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TUE PACIFIC, COM.MKKCIAL ADVEKTI.SKK: IIo.i U.ri.r. JULY 17. 1S39. WoCo AcM & CO rotes 10 West King Street. - OR SALE Honolulu Brewing & Malting Co. Oahu, Kihei, Ookala, Miku, Waimea, Waimanalo, Etc., Etc., Etc. Children's Photos Are the hardest of all to make well until you become accustomed to the task. Mothers tell us we are at cur best when making photos of the little ones. Our quaint, unique poses faith ful likenesses and dainty style of fin ishing photos find favor in every mother's eyes. Preserve baby's pretty face in one of Williams' photos. J. J. WILLIAMS, H 1 81 Fort Street. C. BREWER &CO L'D. -Queen Street : : Honolulu, H. I. AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono raea Sugar Company, Honomu Sugar Company, Wailuku Sugar Company, American Sugar Co., Makee Sugar ' Ocrmpany, Ookala Sugar Plantation Company, Haleakala Ranch Com pany, kapapala Ranch, Molokai Ranch. Planters' Line, San Francisco Packets, Charles Brewer & Co.'s Line of Bos ton Packets. Agents Boston Board of Underwrit ers. .Agents for Philadelphia Board of Un derwriters, standard Oil Co. LIST OF OFFICERS. ' C. M. Cooke, President; George II. -Robertson, Manager; E. F. Bishop, Treasurer and Secretary; Col. W. F. Mien, Auditor; P. C. Jones, II. Water &ouse. G. R. Carter, Directors. J as. H. Love, Stock Broker FORT ST., Next Biart's Jewelry Store. For Sale: KIHEI. McBRYDE SUGAR CO. NAHIKU. -OOKALA. KAHUKU. B jo-, t Lewers. F. J. Lo wrey. C. M. Cooke LEVERS & COOKE. importers and Dealers in Lumber and Building Materials. Office, 414 Fort St. Stock B What can you do TO SaveHhemm You Have Come Back from Mauna Loa With plates or films on which are ex- osures you can never hope to Duplicate. They are probably chemically affect ed by the sulphur fumes and other va pors rising from the Bowels of the Earth. "We are chemists and .know how to develope these plates and films, and SAVE THEM for you. Do not delay one moment, for delay May Be Fatal. THE Le lunyon PHOTO SUPPLY CO. 426 Fort Street FOR SHLE. A LOT OF FINE, WELL BRED Milch Cows, Heifers, Horses, tame and gentle; a child can handle them. Will be sold single or by lots. A large number of well made milk ing cans will be sold in lots of one or a dozen. , For further particulars apply to A. A. Montana, Kaaipu Dairy, opposite Minister H. E Cooper's residence, Ma noa Valley. Terms Cash. 5260 FOR SALE. 1C 1-3S ACRES COFFEE LAND AT HONOKAA. 8 acres in full bearing, 5 acres planted with trees from 1 to 2 years old. Over 200 Alligator Pear trees, with other fruits, oranges and peaches, and about 500 Banana trees. This land is all fenced and there is also a 20x20 building, containing a cof fee pulping machine, etc., on property. A bargain. 5272 Address X. L., this office. Beach Lots AT KULIOUOU THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS ON long leases at reasonable rentals four very desirable beach lots at Kullouou of two acres each, with water laid on. For plats of lots and further partic ulars apply to J. M. MONSARRAT, Cartwright Block, Merchant St. 5250 WEAK MEN And worncr. tho lacking in eneriry and vigour, will find Elec tricity, a? applied by the cresil American in vention. "Dr. Pierce's Electric Belt." a won derfnl restorative. I O Send for a free copy of onrnew 'Book No. 2." Addres 620 Market St. San Fsricicn. Pierce Electric Co. GUIDE THROUGH HAWAII. PRICE, GOc. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. FOR SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERS. STREET RAILWAYS Rights of Rival Lines Laid Down. Attorney General Cooper's Opln Ions on Rights of Ha wallan Tram ways and Rapid Transit Cos. Following is the text of th opinion of Attorney General Cooper on ?n right of the Hawaiian Tramways Com pany to lay ilotioW tracks on streets traversed by its present lines and the right of the Rapid Transit Company to lay a track along Kins street front the bridge to Victoria street. It is tin derstood that these opinions have been adopted by the Executive Council an now represent the views of the Gov ernment in the matter. Department of the Attornev General Honolulu. July 10th. 1S'.'.. To the Executive Council: In re gard to the notification of the Hawaii an Tramways Co.. Ltd.. under date of June 2oth. wherein the company states its intention to convert its line from a single track to a double track on the various streets in Honolulu where it is now operating its line of tramways. I have to say that I am of the opinion that the Tramways Company is en titled by its franchise to lay and main tain such double tracks. This opinion is based ujon the several acts upon which the franchise was granted. In 1SS4 the first franchise was grant ed to W. It. Austin and his associates. The franchise granted by this act of the Legislature expired by limitation of time. The franchise was re-enacted by the Legislature of 18SI and was tgain re-enacted by the Legislature of 1SSS, which extended the time for the completion of the tramway until the 1.1th of September. 1SM. Before this last mentioned date the Hawaiian Tramways Company. Limited, hud been organized, and constructed all of the lines of track now in operation by that company; such line, however, be ing a single track with the necessary switches and turnouts. The question which has been consid ered is whether or not the Tramways Company is now entitled to change its line from single to double tracks. The limitation of the franchise is controlled by the seventh sub-division of sec tion C of chapter 31 of the Session Ltws of 1SS4, as amended by chapter IS of the Session Laws of lSC. which is as follows: "That the said railway must be com pleted and equipped and ready for pas sengers within two years, and if not so completed within the said two years then all rights hereby granted shall terminate and the franchise hereby granted become void and of no effect. Provided, that for such portions of said road as shall at that time be completed and equipped as above required the right herein granted shall stand and be of full force and effect." The time limit mentioned in this sub-division of section U was extended by the Ltws of 1SSS to September 1.1 18S0. The Tramway Company having laid its single track with the neces sary switches and turnouts and equipped the same for public travel be fore the 1.1th day of September, lsv.t. in my opinion, earned the full benefit of the franchise for such portions as had been completed and equipped, which included the right to lay a double as well as single track on the streets mentioned in their letter of June .1. The franchise being in full force and effect so far as those street, are concerned, authorizes the company to lay a double track upon such streets at the present time. The fran chise was not in the alternative to the extent of compelling the company to make its election before the 15th of September, ISS'J, but gave the company its option to lay a single track with the necessary switches and turnouts or a double track, and having complied with the requirements of the statute it earned the right to exercise full force and effect of the franchise which includes the right to lay a double track. I am, however, of the further opin ion that the franchises granted gave nothing more than a license to the Tramways Company to occupy the streets mentioned in the franchise, which, if not availed of, would not hinder the occupation by another com pany, holding a franchise from the Legislature, if no physical difficulties prevented it. The latter becomes important for the reason that a petition has been re ceived from the Honolulu Rapid Tran sit & Land Co. for permission to oc cupy that portion of King street from the King street bridge crossing Ntiu anu stream to Victoria street, which would necessitate the laying of a track parallel to the Hawaiian Tramways Company's track on King street be tween these points. The Hawaiian Tramways Company not having exercised its right to lay a double track on King street between the points above mentioned, it appears J to me that there is no valid reason for denying the petition of the Honolulu Rapid Transit & I-and Company for the right to maintain a track as asked for. it in so doing the public safety and convenience of travel are not materi ally impaired. 1 have expressed this opinion in an swer to the question referred to me by the Executive Council upon the pe tition of the Honolulu Rapid Transit & Land Company. HENRY E. COOPER. Attorney General. Honolulu. H. I.. July i;. 1S'... To the Executive Council: In regard to the petition of the Hon olulu Rapid Transit & Iind Co. for a right to construct its line of railway over that portion of Kins street from the King street crossing Nuu anu stream to Victoria street. I have to say: That paragraph 11 of section 2 of Act CO of the Session Laws of li'jS slve the company a risht to lay a railway upon such other tr-t.- as are not specifically mentioned in their franchise when a majority of the own ers of the property on any such tret hall petition in writing .ald company to lay its railways on said street, pro vided that the consent of th Execu tive Council hhall N obtained. I ha examined the petition of the property owners, and from r liable in formation am of the opinion that mre than a majority of the property own ers of that iortion of Klnc tret above mentioned have j'tltlnd the company to lay and maintain it- rail way, and I am of the opinion n ! gal impediment exists to the grant ing of the petition. d- to an th ujm.u the iteierence is r.erejiy nia opinion of v. n date herewith upon tl"MrilloH tn th firt thir nn ritv notlu ution of the Hawaiian Tramway I Company. Ltd.. of its Intention t. lay doMble tracks along certain trevts inlohlv nn fltv in thf wnrlri Hoiiolulu. including the above r.-.en- tior.ed jNirtion of King :reet. I do not understand that the t;-. - tion of fea.-ibillty or deirability of al lowing this company to constnnt Its railway along King strft. as peti tioned for. was referred to me. Respectfullv submitted. hknry k. rnormi. Attorney General. J Your Kote Onr List of POPULAR and JNbW dUUKj And we will note that you buy ! ! I the thi: cruisi: or tub cachalot. by V. T. Dullcn. IIAVII1 1 1 AHUM, by Wtvcolt. WITH KITCHKNKIl TO KHAR TOUM, by Stecvcnu. ADVKNTintKS OP C.IT. K I ITT LI, by C. Ilyne. THK IUVKR SYNIHCATi:. l.y C. II Carryl. THi: ASSOCIATE HERMITS, l.y P. Stockton. RARRACK-ROOM IlALLAllS, l.y Kiplint;. THE AMATEPR CRACKSMAN, by Hornung. ON THE EDGE OP THE EMPIRE, by E. Jcpson. ANGLO-SAXON SP PER IORITY. by E. Dcmolln3. OO LIMITED. IMKIK.'I I AX T ST I K ET. J LAN DO, Has on hand a new line of Sliirits nim Golf, Stanley, Negligee. WOOL AKD COTTOS USDERWEAR. HOSE, in Fancy Ljlie and Cottoa. HATS AND CAPS ia entless varieties. UEK'S AKD BOYS' CLOTHIKC. STAR and BOTHER'S FRIEND SHIRT WAISTS. L. E. TRACY. Fort Street near Kin;:. Palamma Lots 0000 Next to Insane Asylum Pasture. For Sale. Those desiring further Information regarding these desirable lots inquire of J. P. MORGAN, Queen street, or MRS. THERESA WILCOX. Rcthel street, orposlte Rlshop Savings Rank. loses H LOIS f':l Mi On Lanawal and Cooke street! Terms reasonable. MRS. THERESA WILCOX. Rethcl StrccL Oaumet PerIeclion ( in ) V Quality J taking Pocntor modfrate ( IN I V PRICE J I I, OUTFITTER ID FURIIISHER ooo 22 Fine Desirable House Lois W. J. GUNN. fie k 410 Montgomery St. San Francisco. California The attention of having capital to invest is rollrtH tn th firt thir nn rltvt . , - . . . ' In the United bUtCS Or pr0D- w y w w w m www w, w w -w v w w -m offers better opportunities to make profitable or fortunate investments in Real Estate than does the city of San Francisco at the present t,mAe- f B A great many reasons can be given why San Francisco realty will advance in value from now on. 1 offer my experience and knowledge of values to in tending buyers of business properties or residence sites. I can submit some very de sirable purchases of Real Pctito thit ifill trmlH i fi n r w.w J ,t,u u income ana steaaiiy aavance in Value 1L4-.: i r..n..:.. unumiu'.iUM cucciiuuy fciv-i en. parties coming irom the Islands who desire to invest are requested to call. 1 will be hnnnv 10 corresnonri with any who may wish to obtain intormation in recard to San Francisco Real Estate. FUU Charge taken Of prop- nrixr finH tovnc nilH fnr oh- sent owner. H7. J. GDHH, 410 Montgomery St., Saa FrancUco, Cxllforala. THE CLUB STABLES (Limited.) C. B ELLIN A, Manager. rortSt.tceifEcul. Tdeptose 417. liveiy. BoardlngTonTsoles W&. PKOMIT SERVICE. STYLISH TL UN OPTS. SAPE DUIVEItH. Wo arc ciiecially etilppel to cater to your trml Pair I-allnf: and roo-I hervio in what c depend on to Ret It. Dr. In nlw.iy In attendance at the StaldcA. Glab Stables Hack Stand Corner Pnlon ami llotr! Street. (OM IMI Tower.) CLCD- STABLES HACK STAKD A5HEX TELEPHONE . (Corner KlnK and IVthcl Street.) CAIIEPPL ANII WELL INIX!IMEI) DUIVEHS. PIILST CLASS CAUItlACES. HACKS AT ALL HOCUS. Orders Tor Surrey. Waconctte.t. Single or D0-.1M0 TcacLS at a aoacsl notice. HACKS No. IS, (Z. TO. 77. 07. 125 and ISO. C. BELL1NA, Mgr. Tel. 210. Staldcs Tel. 477. Mill II 60 IO8 KING STREET. G.J.Waller : : Manager, Wholesale ami Iletail AND- NAVY CONTRACTORS Orpheum Cafe AtoTS OfcfHCtM TttCar&K. Four JT. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Meal Served at All Hour. 25c It EG UL A It iisxi:itf Prom 12 Till 2 o'clock. 25c FAMILY DINING ROOM IN CONNEC TION. TAIILES RESERVED POR LADIES. WHITE LA IJO It EXCLUSIVELY. C. T. COW, Managor, JUST ARRIVED New Importation of SILK GOODS. In th? piece. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. SILK SHAWLS. DECORATED FIjOWER lOTS. NEW PORCELAIN CPPS AND SAUCERS. TEA AND DINNER SETS. CARVED IVORY. RATTAN CHAIRS. CARVED SANDALWOOD ROXES. THESE GOODS ARE THE IIANDSOM lST IN ALL HONOLULU. WING WO CHAN A CO 210-212 Nuuaaa StreeL (BE BANK OF OAVJSD LIMITED. !norr-ratM rnJr th" of th ltrpu!.!:c f Hawaii. CAPITA! IIW.O0XC3 orricirus ani nmncTORs. Cha. !. Cok- !re14efit P. C. Jon- vie, pmiieat C. II. Cke CuMrr 1 . c Athrnon MUiiat iMrrx-tor llnry a:rrhouM. May. r. W. Macfarlatie. II l. J. A. McCandW. Solicit th Aroiunt of Pinna. tnrcrr.itJon. Trm:. In lUJdml. and wtU lUUM I !y and carefully attend to mil o.nnti l,ru,N.! Ut 4t- r'1 Purrhaj Fw- cUn Kr bar.e. !ku !:tT of Credit. S A V IXGS IUIPA! tTM KNT. Ordinary and Trrm lvjvit rrcelrwA and Intercut allow".! in arcordxno with rule- and ronditionn rrintrd ta pa UV. o'pim t.f which may torn hid on application. Judd H jildinc. Hut StrorL (claps spki:cki:i. vm. g. mwix. CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO., . w 1 oanKeroy HONOLULU - - H. I. SAN PItANCIS0 At;i:xTj nin Ni:VAIA NAT!(N.L HANK OT SAN PKANCISCO. I !t AW lIXCHANGi: ON SAN FItANCISCO Th Nevada. lional llank of San Prancisco. MINIKIN Th Pnlon IUak of Lon don. (Ltd.) Ni:V YOIIK American Lie banco Na tional llank. CIHCAGO-Mrrrhanu- National Ilank. lums-crMit i.yonnai. IU:itL!N lrcdnrr lUnk. HONGKONG ANI YOKOHAMA Hongkong and Shanghai UanklAff tirrratlon. ni:v zi:alani ami apstraua Itank f New Zealand. VICTOItIA AND VANCOUVER Ba& of IIril!h North America. I033 0 GuXfd Briri S HClIC3 C I iiwiu Rereired. ium made oa Traveler' Credit l&tued. Itllla Exchange llought and Sold. lu,',,V..... "W" AC- BISHOP & CO. SAVINGS BANK On Octolcr lt. IK, and conUnalaar until further notice. Savlnc IVpoelts uill lo rrcriel and Intcmt allowd by thin llank at four and one-half per cent per annum. The term, rules aad regulation of the Hawaiian IotaJ Saving llank mill m adopted mm far as It I practicable to apply them, asd l ho Cosh Kc!TTe tif f y.i.t(i a.i required tinder the Postal An mill bo main tained. Print"! mpir-jt cif ih Itulen and Reg ulation may l- obiaisd oa applica tion. BISHOP & CO. Honolulu. Scp! mUr 7. IK5S. ISTAlILlSHEIl IN ISM. 3ISHOP & COa Bankers TltANSACT A C.KNK1L.M. IIANKJNO axi irxciiANoi: hcsincssl Commercial and TrarrVr' I e II era of Cfrdil IrTKd. atailalde In all ln Prlnelral Citi- tf th? World. INTEREST allowrx! after July Ut. lf:, on flxe.1 t;.it: 3 taontli 3 per cent; C months Z'3 r-r rest; 12 rrKyntfcy per cent. FEE YOKOHAUA SPECIE BAM LIMITED. - Paid Up Capita! Yea 12.00000 Rejierc Fund Yen 70000 HEAD OFFICE: YOKOHAMA. DRANCIIIS AND AGENCIES: Kol lindon. Lyonit. New York. San IYaneiM-i. Shanghai. Itoxa li y, Honi: Konc. Toliyo. INTEREST ALl-OWED: On Fixd l :"5it fir Z months I p. c p. a. On YiA :;a f.r C a'Jtilj. Z p. a. On Pi': for Z tuouil. 2 p. c p. a. INTEREST A LI Jf I WED I1Y T1ID HEAD liPFICE AT YOKOHAMA. n Current ljcjt I jt cnt. p. u On lixd Ik ;j! f ,r Z t:rrilhr, Z p. t . . Tl. Dank !.- and t-ivf for col-I'-iUi Di31 .f Eichanc. Usan Drafts and Itt:i of Cr3it on ibm .!-,.. Rranch and Ac-nnvt axxS Iran ar tit a iunkJni; bj4neaa Ar.ry Yokfiharaa S;wi Dnk: NVw Republic DJds.. : Honol jlTS. 1L L JUHE! ISHIZUKA AGENCY OF ICEl HIN BANK, LTD. Vineyard Street. Transact General Ilanllnn and Ex change Ruilsetx. VJD OFFICE TOKYO, JAPAU. Draw exrhanr rn FIILST NATIONAL DANK. YOKOHAMA. H. W. McCHESNEY & SONS. Vt:!tu3e Zrxm til DMlen la Uut ui Acnts Honolulu Snap Work Com pany, Honolulu, and Tannery.