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. TIJE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVEIITISsEK: HONOLULU, AUGUST 17 lSX I t Shot Guns 1 ANOTHER TEST :Of Marconi's System Telegraphy. of AND CI) TV0 uLL triages William lias consented that the skip per of his yacht Meteor, Captain Lien Parker, shall go to New York to assist in sailing the Shamrock in the races for the America's cup. Commuaication Frcm a Balloon Shows the Value of His Invention in War. o- Ilave you seen our new importations in this line? If not, move in and take a look. We have the neatest article in the way of a single breech loader, 12 gauge, just the thing for those who want to keep a cheap gun on hand to shoot Mongoose or Mynahs and do not care to have an expensive gun for sporting. You will wonder how we can sell these. for $12.00, but we do and this lot is going fast. We have a fine assortment of good cart ridges both in smokeless and black powders, also everything needed to make your own cartridges if you wish. Rifles, He vol vers, and everthing in this line at lowest prices, at E. 0. HALL & SON, Points of Superiority in Beady Bock Roofing STRONGEST IN THE MARKET. Is not expensive. Comes ready to lay. Any workman can lay it. Can be applied to steep or flat roofs. Is light. Does not require extra rafters for support. Absolutely no danger from falling cinders from chimneys. Insurance 50 per cent, less than shingles on buildings covered with it. Very desirable for warehouses. Not effected by any climate. Does not run, nor does the gravel wash off. Send and get Samples. ooo- -AGENTS EOR 52 P0PCEL1TE, an enamel finish for wood, plaster, brick, etc., etc. S. & Y. ROPE SHEATHING. DEXTER'S ENGLISH SHINGLE STAIN. ALPINE CEMENT YITAX DRY BATTERIES. STANDARD BISCUITS. HIGHLAND AND PET CREAMS. CALIFORNIA CANNERIES CO., LTD. FRUITS AND JELLIES. Hawaiian Trading Co., Ltd. Office: Nos. 6 and 8 Love Building, Fort St. THE CALIFORNIA HARNESS SHOP Jut received by the Australia a fine as sortment of Harness Trimmings; also Whips, Dusters, Brushes, etc. Special attention given to plantation orders at Rock Bottom Pkices. 639 KING STREET, BELOW ARLINGTON HOTEL. D. 0. & M. S. HAMMAN. : : : : Tel. 641. LONDON, Aug. C There has been general and widespread interest in naval circles on account of the free use of Marconi's system of wireless tele graphy. Naval maneuvers have shown the value of wireless telegraphy in war. The Rev. J. M. Tacon and Messrs. J. N. and N. Maskelyne re cently carried out a series of interest ing experiments in wireless telegraphy with a balloon, which is likely to prove even more valuable to peaceful mariners. As is well known, the safety of the navigator and his vessel frequently de pends upon warnings conveyed from time to time by sound. All kinds of abnormal deviations in the apparent direction from which the sound ema nates are noticed. In short, the mari ner is brought face to face with all the peculiarities of atmospheric acoustics. The Tacon and Maskelyne experiments were devised with the object of ascer taining precisely what is the nature of these peculiarities, and what are the conditions under which they are ob served. When these results have been secured scientists will be in a position to provide a remedy for the errors mentioned. The balloon ascent was made from Newbury at 6 o'clock in the evening on July 27. The balloon rose rapidly, drifted away in the direction of Read ing and was quickly lost to sight in the clouds, from which it did not emerge for some minutes, when it finally apeared as a speck in the dis tance. In the meantime Mr. N. Maskelyne transmitted several messages to the occupants of the balloon, who gave sig nals that they were being received. Heavy gun-cotton cartridges, sus pended below the car of the balloon, were fired from the electric station on the ground when the balloon was some miles distant and there were similar discharges from the electric station which shook the ground. Another experiment was the firing of a powder magazine electrically from a distant point, without contact, the firing point being the transmitting station between which balloon com munication was maintained when the ascent took place. The object of this experiment was to give a practical demonstration of the possibility of utilizing the principle of etheric communication in time of war to explode mines and similar destruc tive contrivances, the only connection necessary being through the medium of the all-pervading ether. The advantages of this system are that there will be no connecting wires to be cut by the enemy, nothing which could fall into their hands, while noth ing could prevent communication from being established at the right moment. The initial experiment proved a per fect success. BUYS HIS OLD HOME. CANTON, O. Aug. tj. President McKinley has purchased the famous '"McKinley cottage," at the corner of Norih Market street and Louis avenue. The deal was closed Saturday. The consideration was $14,o00. The papers have passed. He will secure possession of the contract and deed Ociober next. 1 lie property was no: in the market. It was endeared to President and Mrs. McKinley as their first home where they began housekeeping and by tender memories of sorrow there The lot is 100 feet front on Market street, by 241 on Louis avenue. The iront veranua snows tne most wear from the historic campaign of 1S96. when the noted home was the political Mecca for nearly 1,000,000 people. REVOLT IN COMORO ISLAND. Inhabitants of a French Possession Be sieging the Governor. ZANZIBAR, August S. Great Como ro Island is in revolt. Police Commis sary has been assassinated and the Governor's residence is besieged. A gunboat has been ordered to assist the island authorities in restoring order. Great Comoro, otherwise Anaziya Island, is the principal island of the Co moro Isles, in the Mozambique channel 350 miles from the northwest coast of Madagascar and 200 miles from the east coast of Africa. The population of the group is estimated at about G0, 000 souls, mostly Mahommedans. The islands form a part of the French co lonial possessions. POSTAL OFFICIALS FOR MANILA. F. L. Stocking, formerly Assistant Postmaster of Tacoma, wil. leave San Francisco for Manila on the Morgan City with five assisstants Edwin T. Spillman of Sacramento, V. A. Shannon of Los Angeles, Charles B. Franklin of Portland and Tobias Epp stein and Oscar Schutt of San Francis co. They go to -assist Postmaster Vail in the Philippines. BRITISH SHIP SUNK. TORQUAY, Eng., August S The British battleship Sans Pareil, while returning from the maneuvers, sank the British ship East Lothian, Captain McFarlane, 1.3S9 tons, last night off the Lizard. One man was wounded. The warship communicated the news to the other ships of the fleet by wireless te legraphy. The East Lothian left Manila on February 9 for Nantes, France, where she arrived July 31. CLERGYMEN ON GUARD. NEWPORT NEWS (Va.), Aug. 8. There has been no change in the yel low fever situation since yesterda afternoon. It is probable that the quarantine will be raised with the current week. A feature of the quar antine here is the presence on the line tonight of nearly every minister in the city, each preacher standing guard in his allotted section for six hours. oiaolulu Tobacco Ltd IMPORTERS OF HAVANA AND MANILA SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Fine Grades of Smoking Tobacco. Corner Fort and Merchant Sts., Honolulu. HAT MANUFACTURER. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. KING ST.,: Next to Castle & Cook, EX CAHMATJSBNSHIRJE. I rge shipment of the latest styles in STR AW HATS New Style Shirts, Neckwear, Gents' Furnishings, Etc., at the lowest reasonable prices. PORTO RICO. A TERRITORY. WASHINGTON. Aug. 8. The early annexation of Porto Rico will be re commended by the i President in his annual message to Congress; also the immediate establishment of a civil government. This problem has been considered carefully by the Adminis tration and the decision reached that no reason exists for denying this peo ple the privilege of governing themselves- This statement is official. BRIEF BITS OF NEWS. The Spanish Senate has approved the tax on interest on the debt. Henry White, secretary of the United States Embassy in London, and Mrs White have gone to the Vosges moun tains for the benefit of Mrs. White's health. Fire destroyed the Altamont Hotel and the plant of the Export Lumber Company at Tupper Lake, near Utica, N. Y. A number of dwelling houses were also burned. Advices from Melbourne, Victoria, state that practically the total result of coming as it does from a member of the President's Cabinet. It is believed jthe referendum to the commonwealth that Congress will act immediately on;0f the federation question is 151,So2 the President's recommendation, and votes for federation to 9,050 votes that a territorial form of government will be in operation within a year, similar to Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona. This will meet with the sanction of the most influential and best educated people of -Porto Rico. INTERNATIONAL 'CRICKET. The Northwestern cricket tourna ment held at Winnipeg between the United States and Canada was brought to a close last Saturday with an inter national match, fhe United States eleven, which comprised players from Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul and Omaha beat the Canadian eleven by five runs after a most exciting finish. Scores: United States. 5S and 102; Canada. 71 and 91. against. The Pope, in a letter to Queen Wil helmina, of Holland, expresses the hope that he will soon be able to es tablish harmony between the twp South American nations which have submitted their dispute for his arbitration. THE RPMEOM SSSfc. TONIGHT! TONIGHT! There is but ore LYNWOOD The sensation of the hour. World's Greatest Contortionist. Al. Hazard VENTRILOQUIST Music anil Musical Artist. Lilian Leslie The Handsome Descriptive and Comic Vocalist. A comedy, the arrival of "JIM" JEFFRIES Post and Marion. The Charming Contralto Vocalist Ethel Dixon. Boggs and Haeward IN A 50CILTY SKIT. Post and Marion. THE HAPPY HOTTENTOTS General Admission, 25c and 50c Last six rows for Children under 12 years, 10c. Reserved Chairs, 50c. Seats can be booked by ringing up telephone 640. Special Sale Of RIBBONS AND - (SonrfimeHicnngi Rung At the TEMPLE OF FASHION. LACES 7th. - Laces! Laces! Ribbons! Ribbons ! Ribbons ! Laces ! At Prices That Can't Be Duplicated, at The Hawaiian Dry Goods Association MOSES PATAU, MANAGER. III ire Pliers i D III. OUR SPECIALTY IS Sanitary Plumbing There's as much difference between plumbing and SANI TARY PLUMBING as there is between daylight and darkncF8. Anyone can put a lot of pipes together and run them off anjTwhere, but with Honolulu's surface pewerage the essential point is to have the plumbing done in a way that makes the Sanitary conditions perfect. ooo- JOHN NOTT 75-7P KING ST TEL: NO. 3 RUT mm well s? LUCY COY, DAVID SPOONY. SAXTA BARBARA. Aug. O.Sum merland today celebrated the marriage of Mrs. Lucy Bennet; aged eighty-six and David Davis, aged ninety-two. SHAMROCK'S SKIPPERS. LONDON, Aug. C The Exchange Telegraph announces that Emperor Osllisf ( Per8cti ) " V Quality lata! modfrateX ljft5SJoS8il I price J a U On HUB ! ! TrrrTriirrMM"'n AT THE GAZETTE OFFICE. L. E. PINKHAM, CONTRACTOR. Office With the Pacific Hardware Co., Honolulu H. I. Estimates iven and contracts made for wells on any of the Islands. SIX NEW PLANTS drilllers. ALL NEW GOODS! at goo kim's. 210 Nuuanu Street, Above Hotel. The clearance sale is over and the new stock opened up. Here are some of the latest: Chinese Grass Cloth in White, Brown and Light Blue. ' , Embroidered Silk Handkerchiefs, t Fancy Carved and Scented Wood Boxes. Farwell Cotton, 36-in. wide, 16 yds. $1.00. Ginghams, 20 yds. $1.00. Fast Color Calicoes, 20 ys. $1.00. New Tailoring Goods. Silk Crepe Shawls. (Black, White and Colored.) Colored Lawns, 20 yds. $1.00. Victoria Lawn, 75c the piece of 10 yds. Laces. (Black, White and Cream.) Hats, Caps, etc. eo es ea ae mix rasa i wvr l m m r - . ? i i i m i o w j nni Hawaiian Gaze Office. i h 5 i v : V ) Jf.