Newspaper Page Text
'-' OFFICE FURNITURE ! ! ! - LARGEST importation of office desks and chairs ever made to these Islands on board the "Fort George," now discharging. The en tire consignment will be placed on sale in our Merchant-street warehouse at San Francisco prices, plus freight, etc. If you are in need of a handsome office fixture of any kind call on us. AGENTS. Telephone 313. CASTLE & COOKE, Ltd HONOLULU. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. SUGAR FACTORS. AGENTrt FOB The Ewa Plantation Co. The Waialua Agricultural Co.. Ltd. The Kohala Sugar Co. The Waimea Sugar Mill Co. The Koloa Agricultural Co. The Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis, Ho, The Standard Oil Co. The George P. Blake Steam Pump. Weston's Centrifugals. The New England Mutual Life In surance Co., of Boston. The Aetna Fire Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. The Alliance Assurance Co., of Bos ton. Castle & Cooke, LIMITED. LIFE .. FIRE illicit I AGENTS FOR Hew Ensiia Mm URsuneeo OF BOSTON. eido fiie mace Cam OF HARTFORD. FOR SALE. THE COMFORTABLE TWO STORY COTTAGE off Beretania St, between Miller and Punchbowl Street, and now occupied by James Nott, Jr., .partly mosquito proof. . A bargain for the right party. -ooo- . Apply at P. E. R. STRAUCH. Real Estate Broker. LINCOLN BLOCK. 639 King Street. Telephone 64L Boxing Taught BY MARTIN DESTSTY OK) Champion light weight of Australia, at Long ranch, WaikikL Terms reasonable Given on appli cation. PRIVATE LESSONS GIVEN. MANY CHOICE VIEWS OF THE funeral procession of the Queen Dow ager. Single pictures or complete sets cheap. A few Kauilani and Kapiolani buttons stil) in stock. OO LICHTIG, Fotografer, 608 Fort Street. Above Dewey Restaurant. We nave tha most com plete line of CLEVELANDS ever shown hero. $40 to $85. The 540 kind Is the equal of any other make at ANY PRICE. INSTALLMENTS $10 PER MONTH. 209 Hotel Street. h hiehest grade of RED RUB- RT51R is used in the Stamps made by, the HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO. 1 II! I 0. PROCESSION VMS COMPLETE Honolulu aaQDooaaaaooD The best at the lowest price at HOPP'8. a a n In Solid Mahogany D a D O a o D a a a We have just opened up the most elegant line of Parlor Furniture Feen here. Everything in Solid juSbOg- any. Cabinets AND Whatnots. o n That are just the U the articles you have waited so long for to complete the artistic effect of your parlors. Chairs D D AND Tables. D Dainty and ele gant, yet withal, strong and serviceable This is no everyday selec tion and we anticipate a speedy clearance. U a n u A few nice CHILD'S SWINGS. a ofpaco: i Leading Fornttara Dealers, c D a KING & BETHEL 8T8. D a c a a n n n a a d a a a THE. NEW ENGLAND BAKERY, and CANDY CO. -oo Manufacture a full line of Bread, American and German. Schwartzbrod mit kumel, milk brod and twist with mohnsamen, French Splits, Whole Wheat, Graham, Hot Buns, Snails, Jen ny Linds, Also the most complete and extensive line of CAKE in the city. Jelly Rolls, Angel Food, Wine, Cit ron, Walnut, Sponge and Marble Cake. Lady Fingers, Cup Cakes, Almond, Macaroons; all kinds of cookies, fresh every day. WEDDING CAKES from $5 upwards. Delicious highly frozen Ice Cream and Sherbets, any flavor. French Cream Bonbons and Choco late Cream Drops our own make packed in elegant boxes from $1.00 up wards. J. OSWALD LUTTED, Manager. TO OUR 8. -OO- -Have you tried any of those -CHOCOLATE or COCOANUT -(fresh) cakes from the German -Bakery? They are only 25 and -50c each and pronounced delic ious by those who have tried -them. Order one for your Sun--day dinner. We also have a -sponge cake which we sell for -the moderate sum o five cents -each. -THE GERMAN BAKERY, 833 Fert Street., -Headquarters for genuine ginger -snaps, sugar cookies, etc. -Telephone 677. EAT 5 ASK YOUR GPOCER FOR IT The Silent Barter Shop Ladies' Boot-Black Stand In rear of shop. JOSEPH FERNANDEZ, Propr Arlington Hotel, Hotel Street. a " i BM ISGi ran nnn THE PACIFIC COMMEROIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU. AUGUST FOR RIGHT OF WAY What Honolulu Sugar Co. Really Wants. The Privilege of Condemning Gov vernment Land for Railway Tracks and Pipe Lines. Deputy Marshal Hitcluock has made return of service of summons in the case of the Honolulu Sugar Company against the Republic of Hawaii, a pe tition for condemnation of certain rights of way. The corporation desires to acquire certain private rights-of-way across certain land situated at Waimalu, Island of Oahu. for a plan tation railway and branches thereto, and for water pipes for agricultural and manufacturing purposes and is unable to agree with the said Republic of Hawaii across whose lands it is desired to acquire such rights-of-way. These are described as follows: 1. The right-of-way for main railway Hue down the side of the Pali on the southeast side of Waimalu creek; thence across the valley to the boun dary of the Government land at Wai malu creek. Total length, 1.565 feet: width, 40 feet; total area, 1.20 acres. 2. Right-of-way for branch railway line, the first leaving the main line of the plantation railway near the foot of said Tali, and running in a northeast erly direction to the boundary of Gran 715, entering the Government lan again at the boundary of Grant 715 and nearer Waimalu creek; thence run nins m a southwesterly direction across the main line of the railway to the boundary of the Government land at Waimalu creek. Total length, 9S5 feet; width, 40 feet; total area, 90-100 of an acre. 3. Right-of-way for two pipe lines A and B, entering the Government land at Waimalu creek, easterly of the Waimalu pumping station of the plan tation; thence running in an easterly direction up the Pali to the boundary of the Government land cn top of the Pali. Length, 825 feet; width, 15 feet; total area, "0-100 acre. 4. Right-of-way for pipe line C crossing the extreme southern corner of said Government land adjoinin Grant 714. Total length, 140 feet; width, C feet; total area, 1-100 acre. The total area sought to be con demned is 2. 41-100 acres. LIST OF PRIZES. To be Competed for in II. R. A. Citizens' Match. Following are the prizes which will be offered for competition in the citi zens match of the Hawaiian Rifle As sociation, which comes off on Satur day next: Hawaiian Rifle Association, $20. Hawaiian Rifle Association, $10. Hustace & Co., one-half ton coal. J. S. Martin, one pair trousers. W. C. Peacock & Co., one case Cali fornia wine. H. F. Wichman, one chafiing-dish. Manf. Shoe Company, one pair slip pers. J. J. Williams, one dozen cabinet photos. W. G. Irwin & Co., one-half barrel sugar. H. J. Nolte, 100 cigars. Honolulu Tobacco Company, one briar pipe in case. M. Phillips & Co., one box Cameo cig arettes. Theo. H. Davies & Co., one-half bar rel flour. M. Mclnerny, one straw hat. Pacific Hardware Company, one pic ure, to be selected." J. Hopp & Co., one table. W. W. Dimond & Co., one lamp. Porter Furniture Company, one rock er. Lewis &- Co., one ham. Union Feed Company, one bale hay. E. O. Hall & Son, one bike lamp. Advertiser, Star, Bulletin, each six months' Fi' Inscription. MOTHER TELLS HOW SHE SAYED HER LITTLE DAUGH TER'S LIFE. I am the mother of eight children and have had a great dea of experi ence writh medicines. Last summer my little daughter had the dysentery in its worst form. We thought she would die. I tried everything I could think of, but nothing seemed to do her any good. I saw by an advertise ment in our paper that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and uiarrhoea Remedy was highly recommended and sent and got a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the very best medicines we ever had in the house. It saved my little daughter s life. I am anxious for every mother to know wnat an excel lent medicine it is. Had I known it at first it would have saved me a great deal of anxiety and my little daughter much suffering. Yours truly, MRS. GEO. F. BURDICK, Liberty, R. I. For sale by all dealers. Benson, Smith & Co., Agts. for IL I. Appeals Perfected. The appeal papers in the case of S. C. Allen vs. S. K. Ka-ne in which judg ment was given for plaintiff in the sum of ?9S.75 by the Honolulu District Court have been filed in the Circuit Court. Ttxo appeal in the case of Julia Opunui vs. Kairuui-a Puahi, in which judgment was awarded plaintiff for $111,.20 has also been perfected. MESSENGER SERVICE. Honolulu Messenger Service deliver messages and package. Tel. 378, 4 I ' " 1 1 i B i 4 parts soda 1 partC.D.C. and you have highball Crown Distilleries Co. San Francisco NEW GOODS EX. CHINA. Kimonos Carpets 11 Lt V HOT Murata & Co. HOTEL ST., COR. N00ANO. 000- Branch Hat Store, Nuuanu St Souvenir A rii .XJl. J. BIART'S 404K PORT JEWELED. FOR SHLE. Two Lots at Kalihi, on main road, b0xl02 each. A bargain. Two Lots at Kalihi, 75x150 each. A bargain. Easy terms. Lot on Young street, this side of Thomas Square, 52x155. Fine location to build. Residence at Waikiki on the beach. Good location and bathing: TO LET. Unfurnished cottage on Liliha street Unfurnished house of four bed rooms on beach at Waikiki. Uufurnished cottage at Pawaa, King street. Apply to WILLIAM SAVIDGE, 310 Fort Street CONEY : ESTATE LANDS. A FEW VERY DESIRABLE BUILD NG LOTS on Nuuanu avenue, at Nio- opa, Nuuanu valley for sale. Apply to J. M. MONSARRAT, Cartwrlght Block, Merchant St. 5267 HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. Steam Engines. BOILERS, SUGAR MILLS, COOLERS, BRASS AND LEAD CASTINGS. And machinery of every discriptlon made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's blacksmithing. Job work executed on the shortest notice NOVELTIES for dinner giving and for luncheons and for entertaining may be had here constantly. LEWIS & CO. Grocers 111 FORT STREET. Telephone 240. : : P. O. Box 207. J. MORGAN, Opal Merchant JEAVELER and Lapidary OPAL CUTTING A SPECIALTY. No. 2 School St, Near Smith's Bridge. a .'X. Rugs Matting .Jewelry 11, 1899. THE D0erRs -SAV THAT Malaria AND Microbes Have small chances when PURE WATER is provided THIS IS THE SEASON When drinking water needs to be purified. You can get the most per fect Water Filters AND From L4f At their Fort Street Store And at their III On Bethel Street. New Shipment SILK GOODS. ALSO Sbaes : Cloth, : Handkerchiefs, Doylies, : Table : Covers. OOO - SILK SHIRTS, SILK PAJAMAS, ETC 000 Handsome Carpets for Halls and Httirs JAPANESE RUGS. VERY PRETTY PATTERNS. A large stock on hand to select from, at prices that will surprise f on, S. OZAKlf WAYEBLEY BLOCK - - - HOTEL STREET IT IS CHEAPER to pay a fair price to have your watch repaired by .... AH EXPERT WATCHMAKER than to risk having it ruined in order to save a few cents. Hi. R. COUNTER, Practical Watchmaker 607 Fort St. Gives personal attention to repairing fine and complicated watches. LOWEST PRICES CONSISTENT WITH QOOD WORKHANSHIP. CITY MILL CO., LTD. lis id Council:;. QUEEN & KEKAULIKE STREETS. (Ewa Side of Old Fish Market.) P. 0. Box 951. Tel. 101. Beg to announce that they are now prepared to undertake all branches of the above business. Work undertaken by the day or by contract; estimates furnished. Coolers 1 lift A lie!': SUDD leu Have Yod Seen The Rotary Motioi and Ball Bearing Wheeler AND Wilson Sewing Machines? If not it will serve your Interest to call and see them on display at L. F. Prescott's FORT STREET. A look will convince you that thj are the simplest machine made three times the value of any other. The Best Meal Cafe. HOME BAKERY AND CAFE OPEN AT ALL HOURS. FIRST CLASS Bicycle Repairing . Done at Very Reasonable Figures. GIVE US A TRIAL. CLEVELAKD BICYCLES FOR REM. We have a few second hand wheels which we are selling at cut rate prices. CITY REPAIR SHOP E. Jones. R. Clark. 115 Bethel Street " Opposite Waterhouse Grocery Co. 108 KING STREET. G. J. Waller : : Manager. Wholesale and Retail AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. ALEXANDER & BALDWIN Sugar Factors AND Commission Merchants JUDD BUILDING. HI CARRIAGE 16. CO., i 121 Queen Street. CARRIAGE AND WAGON BUILDERS huuBER TIRES AND ROLLER BEARING AXLES. BEAVER LUNCH R00M0, Fort Street. Opp. Wilder & Co. H. J. NOLTE, Prop. First-Class Lunches Served With Tea, Coffee, Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Milk. Open from 3 a. m. to 10 p. m. Smokers' Requisites a Specialty. GUIDE THROUGH HAWAII. PRICE, 60c. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. FOR SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERS. 1 r tS V m col VJQBK t -C tiHiaino TAnninm J