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Newspaper Page Text
THE PACIFIC COMMKKCIAL AIiVEKTISKK: IlONOUU JULY 21. WO. ) oooooooooooooooooo w o o o o o o O Tons and Tons of New Goods 0 o o o o o o And o im place to put them. o o JJ A Special Sale of o o o CHINA AND ART POTTERY For a bhorc time, to make room for this treason's im mense shipments arriving hy every steamer. A Discount of 25 Per Cent jj On all Potteries and China COMMENCING THIS BAY! Goods will go fast. a o O o e o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e Q o o e o o o o o o o o o o o o o e O O o o o o o G o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Better Some c c 0 o o any. Oe- II i B 000000000000000900 Lots o o o o Next to Insane Arylum Pasture. (XX For Sale. Those desiring further information regarding these desirable Lots inquire of J. F. MORGAN, Queen street, or MRS. THERESA WILCOX, Bethel street, opposite Bishop Savings Bank. On Lanawai and Terms reasonable. Cooke streets MRS. THERESA WILCOX, Bethel Street. A SNAP $1,000 CASH Balance in I and 2 Years. oo EITHER OF THOSE TWO ELE GANT COTTAGES on Waikiki Road, for sale, containing five and six rooms respectively, in first class condition. Keys at office. See tbm immediately. WILL E. FISHER, Real Estate Agent, Fort and Merchant Streets. 5270 CONEY : ESTATE LANDS. A FEW VERY DESIRABLE BUILD ING LOTS on Nuuanu avenue, at Nio lopa, Nuuanu valley for sale. Apply to J. M. MONSARRAT, Cartwright Block, Merchant St. 5267 SEATTLE BEER -AT THE- E O Palama 22 F ne Des iqd e House Lois I o Houses ana Lots For se e COMMISSIONERS SALE OF HEAL ESTATE. SITUATED AT K A PA LAMA, HONOLULU. OA HU. In compliance with an orI-r i tb'j Hon. A. I'erry, First JiHge of th'j Cir cuit Court of the First JtMirial Cir cuit, dated July 3nl, anl riM in the clerk's olhce of the Judiciary De partment, in a cause entitled "Antone Morris et al. vs. Joe Morris t al.t a liill for Partition of the Morris K6iuU" the undersigned, as commissi;'., r. duly appointed, will ?xpose for ; at pub lie auction on Saturday, July L"Jth, 1809, at 12 o'clock noon at the sai.-s loom oi jas. i-. Morgan, quen street,! a portion of the Morris Estate, sittiat; on the mauka side of King street. Ka palama, Honolulu, Oahu. lyiu-j; (,n th Honolulu side of the Hawaiian Train way Stables, and having a on King street of 155 feet, th same b ing more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the south 'orn'-r of: this piece of land at a point on niuuki line of King street adjoining V. C. Achi's share of the Morris Estate . ami running: 1. N. 50 25' E. tru 115 f-t ; long V. C. Aclii to the west corner of L,. r;. Avanl No. 1234, Ap. 2, to Palau; thence 53 : 43' E. twSO ft -long L. C. Award 1234; 3. N. 27 33' V. true 1ST feet along "Bishop Estate to point on stone wall at the south corner of L. C. Award 1224 to Palau: Apana 1. Thence 4. N. 23 10' W. true 71 feot alone L. C. Award 1234. Ap. 1., along rtono wall to stone wall on south ast Fide of stream; 5. S. 33 50' W. true 250 ft along Bishop Estate alon stnn wall on southeast side of stream to line ';f King street; Thence C. S. 39 20' E. true 75 Ui along King street; Thence 7. S. 34 22' E. true SO Wt King street to initial pcln. nlotig Area 1 C-1000 acres. And being a portion of th? Ahupaaa. of Kapalama, L. C. Award 7713 v V. Kamamalu. Terms of sale cash in U. ?. pold coin. Deeds at the expense of pureLarr. Sale subject to confirmation by the Court. For further particulars applv to M. D. MONSARRAT. Commioii r. Honolulu, July uth, 1S9?. r-277 NOTICE. AT THE ANNUAL MEET IN 'J OF VM. G. IRWIN & CO.. Limited. . Id on Friday, July 21st, 1S09, the follov ing stockholders wre elected to s:rv as officers of the company for tho en suing year, viz: Wm. G. Irwin President Claus Spreckels Vice Pr-ilent W. M. Giffard Sec. and Tr-as. H. M. Whitney, Jr. Auditor H. M. WHITNEY. JR.. Acting Secty. W. G. Irwin & 'o. 5251 DIVIDEND NOTICE. A DIVIDEND IS DUE AND PAY able to the stockholders of tLe Inter Island Steam Navigation Co.. L,td.. at their office, on Monday, July 24th, The stock books of the company v. ill 13 closed to transfers on July 24th and 25th. N. E. OEDGB, Secretary. Honolulu, July 21, 1SD. C2D1 ASSESSMENT NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT at a meeting of the directors of the HONOLULU RAPID TRANSIT & LAND CO., held at the company's of fice on the 1st instant, an assessment of ten (10) per cent was levied on the Capital Stock of the Company, due and payable at the Company's office, No. 411 Fort streot, Honolulu, frcra and after this date. The shares upon which a:;y av?-ss- ment may remain unpaid after thirty I (30) days from this date will be dfu I clared delinquent. j Honolulu. IT. T. nth .Tutv -!Kr.r. i J. A. GILMAN. 5277 Secretary H. R. T. & L. Cc. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO all persons indebted to us -.vb ac counts date prior to June l?t. ii;:;t unless settlements are r-itile by tho first day of August, next, the .um .; :nt will be placed in the hand- if cv.r at torney for collection. J. T. WATER Honolulu. July L'l, lt'j'j. "2:1 NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE VUR chased the Orpheum Cafe, if:nd oa Fort street, Honolulu, and will open the same as a first-class restaurant on the eleventh day of August. lfO. All bills due by said cafe prior tr August 11th will be settled by C. former proprietor. LUM LUM WONG V. FOO HA. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS WHO ARC TEN ants of what has been known rs the Kapiolani estate are hereby requested to make prompt payment o! the amounts due by them to the unde signed at their ollice o!i Ku .'n ::a:um street. D. KAWANANAKOA. 52S3 J. K A L A N I A N A 0 L E. NOTICE. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCER have disposed of all my interest business and property sitTtated at the N;i- CHESTER A. DOYLE Police Department Loses His Services. Pes'gncJ lo Dootc H.'s Whole Atteati.n to latcr;rct:ct the Court. T me fcr Cllvtr tho Kin.u; l'rd liis anevo ir.t. : A. Doylf. wh r-:urr.-d yesterday fr:n H.iu.tii. t n-re?-iginilion its p J..p protcr and tiv to tin' General's department sn Attorney after hi.: arrival. It was addp-s-d to Marshal Ptown, and latr in th day was :i.- jrtd by that It: his i.-tter ;(.fpting the resignation Mar shal Prown pays a graceful tribute to Mr. Do le's pnst services in -onnftion with Hi- IVM IX'partment and ajui-s-s in th reasons whirli ld him to take the step. S-'aktr: of tli? matter l;i.-t weninc and in ar swer to a tpiestin whthei ther wjis ;ny friction b'tw-n Mr. Doyb: and himself. Marshal Prown paid: "Noi e whatever. Our relations arc and always have been most t-ordiaf. No !' iei;iets Mr. Doyle's ltMving th d partiiM-nt nunc than myself. His verviees ba Nen simply invabiabi.. :i I have i,i xid loason to kno.v. It has. l.vevrr, lieMl four.d for som- tit?n i:irt tlu.t the -work assigned to Mr. jT"oy? u;is iiioro than hm could attend w.rtioat .gletlng his duties as .l.ipai!'" !! prater in th higher ?.urt:-, l.ut vtill we could have got along t-ornehow were It not for the !.n t that Ids duties ns a clen-ctlve have of late fi erucutiy clashed with those to be performed by hfm afterwards in tie- courts, and by rmson of his ma iiJi: an arrest or working up evidence in a case he has been lisfpiaUlb d from ajting as the official Interpret r aftor wanh Mr. Doyle has long realized this, but we have been to loath to dis-peu- with his valuable services that no adiou has been taken on the mat tf r. When, however the resignation v.;r: tendered today there was no oth er nwrse for me but to accept it." !Mr. Doyle himself did not care to go into the reasons which led to his re signing, but finally said it was simply another v edification of the adage that no man could serve two masters. Th Japanese work hail increased to such an extent that it "was Impossible tni serve with the conrta and the l'olicr j Department, and therefore h had chosen to stay with tho work which ! was nof t congenial to him. Mr. Doyle's cimnection with the po lice Department n;s been of some ten years standiLg. llo has evinced o:i numeif'us occasions detective ability c.f in moan order. Probably the first big case that be "was interested in was ttie bringing to Justice of the Incendi aries on the Iahaina canefields in ts?:, to sccompliBh which he went to jail hiir.relf and UstentMl to the talk ing of rr.speeied prisoners until he got eiMo the right parties. The arrest and detection of the man Goto, a Japanese who murdered his wife at Ew.i and v.'ho ",v;s run to earth by Doyle at Kona, Hawaii, was another good pie. e i f work. It was lo his good use of a thoroujrh knowledge of th Japanese language that ho nsccrtainefi the when -a bouts of (3ie opium landetl from the t-chooner Iabrador and by so doing probabl;. saved Ujc Government from bing mulcted in a considerable sum for striding the vessel. His connection v, ith the shooting scrape on the Aus tral j. te- rient to refpiire repeti tion. Held Under Investigation. J i l V.M.i, a T'i.J..ive, js held fr lnvts- ... ... i. ni;... f . . t . i I - - u -"""- " tesht t ::A w tl.o J a Tau -:o r.cune oi j. r. oi ki'-i to s? vl-ck for $100 drawn oa th( the Hank cf .Haavr.if. Eiia is not unknown .o pe)io it Ix'ins only ci ihfrt time !' c4cnp!otcd a lliirteim months' S':: : V: Fimi!ar offense. '!'t e f ;u ' nJ cf the Japnneso midshlp iriia, i ti-e Hiyei. who died Friday tok pi:irf Ft unlay with military hr.eiw 'rlc hedy v.cs ir.terreil tn Ma kiki. NOTICE "Hi: TiVOLI OPERA COS SUH icrii -tion lijt for reason tickets will ij rt H :u m. VVdncday, July at Pertr ru ?Tusic Store, Fort and Ilere- (C'y, Pro.qrcs.s block. U. Ifc SCOTT. 4 4 MY r.Jinirat ion often u ed hythe prntnl BABY" po:e.--r d a Msurer Mandolin. oo You will do well tf .- tire ore and if you do not lay, lear:i, as the instrument eapy to learn, and pr.utiie. wilh :i MA IT UK It N a -i.i:ii.e It.iMire. Our :-p:eia ty: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 BERGSTROi .? UdtU t.lMITfe rs- l- LOCK Telephone 321. Ccrnsr Fcrt end BereUrii Sts. f :f i r i I !! RAINIER , i 7 Am". , , .- f QUALITY - r. SUPERIOR-'-.--TO ALL- -J1: A HOME BEER. FOR SALE HY ALL DEALERS. BY AUTHORITY. IRRIGATION NOTICE. Holders of water privileges, or those) paying water rates, are hereby notified i . .i r 1 I I ' arc from 0 to S o'clock a. m. and fron t to 6 o'clock p. xn. and in: w r.uowN. Supt. Ilonolttlu Water Work. Appropev by: J. A. KINO. Minister of Interior. Honolulu. June H. 35 Differnt Styles! Gold Oak Bedroom Clieval anil Duchesse Extension Dining Tables, Just to hand Per "S. C. Allen. ooo- GOYNE--MEBRTEN J. A. MEHRTEN. MANAGER Progress Block. HAWAIIAN Dry Goods Association TKMI'LE OK FASHION. FOR THIS WISKK only: Fine Figured Organdies at 20 yards for $1.00. Farwell Cotton at 20 yards for $1.00. Fine Ginghams at 15 yards for $1.00. Fine Ginghams at 35 yards for $1.00. Ladies' Shirt Waists at 25 cents each. Ladies', Men's and Children's Shoes at 25"- below cost. M. PALAU, Manager. A. V GEAR PRESIDENT. DR. HUDDY VICE PRESIDENT. EDWARD HANAPI ...... SECRETARY. N. FERNANDEZ TREASURER. CHAS. WILCOX - - -AUDITOR. HRTESIHM WELLS I L. 0. PISKHAM. CONTRACTOR. Office With tho Pacific Hardware Co., Honolulu II. I. Km itnatt' 'jiven ;ml routnurt" in;nl for wMN n any tin MaipU. SIX NEW PLANTS lrilll(M. rraor TfT, !2sg&s; Frank BPn ersonG) 28-LGTS-28DPAI At i;nnilimi Pir Qil. iiMlJrUlW .'.It M t !. II t.: . A A : I.--ii r. "l r i: .' .. .' v. r i hi a II3TSCE TO PiSSEIiCEHS. Norin: is iir.ur.i.v ;ivi:n to l .::,: U'hii;:: b ..r.y ,.f .. l.-r. vi' rs tej-re-'T.:-! ! :!. t;:-..!T-;:. d ac-r.t t...t a r.r. I :: r Aiu- t:t 1-t. lv.. a l--;.:. lars tll t e r i'iiid Iri'ta f t-n bi- vtiiTiT at the ttn. 'f r c;:rat;4:i f T!ii f will N r fa:a!l In Jcije n ln.ib.lity to to!de uvinni ;dat!on on arrival f :unr. : Sicncd WM. C. IIIW'IN & COMPANY. Ltd.. ; Ity it rrc!.cr.:. W. i;. Irwin. ! Signed iTHKO. II. DAYIIS jC CO. .M. j Hy Thoma lUln W.ilk.-r. Director. Agent. of tm. !.m - Aiif tralUn Ste.imslilp ti. CSigncdl II. IIACKPKLIl CO.. Ltd . i:. Suhr. Director. r.rvj ASSESSMENT NOTICE. ! sh i:i:iioi.di:us or Tin: ami:;;- jU'AN SrcSAU COMPANY arc hereby : notified that an a5mcnt of 1 jf r cent on the neahlc Mork will !" .'due and payable to the trenjuirer. at C llrcwcr & Co.'h ofHce. Qwn !roet. Honolulu, on the 2th lnt. (Signed! CLO. H. IlOltr.ItTSON. Treasurer A. S. Ci. Dite,!. July intb. IV. Sets. IN ELEGANT AND VARIOUS DESIGNS Parlor and Dining Chairs FuE TUBE CDHPAHY Km h':ivy work o rr.iti-.I l.y :!: tnn-i !i!!fnl liijlir-: ria-- rznf ? 5 ESTATE FOR SALE. 1 A few elegant lots cz Manon on the road, with unsurpassed view and climate. Op line pro posed Rapid Transit Easy terms. 2 Several town lots on Ber etania Street, Ewa sia of Geo. Ross. ? One house and lot on Beretania Street. 4 Lois in differem mHs o. Kewalo Tract. Kapiolani Park Addition Lots, on installments. 8 One homes. New houses and hijih grounds it Kewalo. 5noo each. Cheap. 10 Lands in Nuuanu valle 1 1 Lons leasehold at Kaki ako with jicod returns 1 1 Only 6 more lots of aT. sizes in different putt of the most desirable lo cations cf Kalihi. with fine views, macadam ized streets, and water supply from city. These lots we sell at lowest figures in monthly in stallments without in terest so as to put therr within reach of any body who wants a home. 17 House and lot. well Im proved, on wide, macad amized street in K2lihl. just past Kamehameha Schools. Price 52,250 21 FOR SALE A house lot 100x200 in block 17 on Lchua Avenue, Pearl City. -A few of the very choi cest lots, of various sizes, in all Kalihi. Ewa side of H. C Myers. Esq., commanding an unsurpassed view, on fine street with water from city. A visit to the grounds will con vince. Terms to suit yourself. , STOCKS AND For SaleS Buy and sell outrfer.: City and Suburban Real Es tate. Apply to JJi. Schnack DEALHR IN Kita(ii us Ate a a Stock Brokers, Hku and known as the Nahik'.j ttre, to the Nahiku Sugar Co. S. FUXIT-V Honolulu. H. I.. Julv 17. 52S7 San Fpamclsco. rtnTmnniAlT nil AA1T 223 Merchant St. P. O. IVx Ka.