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Newspaper Page Text
THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER; noxoun.U. .JIM 21. ISM. II THE OTHER SIDE $ M ii t TP Thomas Square Incident 8 1 III i i.'.:jted in a New Linht. It LIU T II FIBRE J l u'y 7.1arslil ChCUng worth 'Jv ?ho Hostitt cf Hts invos tt.;.ilon of tlid Matter. r I i i .... . I1 ' 1 r-rx-- ..... L - -JV---vi Vli-i';''i mm- L' ST-m-r T - V.T ii CLO PR I fl V in CENTER, SOFA AND STAND 'iSeayy Stock and Great Choice. M Best Yalne Ever Imported -OMO AT ' V ? i 3 e ;F0R SHLE. A LOT OF FINE, WELL BRED MScb Cows, Heifers, Horses, tame and a child can handle them. Will iae aoid single or by lots. Jt large number of well made milk r3rr cans will be sold, in lots of one or To? further particulars apply to A. A. lllontana, Kaaipu Dairy, opposite .3C5aister H. K, Cooper's residence, Ma js?n Valley. 3Terms Cash. 5269 Uncle v 512 .Fort am s Cafe. Ci lit I, ArSArAAArrNAAO -ooo- ijpen from 5 a. m. to 12 p. m. Excellent menu at all meals, jirst-class French chef employed. All the delicacies of the season, llam or Egg Sandwiches with Cof- Ssn, Tea or Milk, 15 cents. OOO Look Wo Sing Co. Beach Lots AT KULIOUOU. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS ON sg leases at reasonable rentals four very desirable beach lots at Kuliouou of two acres each, with water laid on. 3er plats of lots and further partic .liars apply to J. M. MONSARRAT, Cartwright Block, Merchant St. 5250 HU STAGE & CO., DEALERS IN Wood and Coal ALSO White and Black Sand iWhich we will sell at the very lowest market rates. Telephone 'No. 414. Line HENRY BRYANT, Prop. Tho stag for Kaaeohe, Jieeia, Wal Sane and Kuca, will lealfe Postofflce, L . iticl street aide at 9 a. m. on Mon Kiay, Wtineffdsy and Friday, calling tfo? passengers and packages at Love ly ik o.'s, No. 9, Nttuanu treet. f l, SlllfiS, I (!, El Stage ACETYLKXE IX NAVAL WARFAItL it t: eTI-rimealts t be liinde bj' the navy department prove S!iertsfiil, ac-tyloiir ro will become a valuable assistance in sea fighting at niv;ht. M.-IU tilled with calpinm carbide may be discharged to a distance of two miles. H NRY R. WORTHINGTON, arc.) ngieeers and IBmiders fil lis oi Fepii m ' THE SPECIAL ATTRXTIOV OP AGENTS is callpd to thp fa ft that xv warehouse a large assortment of pumps for all kinds of sugar house service including vacuum oumos. air nnmns. mn.lPiisprs ff, mimna molasses pumps, etc., together with a complete stock of spare parts and ,,"al1 forre Any corapa!aU hy tele valves for all sizes. Careful attention given all orders and prompt shipment i;t r rthorwlo sent In by people guaranteed living in tho vicinity of Thomxa Square ESTIMATES FURNISHED FOR COMPLETE IRRIGATION PUMPING PLANTS OF ANY CAPACITY OR POWER. CORNER FORT AND Honolulu. H. I. 35 Differnt Styles! Gold Oak B Cheval and Duchesse o o Ixtension Billing Tables, Parlor Just to hand Per ooo COM--IEHRTEI F11IT1E CfflPAHY J. A. MEHRTENV MANAGER Progress Block. HAWAIIAN Dry Goods Association TEMPLE OF SPEeilHL SHLE FOR THIS WEEK ONLY! Fine Figured Organdies at 20 yards for $1.00. Far well Cotton at 20 yards for $1.00. Fine Ginghams at 15 yards for $1.00. Fine Ginghams at 35 yards for $1.00. Ladies' Ladies', Men's and Children's Rfl. A. V GEAR DR. HUDDY EDWARD HANAPI N. FERNANDEZ CHAS. WILCOX RGHOM amid L Just received at Salter's 0RPHEUM BLOCK. lir Water ills oi ifipii 3 v Pi.AXTATinv nvif:no AviJtiP any more men on tho forco and ,-,t-t-vt i ctn,.i- o o". . I QUEEN STREETS. Telephone r0C. edroom Sets. IN ELEGANT AND VARIOUS DESIGNS snd Dining Oli air "S. C. Allen." FASHION'. Shirt Waists at 25 cents each. Shoes at 25"o below cost. PALAU, Manager. PRESIDENT. VICE PRESIDENT. SECRETARY. TREASURER. AUDITOR. HLFH SEED grocery FORT ST. virtts.r. P-inty .Marshal Ch'.Jl'i.-. v.urtn sr.!.! r In th nftrmtn th it tin of thf ia.ittj inmi'Ialiin! f ly C.ilt:iln It.-rrr to be rir.!. I !: in i si-h ur clor: to th Ux- turrs r.iit the wori; of ?i.Kllt:ni hut of tli 1mv cmplool .y Mr. Co!:n to liok after the Ran p!:nt." !i "This hoy admitt! to tho i!ir thl inornins that hi attomrtini; t.i llht the Jrts lat nlcht he ovrrhalancsl hinj- M'lf and in trylns to ave l.lm..'lf (nnt laiiir.s imrnoii at on or trio arm.. paillin? it off. After turning tho i;a off tlicri was a small quantity loft In tin pip. which IgnltM and burnoO kU yehrows r.nd laches slightly. To scrvon lihnx'lf ! plusRl up several of the ithnr jots and attempts! to throw tho dame on sorr.o of tho l.oys frcpifLtin? ho park. "With roard to tlu ilur maimr c oniplainMl f," continued tho Mindial. "no roinplalntA have loon niado to tho poliro. Thoro U a poirr-M:in on duty all tho tiiuo on Kins utro.-t. h:;i ui m SSSS to rtparo. Tlio limited appropriation fiir tho jndlro will not allow of put- wo liavo to distribute those uo have to th ,H?,1 a;lvanlaSe. and wo livo a M'11" district to cover with a very or by any ono who may nffcr from the depredations of boys such as relatl in tho article in your paper will lo promptly investigated by me." MO ANA AM) Pi.KlN. Hooked IJy '1 w M canters IVr steamer .Mcxuui salli::?; July 21: f. Smalloy, F. W. iMacfarun nsd wife. Walter Macfarlcr.o. H. Mcl.aa. C. Christian. Mrs. H. A. Widoniiana tad daughter, Mr. I?r- ger and two children. M'.ss H'rnr. C. O. Hergrr. Mis A. Atwol, rntfe.vor Alexander, wh Hansom. Mi. Kltire. Mrs. Graham. W. M. ItticJianan. Wilder Wight. 1!. II. Il ianing. Pr. Dor'ay. II. A. Mien. llo't-e and wife. W. J. Pnr!o.. Mr. J one.. D. M. V.a. Mr. W. (.. S.itt. .ir:-. ('. Wo! I i-M and child. Lin (Uns::;n. Frel L-. Katir. l. K. Iiull. C. i liurko. Mrs. V. T.!:o. Miss M. C. iiarkf. Arthur llurke. the Mis-. s Mys-II. Mrs. Humhnrs. Mr.. Dr. Sioggeit. .Io:;:i C. S,-:jIca.s and v::. J. C). WiNid. Pi r-fe.i.Mr II. v. Ko'.le. w.te ml ehiid. . Itoi.V. t!jn!: N. Mrs. i:. V.. MwsRan aa-1 mahl. Mr.?. II. I!. C:Ao. Craci Miv. It. N. Taylor. Mls. M. S. Iaai$. C. A. c;ils;:i . wife and c.Uai. .Ml. liura- idireys. V. II. Dar.i -1. W. II. fowcrj. the Mlisst Holt. Mis M. E. Klllean. I). It. C.igh y. MI.-s M. Xj;p. IlolKrt I-e worn and wife. .1. M. OM. Mr?. Palmer. Mis-s Palmer. Miss l. I'aimer. Captain W. Matson. Mrs. E. J. t. ry ant. D. Conway. Miss II. Pauline Din an. Mi Kitty Din in. W. II. O.irllck. May lhukley (larlick. Mrs. i:!!a Cum mla.s. Miss tt. lVrnlut k. P. U Weaver. Miss J. A. Donner. Miss J. M. Gerhard t. W. H. Gill. Mrs. E. U. WiUoa. Mra. n rnvr.4 mi llattin While. Mrs 'iVSoS; antes Quinn, hoy Miss McCormirk. Mr?. J. n. riwycr and child, Mrs. II. W. IVck and son. J0..1 Rosenlrg. w. M. ummasiuai, Mr I) W. McNio.ll. MUs Hello Sneyder. Harry Kluegei. j. . iauej. Miss E. Francos ynn. .Mrs. v. Eames. Fannie Englo. Mis. Stapletoa. N. R. Havden, Joseph Manea and wife. Miss Louise I-ong. Hiram Itingham. Jr.. n F Woodward. Iuis I Ssiuza. J. Welte and wife. Mrs. May Henkees and uaugnier, -irs. . i.. ' i . . c II" T I f 1 Tra it Kinner. Mrs. I. L. Ilowersmith. J. Iewins and wife. V. M. Davis. C. Ral- - - - - . ti t. t tfl sun rone. m. -hj. Burrows. A. Oliver. A. 12. Pergfeld "tl wife. R. S. Johnson and wife, Mr. Cox, W. C. Trowbridge. A. T. Perclval. A. Hashagon. Rev. A. MacKtntosn, Matter, A. C Pautsmolr. M M. Elklns. T. H. Hughes. J. (L Crute.her. Morton W. Howard. H. W. Hro'Jiertnn. J. J. and wife. Miss Io:tIse C. Whl:. Mrs. W. K. Ilowo'.l. IV;r Anl- ncr wife and son. IVr steamer City ff IVkiris siillng July 21 Dr. A. Hortag. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. WakefieM. V. J. Auweg. Col. M. I). Hodg Mr. and Mrs. H. F. I.irkonv Miss Wieland. W. L. Knmry. M. II. Medhewy. AN KP1DEMIC OF DIAUIUIOLA. Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Coeo.v nut Grove, Fla., says there has leon quite an epidemic of diarrhoea there. He had u seere attack and was cured by four dopes of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. lie says he uUn reeommended It to oth ers and thry say it Is the bet mcdl cine they ever ucd. For sale b: nil dealers. Itonson. i- in it It Co.. Ltd. t agents for II. I. si i m Loans Negoitnaited. oo- R. G.A.Peterson; BROKER, Real Estate and Financial Agent. HONOLULU, H. I. OFFICE: t. O. BOX: 365. 15 KaiucnuLU St. Hoffman Saloon IE EEfi n And ON DRAFT. L. H. DEE PROPRIETOR. Cor. Hotel and Nuuanu Sis. E. E. HITCH Market Warehouse Rullilng. Queen StrccL Practical Sail Mer Estimates GUcn for all Kinds of aw.m.U3, TENTS. TRUNK COV- I ERS. TARPAULINS. WAGON COV- Stock Furnlahed nt Fair Trices. All Work Done Satisfactorily. CHOICP HUiiCS I ivn BEE P. PO R K iwy . OM.fnrvAr f s . tT.M. - oauoJiic. uvu. niM .- Chee$e an(J Breakfast Bo lOgne ai CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. 211 Nutxanu SU TeL 10L FIRST CLASS Bicycle Repairing Done al Very Reasonable Figure. GIVE US A TRIAL. CLEVELAND BICYCLES FOR REKT. We have a few second hand wheels which we are selling at cut rate prices. CITY REPAIR SHOP E. Jones. R. Clark. 115 Bethel Street Opposite Waterhouse Grocery Co. 'MolM SQlO M Ml CO. LIMITED Hi.iianade, Cor. Allen and Fort Sis. HOLLISTER & CO., - - AGENTS. Offer for Sale: REFINED SUGAKS. Cul and Gras-iUted. I'AltAFLN'E i'AIM C0.?. . Pals:. Cosrunia and Ualldl& Parrr. PAINT OILS. Ltictd ILaw asd Ik lied. LlnKrtl-Ilair and Polled. INDUItlNE, Water-rroof co! J-water Paint. 1b !de and outIdc: In white and' color. FERTILIZERS. Alrx. Cro A Son hlphcrad' Scotch feriillrrr, adapua for m par cane and roCre. N. Onlandt & Co cheolcal frrUl l:crs end CacJy n round Den MraL STEAM PIPK C0VEKING, Iteed' rini e?atic ctlnral plym Covrrlnc FILTER PRESS CLOTHS, Linen and J::c CEMENT, LIME & RRICJfi. AGENTS FOR WILSTCIIN SUGAU UCn.MNG CO. Fan lYanclico, CaL I1ALDWIN ijocomotivi: works, Philadelphia, rrnn.. U. S. A ni:wi:ll univkksai; mill co (Manf. -National Cane FhreddeO. New York. U. a A. OHLAxrrr jl n 1 Van euro, Cax. ItlSDON IP.ON WORKS, AND iJCCOMOTIVti 5a n Franclkco, CaL A Model T'jlzz Li zoi coapcto with out Electric Power, thus dispensing with small engines. Why cot generate jour power from one CENTRAL Stallcn? One gener ator can famUh rower to your Pomp. Centrifugals, Iterator, PJows, Rail was and I!o!s!; also, fynrnlah light and powrr for a radius of from IS to CO miles. Electric Power being usd, aires tb labor of Laulln; era! In your e!cL aJao water, and does away with hlih-jprlced engineer?, and on!y have on engine to look after In your mill. Where water wer Is arai!aU It coils nothing to generate Electric Power. THE HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COM PANY Is tow ready to furnish Electric Planla and Generators of ail descrip tions at ahort notice, and also has on hand a large siocfc of Wire. Chaxde Hers and Electrical Goods. All ordera will be given prompt at tention, and estimates fumlihei tot Lighting and Poer Kants; also, at tention is given to IIoue and Marina Wiring T2IEO. HOFFMAN. Manager. WM. G. IRWIU & C0 LIMITED. Wm. G. Irwin.. President and Manager Cluas FnreckeU Vlc Irealdent W. M. Gl3anL.Seretary and Trrarurer II. M. Whitney, Jr. Auditor SUGAR FACTORS AND COMHISSION AGENTS AGENTS FOR THE Oceanic Sleamsblp Companj Of San Francisco, CaL i a