillie Fjord, for Honolulu. KILLISNOO Arrived June 27 Schr. Honoipu. hence 13, to sail July 4 for 'Honolulu. POINT REYES Passed July 13 at 2 p.m. bktn. Irmgard, from Honolulu for ?San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO Arrived, July 13 Bktn. Irmgard, 26 days from Hono lulu. Sailed, July 13 Stmr. City of Para, for Manila, via Honolulu; sch. Mary E. Foster, for Honolulu. SPOKEN. Per ship Aryan June 20. lat. 39 deg. I2min. N. Ion. 160 deg. 5 min. W., ship Standard, from Honolulu for San Francisco. June 26 Lat. 39 deg. 42 min. N., Ion. 6D dvg. 5 min. W., bark Mohican, from Honolulu for San Francisco. July 12 Lat. 38 deg. 58 min. .., Ion. 12-5 deg. 51 min. W., schr. Robert Lew- ost-s, from Eureka for Honolulu. LATEST FREIGHTS TERS. AND CHAR- Irmgard, Am. bktn. 614 tons Pass. mdse. to Honolulu, in Hawaiian lane, by Williams, Dimond & Co. Omega, Am. bk. 522 tons Fertiliz T3 from nitrate ports to Honolulu, by W. R. Grace & Co. Eva, Am. sch. 263 tons Goes in bal iist to Hana, H. I., sugar thence to an Francisco, by Charles Nelson. virio Am. sch. 49S tons (now at Xilakely) Lumber thence to Honolulu iy. Renton. Holmes & Co. MEMORANDA. I'cr Jrmgard June 12, 200 miles vest rr Snn Francisco passed bktn. Arcner, frnm Honolulu for San Francisco. Per stmr. Coptic, from San Francis es July 20 Left that port on Friday, liie 14th inst., at 1 p. m. She brings :x ncavy mail, passengers, and 145 tons of general merchandise lor tnis pon All are well aboard, but it will be nec essary for all passengers to report daily Gomm to the port physician for fiht days for examination, in view of the 'xis ii- of small pox in S;in Fr;;neiseo. IMPORTATIONS. From San FraiK.i.-to, p.-r bktii. Ruth., for Kih'i via Kahului, July 12 u75 bbls. Hour. 2U0 lb, sugar, K". lbs. but-i-v, . cs. hardware, 2 c:s. drugs. 21) rs. .o;fp. 2T, r-s. and 10 lbl.s. salmon, pt: pkus. machinery. T.'i cs. jiaints ami r,n, 11.", kegs nails, ctls. wheat. 11' als. haiify, i:.", sks. "middlings. t-s. . oal oil. 1 tins matches. 10'i lbs. meal, lbs. br-ad, 1 roll leather, 54. lbs. cod fish. 123 1 Iks. hums and bacon. 2 cs. honey, ."7 cs. canned goods, l.ll llis. cheese, ;;u lbs. lard. 21 coils rop". lu bales dry goods. 770 lbs. beans, J.unn lbs. salt, 1.800 sks. bran, r.o lbs. iiops. i sks. bran, ." railroad ties. S7.0' bricks. VhlSSELS IN PORT. ARMY AND NAVY. U. S. S. Iroquois, Pond. HIIo. March 13. Jap. T. S. lliyei, Nakavama, Hilo, July 10. U. S. S. Rrutus, Cottman, Apia, July 10. U. S. A. T. Conemaugh. Roberts. San ITancisco. July 20. V. S. A. T. City of Para. Robinson. San Francisco. July 20. MKRCIIANTM EN. (Tliis list does nor. include coastern.) Am. ship George Curtis, Sproule, New York, May 31. Ger. bk. II. Hackfeld, Barber, Liver pool, June 2. Am. bk. McNear, Pederson, Lavsan Island, June 12. Br. bk. Antiope, Murray, Iquique, July Br. ship Amphitrite, Anderson, Lon don, July 4. Am. bk. Ceylon, Wilier, San Francisco, July 5. Am. schr. Viking. Peterson. Albion. , Saxe. Newest !e, Peterson. San July 14. Haw. ship Euterpe. July 15. Am. senr. Transit. Francisco, July lf. Am. bkt. W. H. Dimond, San Francisco. July !;. Ger. bk. J. C. (Hade. Stege. July 1G. Nilson, London, Haw. stmr. City of Columbia. Walk er, Nlihau. July 17. Am. bkt. Klikitat. Cutler, Pt. Town send, July 18. Am. sch. Jessie Minor. Whitney, Lu re ka, July IS. Am. bk. C. D. Bryant, Colly. San Fran cisco, July 20. PASSENGERS. Arrived. From San Francisco, per stmr. Cop tic, July 14, 1899. For Honolulu Miss Annie Allen, George K. McDonald, Mrs. J. II. Fisher, Miss Irene Fisher, Dr. D. W. Rulison. II. AV. Schmidt. Miss W. Schmidt, Charles F. Tay, John C. Slater. E. Cropp, F. H. Cooper, Mrs. F. 13. Cfloper, W. G. Cooper, Mrs. W. G. Cooper, George U. Hind, U. Sparks, Al bert E. Adanis, Mrs. Albert E. Adams, C. Hedemann, Mrs. C. Hedemann, Miss Elsie Adair. Through. For Yoko hama C. H. Thorn, N. Nabishima, S. N. I to. K. Noda, Airs. H. H. Hulbert and three children, John H. Jewett, Mrs. John H. Jewett. four children, governess and maid, Mrs. N. W. Mcr vor's nurse and three children. For vobe E. N. Taillem. For Shanghai S. J j. Kennedy. For Hongkong Mrs. J. Sanger, Dr. M. W. Franklin. Charles Dahl", Mrs. Charles Dahl, J. li. Rohr- man. Mrs. J. R. Rohrman, A. S. Ellam. .ewis Detters, Mrs. Thomas Long- worth and two children. From AVaimea (Kauai) per stmr. Ke u Hon. July 20. Dr. King, Mr. Corn- stock and one deck. MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO., LTD. A DIVIDEND HAS BEEN DE- clared and will be payable at the of- ice of the company on Merchant street. on and after the 25th instant. (JODFREY BROWN, 290 Treasurer. MEETING NOTICE. THE REGULAR QUARTERLY meeting of the Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd., will be held at its office on Fri day, July 2Sth, at 10 o'clock a. m. JAS. GORDON SPENCER. Secretary. Honolulu. Julv 21. 1S99. 5290 FOR RENT. RESIDENCE AT 557 NUUANU Avenue. Inquire Criterion Saloon for particulars. o2S9 WANTED. YOUNG MAN OF GOOD CHARAC ter; must come well recommended, as delivery man. Apply at CALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET. Alakea and King streets. o2j WANTED. THREE YOUNG BOYS FOR MES- senger service. Apply to iiu.nuj.l iu MESSENGER SERVICE, corner Ala kea and King streets. 52i WANTED. YOUNG MAN OF GOOD CHARAC ter with experience in grocery trade Apply to P. O. box S07. 52 SI SITUATION WAKTED. BY BOOKKEEPER; HIGHLY EDU- cated; long experience: desires perma nent employment: scood reference. Ad dress Y, Advertiser office. r - t . FOR RENT. AFTER JUNE 20th, THE PREM ises corner Hotel and Richards streets, known as the "Gedge Cottage." at present occupied by U. S. Com. Dept. Particulars of N. E. GEDGE, 5251 Inter Island Office. FOR GUAM DIRECT. A GOOD STAUNCH SCHOONER will meet with quick dNpatch for i.bove port. For passage and other information apply to J. R. MILLS A: CO., New Market Grocery, Merchant street, near Central Telephone Office. T.2S7 HAWAIIAN LODGE "" 2h F- & A Then- win be a sp.-riul mtin f Hawaiian Lodge. No. F. .Vc A. M.. at its Hall. Masonic Temple, cormv of Hotel and Alakea streets. THIS (Friday) ' EVENING. July 21. at 7:: oVlock. WORK IN THE THIRD DEGREE. Members of Pacific Lodg Lodge i Progres and all sojourning brethren are fraternally invited to attend. By order of the W. M. K. R. G. WALLACE. Secretary. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the OAHU RAILWAY & LAND COMPANY will h. nt the Chamber of Commerce rooms in Honolulu on Monday. July 21. lS;i, at 4 o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of con sidering the sale of treasury toek. W. G. ASHLEY. Secretary. Honolulu. July P.. ls'... .vjss TO LEASE, OK FOR SALF. NEW HOUSE OF SIX LARGE rooms, with bath an patent W. C. servants' rooms, carriage house. tc. Also in rear of the above one cot tage of three rooms, with bath and patent W. C. Situated on Young street on the town side of Thomas Square. For particulars address H. Gorman. P. O. box 22(5. :.2SS FOR SALE. COMBINATION SINGLE (m"1""1"'1 - double-seated trap: omnarut ivelv new .-: rubber tires. Will sell at iva - sonable figure. Ai.,.1, .v.. ,i1ism,-.!THE0. -NS. FOR SALE. RARE OPPORTUNITY TO PI It- chase high-class furniture in lots to suit. Must hn sold before Auirust 1st. Leaving Islands account health. MRS. CHARLES CLARK. 217 Kinau street; fifth house from Ala pia. rnr otr ninnon rUn OALt A DAliuAiri. FAMILY CARRIAGE HORSE Prince Henry." a good roadster, fast but gentle; suitable for a lady to drive. Two-seated Surrey. Single Harness, Lip Itobcs, everything complete. A )argain to the right party. Elesant unriuht crand "FISHER" PIANO, stood as new. at half nrice. Annlv to FRANK E. NICHOLS, of- ice of Wall. Nichols Co.. Ltd. 527S rUn oALC. M.U.M1LKK in- I'AiUM r i ll nished six-rocmed house, with priv nvgu oi.icmuin uouse u ufsirni. .no. 100 Beretania street, between Punch - bowl and Alapai. 5275 FOR SALE. perfect condition, with chains, anch ors, etc., complete; carrying capacity about forty tons. For further partic ulars inquire at office of Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co., Queen Street. 1 FOR SALE. A FINE FAMILY IMPORTED COW. acclimated. Fresh to pail. ill sell cheap. Address CouV This Office. FOR SALE. REACH LOT AT PENINSULA. FOR particulars apply to C. J. FALK. Room 301 Judd Ruildlng. 527S FOR RENT. TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms centrally located: would suit two gentlemen. Address Z3. this of- fice. 52SS i ONE OF THE MANY REASONS WHY TO INSURE IN THE GERMANIA LIFE INSURANCE CO OF .N KW VOKK In preference to other Companies Is Its Unexcelled Financial Strength. While a few Companies exceed it in sizo mr. ly. tho Germani.i hMd a forerrost position in point of trnmh. as b.n by th- following exhibit: ASSETS TO EACH $1. OF INSURANCE IN FORCE i . . Germania Life , Manhattan Life Equitable Life J New England Mutual New "ork Life Pacific Mutual Sun Life of Canada The figures in Superintendent of year ending December P.l. 1CS GEAR. EMMET THE Favorite Route FOR THE Island Pecpl ; AND Tourists 1-1 nrT?' A Superb Train Every Day in the Year VIA THE UNION PACIFIC. .u(.lViii finoAi i i. U) Jl) ClHCAltO 5? AN KKANC A JTiiUUT i 1IANC5K. BUFFJ'.T SMOKING AND LIBRARY CARS WITH HARDER SHOP. DOUBLE DRAWING ROOM SLEEP ERS. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. ' It"LLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. DINING CARS (A LA CARTE). ONLY r.t.2 DAY. TO CHICAGO. Leaves San Urani lsco dally at C p. m. It. W. HITCHCOCK, General AgenL No. 1 Montgomery St.. San Francisco. Steamer Upolu Will leave Honolulu ai 10 o'clock a. m., touching at Honoipu. Mahukooa. Kawaiaae and Kona porta, as follows: LEAVE HONOLULU. July I August I ARRIVE HONOLULU. July . 1 t or rrclBai ana Paa"Ke w H. DAVIES & CO., LTD. 4HPVTQ CBAS. BREWliK & GC.'h New York Line. The bark 1111..!" will leave New -,2SsiYork on or about July 15:h, IS39, for I Ilnnn Mill IlUIIUiUIUi Advances made on shipment on lib- eral terms. For further par:iculars. ad- dress Messrs. CHAS. BREWER CO.. n, sireet. Pos:un. or C. BREWER & CO.. LTD.. Honolulu Afent. ... llHTirC "TO. DAQCCMPCDC nuii-u iu i u.Li.uuiu. .Mil 11.1- 1 IILKLm GIM-..N III pasM iigers i.mkiii; ny any 01 1110 Lines .of Steamers repreyrntiMl by tho under- signed airents that on ami after Aug ust 1st. lSLO. a booking feo of ten dob bus ill ! required from rach pas- , sen ger at the tim of rgitration of - ' name. This fi' will 1n refunded in - 'rase of inability to pro hh' a romm- 'uatiou on arrival 01 Me.uner. 1 iSimied) WM. G. IRWIN Ac COMPANY. Ltd.. Ry its President. W. G. Irwin. Signed I'lIKO. II. DAVIES & CO.. Ltd. .t,w.v.- wt '""o Steamship Co. (Signed) II. HACKFELD & CO.. Ltd.. E. Suhr, DInvtor. T.2S0 NOTICE. ALL PERSONS WHO ARE TEN- ants of what lias been known as th Kapiolani estate ar hereby reqnestrtl to make prompt payment of tho amounts duo by them to tho under signed at their offif on Ka.1ln1nt.1nM (street. ' D. KAWANANAKOA. -nc 1 t " f Vf WlMt I NOTICE I NEITHER THE CAPTAIN NOR I tho owners of the Rritish sdiip Amphl- ' . ! . ... t T 1 1 . r.,rl..nrtl.1n f.. ...... -Ivt..., llllt-7 I"! 1 ' JH? I li V I"4 !! 1',-MJ' Contracted by tho crew of said vosifl. C. A. ANDERSON. Honolulu. II. I.. July 15. lf9. Al.tJrt, ! - !. ' ' ... i . :-. ... . a. i h t I I. .-if ! S7o. 550.208 S25.2M.HU $J2;.! t; i;..:2J.5'i 2; .. 17,157.1.1 257.7 - . . 11 1.154 J ..V ' 7 1 255 .. Ml.021.12 2-. Is 522.751 r. 2-:-.5:" . Is .l - 7.l2v5, .l 2.I12 2.7":.:o; .! ."25 theVo VdtiLius ; re t.ik.'n from iftl Al:n vl R p-Tt ( tho the Insurance Dcp.urm -it tho f N-w .rk for th- LANSING VJ CO.. ral As-nt. MAY. Manager. .T :dd P.Miidlnir. Honolulu. Oceanic Steamship Company! TIME I:; I. no V. . ' r FROM SAK FRANCISCO: AUSTRALIA AUG. 2 AUG. AUG. C SEPT. 13 SEPT. TT . OCT. 11 . OCT. 23 MOAN A AUSTRALIA ALAMEDA . AUSTRALIA M.RIIOSA . AUSTRALIA In cianc::!on wp.h th .iU.l3c or pr-pnnM to lti, to !n:or. raAncr.. ciuca throuca tlokc by ;:lI!ro:i,i San rrascl. to a!I ;!r.: In the UnltcJ S'.Alr. and Nw York by any s:n:5bl? Us- to a:j European Vors. For r.irthcr apply :o Wm. G. IRWIN & Co LIMITED General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co. Mai Occirtatfl Hi AND Steamers of the above companies 1U call at Honolulu and Wre tbtfl pjrt on or almut the !ats below mentioned: FOR JAPAN AND CHINA: COPTIC JULY 21 1 AMERICA MARL . JULY ro " I CITY OP PEKING i.i i l ui ri.M.M, ALU. J hai.i.iu ALG. 16 GAELIC CHINA SKIT. 1 nomc S,:,T- 9 I.... f... K r rcneral Information apply to M- HACK : L.O CANADIAN-AUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. Steamers of the a!"v lino, running in connection with Ibe CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY betwrn Vancouer. IL C and SydnfT. N. S. W.. nnd calling nt Victoria. II. C,. Honolulu. Sura (PUD. and Brib-nr. (Q ), arc On or about the date below FROM VAC0UVEk AL VlCTOUtA, B.C For Suva. ErlstarctQ.; csa Srasci: AOILXNGI AUG. MIOWERA SE1T. WARRIMOO SEIT. AORANGI OCT. A I UiUU IHK Th macnificrnt new rrvlr the Imperial Limit'I" I now running daily. BETWEEN VANCOUVER AND MONTREAL Making the run hours without chanco. The fiZal Itallmay -riv in the world. Through tickets titled from Europe. For Freight and Pawago and Tiieo. H. Davies & Surreys, Road Carts, Etc. Also, a new line of in: Hies, li in Bui tt. HPS. LQfeliS. And other carriage supplies. ALL STILISH A5D DP-TO-DATE. HONOLULU CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, TABLE: FOR SAN FRANCISCO: MO ANA AUSTRALIA ALAMEDA . AUSTRALIA M RllOS. . AUSTRALIA MO ANA AUSTRALIA ,. JULY 21 .. AUO. 8 .. Al-O. 1 . si:rr. c . SE1T. IK ... OCT. S .. OCT. II .. OCT. 11 aNiv. :rasj-r. tb Accatt are CtnonnohiTi fin Oriental SteamsMp Co. Toyo Ulsen Kaisha! FOR SAN FRANCISCO: CITY OP PEKING JULY If GAELIC JULY 22 CHINA AUO. S DORIC AUG. IS NIPPON MARU AUO. 2L RIO I)E JANEIRO SKIT. 2 COPTIC SKIT. 12 ?!. Htzlz taUl. vlr: . F 0.n SYDMTT. CUSBAC fQ I AhD a j For victoria aa Vucotvrf tBX.i: 4 MIOwERA AUG. 2 l.WARRIMOO AUO. 21 23 AORANGI SKIT. 2 27 MIOWERA OCT. 26 AUIU.Mll U Honolulu to Canada. Un!tc4 Slat 01 a d all cnn! Information. ap;.ly tt Co., Ltd. Gen'l Agts. Ex S. C. Allen A URGE SHIPMENT s ! fa- - i . f " : i I t II