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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOMU JULY 20. IS20. m CIHENRY R. WORIHINGTON, ! -isc.)- : COMING CONCERT J; Mm air.'!iATu Engineers and Btallders ,fr 'Mf;i niUlf 111 - : "5 -1 in:i! ;;1 "jf frf'.' , ''-r'Ti fhvl irri'V'ifin ill LIWOT l'Wi :l ' ' E Program for the Event of Tuesdav HBRE Mill. Rug -04 0-fO- ft i THE SPECIAL ATTENTION OF PLANTATION MANACKKS AND AGENTS is called to the fact that wo carry in stork at our IJue'.-n Street warehouse a large assortment of pumps for ail kinds of .-r.jiar house s-rviee. including vacuum pumps, air pumps, condensers, feed pumps, juice pumps, molasses pumps, etc., together with aeomnlet stock of spate parts and valves for all sizes. Careful attention given all orders and prompt shipment crunrintcGd L ESTIMATES FURNISHED FOR COMPLETE IRRIGATION ITMI'INT. PLANTS OF ANY CAPACITY OR POWER. CENTER, SOFA AND STAND Heavy Stock and Great Choice. CORNER FORT AND QFEEN STREETS. Honolulu. II. I. Telephone mini Mi, UU1U UUIUI 0, L 35 Different Styles! old Oak Bedroom Sets. Of Best Value Ever Imported jClieval and Duchesse -oo- AT IN ELEGANT AND VARIOUS DESIGNS, E Hit Extension Dining Tables, Ho. 10 STHEHT MERCHANT . TAILOR 23 Fort St., Opp. Club Stables. FINE SUITS TO CRDEIt AT REA SONABLE RATES Parlor and Dining Just to hand Per "S. C. Allen." Chairs ooo- Suits cleaned- and repaired, faction guaranteed. s-H CBY!E--IEilTE FUTURE C DMPAHT Only the highest grade of KKD RUI! is usetl in the Stamps made by the HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO. J. A. MEHRTEN, MANAGER Progress Block. MLEY'S IKE S Telephone 398 P. O. Box 441. 5T Delightful List of Selections at the Benefit for the Amateur Orches tra at Prorr?ss Hall. :i Tii- ' iy :... .1: Pr- i ! ? ! I : l -r: fr !!: !:! of tj,. r:; furs I of t!i ri. ii- :: :( !i.f v.i . u.. fT. the prv- i:m::j f;- w!.:h ;re :r. l : the ... vi Will i :u::-:u a; k r.iarj ::! of .k.ltn!.-v'.o:i !:;: Uf;y f r4-:;; :o:s in :wn .ml tn.iy a!.. oli:.i;:.. -l .it th- lf r on lUv oo:iir.jt of ! o:i rt. ro!.vin4 Ss the program of holcv- t i-.r.s to b- r.-nlorod: 1. )v-rtui f ." II rr:--t.. fr SaV S:-k anl I n !. 1. 1 III 1 1 LIMITED- Offer for Sale: ;.tl A:-n:. The U " ... Iivallc-11 AmattMir Or h --txa. I'.as Slo- la i "The farMne Snu" ... Hr!ert ih "On... hi Ihe iMiritle TvkllUat" liv!eH Mr. .!. It. IVSiilllvan. :l. loulh !as olo "Roiuatu e" .. lleimct Mr. CW-oro llraiul. j. ttvz "O l)llnc UowVemor" .... CotmcHl Annis Montague Turner. i Violin oMig.ito. Dr. O. E. Wall: pi.ino. Miss L. M. Krueg.M-; organ. Wray Talor.t "WeiMitm ?eren;ih'" IN.lro Silva Am.iti'ur OreheMia. it. I'.a.vs soh Conneinara" .. Wilson Mr. .!. It. O'Sullivan. 7. R. itation - "The OM. OM Story Mrs, .lames W. Iteritstroin. S. Song "Dost Thou Know Hint Sweet liml" l from "Mlgnon") Thomas Annis Montague Turner. !. Pizzicato ;avotte "Heart ntnl Heart" Ittann Amateur Orchestra. !.. Tenor song "A Youth Once l.ovel a Maiden" Maui! White Mr. J. T. Irvine. 11. "Roman C arnival March Mendelssohn KiMlmll- Mr-lll.t f!l Aciompanists Miss L. M. Knieger I 4Tk 1 rn .mil Mr. !!. II. OfTIey. JIVJ M Musical Direclor-Wray Taylor. ilONOLl'Ll : : : : : : : H. I. Oif. : 1" K.iahtimaati S:. !. O. !! REFINED SUGAIIS. Cul-e and Oranulatr!. PAUAFIXE I'AI.NT COt rair;t. Co;po-n! and DuUdlaa PAINT OILS, I.ucol Raw aad Ikl'.rU. I.!t.MixJ Raw at.4 I killed. INDUH1NE, Watcr-rroo? coM-watrr Tulct. la ide ar.4 outride; la mMte ac cxjJor. FERTILIZERS, iVtrtch fortU!xrr. adar'i tor m par race and coffer. N. OLlandt & Co' cbcra'.cal fcrtU Irer end finely pruund Don McaL STEAM Pin: COVERING, RecdV ralrnt clatic oclioral pipe CorrrlcjL FILTER PRESS CLOTHS, Llarn and Jute CEMENT, LIME i- BRICF.S. AGENTS FOR WKSTKKN SL'fiAIt 11CFIN1NG CO San lYancIico. CaL IIALDWIN IXKTOMOTIVi: WORKS. rhiladolphla. IVnn U. S. , ni:wi:i.i. i:nivi:iusai- milu co (Manf. -National Can ShmJdcr). New York. U. H. A. Hoffman A LOfiHi ITEM. Ill And OIU-ANDT & CO.. rrar.rifco. CaJ. . The Manson Three Crown Bicycle. The liandsomcst AVhoel made. If you put its exquisite appearance, the excellency of its workmanship, and its light running qualities, alongside the ordinary wheel sold in Honolulu, no one of our nicely discriminating Honolulu people will for a moment hesitate which wheel io purchase. " The Manson Three Crown Hieycle is the "Kdition de Luxe" of thelbicycle world. BAILEY'S HONOLULU CYCLERY, Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands. - - - PRICE, $60. SOLE AGENT FOR THE MILWAUKEE PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRE TH E REST. OPTIONS:-Any Saddle, Tire or Chain. 1 a UL! ON DRAFT. L. H. DEE . i -'t. i . x i-i C-X' i r ?:r .,7-, jrtR- xir tfmk wf ' r ' Then- aie a z;at in.Uiy of tl.":n. I'vcry jia;r has its hare. Statem'n:s hivl to lllcv.: !.i:ih-r to juove. Stateinenrs fn.v.i far-;i'Aay jl.n -. What neojjje .;y in New York. Pnl.'.ie rxiu-ession from California. Oft times ;:oo.l endorsement t ;e. ltat of little service here at home. Honolulu people want local proof. The s-ayinsts of nelhl-ors. friends and citizens. Home endorM'jnent counts. I ! It is heyond dispute. -ntui uiuiuiL- This is the t.ackiliK that Maud he- p HntM ?fir! Ntfllintl tC hind everv l.ox of lo.ns llarkarhe LOr "OlQl SnQ flUUanU 5X5. IChlnov Pills. Mr. John E. Rush of Iunch!ovl m.. T? TJJ TTTnTT this citv. Is attached to the Hawaiian I aUa id tLdaJm JU Wii interpretation htatf at th Supreme Court. He Fays: "I had kidney trou lile. and. nctlnK on ! niommnda- tlon of a friend, who had tri-d "n DpQ pfl fljl Qoil MoVnP invaluable remedy. I w me of f dUlllitll Dan llldlitJl I loan s liacKacne Kinney nus :u hoi- uster i'"iB v.u. mum- nstirnatcs Given for all Kinds of t c t nu itpnniciai io in ti. itti'i ten to my friend. It is well th- Mr- AWNINGS. TKNTS. TRUNK COV tucs of these pills hhnuM 1- mado EIUS. TARPAULINS. WAGON COV krown, for thev really ;im an xcel- KRS. HnLI CO ERS. KTC lent medicine for kidney .nl.W Slock rurnUb-SraTra!r Trlcek All This Is only one caM- J Work Done Satlsfactorilr. rlslit here in Honolulu peple whom you may know people who- state ments can not lc disputed. Doan's llarkarhe Kidney Pills are for sale hy all dealers. Price cents ner hox. or sent hy mall on receipt of I price ly the Hollister Dru (o.. Hono jlulu. wholesale agents for the Hawaii Ian Islands. I Remember the nam IOAN"S -and take no other. ItKi SltPv'.K IIMAI.. RISDON IP.ON ANI IjCCOMOTIVifi WORKS. S?.n Pracclkco, CaL 1 3ZL-:Axr? . 17 Z t J 4( t in vV y-l II' I Market Warehouse Iltilldlnp. Queen StrceL CHOICE Y"iTi05 BEEF, pork Alwnyo Or t-4 a rci. oo Sausages. Liver, Cheese and Breakfast Bo lone at the CENTRAL tfEAT MARKET. 214 Nuuinu SL Tel. 1ZL FIRST CLASS HE BEEBE BiYLE A line wh?ol at a very low price. A hundred of them in use in Honolulu and no kick coming. Cones and Cups equal to the best Always Excepting Manson. $30 OO 35 00: 35 OO 40 OO. Price Single Tube Tires Price Double Tube Tires Price Milwaukee Puncture Proof Tire 40 OO 45 OO. Three Hundred Share- f O.ilm Changed HauJ Yesterday. The sah of shans of the paid- up stock or t:ie ).in u tiar ompany i ry f reporte.l on the Honolulu S;.h k Hoard DlCyC IVwPcll Tl II yesterday mornlnc was the largest Done at Very Reafonable single transaction that has taken place Figure. for some weeks. The price was f iv: 1-3. GIVE US A TRIAL. the total amounting ti $.".ihmi. Chas. p,cm-n ptrvrfr? TAD DrrT J. Talk was the seller and All-rt Raas tLtlfcLdllU filtllLLb tUfl KtlU. the imver. Hoth brokers were ex- We Dave a C1X second hand wheels . M n ri which wc are felling at cut rato prices, tremely reticent concernini; tin mat- tor. Mr. Talk at knowledplm: that he CITY REPAIR SHOP had received his money and Mr. Raas JonCS. R. Clark. that he had the stock in his pocket. (5 Bethel Street .... . ine latter oroher. nuever. ham u- Opposite Waterhoufo Gncery Co. nally that the purchase was made for i account of parties living on the Main land, and that he considered it hy far AT Bailey's The H onolulu Cyclery Pioneer Repair Shop. 231 ithe lest investment made in the stock KING ST. ,nar,;"t this season. I OoosQildQled lm Voier voiks Go. LIMITED EspIanaJe, Cor. Allen and Fort Su. A Moitl T2ast U sol coap! vltn- out Electric Iocr, tnui !U;?as!nf with f23a.ll c 2 sine. Why not ccacratc jour povtr from oac CENTRAL Staiico? Oa ircaer- ator can farn!h poxcr to jour rnap. Ccatrifaxilt Iterator!, rioTr. IU1N vii aai Ho'.iv; also, fjurnl&a llcnt and poirrt for a railui of frora IS to 20 talic. Electric Vo-k'T IhIzz nw3. htm tl labor of hauling coal In yor :d ao water, and doci awar itn hJia-prlctS eaIaerf. aad oaljr bare oac eaglne to look after la yosr alii. Wacrc water power I ara!!a!l It cojU no'.h'.ri to ceaera'.c Eetrtc Tower. THE HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COM PANY it now ready to riraHa Electric rZaat aad Gcaeraton of all decrip tloas at abort sotlec, aai lt-o has on hiM a larse stock of V.lrc. Caan2 llcrt aad Electrical Gooi. All orders will I frfren j roaspt al tcatSoa. aal citlzatca f jra libel for Libtla aad Tower Ilxau; alao, at tention Is given to Hoj aal Marin WlTlzs THE0. HOrriUN, Slaaar. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., LIMITED. Wm. G. Irwin.. Tre.ildent and Manager Cluaa SpretkIj Vic; TrcMden: W. M. Glffard-ireUrr and Treajiurer H. M. Whitney. Jr Auditor SUGAR FACTOILS ANI COMHISSION AGENTS New hill at the Orphcum tonight. H0LL1STER & CO.. - - AGENTS AGENTS FOR THE Oceanic Steamship Company Of San Franclfco. CaL .1 i. ' i.