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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
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ill t HENRY R. WORTHINGTON. WAS NOT GUILTY - h m Engineers and Bus! Attorney Barenaba Purg ed of Contempt. M. HLl is; AMD OILCLOTH. ii mm m oiiiiifPiisEiffisiSfiiftis i : i 81 t X - Flit i TTISIfi III! Hi Bugs 3 THE SPECIAL ATTENTION' OF PLANTATION MANAGERS AND AGENTS is called to the fact that we carry in stock at our Queen Street warehouse a large assortment of pumps for all kinds of sugar house service, including vacuum pumps, air pumps, condensers, feed pumps, juice pumps, molasses pumps, etc., together with a complete stock of spare parts and valves for all sizes. Careful attention given all orders and prompt shipment guaranteed. ESTIMATES FURNISHED FOR COMPLETE IRRIGATION PUMPING PLANTS OF ANY CAPACITY OR POWER. CENTER, SOFA AND STAND Heavy Stock and Great Choice. CORNER FORT AND QUEEN STREETS. Honolulu. H. I. Telephone 590. n is, Covers t Of Best Yalue Ever Imported ! Cheval and Duchesse 35 Different Styles! Gold Oak Bedroom Sets. O ORDAH A.T E. W. J MERCHANT . TAILOR 623 Fort St.. Opp. Club Stables. IN ELEGANT AND VARIOUS DESIGNS, Extension Dining Tables, FINE SUITS TO ORDER AT REA SONABLE RATES Suits cleaned and repaired. Satis faction guaranteed. Only the highest grade of RED RUB BER is used in the Stamps made by the HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO. Parlor and Dining Chairs Just to hand Per "S. C. Allen." ooo GOYNE--IEHRTEN FURNITURE COMPANY. J. A. MEHRTEN, MANAGER Progress Block FOLEY'S IKE ITS. Telephone 398 P. O, Box 441. iigR The Anna Cahill Estate Wound Up Ot jectlons to Questions for Mr. Rithet to Answer. . In the proceedings for contempt in stituted against J. H. Barenaba. a na tive attorney, as guardian of C. Lai Young, Judge Perry heard evidence yesterday and ordered the defendant discharged. In his behalf Mr. DeBoIt admitted the facts set out in the alii davit of C. W. Dickey, on which the order to show cause was based with the qualification that the interest in the land disposed of was only one eighth. Father F. H. Valentin, executor of the estate of the late Anna Cahill, has filed final receipts from Mrs. P. H. Cal lahan of Louisville, Ky., a sister of de ceased, for $1,1S4.44 and two trunks of wearing apparel, guitar, etc.; also from Edith Callahan, niece of the de ceased for a jewel case and jewelry be longing to the decedent in her life time, according to the terms of her will. In the suit of J. A. McCandless against Waiahia Agricultural Co., and others, defendants have filed a list of objections to a number of the interrog atories proposed to be asked R. P. Rith et of San Francisco in a second com mission to take his testimony. Plaintiff's brief in the case of the Makee Sugar Company vs. Tuck Wo, was filed yesterday. S. K. Ka-ne, guardian of the persons and estate of Elizabeth K. and Isaac J. Robinson, minors, has applied to the Probate Court for leave to expend a part of the principal of the estate in the interest of his wards. NO ONE KNOWS The Manson Three Crown Bicycle. The handsomest Wheel made. If you put its exquisite appearance, the excellency ofits workmanship, and its light running qualities, alongside the ordinary wheel sold in Honolulu, no one of our nicely discriminating Honolulu people will for a moment hesitate which wheel to purchase. The Manson Three Crowu Bicycle is the "Edition de Luxe" of the bicycle world. BAILEY'S HONOLULU CYCLERY, Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands. OPTIONS: Any Saddle, Tire or Chain - - - PRICE, $60. SOLE AGENT FOR THE MILWAUKEE PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRE TH E BEST. j1 . i I i i r.i.-.ytvtX-.A al r-'siL-v f'Tiwtw-9 The Weisht of Another Man's Burden Doan's Backache Kid ney Pills in Honolulu. You know if you have a burden to bear. You know where you are taxed to bear it. You know how much trouble it gives you. But do you know how to shake it off? The back bears more burdens than all the human organism. It aches; it pains and is weak and lame. Therefore, it's your fault if you dont' come to the rescue. Pehans vou don't know how. We A. f would tell you, but you might doubt us. We will let a Honolulu man do it, then. Mr. J. D. Conn, of this city, is ii carnenter by tr?de, and is employed at the Oahu railroad. "I was troubled," says Mr. Conn, "with in arhinsr back. The attacks occurred periodically for years, and especially if I harmened to catch cold. There were also other symptoms which plain ly showed that my kidneys were out ot order. A short time ago I heard about Doan's Backache Kidney Pills and the wonderful things they were doing. Proceeding, then, to Hollister & Co.'s drug store, I obtained some of these. Since taking these pills there is a great imnmvpment in me. I always Keep some of the pills on hand now so as to 1p nrovided for any contingency. i fAPi riitp. if anyone troubled as I was should give Doan's Backache Kidney Pills a fair trial they will not tan to be benefited by them." noan's Backache Kidney Pills are sold by all druggists and storekeepers at 50 cents per box (six boxes $j.ouj or will be mailed on receipt of price by the Hollister Drug Co., Honolulu, wholesale agents for the Hawaiian Islands. Houses for Rent Properties, for Sale. Stocks and Bonds. Loans Negotiated. R. C. A. PETERSON, Broker, Real Estate and Financial Agent. HONOLULU : : H. I. Office: 15 Kaahumanu St. P. O. Box 3G5. Hoffman Saloon LIMITED Offer for Sale: REFINED SUGARS. Cube and Granulated. PARAFLNE PAINT CO.'S Paints, Compounds and Building Papers. PAINT OILS, Lucol Raw and Bciled. Linseed Raw and Boiled. LNDURINE, Water-proof cold-water Paint, la side and outside; in white and colors. FERTILIZERS. Alex. Cross & Sons high-grad Scotch fertilizers, adapted lor m gar cane and coffee. N. Ohlandt & Co's chemical fertil izers and finely ground Bon Meal. STEAM PIPE COVERING, Reed's patent elastic sectional plp Covering. FILTER PRESS CLOTHS, Linen and Jute. CEMENT,' LIME & BR1CJ? .v AGENTS FOR WESTERN SUGAR REFINING CO.. San Francisco, Cal. BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, Philadelphia, Penn., U. S. A NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO., (Manf. "National Cane Shredder"), New York, U. S. OHLANDT & CO., San Francisco, Cai. Another Divorce Case. Deputy Marshal Hitchcock has made return aof service of summons in the divorce case of Maria Isabello Frendo vs. Joseph Frendo. The par ties were married by Rev. A. W. Pear son in this city on February 23, 189S, and lived together until February 2, IS99, at -which date plaintiff avers the defendant without cause or provoca tion ordered and commanded her to leave his house and not return there to: which order she complied with un der fear of bodily harm, and went to reside with her mother, where she still continues. Since the second day of February the defendant has neglected nn.i vofiiQri tr snnnort her. and she therefore asks for an absolute divorce. THE BEEBE BIYLE A fine wheel at a very low price. A hundred of them in use in Honolulu and no kick coming. Cones and Cups equal to-the best Always Excepting MailSOn. Price Single Tube Tires $3000 35.00: Price Double Tube Tires : 35 OO 40 OO, Price Milwaukee Puncture Proof Tire : 40 OO 45 OO. at Bailey's Hooolmlti Cy clery 1 ST. The Pioneer Repair Shop. NEW at ORPHEUM THEA TER tonight. And ON DRAFT, L. H. DEE PROPRIETOR. Cor. Hotel and Nuuanu Sts. E. E. HITCH Market "Warehouse Building, Queen Street. Practical Sail Maker Estimates Given for all Kinds of AWNINGS. TENTS, TRUNK COV ERS, TARPAULINS, WAGON COV ERS, FIELD COVERS. ETC. Stock Furnished at Fair Prices. All Work Done Satisfactorily. CHOICE VEAL, HDTT08 AND PORK -oo RISDON IP.ON AND LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, San Francisco, CaL Calumet Baking (S) Ponder Sausages, Liver, Head Cheese and Breakfast Bo logne at thte CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. 214 Nuuanu St. Tel. 104. FIRST CLASS Bicycle Repairing Done at Very Reasonable Figures. GIVE US A TRIAL. CLEVELAND BICYCLES FOR REST. We have a few second hand wheels which we are selling at cut rate prices. CITY REPAIR SHOP E. Jones. R. Clark. 115 Bethel Street Opposite Waterhouse Grocery Co. wiiiefl soda Mi iii ills LI MITE D- Esplanade, Cor. Allen and Fort St3. HOLLISTER & CO., - - AGENTS A Model Plant is not complete with out Electric Power, thus dispensing with small engines. Why not generate your power from one central station? one gener ator can furnifih power to your Pump, Centrifugals, Elevators, Plows, Rail- was and Holste; also, iyumlsa light and power for a radius of from 15 to 30 miles. Electric Power being used, saves the labor of hauling coal In your field, also water, and does away with high-priced engineers, and only have one engine to look after in your mill. Where water power is available it costs nothing to generate Electric Po er. THE HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COM PANY is now ready to furnish Electric Plants and Generators of all descrip tions at short notice, and also has on hand a large stock of Wire, Chande liers and Electrical Goods. All orders will be given prompt at tention, and estimates furnished for Lighting and Power Plants; also, at tention is given to House and Marine Wiring THEO. HOFFMAN, Manager. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., LIMITED. Wm.' G. Irwin.. President and Manager SiU Leckls Vice President W. M. Giffard..Secretary and Treasurer H. M. Whitney, Jr Auditor SUGAR FACTORS AND COMniSSION AGENTS AGENTS FOR THE Oceanic Steamship Companj Of San Francisco, Cal. it a. a f I ri I I 4 K f 1 w if i r V . art n mi n f tw ""'