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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, AUGUST, T, 1S99 Slo t Cms 1 AND Cartridges Have you seen our new importations in this line? Tf not, move in and take a look. We have the neatest article in the way of a single breech loader, 12 gauge, just the thing for those who want to keep a cheap gun on hand to shoot Mongoose or Mynahs and do not care to have an expensive gun for sporting. You will wonder how we can sell these for 12.00, but we do and this lot is going fast. We have a fine assortment of good cart ridges both in smokeless and black powders, also everything needed to make your own cartridges if you wish. Rifles, Revolvers, and everthing in this line at lowest prices, at E. 0. II MM fit SON, Ready - Rock Asphalt iii It is a NON-CONDUCTOR OF HEAT, which, to gether with the fact that it is practically indestructible, particularly recommends it for this climate. l) Call and see it on roof at office. FOR WATER MAINS. SEWERS AND ELECTRIC CONDUCTORS. ooo -AGENTS FOE- CALIFORNIA CANNERIES CO., LTD. FRUITS AND JELLIES. VITAX DRY BATTERIES. Best in the market. STANDARD BISCUIT COMPANY. HIGHLAND AND PET CREAMS. C. F. MACKENZIE & CO. BROOMS, ETC. ETC. ETC. Hawaiian Trading Co., Ltd. Office: No. 6 Love Building, Fort St. THE CALIFORNIA HUPS SHOP Just received by the Australia a fine as sortment of Harness Trimmings; also Whips, Dusters, Brushes, etc. Special attention given to plantation orders at Rock Bottom Prices. 639 KING STREET, BELOW ARLINGTON HOTEL. D. 0. & M. S. HAMMAN. : : : : Tel. 648. Honolulu Tobacco Eo.f Ltd IMPORTERS OF AND MANILA SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Fine Grades of Smoking Tobacco. Corner Fort and Merchant Sts., Honolulu. Isosniffla, HAT MANUFACTURER, GENTS' FURNISHINGS. KING ST.,: Next to Castle & Cooke. JEX CARMATHENSHIRE. I "rge shipment of the latest styles in s TRAW HATS. New Style Shirts, Neckwear, Gents' Furnishings, Etc.. at Ihe lowest reasonable pnces. AT CENTRAL UNION Discourse on "The Ansel of Faith". AX EMERGEXCY CALL. I byoocsis or tne Eloquent sermon Preaches' ed an ty Rev. J. H. Battitt Last Wght. ' Admiral Seymour Lands 1,700 Men in an Hour and a Half. On the 10th of June at Weihaiwei Admiral Seymour caused the emergen cy call to be hoisted ashore. Xotice was given to the fleet, which consisted of the Victorious, Barfleur, Centurion. Iphigenia, Rattler, Aurora, lionaven- ture, Brisk, Alacrity, Linnet and Whit i in? at 9:30 a. m. The signal was hoist- Rev. J. H. Babbit of Brattleboro, Vt., occupied the pulpit of the Central Union church last evening. His sub ject was "The Angel of Faith;" text, Exodus 23:20, "Behold I send an An gel before thee in the way and to bring thee into the place which I have pre pared." It is first necessary to know what is meant by the term angel. We see them depicted in the masterpieces con ceived in artists' brains and drawn with skilful 'hands as graceful, airy forms disdaining the earth. But an angel can just as well be a noble up right child of God treading the paths of earth. An angel is a messenger sent to instruct and give directions to the true Life. There are visions, creations of sha dow and not of substance, in all the walks of life. We are led by what we hope will be, and upon our guiding star it depends whether the path be tip or down. Here the speaker gave an eloquent and graphic word picture of Mam moth cave, likening it to the c'hanging scenes of life. As the sightseers de pended upon their guide whose lamp was ever before them so must we with faith and trust feel the meed of a Divine Guide to lead us through the shadows to those final realms where darkness, pain and death are unknown. The world is full of unquiet forces. But the Angel of a Quiet Spirit is hovering near, and over the troubled waters of life there comes a 'heavenly calm. God's promises of peace are deep and. inspiring to those gifted with the faith to believe. The dread phantom of fear loses its power in the presence of abiding faith. Just as there is an Angel of Faith so is there the Angel of Perfect Con fidence. In Him we are to place im plicit trust. "I am at rest because a love divine enfolds this life of mine," said Charles Kingsley. He felt, he knew that about him hovered the An gel of Love. To 'him 'had come the An gel of Faith. This is God's world placed Jiere for us. And in our better moments we can clasp the hand of Him, and through our being feel the thrill of His divine presence; we have the faith that in the world to come the veil of flesh, which now darkly intervenes, will be torn away and we shall see Him, "face to face." hour afterwards and bv 11 o'clock those available, namelv. l.TOo i men, composed of 1,300 seamen and 400 marines, all fully armed, carrying two hundred and fifty rounds of ammuni tion and equipped with two days' pro visions, were landed with their field guns and ambulance corps by their own boats. It is reported the Iphige nia made the best time in this bril liant maneuver. X. C. Daily Xews. The Only High Grade Baking Powdor Offered at q Mod erate Price. NONE SO GOOD. NOTICE. SORROW'S USES. The uses of sorrow I comprehend Better and better at each year's end. Deeper and deeper I seem to see Why and wherefore it has to be. Only after the dark, wet days Do we fully rejoice in the sun's bright rays. Sweeter the crust tastes after the fast Than the sated gourmand's finest re past. The faintest cheer sounds never amiss To the actor who once has heard a hiss. To one who the sadness of freedom knows Light seem the fetters love may impose. And he who has dwelt with his heart alone Hears all the music in friendship's tone. So better and better I comprehend How sorrow ever would be our friend. Ella Wheeler Wilcox. CHRISTIAXITY IX JAPAX. Permission of Authorities Must Be Obtained to Build Churches. A notification of the Home Depart ment will shortly be issued containing regulations for the control of foreign religions. Hitherto Christianity has been left unmolested, and no notice has been taken when a church or chapel has been erected. By the new notifica tion, before a church or chapel is es tablished, the approval of the authori ties must be obtained. Kobe Chronicle. XOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the following assessments have been levied on the assessable stock of the McBRYDE SUGAR CO., Ltd., which are payable at the office of Theo. H. Da vies &. Co., Ltd.: Five per cent ($1.00 per share) pay able on the loth day of August, 1S99, and delinquent on the 1st day of Sep tember, 1890. Five per cent ($1.00 per share) pay able on the 1st day of October, 1899, and delinquent on the 1st day of No vember, 1899. Five per cent ($1.00 per share) pay able on the 1st day of January, 1900 and delinquent on the 1st day of Feb ruary, 1900. By order of the Directors. THOMAS RAIN WALKER, Treasurer McBryde Sugar Co., Ltd. Honolulu, Aug. 5, 1899. 04 CORPORATION NOTICE. AT A MEETING OF THE ORPHE- um Co., Ltd., held in Honolulu on Fri day, August 4th, 1899, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: J. C. Cohen President Samuel Parker Vice President H. M. Levy ..Secretary and Treasurer A. St. M. Mackintosh Auditor Directors J. C. Cohen, Samuel Par ker, H. M. Levy, Edgar Halstead, H. M. von Holt, A. St. M. Mackintosh, T. M. Starkey, J. M. Monsarrat, C. S. Des ky. H. M. LEVY, Secretary. Aug. 4, 1S99. 5203 J. A. Butterfield. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Bell Tower Building, Union street. STENOGRAPHER. MISS A. A. ALLEN, EXPERT STE- nographer and Typist, will be pleased to receive orders. Office cor. King and Bethel sts. (up stairs): telephone 751. 5298 1 r AUTHORITY. rows A NEW ITALIAN LINE. It is announced that the Italian Gov ernment has decided to establish a line of steamers between Italy and China. At present there is no such service, and nearly all the Italian trade is carried in German vessels. The new line will receive a Government subven tion of 700,000 francs. The steamers will leave Genoa every month and will call at Singapore. TENDERS FOR SCHOOL BUILDINGS Sealed tenders will be received at the office of the Department of Public In struction until noon of Monday, Sep tember 4th, for the construction of the following school buildings to be com pleted on or before Saturday, Novem ber 4th, viz: A 1-room school house at Papa, S. Kona, Hawaii. A 1-room school house at Mana, Wai- mea, Kauai. A 2-room school house at Keokea, Makawao, Maui. A 1-room school house at Kaupaka- lua, Makawao, Maui. A 3-room cottage at Olaa-kai, Puna, Hawaii. A 3-room cottage at Pepeekeo, Hilo, Hawaii. A 2-room school house at Honomu, Hilo, Hawaii. Plans and specifications for all the above can be seen at the office of the Department of Public Instruction, Ho nolulu, and for the Hawaii buildings !at the office of Mr. L. Severance, Hilo The Minister does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any bid. E. A. MOTT-SMITH, 5304 Minister of Public Instruction. E RPHEOM TONIGHT ! TOWICHT ! FAMILY Al. Hazard VENTRILOQUIST Music and Musical Artist. Ethel Lynwood First Appearance of the World's Greatest Contortionist. Lilian Leslie The Handsome Descriptive and Comic Vocalist. Comic Sketch The Arrival of "Patti" Post, Marion and Ashley. The Charming Contralto Vocalist Ethel Dixon. Boggs and Haeward In a Dramatic Sketch : "An Old Man's Way." Post and Marion In a Scene "ON THE LEVEE" ooo m r-r- -.-s-. - r rw. General Admission, 25c and 50c. Last six rows for Children under 12 years, 10c. Reserved Chairs, 50c. Seats can be booked by ringing up telephone 540. Special Sale Of RIBBONS AND LACES (BominnieinicSinig Hug. 7th, At the TEMPLE OF FASHION. Smooth as oil, exquisitely flavored; absolutely pure; never a headache in it; equally valuable as a beverage or a medicine; such is the famous old I.Tpsrp Moore "AA" Whiskey. I . : f I Only the highest grade of RED RUB ' BER is used in the Stamps made by the HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO. IRRIGATION NOTICE. Holders of water privileges, or those paying water rates, are hereby notified that the hours for irrigation purposes are from 6 to 8 o'clock a. m. and frori 4 to 6 o'clock p. m. ANDREW BROWN, Supt. Honolulu Water Works. Appropev by: J. A. KING, Minister of Interior. Honolulu. June 14. 1S99. 5255 - Laces! Laces! Ribbons! Ribbons ! Ribbons! Laces! At Prices That Can't Be Duplicated, at The Hawaiian Dry Goods Association MOSES PALAU, MANAGER. ere h PI ite hi Hers. OUR SPECIALTY IS Sanitary Plumbin V much difference between plumbing and SANI TARY PLUMBING as there is between daylight and darkness. Anyone can put a lot of pipes together and run them off anvwhere, but with Honolulu's surface sewerag6 the essential point is to have the plumbing cone in a way tnat ruaKes tee Sanitary conditions perfect. -OOO JOHN NOTT. 75-79 KING ST. TELi NO. SI THOSE Baby Carriages HAVE ARRIVED AT THE ity Furniture Store, H. H. WILLIAMS, Manager. Love Buildings 534-536 Fort St, TELEPHONE 846: RESIDENCE. 849. RRTBS IAN WELLS I L. E. PINKHAM, CONTRACTOR. Office With the Pacific Hardware Co., Honolulu H. I. Estimates given and contracts made for wells on any of the Islands. CIV IMEAV Dl A MTC or heavy work operated by the most skillful highest class drilllers. ALL NEW GOODS! at goo kim's. 210 Nuuanu Street, Above Hotel. The clearance sale is over and the new stock opened up. Here are some of the latest: Chinese Grass Cloth in White, Brown and Light Blue. Embroidered Silk Handkerchiefs. Fancy Carved and Scented Wood Boxes. Farwell Cotton, 36-in. wide, 16 yds. $1.00. Ginghams, 20 yds. $1.00. Fast Color Calicoes, 20 ys. $1.00. New Tailoring Goods. Silk Crepe Shawls. (Black, Whita and Colored.) Colored Lawns, 20 yds. $1.00. Victoria Lawn, 75c the piece of 10 yds. Laces. (Black, White and Cream.) Hats, Caps, etc.