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11 LOCAL BREVITIES. DR. BAY'S NEW BLOCK- THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, AUGUST, 17, 1S99. Theo.H.Davies&Co Orpheum tonight. Kxquisite ribbons at Mrs. Hand's. The band will play tonight at Thom as Square. The divorce case of Borba vs. Borba lias been dismissed. There were a number of -stock-deal rumors afloat yesterday. The Amateur Orchestra held a spir ited rehearsal last evening. The Cleveland is the strongest bi cycle ever made it is safe to ride. The cricketers are planning a series of games which should prove exciting. See page ." today for t of latest im portations of the Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd. George Paris says that his hotel pro ject is looking brighter than ever be fore. J. B. Atherton was on the stand all day in the Waialua cafjp before Judge Perry. , The Board of Immigration yesterday approved the applications for 9,310 la borers. Justice Frear was engaged all day yesterday with the Chinese habeas cor pus case. Change of program at the Orpheum tonight with the first appearance of new talent. Hanisorae Business Addition to i retania Street. I Dr. 3ays oifices have Lees n)07-ii alongside of the Club Hotel, and ?. ; vations have been begun for the foun dation of the new building to be up on the premises occupied by Dr. Day's old .office building. The new .-tmoture is to be a two-story veneer bricK. On the first floor will be four stores, and on the second floor will be twcfy-one sleeping apartments. The building will be 01 by 66 fret and will roak a handsome addition to that part rf the :ity. Hotel Arrivals. Hawaiian Mrs. G. H. Staffer;, Ar thur E. Corder, Oakland, Cab; p. Mar tin, Hutchinson, Kan.: Thos. W. War ren, Sydney; K. Warren, Melbourne; j .Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Henderson. Sydney; j A. C. Russell, California; Mrs. H. Pol-: lak, New York; W. M. Graham, vnto and child, San Francisco; C. Belin- faute Ostberg, Sweden; Geo. L. Hassett and wife, St. Iouis; H. L. E. Meyer, Miss Meyer, Parmlee Morgan, San Francisco; J. McCoy, New York; Wm. 'H. Hall, Washington: B. N. Wanil. a reception was held on the Boston ; U. S. N.; Kin B. Surh, Korea: iY. yesterday, and the cruiser was decked DWJaitehouse, Ililo; D. C. Henny, Tiau Francisco; B. von Herff, New York; A. F. Knudson and wife, Kauai; Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Nugent, children and nuud, St. Louis. Arlington C. Jenson, Maui; !L. F. Thomas, Harry L. Giller, Waialua; Mrs. W. Graham, Alameda; Mrs. C. C. McCall and child, W. I. McLean, Han Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. Dentin, lion- jdon; Miss Minnie C. Burns, Fresro. SOMETHING NEW. une ot tne neatest aavertising m.v- i el ties that has ever been seen litre is j being put out by Lovejoy & Co., the j Nuuanu-street importers--, in advert is- j ing a new cordial, known as " Walnut- j ine. The novelty is called "Truth in a Nutshell," and consists of a perfect im itation of a walnut, in which j on closed the advertisement, printed on a tissue napkin. The Cordial referred to is compounded especially for warm climates and is being extensively used by the medical fraternity in tht Phil- ppines, with the most gratifying re mits in cases of stomach and bowel roubles. These being among the most com mon of complaints here, it wo.ild seem as if Walnutine -would meet Tith im mediate favor. The next mail for the Coat by the Alameda tomorrow. GOING AWAY. L. B. Kerr, the Queen-street mor on in gala attire. The band concert at Makee Island last evening attracted a large number of city people. Special bargains in handkerchiefs this week at B. F. Ehlers & Co.'s. See window display. II. B. M. S. Egeria' captain and offi cers made an official call upon Presi dent Dole yesterday morning. Rev. G. L. Pearson will spend his summer vacation in California. He will leave in a couple of weeks. Minister Damon will probably at tend the Bankers' Association, to con vene at Cleveland, Ohio, on Septem ber 5. The Y. II. I. will hold an important meeting this evening at 7:30 o'clock and every member is requested to be present. Wm. Sharp, formerly leader of the Orpheum orchestra, accompanied by his wife leaves for the Coast by the Alameda A. J. Coates. the newly appointed as sistant secretary of th Y. M. C. A., will arrive by the Alameda on the 13th of next month. Pupils of Cook's Music School who have not arranged for hours should ap plyat once, as the fall term begins September 4. Dr. Philip F. Frear, brother of Ir. Justice Frear, has recently returned to Honolulu and is associated with Dr. J. M. Whitney. During the temporary absence of F. W. Macfarlane from the Islands, W. R Allen will act for him under full pow er of attorney. The horse wanted . good roads, the bicycle has tried to get good roads, the automobile must have good roads. L. A. W. Bulfetin. Theater-goers are looking forward with interest to the Maggie Moore-H. It. Roberts comedy-drama season open ing next Saturday night. Treasurer M. P. Robinson of the Oahu Railway & L.and Co. publishes an important notice today to stock holders of said corporation. There is some disappointment over the fact that Senator A. J. Bevendge went home by the Yokohama route in stead of by way of Honolulu. The officers of H. May & Co. who will serve during the ensuing year are published in this issue, per order of the secretary, F. T. P. Waterhouse. A special sale of sailor hats and ele gant trimmed hats commences this morning and lasts one-week only at Miss M. E. Killean's, Hotel street. After spending several weeks visit ing friends in San Francisco, Ed. De kum returned to his Portland home with the Second Oregon volunteers. The ejectment suit of Tibbetts vs. Pali, guardian, took up the time of Judge Stanley and a jury all of yester day and will probably occupy most of today. The streets were unusually lively yesterday, caused by the presence of returned Honolulu people and the through passengers of the two steam ers in port. A meeting of the trustees of the Oahu College is called today at 4 o'clock p. m. at the Hawaiian Safe de posit rooms. Important business will be discussed. - Fors, the Gaelic quartermaster ar rested by Guard Jones last night, with two tins of opium in possession, was fined $150 and costs in the Police Court yesterday morning. Dr. W. R. I-anderth, secretary of the Mission Society of the M. E. Church, South, who has been visiting for some time in Honolulu, left for the Orient by the Gaelic yesterday. At 10 a. m. today at his salesrooms jas. f. Morgan will hold a sale of dam-; Extraordinary Values will be aged goods, consisting ot linen nap If.. v 1864 .y Made in Worcester, Mass 05JR PATROL SHOE Extra Quality. Cap anr. Leather Lined Putter :eeJ. Positively Waterproof LIMITED- Merchants and Commission Agents, Beg to call the attention of the tiade to their complete line of line III : I m Lb PAINTS AND OILS. iinm K.iH l i T UilUlLl iV VI AWT 11 Tim 1 LAMA1 M j oni) DI IPO 0U 1 L1L0 Sole. ooc fine assortment of Kitchen Furnishings. GRAY AGATE WARE MHCiofers SBoe siore a Specialty Street. SOLE AGENTS. tfp ferric VMfflER i EGHM IDry Goods Co j 00000000000009000000000000000000 0 o ft 0NB WEEK I Fort Street. The World Renowned DENT'S .35 Per Pair. SPEeiHL This : Week: si Heavy Diiving or Walking Gloves for Ladies Reduced to SI COLORED PIQUES heducbdto 20c per yard- VvV especially cater to your nee-da in moling and refreshing drinks. , Our soda has the reputation a( be ing the test. The true reasons are that we have At 10 a. m. tolay at his salesio'oma learned from years of experience what Jas. F. Morgan -will sell at public am- the public wishes and the most per- lluu ll"dmuj "L . feet vay of preparing them. - w -.-in . , . There is a natural flavor and Mrs. Gilfillan left Ly the Doric for .. .tho tn oa li-lior ea T-.-ill onz-.r ,! . HiatlCnCSS. tO the al months. aro- o o o o o o o 3 Pair for 50 Cts. 9 e LADIES' YESTS 10, 15 and 20 Cts FAST BLACK HOSE Special Bargains In. -oo IHairodkeircllnief o SEE WINDOW DISPLAY! 'd ? st C PUKE FRUIT J UICES ill i c That cannot he imitated in extracts. ooo ) i Tin: 1CK CREAM Used at the fountain is made lit" 11U 18th 0f ot materials and gives univer- ail -i a ; i r i. c rt. ncunces a departure sale at his big dry bdUWdUHH1 u" "l u fc"1L" ness ano ja?K oi grain, not round eise- chant, will go and from now away until that August date goods store, at prices that will make competition impossible. The special attention of mother;-, and kinlergartners, as well as teachers, is called to the university extension lec tures at the High School on Tuesday and Friday evenings by Dr. John Dew ey, on "The Life of the Child." where. NEW BILL TER tonight. at ORPHEUM TiiEA- ooo ill l! 111! COS. KING 4 FORT STS. GENTS' BALBRIGGAN Si UNDERYEAR 7 5 Cts. a Suit. 3960000090000 OO 00060000000 0000000 FAST BLACK SOGKS 10 LU a Pair FECIAL SALE OF ManiJ TV UOOQS u COMPANY. Fort Street. E. . For irae Week Billy SABIftR 1H1ATQ (ALL. STYLES) ASD -EGAMT TRIMMED HATS, (LATEST STYES.) A FREE TRANSLATION "And you say the idiot of r.. ichcr told you that you ha 3 an extravagant j fool of a father?" "That's what he meant." "But what did he say?" "He said it was criminal folly to waste money on the education of such a chump as I am." Cleveland Plain Deaiei. oft QoD es up A Special Sale of fin lv WIM Lnli LU U U nni rtuiup ulu nmu IS NOW TV 1 111 kins, table cloths, series, lawns, mus lins, dress goods, etc. A. Mirhran, the rug importer who arrived on the steamship Moana last pvpnins. will place on inhibition and snlfi in a few days an elegant lot Parisian and Turkish rugs. The regular monthly meeting of the Church Defence & Extension Associa tion will be held this evening at Har mony Hall at S p. m. The executive committee hopes that all members will ! be present. j Unendorsed certificate No. 2S01 for one share of Oahu Sugar Co., Ltd..' stock, issued to Miss H. S. Judd, has . been lost. Transfer has been stopped, i Finder please return to Hawaiian Trust j & Investment Co. '. The order calling the foreign jury in Judge Stanley's court for 10 o'clock this morning has been changed so as to make it Friday morning at 9:30. This is on account of the native juryj trial still occupying the court. j tnnnn re We would have you of member that we are Sole ? Agents for the celebrated R and G CORSETS. j Positively the best COR 'SET ever offered a: the ' price. i Sals Bi? lei iili. LIMITED. THE PEOPLE'S PROVIDERS. 4 These Goods will be sold at srreatlv reduced twpq for one week only, at Miss M. E Killean's ARLINGTON BLOCK. HOTEL STREET. CIRCL ES MOVE m THE LARGEST 30 INCH. 30 INUi. 30 INCH. 30 INCH. Are Used By AH Classes. Most stylish, lightest imning, and most durable Wheel made. No Imperial riders change their mount. 312 FORT S '. LOW PRICES RULE. -ooo Pearson "MEN'S VERY FINEST SUITS-made of best Cassimera, Che viots, Black Thibets. Cut in the newest styles. $8 50. MEN'S FINE ALL WOOL BUSINESS SUITS made of pure All Wool Cassimers and Fancy Cheviots. $6.50. BOYS' C LOT h ING ft remarkably low prices. C SI KJ It 4. er (so., Ltd. "TELEHON-: 565. JUST RECEIVED: A IAUG-E 'OF Yaiinatoya Shirts, (in Silk, W.);;l a d Cotton,) GRASS CLOTH, PIECES, DOYLIES, SILK GOODS fctc, STYLISH COLP SHIRTS. n ' '. c Just received of the Chic.igo Brand, WHITE DUCK CLOTHING Coats and Troupers. Earbers' and Bar Coats. All White Duck Trou.-ers are shrunk, sponged and pressed. One pair in a box $1.50 to $2 50. Come and see them.' - A gfc 5elj3.cs necscs Importers ond Deaiora Hotel Street - - Robinson Biock. J HOTEL STREET XEAR FORT. O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o