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Newspaper Page Text
10 TTTR PACIVIO COMMRIfP.I T. invpwnitMi. ,.av,m... ... m T4CIL1TIES FOR PLACING MARBLE AND GRANITE Monuments At reasonable prices, are unexcelled. 20 Two 2 NEW LOCAL LINE Inter-Island Steamships to Have Opposition. Drop us a card and our representa ir Hill call on you. t j.v- riHriHimn mint rrv w AND MONUMENTAL CO. 1 O. Box. C27. TWepnone 502. Cll King Street. inerva if ilFliiOo the new effervescent aperient for the Liver, Blood and Stomach. Invaluable for persons of sedentary habits. -oo- Sold Everywhere. cxx Minerva Mirillo Is a, milu and pleasant, tut exceeding ly elective aperient, keeping the blood 3)utt, regulating the liver, clearing the oi2ilexioTi, removing gouty matter uixea the system, and generally ward t3S t& disease. Made from, and con tssrSTi'jr all the valuable properties of, 3"32 Iruit. Prized by travelers, sea tauring men, and residents in hot cli aat!ss. A sure preventive of diarrhoea, if-ad a delightful invigorator of the .Msa&litution. When used eimply as an ffirvescing beverage, it has most sal iia7y results. Valuable for all persons ft? sedentary habits, removing de ressVon and head affections, and gen erally, bracing up the nervous system. Or.'; for the tablr-?, the ether for ti:r yard both for you. Fine quality of liLOWN TUMBLERS, "engraved in : designs. Your choice at 75 teats per doen. You know the regular price. Rattan Yard Broom?, ents each; regular price, G" cents These are slight ly damage 1 by salt water. $75.00. Complete outfits in Crock- i ery, Glass, Cotkry, Plated Ware iand Kitch-m Utensils, iaclading ! Stove and Refigirator for 175.00. i Estimates and lists given on appli cation. I When you are in our store always inspect the Bargain Tables on. the sec iond floor (take elevator). J You are sure t3 sec something you : want and the price will not stop you. 1 i I j One Steamer Purchased An other Ordered New Company Will Run to All the Islands. uonsalves & Go. Sale Agents for Hawaiian Islands for i&a Minerva Preparations. LEAVER LUNCH ROOMS. Tort Street, Opp. Wilder & Co. H. J. NOLTE, Prop. II I LIMITED. First-Class Lunches Served .With Tsa, Coffee,, Soda Wrater, Ginger Ale or Milk. Open from 3 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sinokcrs' Requisities a Specialty. SOLE AGENTS "JEWEL" STOVES for coal or wood. "GURNEY" CLEANABLE REFRIG ERATORS. NEW WICKLESS BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES. GERM PROOF FILTERS. "PRIMUS" OIL STOVES. IL3 n R A 3l& F D Just received at T!m .Mid-luih Navii;.::i.:i (:nju:iy is the nam of a ni-w Iv.m1 sttjrnshiji line whost articles of hu -orir.i: h:i iiave li-en already tiled wt:h th In terior olnce an approval ly th.- lx rcutive. It is apitalizHl at $'2'.,m,k with the privilege of hu-reasin i,i ?K0.X'.. The officers are ;i fo'.!o.: J. H. Wilson, president: L. Ahl.. vice-president; Wong Quai. seer t.iry and treasurer: II. (Vane, auditor. The real promoters of the affair are .1. II. Wilson ami Iler-y Crane. i:;h gentlemtn have le-n connected with the steamship business before. The Iwa. which was burned a couple of months ago. belonged to them. Mr. Wilson is now in the States, having gone to the Omaha Exposition with a native village. While in Vancouver he was to purchase a simmer which will be usod for running around Oa'au. It will be -about the size of th I'polu. She is e:;pee;ed :o arrive, in abo'tt a month with the captain who hrmht down the topsail schooner l.a Ninfa and an engineer well known in the Islands in charge of her. An order will also be placed by . .r. Wils.m for the construction of another steamer to be ready before the end of the year. The new firm intends to go into the business on a small sea'e at fust, but will -add to their equipment as time goes cn. Their object as stated In their charter is to carry on a freight and passenger tratlic in and about all the Islands. They already have enough contracts in sight to keep their first stea'mer busy for some time to come. JAS. F. MORGAN 33 Queer: Street. P. t'.'.v: 594. ''thonc 72. -- - THIS DAY. j A. L. MURPHY & CO. 3THE A. E. MURPHY CO. DKADLV WKAI'ONS. Safiter9s Grocery ORPHEUM BLOCK. FORT ST. Special Machinery, J. fflcCafie Double Spindle Lathe Heaviest Lathe Work. Two Lithes in One. Dncct Acting Electric Motor When Desired. f f . va v w mm - w m mm mm m -w. - mm . . a Must Not He Hroulit on Sliorc liy Soldiers. Yesterday aftcrnovn Deputy Marshal Chilling-worth addressed the following to The commanding officer of the I. S. A. T. City of Para, now lying in the harbor: "I beg to call your attention to the fact that the. colored troops, who arriv ed here on the V. S. Transport City of Para yesterday are -allowed to leave that vessel with weapons obviously and imminently d.'.ngerous to life, such as revolvers ami razors. Several com plaints have been made to this office and unless the weapons are taken away from these men. they will be subject to arrest on the ehargo of violating Section ".SS Penal Laws, which prohibits the tarrying of deadly weapons without being authorized by law." A number of instances were called to the attention of the police where the colored soldiers lvad Hashed re volvers and razors to accentuate their demands when in the Chinese quarter of the city. Even nt the corner of King and Fort streets two of the negroes became engaged in a quarrel and instantly there were "razors in the air. - .t-. ;'-'V . BITS OF HUMOR AND STERLING FACTS. "Is Mrs. Barkis on your calling-list, Mrs. Montmorency?" "Yes; but not on my visiting-list. We call the tele phone book our calling-list now." The Sterling wheels are in the lead! Horses for racing purposes, or most any other, are in comparison to the Sterling. One of these handsome, up to-date wheels is "a thing of beauty and a joy forever." The joys of an open-air existence and a spin on one of the built-like-a-watch wheels is a pleasure worthy of a king. . "With all my worldly goods I thee endow" He stopped short his strong brain seemed to reel "At least with all of them" he stam mered now Except my brand new Sterling Chainless wheel." Editor "Did you write these jokes yourself?" Manager P. C. fc M. Co. "Yes, sir." Editor "You must be old er than you look." Don't ride a wheel unless it's a good one. Don't pay more than a wheel is worth. Don't take chances on an un known make. Go to the Pacific Cycle and Mfg. Co., on Fort street, and buy a Sterling bicycyle ihat has a reputation. Auction 3aie or Old Buildings. On Saturday, July 22, f99f AT J- O'CLOCK NOON ON the Prem!eS Fort Slr-:. 7 !!1 II at PUBLIC AUCTION the i .a net: nuiLDiN.; a. 2C ooooo Progress I rn Shoe House f'A. E. MURPHY CO 205 Hotel St, Arlington Block. o 1 Z3 I Men's, Woman's and Children's orm riy o upied by II. May r' M twren the stores of J. J. Ejan an I I. W. Jordan. Also the l.irg; shed rvl-idninir. Buildings to be removal within r.O lays from day of sale, nulldlnri ;V 1 from roof to ground. Terms Cah. U. S. CoM Coin. JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctr. THIS DAY. Auction Sale -Of IIOKSES A! HOLES! oo OX SATURDAY. JULY 21. AT 12 O'CLOCK. NOON. At the yard of tho Dowsett estat. Queen street. I will sell at public a'ic- tiou HOUSES AND MARES. MARES WITH MULE COLTS FROM IMPORTED JACK. IMPORTED JACK. MULES BROKEN TO SADDLE. JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctioneer. THIS DAY Auction Sale OF- m Imported Cows ON SATURDAY. JULY 22. AT 'Z O'CLOCK NOON. I will sell by Publb- Auction. In the yard of the Dowsett Estate, on Queen street, 14 select Cows Just import Mi, of the following Standard breed: DURHAMS. PART JERSEYS. And HOLSTEINS. JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctr. US USE A1Y0. R. & L. CO. DIJDERED OAHU SUGAR CO., WAIALUA AGRICUL TURAL SUGAR CO., HONOLULU SUGAR CO. KIHEI SUGAR CO. rnHBR spj:cialti:S: Gray Planers, Barnes & AlcCate Drill Presses, Combined Upright and Radial Drills. Shapers, Universal Milling: Machines, Combined Bolt and Pipe Cutters. Henry D. Roberts, Agent, Pacific Hardware Co. Ltd. Machinery Department. Aj;r:carile Surprise. W. H. Wright was pleasant ly sur prised last evening. He was in con versation with one of the army officers on the City of Para at the Officers Club last evening wlu:i the talk drifted on Philadelphia. Both men were most familiar with the city and It developed that the otlicer was Dr. Bobbins, now a first 'lieutenant in the army, the son of Mr. Wright's old principal at thf Episcopal Training School of Philadel phia. Both remarked on tho coinci dence and an hour or two was pleasant ly spent in recalling the old days. FINE RESIDENCE PROPERTY For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale the residence of Mr. E. R. Hendry on KI r.u street, near Pensacola street. The lot has a frontage ot 100 feet cn Kinau street and is 200 feet deep. A roomy Dwelling Houe Is on the place, and the grounds are as fine a any In the city. Will Fell also a corner lot adjoining the above. I.ot Is 100 feet on Kinau street and 200 feet on Pensacola trrt. An elegant lot. For terms and prices iTPly to Jas. F. Morgan, S3 QUEEN STREET. JAS. F. MORGAN Bf Ifl I . 1 1 33 Queen Street. P, 0. Box 594. Telephone 72 5C 1; FINE FOOTWEAR. A. E. MURPHY & CO. A. B MURPHY L CO. I For Handsomrne Team of BLOOD BAY riVE AM) SIX YEARS OLD, Well lnokon. gentle, stylish, well in:itel ami jtochI m:ul tcr. fro im'h;i:. $::mhi onolulu Mock lards Co. W. S. WITHERS, Manager. CORKER ALAKEA AND QUEICX STREETS. Nice Roomy JTMU1 ! wmm PHAETONS n Surreys (Eamopy Top 1. 1 -'"t; 1 AND Road law A Particularly attractive line arriviMl ly flu S. S. 4Av tralia ami ly the dark W. II. Dimoml." CALL AND INSPECT. 9 I OR I SI THE Finest, Largest en To-Bate STOCK OF Mamie s s Sadldfleiry aimd Cairroage Goods, IN THE ISLANDS. V. VIMS ; .': Hal A!i.i: y.n wan". N J. -r r i.l !; rv. and ct 1:. n 4:,.ir-.f M.xNf r.vanuxf! ii:pautmi:xt. INLAND f:t!i:i:S irin;::ly .ml .i:!-.f.i-:.rily C, R. COLLINS. TELEPHONE 662. P. 0. E0 307. ESTABLISHED 1S91. KIKG ST., ceir KOUiHU ST.