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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL AI) KIITISKR: HONOLULU. JULY VJ. 1S0D. ooooocoooeoooooooo 2 i : y A GHASTLY TALE Of a Crime That Was No Committed. REAL Wo Tons and Tons of e o men in Business New Goods t Arm lit; place to mt tl ieiri, am. v.t 5 IESIATE w O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 9 ; i 9! o A Special Sale of CHINA AND ART POTTERY For a s-hor-, time, to make room for thin season's im- o mense phipmentH arriving hv O everv Fteamer. f -v A Discount ol 25 Per Cent For Gash off Regular Prices On all Potteries and China COMMENCING THIS DAY! Goods will go fast. -f Better CEonne o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oooooooooooooooooo Palama E o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o m 0 any. s o o 1 QUALITY- C- Superior- N'T'" I "V- How Marshal Chi I wwo'th Co. C Varch-d Up h Hl!l and Dt wM Ajca'n. .it d V-AVtex caress A HOME BEER. FOR SALK BY ALL DEALERS. BY AUTHORITY. IRRIGATION NOTICE. Holders of water privileges, or those paying water rates, are hereby notified that the hours for irrigation purposes are from 6 to 8 o'clock a. a. and frori 1 to 6 o'clock p. m. ANDREW BROWN, Supt. Honolulu Water Works. Appropev by: J. A. KING, Minister of Interior. Honolulu, June 14, 1839. 5255 COMMISSIONERS SALE OF REAL ESTATE, SITUATED AT KAPA LAMA, HONOLULU, OAHU. ots o o o o Next to Insane Asylum Pasture. (XK HI lie OS For Sale. Those desiring further information regarding these desirable lots inquire of J. P. MORGAN, Queen street, or MRS. THERESA WILCOX, Bethel street, opposite Bishop Savings Bank. Houses Qnd Lots For Sole On Lanawai and Terms reasonable. Cooke streets MRS. THERESA WILCOX, Bethel Street. In compliance with an order of the Hon. A. Perry, First Judge of the Cir cuit Court of the First Judicial Cir cuit, dated July 3rd, 1899, and filed in the clerk's office of the Judiciary De partment, in a cause entitled "Antone Morris et al. vs. Joe Morris et al., a Bill for Partition of the Morris Estate," the undersigned, as commissioner, duly appointed, will for sa) j at pub lic auction on Saturday, July 29th, 1899, at 12 o'clock noon at the sales room of Jas. F. Morgan. Queen street, a portion of the Morris Estate, situate on the mauka side of King street, Ka palama, Honolulu, Oahu, lying on the Honolulu side of the Hawaiian Tram way Stables, and having a frontage on King street of 155 feet, the same being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the south corner of this piece of land at a point on mauka line of King street adjoining "V. C. Achi's share of the Morris Estate, and running: . 1. N. 59 25' E. true 115 feet along W. C. Achi to the west corner of 1. C. Award No. 1234, A p. 2, to Patau; thence 2. N. 53 43' E. true SO feet olon;; L. C. Award 1234: 3. N. 27 33' W. true 1S7 l-ct along Bishop Estate to point on stone wall at the south corner of L. C. Award 1234 to Palau; Apana 1. Thence 4. N. 23 10' W. true 71 feet along L. C. Award 1234, Ap. 1.. along stone wall to stone wall on southeast side of stream; 5. S. 33 50' W. true 250 leet along Bishop Estate along stone wall on southeast side of stream to line of King street: Thence C. S. 39 20' E. true 75 ff t along King street; Thence 7. S. 34 22' E. true 80 feet along King street to initial point. Area 1 C-1000 acres. And being a portion of the Ahupuaa of Kapalama, L. C. Award 7713 to V. Kamamalu. Terms of sale cash in U. . pold coin. Deeds at the expense of juirehaser Sale subject to confirniaticij y the Court. For further particulars ripply to M. D. MONSARRAT, Comrrn i on r. Honolulu. July 5th. ISC4?. A SNAP $1,000 CASH Balance in I and 2 Years. 00 A taif or gnastiy crnn- was ui:u'iit to the Police Station v riii.c. It iuriy rcf-Keu wun pore aim th- oi:io-:.s were led to believe that another "Vrimo of the century" had ln ro:nmittrl. rr . . . . iwn young I'ortuguce Juis n.i.l i n gathering firewood on Tantalus. Vh-ri returning to town in th cv ni::-: th v said they had come upon a pool of blood a littlo to the riKht of th reed; that alongside of this ghostly ,jis- covery was a mound of freshly turned earth, and a short distant further down a woman's skirt covrred with blcod. To eip the climax a man with disheveled hair and crimson hands had also leen Feen dashing arros th park and vanished in the brush. That was the story given to the police. Kxvn the details were fnrnfshed, such as that the woman was a haole and had ar rived here ty the Moana on that st-am or's last trip down. nepmy iarsnai cjniMiim'Aortii was iir. mediately telephoned for. Ih ar- rivcl in hot haste at the Police Sta tion, laking Captain Holi with him. l e jumped Into a hack and started for the eiie. Tho inhabitants of Punch- fowl wore fairly agog with excitement. Company C of the National Guard heard the news, cut drill short and started after the hack containing th ofFcers. The boys were found and ta ken into the hack and the scare Ii for he victim of the horrible crime com menced. Back of the hack trailed about 200 Porttigi;e$e, anxious to be in at the finish. On the way up Deputy Marshal Chil- ingworth questioned the boys whoso ardor had now cooled. Before the of- ker's inquiries the skirt and the mur der vanished Into thin air. The bovs de nied they had ever told about that and aid the hlamo at the doors of several excitable Portuguese women. The poo' cf blood, however, they still adhered o. Chilllngworth realized that he was 'faked," but was determined to see the thing through. When almost at the top of Tantalus the boys Identified tho vicinity. The officers began the search for the pool of blood. At last Deputy Marshal Chlllingworth threw the light cf his lantern upon 1L He advanced o gather some of tho gross clotted with the blood so that an analysis of it might be made. The mystery was solved. The ghastly pool turned omI to le a mass of red gum which h id been melted from tho trees about dur ing the day. The disappointed procession with the military In r.dvancc about faced :'nd returned to town. mmmmmmm t 2 . h eirc sick mess men crtcn m prc33 tnc crimen that there 15 cne thinki 1h1ch AZIZS' prevent tomcn from tCZr completely filling man's piate in inc c'jit'.Cbb world tney can"t tc de pended upon because they too often. It 10 true that many women are compelled to lock forward to tSrsciJ wnen tncy are unable to attend to cocial or business duties. Their appearance plainly in dicates their condition and they arc reluctant to be seen, even by their friends. Read what .abusiness woman says to such sufferers; .V Cv:n ptlCut tou of (iua. .lluOl k;l tu ouil ! rror tni uU 1 coalvl ct no rvilrf fro: 3 tnwairtn aa4 Lo- w Ilaf wir font ini A roanxUJr ta tuf vrnplor c m atsjmf r. V1lU4mV rmit 111 s for i wrX 1 ux. turra na r: Vrt ni uutit for ta Crti tlnt la raoatn. 1 ijawut mar an 1 tuer cure t m tny l.cirI mmrmtAl other fo jl t j mr k now i:xr. I tuluK t:at If yu uouijM.K any of turn Jm of llroJt, ta lct iurvr f lr. Vi;l:am innH !!.. turf wai I yuuni; wouma. Tb p!':crtjJnly txii: J uput ucrToaiU&a n I in-ny n young wonjnof hr llf to tnru ! :0R SALE. r 5 moro for ma than nv rhyicia n4 I nn rlro Dr. Wi;:imV iu luu for t'copt credit for tuy cacri col hc:;b u-ay. Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People arc for Sale by all druggists, or will be sent, postpaid,, on receipt- of price, 5o cents per bo, si boxes,, 62.5o, by the Dr. ViUiams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N.Y. Our new book. Plain talks to YYortEN , sent free to any address on request. 1 A few elegant lots it Manoi on the rond, witfc unsurpassed view 2nd cliTiate. Op line pro posed Rapid Transit. Easy terms. 2 Several town lots on Ber etania Street, Ewa sia. of Geo. Hfiss. $ One house and Bercnnia Street. lot on. NOTICE TO PASSENGERS. EITHER OF THOSE TWO ELE GANT COTTAGES ou Waikiki Road, for sale, containing five and six rooms respectively, in first class condition. Keys at office. See thorn immediately. WILL. E. FISHER, Real Estate Agent, Fort and Merchant Streets. 5270 CONEY : ESTATE LANDS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO passengers booking by any of the Lines of Steamers represented by the under signed agents that on and aftT Aug ust 1st. 1S99, a booking fee of ten dol lars will be required from each pas senger at tne time, ot registration 01 name. I his fee will oe rilimded in case 01 inability to provide ::,,,onin;o- dation on arrival of steamer. (Signed) WM. Cm. IRWIN & COMPANY. Ltd., Ry its President, V.. Irv;in (Signed) THEO. II. DAVIES & CO . Ltd. By Thomas Rain Walkr. Director, Agents of Canadian - A :;-va!ian Steamship Co. (Signed) H. HACKFELD & CO.. L:: . E. Suhr, Director. W-$0 35 Differnt Styles! Gold Oak Bedroom Sets. 0 Cheval and Duchusse c IN ELEGANT A N 1 VARIOUS DESIGNS Extension Dining Tables, Parlor and Duinj Oliairs Just to hand Per "S. C. A!len.,, 000 New Vacuum !:'. 1 1.0 Kor.a sugar lomjony s.xit :-n orjfr by t..o last stmmer for a S.l-lon v..cuia:i ln, ich wiill bo one of the Iarj;.st ivr.! beft in the Islands out- sritle cf th"ro In the recently construct-1 d Lis TP.1K5. COYHE-HEHBTKS FOBfflE COMPANY. J. A. MEHRTf.N, MANAGER Prosrress Block. TO lliOIIUillYWFE HAWAIIAN DINNER. SUNDAY, JULY Dry Goods Associatio SOUP. Cmcii Turtle Soup. FISH. Mtilpd Sole. Egg Saue ENTREES. Kidney llrochette. I'tev,ed Iamb. Green I'ras Calf's Her.d a la PouMte. Orange Fritters. VEGETABLES, l.oded l'otatoes. Roiled Rlre. Mashed Potatoes. Gi ten Com. Spinach. Stuffed Tonuvtoes. ROAST. Gr..e, Applo Sauce. Sirloin IWf. 1ASTRY. Apr7 nd Mince Pie. Assorted Cakes. DESSERT. Nut p. Raisins. Rauanas. Oranges. Tears. Mc.ntirn Island. Orange Flabet. To;?. Coffee. Ice Tea. TKMI'LE OF FASHION. o roi: this wj-:i:k only: Fine Figured Organdies at 20 yards for $1.00. Farwell Cotton at 20 yards for $1.00. Fine Ginghams at 15 yards for $1.00. Fine Ginghams at 35 yards for $1.00. Ladies' Shirt Waists at 25 cents each. Ladies', Men's and Children's Shoes at 25" below cost. M. PALAU, manager. PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. 4 Los in different jurts 0. Kevvalo Tract. Kapiol.ipi Park Additior Loi. on installments. 8 One homes. New houseji; and hiah crounds at Kcwa'o. 5i 100 each. Cheap. 10 l-ands in Nuuanu valley 1 1 Loni: leasehold at Kate ako with pood returns i$--OnIy 6 more lots of 2L sizes in different parts vf ih: most desirable lo cations of Kalihi, with fin; views, macadam streets, and water supply from city. These lots we sell at lowest figures in monthly in stallments without in terest so as to put then within reach of any body who wants a home. 17 House and lot, well im proved, on wide, macad amized street in Kalihi. just past Kamehamehi Schools. Price $2,250. 21 FOR SALE A house lot 100x206 in block 17 on Lehua Avenue, Peirl City. 22--A few of the very cfterr cest lots, of various sizes, in all Kalihi, Ewa side of H. C Myers. Esq., commanding an unsurpassed view, on line street with water from city. A visit lo the grounds will con vince. Terms to sui! vourself. STOCKS AND I )i in cr Xrvm T to 7 p. ni. C3 mm DR. HUDDY VICE EDWAhD HANAPI SECRETARY. N. FERNANDtZ TRhASUHER. V f 9 f) J 13 1 T3 FT BOHDS A FEW VERY DESIRABLE BUILD ING LOTS on Nuuanu avenue, at Nio lopa, Nuuanu valley for sale. Apply to J. M. MONSARRAT, Cartwright Block, Merchant St. 5267 ASSESSPENT NOTICE. SHAREHOLDERS OF THE AMER ICAN SUGAR COMPANY are hereby notified that an assessment of 10 per cent on the assessable stocK "will to due and payable to the treasurer, at C Brewer fc Co.'s office. street, Honolulu, on the 20th inst, (Signed) GEO. H. ROBERTSON, Treasur-r A. S. Co. Dated, July 13th, 1S99. G2S-I 4 "HELLO Art the worda y admiration cften 11 1 u-i'il hvthoproutl For Sale! SEATTLE BEER AT THE- NOTICE. ALL PERSONS WHO ARE TKN ants of what has been knovn as t!ie Kapiolani estate are hereby inufp.ttl to make prompt payir.fiit f the amounts due by thni to t'rdT sined at their office on Kr-aV.'.:u.i?m street. I). KAWANAN AKO A . 4 4 4 4 4 4 if 4 4 4 4 4 4 !l?aurer Mandolin. oo Yu will do weli t .-ii'iiro c i ff and if you L r.ot i'.:y, f:;rn, as tht- in.-trtiiiirnt is eisv t lear', :nd pr'fti'. with a MAl'KEK i- a m:"i." j Ia-ure. Our peia ty: 2 Ulfcrs and l!curr rin'clia. I'Ntiinnti' the N!;iim!. t . A 1 !P LIMITED -TUTOR. Wi LI. 1 j ; :c iv. J t ' r. I : , CARTESIAN WELLS' L. E. PINKIUM, C0XTRACT0R. Office Willi the Pacific Hardware Co., Honolulu II. I. Buy and sell outrim City and Suburban Real Es- iivn :iul iiiitr.ict matl for well on ;my cif tate. SIX MEW PLANTS lrill!tr. F. D. GlIiHY, .B. if::;! I or heavv work lv the inot killfn! lii'jhi-t rla Apply to Kll A UUAV IT-Of- t. :. 28-L0TS-28! At Kapalama For Sale. o r. .-:tu.ti:: : cSinack 2! r-HOORFSS BLOCK. Tclsjnonc 3 21. Ccmer Fort M Eeretaria Sts. TiUIUAL TLFPHnE G3.f LIT. i iivii::ni has i.i:i:n d;:- 1 .M l v. ill . x iv.tJ of ill" :a;.i:.y :i M- : it r.!;l af:.-r t!; 'J"r!i r r.t. lUiOW.V. : .' 1 1 ! DEALER IN Real Estate and Stock Brokers, 223 Merchant St. P. O. Dor Na. 2JC mmm saloon. ;oiui;i:v v. ( ACHI CO. J. KALANIANAOLE. 5