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9 oooooooooooooooooo o o a s i : s 0 1 i 0 o I 1 t o ! ! o a r 2 o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o ! I ? o s 1 s : i o o o o o o & p o o o o o e o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o q II. F. Wichman. q OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Lots o o o o Next to Insane Asylum Pasture. For Sale. Those desiring further information regarding these desirable lots inquire of J. F. MORGAN, Queen street, or I MRS. THERESA WILCOX, Bethel street. oDnosite Bishop Savings Bank. 10 neb ondLois fm sole. On Lanawai and Cooke streets Terms reasonable. MRS. THERESA WILCOX, Bethel Street. MORE NEW BOOKS! At Publisher's Prices. -THE SWALLOW. -GADFLY. -GARDEN OF SWORDS. -REAL HAWAII. -DROSS. -CAPT. COURAGEOUS. -DAY'S WORK. -LADY URSULA. -PRINCESS OF HOPE. -DREYFUS CASE. -ENCHANTED STONE. -ISLAND EMPIRE. -TRELAWNY OF WELLS. -OUTSIDERS. -And a large number of others. -ooo- Palsiinnia (II L 0 ! S LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR PRO FESSOR BLACKMAN'S MAKING OF HAWAII. A few copies just received, more on the way. - Thos. G. Thrum. TV Good Thing To know a I unit your food is it's purity. No one can alTord to overlook this important tiling in beverage. People who know, say that women and children can use and be sure of it's absolutely purity mild and delicious RAINIER It's ideal for home use a trial convinces WHAT A FUSS To Keep Your Cash Straight. e u ii Riiei Does the Business, ooo MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENT IRON FENCES, BUILDING IRON II. E. HBNDiUCK, PROP. G41 King street. 'Phone r.0!. Wailuku Hotel REMOVAL NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO NO- tify his patrons and the traveling pub lic of the removal of SHROEDER'S WAILUKU HOTEL. To the building next to Hoffman & Vettlesen's store, and a few doom away from the old location. GEO. B. SHROEDER, 5297 Wailuku. Maui. AII'UISG- & co. Merchant Tailors and Bepairers Nuuanu St., Holt's Block. Opp. Queen Emma Hall. Honolulu. A large assortment of DIAGONALS, TWEEDS, CASSIMERES, BROAD CLOTHS, BRAIDS, BUTTONS, As sorted Trimmings, New Pattern Diago nals and Serges. STENOGRAPHER. MISS A. A. ALLEN. EXPERT STE- nographer and Typist, will be pleased to receive orders, cor. King and Bethel trtK. stairs); telephone 751. Office (up- 5298 MEETING NOTICE. THERE WILL BE A SPF.OIAL meeting of the stockholders cl the Peo ple's Ice & Refrigerating Co., Ltd., on Wednesday, August 2, 1S99, -at 3 o'clock, at the office of the Hawaiian Trunt Investment Co., P'ort street. G. R. CARTER, 5299 Secretary. NOTICE. THE NAHIKU SUGAR ing taken over the store o CO., HAV- by Mr. BEER S. Fukuda of Nahiku, Maui, all bills .are granted the privilege of taking up against above must be presented to tnejthe additional amount allowed by law nniiprsiftiPd nn or hpf7r Ain-ii-t ififi ,vou will have the same chance as the 1S99. NAHIKU 5299 SUGAR CO. DIVIDEND NOTICE. A DIVIDEND IS DUE AND WILL be payable to the shareholders of the Kipahulu Sugar Co. on August 2d. The stock books of the company will be closed to transfers on July 31rt and August 1st. E. SUHR. Sec. Kip. Sugar Co. Honolulu. July 30th, 3S9D. ro17 New Upright PIANOS FOR- 250.00 ON INSTALLMENTS OF $10 PER MOMTR T I IE Bergstrom Music Co., Progress Block. AN AGREED CASE Of Importance to Olaa Lease Holders. Supreme Court to Pass on Rights of Those Who Took Up In That District. Land There has been filed in the Supreme Court a document of considerable im portance to owners and lessees of' land in the Olaa district of Hawaii. It is the submission of an aerreed case. which will determine the rights of all parties who may be similarly affected. The case will come up at the Septem ber term and it is entitled E. A. Horan. plaintiff, against Sanford B. Dole, as President, J. A. King, as Minister of the Interior, and J. F. Brown, as Agnt of Public Lands, respectively, of the Republic of Hawaii. Following is the statement of facts agreed on: That on the 25th day of January. 1894, the plaintiff, E. A. Horan. pur chased of A. G. Curtis lease No. 50, Se ries B, to lot No. 284 in the District of Puna, Olaa survey, Island of Hawaii; that said lease was duly assigned in writing and said transfer authorized by the written consent of the Crown Land Commissioners endorsed there on. That the plaintiff immediately after raid assignment took possession of the lot, paid the rent as it became due, and occupied -and cultivated and improved the premises according to the stipula tions of the lease from the date of said signment up to the 20th day of June, 1S96, at which time he made ap plication for the purchase of the lot That the reason plaintiff applied for a patent to said land at that time was that his money and resources were ex hausted, and in order to cultivate the land he then had planted in coffee, and to clear and cultivate an additional area, it was necessary lor him to raise money, and that the only means he had of so doing was by procuring a patent of said land and mortgaging the same. That on July 1st, 1896, an agreement of sale was entered into with the Com missioners of Public Lands for said lot 2S1; that he performed all the con ditions required and a patent was is sued to him for the same, containing an area of forty-seven and a quarter acres: that since the issuance of said patent he has continued to reside upon. cultivate and improve said land, and on June t. lbvy, anu now. nas tne en tire area under cultivation, and has placedimpiovenients thereon valued at 2,4C0, and has expended in actual cash on zaia janu tne sum or sy.uuu That when the plaintiff entered into the agreement of sale with the Com missioners of Public Lands, he did not intend to waive his right to take the additional amount of land allowed to him under Section Land Art of 1895. Ihat when the new made the plaintiff immed preparation to make purchase of additional land allowed him under the law; that he was ad vised by the sub-agent at Hilo that he would not be permitted to purchase land for tbe reason that he had re reived a patent for the land covered by hi? lease; that on April 7th he ad dressed a letter to President Dole and the Minister of the Interior in which he stated that he neglected to make application for the additional area al lowed him under the law and asked the privilege of taking 150 acres of the new Olaa survey, shortly to be opened. and saying, "1 think: you will agree with me that it will be too bad after ; spending $9,000 in improving my pres ent. lot. which is all planted to coffee and contains 471i acres, if I lose the risrht to take ud additional area, as I hud it will take a larger area than I now i;Oiii at present to maKe conee pay." To tki:; letter President Dole replied: matter of all Crown lessees under sim- ilar circumstances, and if any of them vert. Tt is my expectation that they will mi L'iy auoweu cms in i utr&t:. That the plaintiff accepted the let ter cf President Dole as a promise and guarantee that he would be allowed the privilege of taking additional lands, notwithctandinc: the fact that he had taken a ratent. if an? of the Crown land lessees were given this privilege. Ihat on the 24th of April, 1S99, :. not ice was -published that lessees of Olaa lots under leases from the Crown Land Commissioners who had not ta ken up the additional land to which they were entitled might make applica tion for such additional land within tbe portion of the new Olaa tract shown and numbered as lots 100 to 13G. That In pursuance of such notice the plaintiff presented himself in person at the office of the sub-agent in Hilo on the Cth of June, 1S99, with the other Crown land lessees and presented his application for the purchase of addi tional land under said Section 70. I-art IX, of the Land Act of 1895. That tion in the plaintiff made his the usual form, which applica was ac he was eepted by the sub-agent. and given a number in drawing for posi- tion in the line for selection of lots, and he selected lots 107, 10S and 100 in the new Olaa survey, containing an aiea of 150 acres. That on the SOth day of June. 1S'.0. the defendants, acting in their official capacity, denied the plaintiff's applica tion and refuse to issue to him a pat ent, for the lots selected. That Crown land lessees in Olaa who appeared at the Land Office in Hilo on the said 6th day of June. lS0r. have been permitted to purchase additional land so as to make their aggregate Welding 00 acres or less, and patents conveying the same In fee have been issued therefor. The plaintiff contends that under the law and the facts he is entitled as of 76, Part IX of the vvr V-r'--;; Olaa survey was &i:Zt&.i application for the ripht to purchase, at the appraised val ue, the lots selected by him, to-wit: wiaa iois .o.s. and asks that the defendants be ordered to issno to him a patent convevim th same to nun in ree on receipt of the value of the said binds appraised The defendants deny this right and assert that the plaintiff lost, the right or privilege of purchasing additional land when he accepted a patent for the land held under his Crown land lease. LeBlond & Oalbraith and Cat heart & Parke for plaintiff, and Attornev General Cooper for the defendants. NEW BILL at ORPHEUM TIILW- TER tonight. Guardian's Sale of Real Estate Notice is hereby to an order of the Second Judge of of the First given that pursuant Hon. W. L. Stanley, the Circuit Court Judicial Circuit, Hawaiian Islands, made and en tered on the 27th day of July, A. D. 1S9H, in the matter of the Estate of August Podeyn, Frederick Podeyn and Waldemar Podeyn, minors, in Probate, at chambers, the undersigned guardian of the estate of said minors, will ex pose for sale at public auction the real estate belonging to said minors, hereinafter described, at . an upset price of forty-five hundred dollars ($4,500) at the auction rooms of J. F. Morgan, on Queen street, in Ho nolulu, on SATURDAY. THE 2tth DAY OF AUGUST, A. D. 1899, at 12 o'clock, noon, of said day. The property to be sold consists of a part of lot No. 302 on Piikoi street, in Honolulu, Island of Oahu. Hawaiian Islands, and commencing on Piikoi street on the makai corner of Irish man's ot and running 100 feet; thence at right angles in a southerly direc tion 100 feet; thence at right angles in a northeasterly direction 100 feet, and thence 100 feet to the point of begin ning, being the same premises con veyed to C. F. Wolfe by Royal Patent No. 32J9 from the Hawaiian Govern ment, and by the said C. F. Wolfe con veyed to Ida Podeyn on the 2d day of April, A. D. 1SSG, all as will more fully appear by. reference to the deed of C. F. Wolfe recorded in the Register office in said Oahu, in liber 99, page 191, together with the dwelling-house and other buildings and erections standing thereon. Terms, cash in United States gold coin; deeds at expense of purchaser, and sale subject to confirmation by the Court. For further particulars apply to WILLIAM A. HENSHALL, attorney for said guardian, or to JAMES F. MORGAN, auctioneer. J. F. HUM BURG, Guardian of the Estate of August Po deyn, Frederick Podeyn, and Walde mar Podeyn, minors. Dated, Honolulu, H. I., July 2Sth, A. D. 1899. 5298 AT THE GAZETTE OFFICE. HAWAIIAN lately made m&h ir 1$ W-A Dry Goods Association TEMPLE CP s PEeiHL SftLE FOR THIS WEEK CXNXiY! Fine Figured Organdies at 20 Farwell Cotton at 20 yards for $1.00. Fine Ginghams at JT111C umliailO ill YaiU5 1UI Ladies' Ladies', Men's and Children's M. A. V. GEAR DR. HUDDY EDWARD HANAPI N. FERNANDtZ CHAS. WIiCOA TRAVEL EXeiTEMENT. IRREGULAR MEALS TEND TO PRODUCE CONSTIPATION. DR. McCARDO'S IMPROVED Vegetable Anti-Bilious P'ds should be in for three days or as mauy months. No cal terms to explain their action. They constipation is responsible for lots of Easily taken prompt in effect. Honolulu IX2T TELEPHONE NO. 364. L. E. PINKHAM, CONTRACTOR. Office With the Pacific Hardware Co., Honolulu H. I. Estimate.-Islands. driven and contracts made for wells on imv of the SIX NEW PLANTS ' drilllers. BY AUTHORITY.! IRRIGATION NOTICE. Holders of water privileges, or those paying water rates, are hereby notified that the hours for Irrigation purposes are from 6 to S o'clock a. m. and fron 4 to 6 o'clock p. m. ANDREW BROWN, Supt. Honolulu Water Works. Appropev by: J. A. KING. Minister of Interior. iionoiuiu. june n, i'y. ooo A SNAP! $1,000 CASH Balance in I and 2 Years. EITHER OF THOSE TWO ELE GANT COTTAGES on Waikiki Road tor saie, containing nve and six rooms respectively, in first class condition. Keys at office. See them immediately. WILL E. FISHER. Real Estate Agent, Fort and Merchant Streets. 5270 28-L0TS-28 AUCapalama For Sale. SITUATED ON MAUKA SIDE OF King street, near the Hawaiian Tram way Co.'s depot; the location is one of the best, if not the best, in the city of Honolulu. Terms are very reasonable. For further particulars apply to W. C. ACIII & CO. July 20, 1899. 5290 CONEY : ESTATE LANDS. A FEW VERY DESIRABLE BUILD ING LOTS on Nuuanu avenue, at Nio lopa, Nuuanu valley for sale. Apply to J. M. MONSARRAT, Cartwright Block, Merchant St. 5267 NOTICE. AT A MEETING OF THE MER chants' Stevedore Co.. Ltd.. held to day, the following officers were elected J. H. Fisher . . . . President W. Wolters Vice President W. Lishman Secretary A. W. Keech Treasurer C. H. Atherton Auditor Who also constitute the Board of Di rectors. W. LISHMAN, Secretary. Honolulu, July 25, 1899. 5294 FASHION. yards for $1.00. 15 yards for $1.00. Al.UU. Shirt Waists at 25 cents each. Shoes at 25 below cost. PALAU, Manager. PRESIDENT. VICE PREfclDENT. SECRETARY. TREASURER. AUDITOR. your grip whether you leave town need to give you a score of medi bring relief from constipation and mean little complaints you know. Drug Co. P O. BOX NO. 679 For heavy work operated by the most skillful highest class B?F A ESTATE FOR SALE i A few elegant lots at Manoa on the road, with unsurpassed view and climate. On line pro posed Rapid Transit. Easy terms. 2 Several town lots on Ber etania Street, Ewa siaa of Geo. Ross. 1 One house and lot on Beretania Street. 4 Lots in different parts o. Kewalo Tract. Kapiolani Park Addition Lots, on installments. 8 Onr homes. New houses and high grounds at Kewalo. $1100 each. Cheap. io Lands in Nuuanu valley n--Long leasehold at Kaka ako with good returns 1 5 Only 6 more lots of ah sizes in different parts of the most desirable lo cations of Kalihi, with fine views, macadam ized streets, and water supply from city. These lots we sell at lowest figures in monthly in stallments without in terest so as to put there within reach of any body who wants a home. 17 House and lot, well im proved, on wide, macad amized street in Kalihi, just past Kamehameha Schools. Price $2,250. 21 FOR SALE A house lot 100x200 in block 17 on Lehua Avenue, ' Pearl City. 22- -A few of the very choi cest lots, of various sizes, in all Kalihi, Ewa side of H. C. Myers, Esq., commanding an unsurpassed view, on fine street with water from city. A visit to the grounds will con vince. Terms to suit yourself. AND For Sale? Buy and sell outright City and Suburban Real Es tate. Apply to j STOCKS BOHDS Schnack DEALER IN Real Estate and Stock Broker. 223 Merchant St. P. O. Box No. lot