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TilH 'PACIFIC CO.MMK1SCIAL A I VKUTIKK: HONOLULU, JULY JIf 100. 4 THtO PACIFIC r ommerdal Advertiser. has overthrown his, NOTAULE MEN PASS AWAY. W. N. ARMSTRONG EDITOR. FRIDAY JULY" 21 SENATOR MORGAN'S OPINION. Morgan recently Senator John T wrote these words: "We have in these islands (the Ha waiian) an imperium in rmperio which is still in the complete exercise of its Kovereign powers of government, ex cept as to foreign affairs, that it pos sessed while it was an independent republic. This apparent anachronism in government, which is no less than the existence within our territorial limits of a republic wkh a written con stitution; a complete code of laws, civil and criminal; a financial svstem; a tariff imposing duties on imports from till countries, including the United States; a President and Cabinet, and a complete -official entourage, includ ing courts of final jurisdiction; is still a legitimate government, based on the saVne 'principles of international law that obtained in Louisiana, under the act signed by Thomas Jefferson, to Saturn eiglit recent experience beliefs. ; After the death of his friend M. Galle, who was the discoverer of Nep tune, Kardee wicie a book on asiron-. omy containing information which Galle communicated through Flam- i marion as a "spirit medium." Flam- : marion at the time did not have any ; doubt whatever as to his own power as j a medium, and the fact that he was a ', spiritualistic "central" connecting by j some invisible wire the disembodied j with those who lived in the rickety j tenement of the earthly body. It was I assume!, as usual in thcs si ii iiualis- j tic affairs, that Galle was gating in- ' formation "at first hands" in the other world where lying is not permitteil, j and misstatements never occur. At i the time Galle made his communica tion through Flammarion as a medium, it was the fact that Jupiter had five satellites and Saturn nine. Galle, in the other world, should have known this. But in this world all of the astronomers, including Flam marion, believed at the time that Jupiter had only four satellites and Saturn eight. In his communications through Flammarion, Galle stated that Jupiter had only four satellites and Since the communication Death of Cardinal Men el and Pr'sl-. dent Grevy's Ilrother. j ROME, July 11. Cardinal Teololfo Mertel, Vice-Chancellor ol the II jly ; Roman Church, who was niisod to th eardinalate in lv's. died today in his' ninety-third year. PARKS. July 11. Jules Philippe Iouis Albert Grevy. life Senator and former Governor-General of Algeria, died today in his seventy-fifth year. ; He was a brother of the late Jtils : Grevy, former President of th" re- public. CHICAGO. July 11. James IJurrel Real Merit SUB-DIVISION OF IE WSSM HOIST Is the characteristic of Hot!" Surart- rilU, and it i ninifittii crry day in th remarkable cures this nicdicin accom plishes. I)ruK?its My: When c stil a lot tie of Hood's StraiirilU to i nrw customer wc arc sure to him luck in a few weeks after more proving Hut the goot results from a trial tottlc warrant continuing Its uc. This ivi;ivc merit Hood's Sarsaparilia possesses by virtue of tte Peculiar Com bination, Proportion and umI in its preparation, and ! which all the remedial value of the ingredients um-1 is retained. Hood's SarijnriIU is thu Peculiar to 1 1 -t f and alinlufrh im. equalled in its power as a blood puriiW, Hurlbiirt. president of the Portland , - Cement Company and one of Chica- and as a tonic for building up the weak and weary, and giving t.encth to the nerves. lie sure to get i go's most successful business m :i. di 1 j here today at the home .t Charles H. Catlin. Mr. Hurlburt was OS y ars old. l His winters of late were spent in dena, Cal.. where his wife's family live. The remains will ne tafcn to Califor nia for burial. complete the annexation of the Iouisi- was made the increase in satellites has ana territory to the United States." been, discovered. This error, Flam These views of the Senator exclude marion says, is convincing proof that fTirt' Vmros4ition that the Constitution ClciUn TnnlA nr rftrnmitnirntion what- extends to these Islands, until Congress ever through himself and that what he. lias so declared. The opinions of the Flammarion related, as a medium, was mefa in Washington who secured an- oniy nis own ignorance of the correct I n'dxabion, and now control affairs, are number of satellites. j alfcke on this subject. The Supreme Flammarion has at last discovered Court of these Islands, which are. not, what nearly all cool-headed people Recording to Senator Morgan, a mere have quickly discovered, that medium- territory of the United States, but a istic communications have It is hoped that the band on the City I of Para may be induced to give a con cert at the Hawaiian. Hotel tonight. The organization is said to rank with the best and Honolulu is anxious to hear it. Hood's Sarsaparilia Sold by all drugg!t. fl; six for 5. Pre pared only by C. I. llid & Co., Apothe caries, Ix.veU, Mass. TIMELY TOPICS June ist, 1899 Lots I J s , I C x ' I Cot 2 2 I 4 ip Is Nothing 0 Bracing Now that spring time is here. Lave. you given a thought about renovating i i your itoine. i uc unsiy, wet mc.ii.uc. KINO 3 wc have had for. the past month Las State holding "the sovereign power of government," has unfortunately lost tho respect of some residents here who wish to ee its judgments reversed on the Constitutional question. But as their judgments are cordially approved of by the men in Washington who are thfc makers of the laws, they need not indulge dn much grief at the loss of this local respect. TOie indignant citi zens who are chilled to the bone, be cause they are not covered by the blanket of the Constitution, should now severely rebuke Senator Morgan for ihis dreadful iheresies about our poli tical relations wiith the United States. a decidedly ! earthly flavor. If the spirits have any valuable .knowledge which would be useful here they are mean about part ing with it. Flammarion comes to the conclusion that the "comnjunication" is merely the reflex action of the medium's mind. The "spirit" knows no more than the medium, and, if one observes the communications of many spirits through one imedium. he will notice that after death, the spirits seem to have been melted up in one PURE AIR These finely improved Lois for sale. I nritinn nvrollnnt. I ntQ nlmtpfi uifh rhnir frPS and rlirnhKaro O r r c tnicnniKIn t nfc t - O fl rl r r Col r?- delayed the usual spring work, but bet-; Lot A Beauliu Lol Besl arRain in tOWn. Easy tcr late than never. We kindly jterms lo purchasr' you to read this list nnd then call Into p t a t Q our store nnd get tho price. Wc have! In.niir.. nf jjust rcccivcti a iar&i- Miij'iuetii ji m-- j following: Everyone enjoys it; your health de- ipends upon it. You can just a well HO(i; WAS AN ASS. pot, and run out into the same mould as bullets are. The spirits of Socrates, Naooleon. Artemas Ward, and Capt. Kidd invariably talk alike through the same medium. Of course the Spiritualists will say that Flammarion has made a fool of himself, and that if he did not, as a medium, state the correct number of the satelites. it was due to his own stupid misunderstanding of what Galle did say. Prof. .Hy si op's recent declaration of Viio Vkoiif in SminUiialism. because he I use promptly a old Jesse Moore little A A' of the Whis- Ex-Governor Hogg, of Texas, who imad a visit recently to these Islands, was i'n the city of New York on the Fourth of July, and was suddenly in vited by the Tammany Committee on Celebrations to make a few remarks in 4K wipwam. The Committee forgot, W " I A however, to In form him that the lead- joes not understand the phenomena, is ers Insisted that no allusions should another instance of the survival of be-made in this speech to silver, or the ignorance and superstition of the kind nomination of Bryan as a presidential so prevalent during the early part of candidate. Croker's plan was to pre- tne CGntury, when it was believed that sent Judge Van Wyck as the Tammany COmets were not a part of the astrono- candidate in due time and upon a gold .mical system, but special supernatural platform. . creations sent towards the earth in or- As soon, however, as the irrepressi- Uer to scare men and make them he- Mo Hogg got on his feet, he declared have themselves that silver and-"16 .to 1." would be ir.a ?n ht '.npyt r.imnaisrn. and I n mmpA nf prevention is worth a JS'3UU u..i t"v 1 , x that Bryan would ; be the Democratic pound of cure." To prevent colds or ii.L Th, rank n,nd file of the rheumatism when you have got wet or tftuviuu,... - I chilled Tammany party were immensely pleas- famous' ed, as they, are, silver men, anu cneer- key ed the iiogg wiiu mutu uumwo-..... 'The committee (lid not venture to in terrupt the big speaker -and tell him i 1-! n r "riiiflrs nnrl drakes" of lit? wcta 111 jiviiiti " - Croker's plans, fwhile the vast crowd cheered Hogg as he pulled Tammany ff from its straddle 011 the financial question, and )firmly- seated it .in .Uie silver saddle, 'the- ' committee. ' sat ' in silence 011 tho' platfmbtit after the exercises wcipyor.yhispered to each oUher thai "Hogg was an ' ass." and ,n),tn' froi-pr. who was in En- glacnd, heard ;6flwiliat :he had done, he -v,;ould make'it hot for some one. Sine years asp' an' -411rte-nit ;.:man l&n in Virginia- made -a great fortune In the: tobacco trade-, and lerx it at ma jjlath to the endowment of a manual training school for the poor boys of his native county. He had one weak ness.: that of bigamy, and it had cost him much to get rid of several indict ments for that crime. At a recent an niversary of the foundation of the school, a divine from the North, who was ignorant of the personal history of tho founder, addressed the boys, and said: "Iet mo urge you to follow the life and conduct of the noble founder of tnis great school." The trustees sat in silence and tribulation, and at the close of the divines remarks, the President rose and said to the boys: 'We agree generally with our dear brother in his improving words, but we earnestly urge you to take George Washington instead, as an example for von in the conduct of your lives." Gov. Hogg went back to Texas leav ing the Tammany Committee to switch the rank and file away from Bryan to Van Wyck, and the Wigwam was a once closed for disinfection. have it as your prudent neighbor. Old i and young alike endorse it. D1SIKFECTINE With the heat of summer comes the foul and disease producing air from the ceespool, vau!t and cellar, iou must be on your guard against the ac cumulation of trash, garbage, etc.; It is dangerous to have around. WHITE .LKA1) in Oil PAINT 'OIL MIXED PAINT, assorted: colors. COAL TAP,, in barrels. Bruce Waring & CO. PROGRESS BLOCK,. HONOLULU TRAVEL EXenTEMEHT. IRREGULAR MEALS . . . - mm. m. - mm. m. m m . m-m. m m m m. r THND TO rllODUCl. coNsrirAliux inu Atcv;.itiAiJ i.mi ituw (MR 10 OIL in barrels. i Vegetable Ant!-IUUm rUs houM b In your rtIp mhclhcr you Uaw town unu 'vx viMj) m ,i.rMt ,inVlt 0r a tnanr monthit. No ccod to nlre roa a wore ct z&Kll- . - - m. m m. m m . a - A f KK a. m. Tncy bncs; rcuci iron'a loU of mean little cunipUlnU ?ri Vzow. CAKBOLIXKUM, in barrels.;- STOCKHOLM TAR. in gallons and barrels. 10 Knslly taken rronipt lu efft. MKT A LI in PA I XT- roi'ndt flC telrpmonu no. 3o4. 1 - in 011. Honolulu Drug Co. o. iiua rw. oy INSURES No skill Is required to have the air about your home pure. The cost Is tri fling and effect Is wonderful. Dteln fectlne as prepared by us will serve the purpose. PURE We haveTlt prepared in quantities to j VAllNISH cunnlv nnv or nil demands. We will -rr -rf deliver to your home, if within the city limits, a trial bottle at 25 cent. Don't neglect to order a bottle at one. ' T" rr o a tl o JlTOS'MosqiuiiiTCoiinme VARNISH of various kinds ; for carriage and house build ing purposes. ,'; FLAT PAINT BRUSHES.'' ' Adams. ... : MUSHES. Galumef GRADE j I initfiiiSsrt ftp Powder II AIR, . Those who are familiar with the article order it by the gallon, which proves beyond all doubt tha: It is the proper thiDg. .dams. WHITE WASH BRUSIIKS; cheapest and best. These goods have Just arrived from the East nnd Perfectly Fresh. Will Drive Mosquitoes Amy. Cures the Bites! Brings Comfort! -ONLY AIT Benson, Smith & Co Manufactured only by iiiiiii LIMITED- 11 m 11 iiie & Fort and Hotel Streets. SOLE AGENTS. Llmttad. S07 FORT ST. mi IP YOU LOVE your wife take her to I the ORPHEUM tonight. Advertiser, 75 cents a ioflffi 75 Cents a Month. FLA MM AH ION ON SPIRITUALISM. Oamille Flammarion, the most popu ,i,,r writer on astronomical subjects, since the death of Proctor, has openly cniT-iiMuiHsm. For fifteen - - - A u k U u -T- - J- - - - - ?. . . . . . . L . . L L I. h !. ). L L K L ! L ?.?.?. TU IK ID b B. On 'August IStli 1 sun iroiug away and -thu WHOLE STeK IS T BE SOLD At prices that will inak nunjM t'uioit inipo-iblr. a lar-re ami romplete linn f the BEST QU AllItES : iw ;nn,U n,vl, from the lv.t.-ri. Fai-tnric. Xw i- ymii ti....- to l,iiy at il... riaSit i-ri.-... lvrrvthiirj niut . QUEEN STREET, L- B KERR IMPORTER. J 4W2 1 -a- -1 a- 4 li niw ronipriMr- T i j 5 . .j .j .j . .j, -j .;- -f . j. . j -j -j - -( ( ( -.- -i -t -i -X -X -X -X -X -X ( - X - -X X i :l X -X X - u l "I i t N -(-W-i years, -ne ' - communicated with the living, but reiiKuuucu -u lvoiipvwl that the deac