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I 7V- THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, JULY 25. 18GD. W 111: HENRY R. WORTHINGTON, Bsialsieers and Guilders WHO IS TO PAY? ffliBira LIMITED Offer for Sale: 4 Ill 1 AHD. OILCLOTH. hall mm m ID MATTING. Bills Incurred for the Chi nese Who Appealed. 4 H il Mi Pipi Efloities in water ills rail im .: - : Hi t i : Rugs, CENTER, SOFA AND STAND Heavy tock and Great Choice. - -e0- THE SPECIAL ATTENTION OF PLANTATION MANAGERS AND AGENTS is called to the fact that we carry in slock at our Queen irtreet Warehouse a large assortment of pumps for all kinds of sugar house service, including vacuum pumps, air pumps, condensers, feed pumps, juice pumps, molasses pumps, etc., together with a complete stock of spare parts and i valves for all sizes. Careful attention given all orders and prompt shipment t guaranteed. ESTIMATES FURNISHED FOR COMPLETE IRRIGATION PUMPING ! PLANTS OF ANY CAPACITY OR. POWER. CORNER FORT AND QUEEN STREETS. Honolulu. H. I. Telephone ite, lis, lie Covers, Eic. 35 Different Styles! Gold Oak Bedroom And V.e Aft.' ward Alowd to Lane! by a Ru!!its of the Secre tary cf the Treasury. ES fi www IS AO Sets. Of Best Value Ever Imported I Cheval and Duchesse -oo- AT E. .W; JORDAN oo IN ELEGANT AND VARIOUS DESIGNS. . Extension Dining Tables, Parlor and Dining Chairs Just to hand Per "S. C. Allen." i hi uionsjpu n siSM COYKE -IEBBTEM FOUSOBE J i J. m COMPAHY AT THE GAZETTE OFFICE. MEHRTEN, MANAGER Progress Block. A RILEY'S ITS. Telephone 398. P. O. Box 441. It will ! r"r;-::! :.! that some six months a l.irsf numbers of tiineo wort detained on thdr arrival here from Honukons i-ndlns examination of their permits and ;dvles from Washington. Sot:i hundreds of these were r-fus'd landing and an appeal was taken to the Svretary of the Treasury and u irssfully prosecuted at Washington by A. i. M. Robertson, who was sent on for that purpose. Many of th Chines were detained at the quarantine station pending the de termination cf their ai peaks for period extending in some instantc to nearly three months. These men were spe cially guarded during their stay at the quarantine station and fed with the usual rations allowed Immigrant In quarantine. Hut a very serious ques tion has now arisen as to the payment of the hills. In the first place the steamship com panies were liahie for all bills incurred during the period of quarantine, and thee have been paid without question. When the period of quarantine was over notification was given iu, author ities that the steamship companies would he no longer- liable for any charge for subsistence for the detained immigrants. Mr. McVeigh, in whose care the uen were, could not see them starve, and. in conjunction with Mr. Jextiolds of the Hoard of He.tlth. or- iered su!"lcier.t supplies through the isuai channels. When the men were finally released the Mils which had ae- umul.ited w i forwarded to Washi ngton. togethtT with the payroll of he guards and bill for their subist- ence. ny tne last mall replies v.-er nceived from Washington staling that the t'nlted States would 1m responsible for the pay and keep of the guard. but had nothing to do with the bills 1 4 I'-irTmnn .1 . I . . i . I HMiU.MU m iur iue niaiuieiiauce oi iniuiir.iius pending apieals from decisions reJm- iug them a landing. This decision on the iarl of Ihc Washington magnates has thrown the bn-al authorities into spasms. The question at once arises as to whit ex tent the Hoard of Health is liable? That the bills were incurred by au thorized agents of the 1mm nl thongh the usual channels there serins to be no doubt, but their payment Is anoth er matter. Then, again. If the liabil ity rests with the lKMrd. It has m money to pay the bills, the appropria tions for the present biennial period being so nearly exhausted that it Is only by the closest economy the board will be? able to keep within ihem. In the iiKamlme these bilks are over three months in arrears and the mer chants are the sufferers, as was the case with Mlki Mam's passengrrs. It is understood the amount is in the neighborhood of J.lo. mostly for rice, beff ;.nd fNh. Loans Negotiated. R, C.A.Peterson; BROKER, Real Estate and Financial Agent. J1EFLNE1) SUGARS. Cube and Gran'ulatwi. 1'ARAFINE PAINT CO.'S Paint. Conjpu2Jt and BalMlafl Ia per. PAINT OILS. I.ucol IUw and XWllcd. LlnteyM Ilaw an! ItoSlcJ. ISDURI.NE, Water-proof coM-watrr Taint. 1 Ide acd outflJc: la wtlte color. FERTILIZERS, Alex. Croi Son' high-grit Scotch fertilizer, adapted tor rm par case and coJTec. N. Ohlacdt & Co cbenslcal fcrtll Irem and finely ground Don Meat STEAM PIPE COVERING, X:cc4 latent eUttlr rct local plpt Covrrlnp. FILTER PRESS CLOTHS, Linen and Jute. CEMENT, LIME & BRICKS. I HONOLULU, H. I. OFFICU: l. O. COX: 365. AGENTS FOR vi:sti:i:n sugar rkuinino co Han Pranrlco, CaL II A LD WIN IjOCOi!OTIVi: WORKS. Philadelphia. IVnn U. S. A Hoffman Saloon ni:wi:ll univiiiwal mill co (Manf. -National Caac Shrewder-). New York. U. S. A- OIILAND7 : CO- K?n XYaaclsco. Cai. 3AV AR1AN fil And The Manson Three Crown Bicycle. The handsomest Wheel made. If you put its exquisite appearance, the excellency' of its workmanship, and its light running qualities, alongside the ordinary wheel sold in Honolulu, no one of our nicely discriminating Honolulu people will for a moment hesitate which wheel to purchase. The Manson Three Crown Bicycle is the "Edition de Luxe" of the bicycle world. BAILEY'S HONOLULU CYCLERY, Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands. OPTIONS:-Any Saddle, Tire or Chain. - - - PRICE, $60. SOLE AGENT FOR THE MILWAUKEE PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRE THE REST. ... "r-'KJ-- 2 ,H "smz v-1 ry -V --Sv i .v t '.x.t : J-:V-. ' w m ' ! SlVul.'.'V1' 'T-T .... .v . - - - - ... .. ... M V m . 1 I " w Tin: si:amans 1:1.111. i ON DRAFT. L. H. DEE PROPRIETOR, Cor. Hotel and Nuuanu Sts. Captain Anderson Iays Tribute l ItsGooJ Work. Editor Alvrtisr: Will you kindly illow mo p;ir' to Ht;t that I thor inglily approve of th ilUrlplino anil manasenu.'iit of the IIonlul;t Sraman'H Club or Institute? I ran safely say that since those In stitutes were started sailors hac ta ken fresh heart. Thy. as a c!as, are sensitive, and greatly appreciate the fact that the pood people ashore take i Genuine Interest in their welfare. I am pleased to know that the captain, officers and crew of the llritish ship Invermark took an active part In start ing the Honolulu Institute, ami have every reason to belfevu that they will never regret their names lelng on the beautiful scroll which adorns the hall. The founder and supporter of the In stitute has done a grand work In mak ing It iossihle for seamen to have a nice, respectable resort, away from ine Slock rurnlsbcd at Fair Trices. saloons. Upstairs In the hall. In Work Do no SaUfactorIly. tlon to reading room ana norary, writ ing tables, etc., a wise forethought of the promoter was to liave other nec essary surroundings such as a bath room, so that once a visitor is on the nremises he has no actual necessity to look for similar conveniences at the saloons or elsewhere. This accommo dation In Itself. I believe, brings many a seaman to the hall, and when onc there they lecome Interested and stay all the evening. C A. ASIlKltON. Inrrnr it th RISDOX ir.o.v WORKS. AND IjGCOHOTIViS Saa rrar.cfkco. CaL E. 33. HITCH Market , Warehouse Rull!ln& Queen Street. Practical Sail Maker Estimates Given for all Klsdj of AWNINGS. TENTS. TRUNK COV ERS. TARPAULINS. WAGON COV ERS, FIELD COVERS. ETC J.. T(? (A All fit. ' CHOICE WHonoi AND BEEF, pork Always Or M and. oo Sausages. Liver, Hear Cheese and Break fas Bo- Master of the Rrltish Ship trite. Honolulu. July ZZ. 1M.. Amp 'HE BEEBE BIYSLE A fine wheel at a very low price. A hundred of them in use in Honolulu and no kick coming. Cones andCups equal to the best Always Excepting Manson. Price Single Tube Tires $30 OO 35.00: Price Double Tube Tires : f 35 OO 40 OO. Price Milwaukee Puncture Proof Tire : 40 OO 45 OO. AT 0Jfl,9 AJL Jl. .Meeting f irii!ii-. A cousin of l It. Helm, s-cretary of IVarson & Potter Company, was a member of the cavalry troop on Uard the City of Para. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. til Nuaian TtL 10C FIRST CLASS Bicycle Repairing Done at Very Reasonable Figure?. GIVE US A TRIAL. The young man b-rt eimuMone iMri- fii. 1'itii ff 1.1st month. ctmlnc out on -skees- over twelve feet at CLEYELIKD BICYCLES FOR REIT. now Ho fiumd the rhanjce :n cii s Honolulu Cyclery The Pioneer Repair Shop. 231 KING ST. mate from the Yellowstone to Hawaii net only a most decided on but also a most agreeable one. The cousins had no idea of matins here and. not having seri each other for twelve years, were more than pleasvd with their visit. TACTFC I . WIl.l I ELM I N A. That Q-.i'vn Wi'.hclm'.na ordercl all the famous Waterloo ba:tb pictures u? moved from the apartments where the peace delegate are meeting l elteI as an ev!deno of her tact. We have a few second hand wheels which wo are selllss at cut rate prices. CITY REPAIR SHOP E. Jones. R. Clark 115 Bethel Street Opposite WatcrLouje Grocery Co. A MonM r:ast U col coa?:c! with out II!ec:r!c Power, thus diseasing with sosaII esz!&. Why cot geaerxte jour power trca oae CCNTILL Stallco? Oae reaer- a:or caa furaUh power to your Poap, Ceatrlfccals, Orator riow. JUI3 was aai UoUu; also, ?yura!sa llcat acd power for a railus of fro si IS to ZO miles. IScctric Power SIas wi. sirei tie labor of baulls? coal la your 2e!d, s0o water, aad does away with LIja-prJce4 ca;!scrr, a-J oa!y Lave oa eagtse to look after la your aKl. Wacre wa:r power is ara!!ib:e It coiu coth'.c; to Rostrate Cectrte Power. TIIC HAWAIIAN KLHCTRIC COM PANY Is cow reaiy to furalsh Keetric I:aau aal Ceaerators of all detcrlp Uoas at s-ort entice, as 6 a!so hx oa a larje s'jocx cf Wire. CatcCe Hers fxd Xectrleal CooSs. All oriens will be irfrea proapt at teatloa, aai ct'Jaates fara!ael for Ushtlai: aad Power PUcts; also, at tectloa Is circa to Haai-e aai llarSae Wlrlss TilEO. i;orriS.N. Maaicer. WM. G. IRV7IU & CO LIMITED. Wa CJ. Irm In.. Pre? S2ex3t asd Maaaxer Cluas $itrM Vlt lYcAlflea: W. M. GianLcretary and Treajium II. M. WTaitaey. Jr. Auditor SCO A It FACTORS AND miMii soao roter norKs co. LIMITED Eip!auade. Cor. Allea aad Fort Su. HO LUSTER & CO.. - - AGENTS. COMHISSION AGENTS AGENTS FOR THE Oceanic Steamship Company Of Saa Fraadjco, CaL V 6 4 1 1 7