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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Newspaper Page Text
TIIK PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVKUTISER: HONOLULU, JULY TWO TRANSPORTS 113 TjHERE V4 0 IS NO NECESSITY To send to San Francisco your measurements Keadvt-wear With Troops and Horses for Manila. IMF TUT A TOW 3 COMPANY. LIMITED.- Brirf-Gentral Theodoru Schwan and Large Number of Officers on the City of Para. Importers g Commission Merchants TM 0 We have as well selected, if not as large a stock as any concern on the Pacific Coast, and can fit you better, as you have the advantage of trying from our entire stock. I5 OUR m V Royal Blue Serges I are worn in every district of this country, and we have hundreds of testimonials attest ing its good wearing qualities 2nd fast color. M. McINERNY, lothier. Merchant and Fort Streets, Honolulu. xx coooo oo 0000000 O A A V 0 i u. o 0 1100 I IS THE raiw mm VVIHTOHT A HEADACHK S WE HAVE BEEK AUTHORIZED TO SELL MR R ZER At $5.00 per case of SO bottles. - Owing to Spurious Imitations having been brought to this marker, the public is hereby notified that thtTonly "GENUINE SAUERBRUNNEN" IS BOTTLED BY THEr arzer Koenigshrunnen - Quel le, and every bottle bears their trademark and stamp. Oe-fO H. Hackffeld & 2o. Ltd, SOLE AGENTS, HAWAII AX ISLANDS. CATTOW . WEILL & ounders and Machinists. 213 Queen St., bst. Alakea and Richards Sts., Hnnotolo. invite Enquiries for General Ironwork; Iron and Brass Castings eain Boilers, Water Pipe and All Kinds of Sheet Iron Work Made and Repaired, Machine and Ship's Blacksmithing. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. TEL. 410. I3EAD TM RTIS Tho rnite.l States City of Para, with Companies A. F. tl am! K. Twenty-fourth infantry, with non-commissioned staff anl hand: Troo;s II and H. Fourth cavalry; a company of L"nitel States engineers from WIHfttV Point, at:il detachments of the Twenty-fourth infantry, the hospital corps and signal corps assigned to the army of the Philippines, is at Oceanic dock coaling for Manila. The commanding officer on IxKirtl is Major Augur of the Fourth cavalry Captain Ducat of the Twenty-fourth in fantry, adjutant. ine city or Para will remain in port aoout inree uays coaling. This morn ing the troops will he taken nshort and marched to Waikiki. where they will all be given a chance for a dip in tne surf. Company II. United States engineers. are from Willetfs Point. New York l he command consists of ofheers. l."u enlisted men. 1 assistant surgeon and 2 hospital men, and is commanded by Captain Sibert. i ne city 01 iara when liere last year was in command of Captain Zeeder. who is now on a vacation in Kuropc. nis place heing taken by Cantain Rob inson. formerly first onicer of the City of Itio de Janeiro. Other officers of the ship are: First officer. Baker: second officer. Bartlett: third officer. Paulsen. chief engineer. Donnelly; first assist ant engineer. Spencer; second assist ant engineer, Patterson, and third as sistant engineer. Waters. She carries a crew of over forty men. The City of Para, it will be remem bered. carried the famous First Mln nesota regiment to Manila. ine uimeu states army officers on board the City of Para are: Brigadier General Theodore Schwan. Cnited States volunteers; Colonel William 11. Bisbee, Thirteenth infantrv-: Colonel Gilbert S. Carpenter. Eiphjfenth infan- n , iijor j in. u ii .-. anaT, i-ounn cav alry; Major Jesse M. Lee. Ninth infan try; Ma jar Henry Wygant. Twer rourthivrtifantry; Captain Wilber K Wilder, Fourth cavalry; Captain Chas - - . " v , t iiiiij-iuui III illlilllll J , v;;jp-,i Ammon A. Augur, Twenty-fourth irf- I vmnuill V 1111. IKI 1. OIIH'Il. corps of engineers; Captain Benjamin W. Lea veil. Twenty-fourth infantry: Captain Arthur C. Ducat. Twenty- fourth infantry; Captain William Black. Twenty-fourth infantry: Cap tain Joseph B. Batchelor. Jr.. Twenty fourth infantry; Captain Daniel "j. Carr. United States volunteer s!irn:il corps; Captain Harlow L. Street, com missary of subsistence. United States volunteers; Chaplain Allen Aliens worth. '1 wenty-fourth infantry: First Lieutenant Wm. P. Jackson, Twenty- fourth infantry; First Lieutenant Geo H. McMaster, Twenty-fourth infantrv: First Lieutenant John C. Oakes. corps of engineers; First Lieutenant Chas S. Lincoln. Twenty-fourth infantry: First Lieutenant William L. Murphy. Twenty-fourth infantry; First Lieuten ant Alexander M. Davis. Fourth caval ry; First Lieutenant Clyde K. Hawkins. Seventh cavalry; Second Lieutenant Harley B. Ferguson, corps of engi neers: Second Lieutenant Frederick T. Arnold. Fourth cavalry; Second Lieu tenant Robert E. Frith. Twenty-fourth infantry; becond Lieutenant John B. Sanford, Twenty-fourth infantry; Sec ond Lieutenant Joseph Herring. Twenty-fourth infantry. Assistant Surgeons Captain C. U. B. Flagg, First Lieutenant P. C. Fauntleroy, First Lieutenant Basil H. Dutcher, First Lieutenant H. S. Greenleaf. First Lieu tenant Otway W. Rash. Acting Assist ant Surgeons First Lieutenant Ernest C. bchultze. First Lieutenant Jules C. Le Hardy, First Lieutenant James W. Van Dusen, First- Lieutenant Stevens T. Harris. First Lieutenant Robert P. Robins, First Lieutenant Gilbert E. Seamen. First Lieutenant J. C. Garling- ton. First Lieutenant S. J. Fraser. First Lieutenant F. W. Dudley. The total number of troops on board are vo men and 4o officers. Tho United States transport Cone-' maugh is at Fishmarket wharf, from San Francisco, en route to Manila. She will remain in port about five days coaling and resting live stock. f ho Conemausrh has aboard horses for the use of the Fourth caval ry, t;0u tons merchandise. '2v) cases canned beef and U.Ouu tons hay and igrain. all for Manila, Hie sailed from San Francisco a day previous to the j Mariposa, making the run down in S days and 12 hours, arriving here at noon yesterday. Dr. Gezkcr. United States hospital steward, is a passenger for Manila. Dr. Powers, veterinary surgeiru, with a force of thirty-three men. has charge of the horses: the doctor was a class mate of Dr. Monsarrat at college and is a specialist in his line. Sergeant Davis is also aboard en route to Ma nila; he was lately with the Utah vol unteers in Honolulu for several months. E. B. Retten. formerly naval commander of supplies at Manila, goes j to Manila on the Conemauch to resume i his old position, and will replace Cap- j here on the Pennsylvania. The officers of the Conemaugh are: P. C. Rickman. chief officer: J. A. San ford. first assistant: L. A rev. second! officer; D. de Silva. chief engineer, and W. S. Dunn, first assistant. M. D. i Tucker is purser, and this is his third j trip through here, where he Is well and ' favorably known. He served as purs-: er on the ocean liner Nelson for over seven years until he took his present position on the Conemaugh. i ne norses are neing unloaded as 1 rapidly as possible and will enjoy their: week's outing in the Government pad-! docks before resuming their journey to; ?o $0 o So A A A 0 A A A A A 00 $0 00 o o 00 $0 $0 $o 00 00 $0 $0 00 Respectfully announce herewith the OPENING of their New Store Om Ouoon Street, Between Nuuanu ani Kaahumanu Streets On or About August 1st, 1899 A full line of GOD ALSO, OF AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN' MANUFACTURE, In the latest 3nd newest designs will always be on hand. II. I I, . InuflfflffiS, In new modern styles only to suit everybody. TAILORING GOODS AND TRMHIHSS of all descriptions. A GENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED Domestic Sewing lach with the latest and best improvements. Also, for the light-running, well known Hand Sewing .Machine W PACIFIC." "no DoliEht oF II and HOuoo-tc 03 nun 1 111! 11 MfMI Will b3 a specialty in ils kind. A large yatiety or toe bast made Saddles, Belts, Umbrellas, Hals. Shoes, Parasils. Clocks, etc, etc, Baby Carriages, Cliairs, Glassware, Stray Hats, Fur Hits and Crash Hats a specialty. Sole Agents for the Unsurpassed SPELTERINE, 00 $0 00 $0 00 00 00 $0 00 00 00 $0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 the only ami euro remcJy to ptewm anI etiett&iLt-u HrM' HmV ia this climate. Try it ami le convince!. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE Union Gas Engine Co. OF SAH FRANCISCO. Thee Engines being the mot economical of tin- kind and well adapt ed to ell kind of work Land and Marine- -. vwwwvwwQOCOOOOOOOOO O-OOOOO-f AGENTS FOR THE Lancashire Insurance Co. CAPITAL, :s,fiio,noo. Paid Up Capital and Funds, 1,6S7,162. hou OiOice and .-torv I'ren,,, and Private Dwelling at ral ITO Proin t and eitut.ihlc fett!emfnt of !oc. Jne iu-inefs also traiifactetl on favorable term. 1 Content of Wart 0 00 00 the Philippines.