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Newspaper Page Text
THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, JULY " 1809. 5 - T, Vf. I? 4 4- i 1 i r i 7 "A Place For Everything" is even more essential in the office than at home. Buriness men occa sionally suffer heavy pecuniary losses because of an important paper mis laid. This can be guarded against by providing yourself with one of our fiew roller-top desks, with the latest, up-to-date time-eaving devices and conveniences. A large assortment of flat-top, roll-top and standing desks, book-cases, press etand3, letter file3, document files, chairs, stools, etc., has Just been received ex "Mohican." All styles and prices. n in OFFICE. QUEEN STREET. Telephone 313. CASTLE & COOKE, ua HONOLULU. COMMISSION I1ERCHAHTS. SUGAR FACTORS. AGENTS FOR The Ewa Plantation Co. The Waialua Agricultural Co., Ltd. The Kohala Sugar Co. The Waimea Sugar Mill Co. The Koloa Agricultural Co. The Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis, Mo. The Standard Oil Co. The George F. Blake Steam Pumps. Weston's Centrifugals. The New England Mutual Life In surance Co., of Boston. The Aetna Fire Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn. The Alliance Aseurance Co., of Bos ton. Castle ool S LIMITED. 0 i ' and r i r: n . . ! mm AGENTS FOR OF BOSTON.! EH HR liK G9IBD09! OF HARTFORD. FOR SALE. THE COMFORTABLE TWO STORY COTTAGE off Beretania St., between Miller and Punchbowl Street, and now occupied by James Nott, Jr., partly mosquito proof. A bargain for the right party. -oo Apply at P. E. R. STRAUCH. Real Estate Broker, LINCOLN BLOCK, C39 King Street. Telephone 641- oxing Taught BY oo Champion light weight of Australia, at Long Branch, Waikiki. Terms reasonable. Given on appli cation. PRIVATE LESSONS GIVEN. PROCESSION VIEWS! MANY CHOICE VIEWS OF THE funeral procession of the Queen Dow ager. Single pictures or complete sets cheap. A few Kauilani and Kapiolani buttons stiU in stock. -OfO- LICHTIG, Fotografer, COG Fort Street. Above Dewey Restaurant. We nave the most com plcte line of CLEV ELANDS ever shown here. $40 to $85. The $40 kind is the equal of any other make at ANY PRICE. INSTALLMENTS $10 PER MONTH. ' . Hln GlKg i. 209 Hotel Street. Only the highest grade of RED RUB BER is used in the Stamps made by the HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO. i lULll flew CNUUi ooooflSLtafiscasaDDi n G ir - - VI 3 as SI a a a In 73 D B R B U B a a S Solid i Mahogany a We have just opened up the nunst eleguiit line of Parlor Furniture f-een here. a cf Q Everything in Solid AlafcOg- i Cabinets g AXD i Whatnots. That are jut-t tre jj the articles you hav waited a so long for to complete the 3 artistic effect of your parlor?. j Chairs D AND i Tables. a Dainty and ek n gant, yet withal, strong and n serviceable a This is no everyday scl te ll tion and we anticipate a D tt 13 speeay clearance. a w A fev.- nice CHILD'S SWINGS. 5 a a a a n a 2 3 3 is !3 D B a FrnlmM Delias KIMG & BETHEL ST?. a a n n nnoannEH23ES3Ennnnac PHT OF THE FUNERAL PROCESSION OF THE Late Queen Dowager KaptolamiL Picture.! of her home; also pictures of the lying in state at Kawaiahao church to be had at the PHOTOGRAPHIC Co. LIMITED. MOTT-SMITH BLOCK. Corner Fort and Hotel Streets TO OUR OfO- -Have you tried any of those -CHOCOLATE or COCOANUT -(fresh) cakes from the German -Bakery? They are only 5 and -50c each and pronounced delie--ious by those who have tried -them. Order one for your Sun--day dinner. We also have a -sponge cake which we sell for -the moderate sum of five cents -each. -THE GERMAN BAKERY, S33 Fort Street., -Headquarters for genuine gir.gcr -snaps, sugar cookies, etc. -Telephone C77. The Silent Barter Shop Ladies' Doot-Black Stanj In rear of shop. JOSEPH FERNANDEZ, Propr Arlington Hotel, Hotel Street. 1'HIHU! I EAT I r iiT t i.f 1 n UDii nnnn v mm m vm 1 oiiijuil'i 0 i.nuuiuuui tnw. ASK YOUH GROCER FOR IT YOUNG-DAVIES Fashionable Marriage at Tunbridcre Wells. Miss Alice Davies Wedded to Cap tain Frank H. Young of the Royal Artillery. Oa VtIr.:'I.iy af ; 1 r.':.;;;. .Inn .1 :hf? Church o: S:. .1 i:a s. Twr.hv'A WelLs. :ho marriuuf was si:irrn::Is l 1 uf i Cainain Krv-.nk H. Your.?. ?f Hya. Artillery, c'.dor sn of Mr. Tranris Youa?, 53, Knnisniori (Iarl ns. Lon don, ami MIs Violoi Mary Davit's. ycun:r dauatcr of the la:e Mr. Th'. H. Davies, -cf Honolulu, ami Mrs., of Itavcisdalf. Tunlrilpo We'!--. A Targe confrivsuir.n of ri-!a- tivra -Jttl frionds were present at the cren:iiy, wlilch was chral. and for wLlfh scir." l.f-autlful fioral detoratioasi h3 1 ix-n i',rr,insod In the chxirch. Thf Rev. D. J. SU'.thcr Hunt viar )f I Inly Trinity) clHriaittd. assisted ly the! R-v A. T. FiCtt (vicar of S:. Ja:ns! rauJ ilea a), Itov. Dr. Porter, and the 3v. K. The hrtde. who av.r.y by her brother. Mr. Crr; Dnic, v.oro a v.-oddinK r?wn of ;-a:a Or;entr..T satin, the .-klit !e ini.7 -mt.roldcivd in tnmtIs and dia- rrs. zi'l::, ai d I.odica trimmed with I3: u-- 'h !; e, cl.irTcn and oranpc b'.cs- iti! rr.l ve'drred to niatrh skirt: c tr .-.In wr.s worn from me :h-;Jv!r :.i.d in tho waist with cen ljn linol savin. -and trimmotl c.hifT'.o urdi ".rr.i!s:o Mcssom. Her or- rin'nt wt.; a jcarl necklare. wliu-h. v.'i kv bcu'iv.ct of w'aite r.-es. r- chjds .T-d r.rr.nsc blossom, was tlie sift hridesio;jnt ar.d Iie a!sk had a T?r--ath ;:r.nge blossoms. The bri ;n:; 'C '.vcro ?d?ss Alio Iavies r :f -ii bride), M!. Ella Diode ar;l -Ji-; ?'iI'r Temnerlcy (cousins of Jln .ir:d), ?.Il?3 Tomprrley (ro:?.'n cf '.'jo l:r!d), cr.d liss M't:i Young Ui-irv cf thf- bridcgrcomK Thrir J r --.--r; woo cf ! rl'Iianl and l:u o over cr.r.i two cf them be-In s tnni:nd ;l".n Tf cMfTci!, -and two v.-I;h piak: 37i- i.'j'.ii l:r.s cf cream TiHan straw trirad v.hl: pink rosrs and lied un- civr mo r.:n wi.ji wnne inn?. 1 ::ey en :n iarritl bov.qticts of la Fraai-e roF?-?, were brooches of t!u i";i mintal d's!jn in &chl and pearls, r'.fi cf Iridesroom. Tho bride's Court train loino by Miss Phyllis Ku sell and Master Ivor Jackson. Little Mis Russell hart a white silk "Kate I Gre-.nawy (attimo trimmed 1 crfen. white bonnet with wreath of penk rc--jaju! a basket of pink roses. I 2irt sho were a rift from the? bride in the i:bap of tn enamel violet brotu h. I . . , I Mas- r Jarkron was In a Kate (ireen-l arxsrj" rxill in whLSe rr.t nvcn linen oi i ' ir v-it vl-u iTP.ui rih. I bo-rt rdi:, ;ir! !? wore a gift from the. I brJ 1 i c.Tzl. ttnt; of a pearl pin. ThH br: :-"srr-cm v. ::s tttr.dcd by his hivth- It. j j V. IT. Voan?, as best man. Tt. d hyiui'S we ?ur.g durini? the ser-1 vt?a, rn rreauns. anu u Irvc r.Il humjn thought tran- bo:-t address was plven by tl.. V:. 1). .L Str.tfcer Hunt. tre c-:rc:.:or.y a reception was fcrM at, Ti.)'.M m'u!o, v.'hc-Ti Captain and Vt :i :f;ctl tfio i-onRratula- tic.-n'- aLd r;- "d .:-Te3 from upwards Cv.'r.n 'o I:cr recent III- ?v'r:".. Iavv.T v. .1 i:r.L to receive in i-.ii-r.n, but she drove to :x v :tr: :;to ic:u and remain- i .l ;:.:; a: t the Ferv.'ce. Mrs. Davies ... ) ....1 m t.erciaercu cnuion roue :.-. v. tn aiterr.oon. inei b-.-n l a - iiovf-.! Artillery played a 22'):, -v.d rr-f-'-tnl the return from v.. :i--:Ts of rtriilal Chorus Wa';!:tr- "Inilionsrln."' Before 1 .'!. " b-ft for rheir honey- Vili' :d urcotincs. The tr.:i..i:3 .rfTS was : pale M.'- tr white silk, the Uii:;; with brilliant K!; .'. aud choux of i . - f!:ircxa. Her hat was f --',T--t :ti.iv, trliiuiKd wiih lare .;:.t r tr.v ii !. . :V r tJid !due chiffon. ai;d r-l 1 -!- .: :be chin nd she rar- v, :Jtv ;-..r. xjl lined with t c : p. vr.ts wo ;bl ail a'.out , 3 japf.. Police Cotirt. . .1. SV ;;::.. liquor w him. it :-. v.-.' Tu-.d 5100 and -o5ts. !!ar." f.irivs and h"l!'s d ir.c. v. t r n! '2"t and costs. A: IV :. dcrtinc his wife. "...! t 1 itcn'h inipri ki L' r i. tinu-id u .inly -1. 2nd 1 . -oa- "hr:-? Ch:i-. c;:::n in pss;on 1 to .July 22. Frank TveyimbV, malic i.nis in J iry. MESSENGER SERVICE. Hcnolalu Messenger Serrice dellrer! r'rageA and packages. Tel. 278. aim fvAI3 A 5, 0EllCi0iiSs.31i! Bill I t t . ' . m . . It 1 U1i it t I ItAtM n CROWN DISTILLERIES COMPANY. Arrive Today, l'EU S. S. AUSTRALIA. ALL KINDS OF Apples, Cherries. Plums, Peaches, Muscat Grapes Oranges, Limes and Lemons Eastern Oysters, Etc., Etc., Etc. 00-0 E. HENRIQUES, MASONIC TEMPLE. Tcleplione -f-l-f. F0 HRRIYE: Ex. America Mara. Ii3.KDS0iE SIlK E!D-SPaf?.03. 0 TABLE COVfR?. GFSS3. f4' . '. PlflTU PiliTCC DJIPr? i 1 1 1 111 ii in nun riiitrti T. , , . These are of very Jj!r:- v n-mm Alot a new line of r Jaliiub, itclLliSo, KnsriP.nd&rS. r ' Handkerchiefs. SCIHd KCY GCOdS tO ir7f';:.V arrive scon! "if Murata & Co. HOTEL ST., COR. KU0&5U. Branch Mat Store, Nuuanu St FR SHLE. Tu-n t lmd,i ,,t ,.1 iwo ai naimi. iuxioV eaco. a bargain. Ilasy terms It on Youdr street, this side of Thomas Square, G2xlSG. Fine location to build. I (loot! location and bathinr TO LET. Unfurnished cottage on Llliha street. I'nfnrnlclifwl hnnen rt f ri i aA rnnmt nn n., , .,iwi.i Unfurnished cottaco at Pawaa. King street. Apply to I1171T I I A M O AVinOr If llLflAlTl OATIUUL, 310 Fort Street HONOLULU IRQ!; WORKS Stoam hni.-a. BOILERS. SUGAR MII.IS. COOLERS. BRASS AND LKAD CASTINGS. And machinery o! every diript!oa made to order. P.irilcu!ar rttcLtlos paid to ship's blacksmith!?.?. Job work executed on the shortest active NOVELTIES for dinner giving nnd for luncheons and for entertaining may be had here constantly. LBWlS S: CO.. Grocers Ill FORT STRUCT. I Telephone 250. : : P. O. Pox 2m. , J. MORGAN. Opal Mm: hant t i:v i:li:k AM L.l'!I.l:Y OPAL CUTTINC. A Sl'ECTA L'l Y. No. 2 School St.. Near Smith's Urldsc. n n n u 11 v. - r THAT Microbes Have small chances when PURE WATER is provided THIS SS TliE SEASON iinkin; water You can ci hi mos pei- i f cct later Filters AND From At thtflr Fort Street Store And at their mm m owarai On Bethsl Street. New Shipment i'd b fJ. ALSO 9xLU? : Cloth, : Haniei:rc:u I?oyul, : : 0vrr.s ?K :L;il!:: SILK PM, E Handsome Carpets for Haiu and JAPANESE RUGS. VERY PFETPr PATTERWS. A large etock on Land .o -e.tcl from, at prices tha. will eur;rit fon. S. OZAKI, VkmiU ELOCI - - HOTEL SHEET IT IS CHEAPER to ray a fair prlcr to hare your watch repaired by .... U EXPERT WiTCenHKER than to risk having It ruined In order to ave a few crnU. R R. COUNTER, Practical Watchmaker B07 Fort St. Clvr ; attention to rpa!rlr.c d complicate-! watfhji. LOWEST PRICES CON?lSTKN'T WITH OOQD WORKHANSHtt. CITY MILL CO., LTD. lllfis i J quHCN ft KHICAUUKE STRITTiS. u:w.i s-'M r.f om n'j :ijrt.) ; to -r.r.our.o that tbey are tow rrcrnrcd to ur. Icrtak all branches of tbi above business. J Work t:r.dcriA!;cn ly the day cr by contract; climates furnished. Coolers 1 lite. I I -II ! - W iave You ietrn am! Kill K.'r;o Wheeler AND WslsOil Sewing filachines? If sot It trill Tx yoar !o call asi cc tbrm oa dlrlij it F. L Prescottfs roitT STitKirr. A loot mill ccntince joy ti are tbo !ap!est S3ieh!se tzaZ threo Uarj tb raise of asy otter. ARE YOU LOOKING TOP. Slocks or Bonds, Investments or Loans, Offices or Fire Insuracai, Safe Deposit Boxes orf A COMPANY ncjpoxuiLK. KelUblc and Arrrslbl. to xd && TitusTiir:. i:xi:cutox AIM!Nt.STR.TOIt or GPAR llIAN? If to, call on IBS HOWOIIOU TiESl I lllesii. GEO. P- CAkTl P. Treasurer; ir-7 Port Strr!. lloaolu;- J LANDO. Surctxwr to L. E. TRACY. ohr m mm Ua& on Land a ccw Hoc of Pajamas, Golf and Stanlj Shirts. unii:uwi:au in wool ani on?- TON. WOOI AND COT TON ZOTL . Hats, Caps, Boysf and MtaY Clothing. LINEN AND CRASH SUITS PCH ItOY.? AND MEN'. NUGLlCnn OYKRSHIRTS. STAR WAI.STSL Fort Street. A LARGE ASSORTAlEriT OF In Numerous Delrn Also a handoae dlt play of UDIES' iSD GEBTS' JEWELRY Of all kinds made to ortfer. BIART OIK FORT CT ALEXANDERS BALDWFI Sugar Factors AND Commission Llerchanls JUDD BUILDING. 121 Q-an Strel. CARRlAttC AND WAGON BUILD I:r 1.. ii:;ER TIRES AND HOISTS BEARING .VXLE3. HAWAII SH1NPO SHA. ihe rc:;R jafaslse fsistikg crncx. Th r-jb!ibM .f -I Urn all .h!ftjo Th rn!y daily Jiih-' ri;r lib-l In th rntTon I HOf HILTOH. ..M. ..C. &IC014VA. tania. NEW I1IL: ATER Von'gtL at ORPIIEUM TUi- CUFF