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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
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6 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, AUGUST 17, ISM IB NRY R. WORTHINGTON. -(ISC.)- KANAKA MORMON Noted Character Recently Deceased. 1 5 lift AHD OILCLOTH. noimee A 3 suiiaers nil mum rnii nnnnr InLL LIHULtum biiltm ID FIBRE MATTING. TiOlllBiPipiii Enoioes l w lis il liii ono -cos THE SPECIAL ATTENTION OF PLANTATION MANAGERS AND AGENTS is called to the fact that we carry in stock at our Queen Street warehouse a large assortment of pumps for all kinds of sugar house service, including vacium numns. air pumps, condensers, feed pumps, juice pumps. molasses pumps, etc. Rugs, valves for all sizes guaranteed. ESTIMATES FURNISHED PLANTS OF ANY CAPACITY together with a complete stock oi spare pans anu Careful attention given all orders and prompt shipment FOR COMPLETE OR POWER. IRRIGATION PUMPING CENTER, SOFA AND STAND Heavy Stock and Great Choice. ire, M. lie M. it Of Best Value Ever Imported CORNER FORT AND QUEEN STREETS. Honolulu. II. I. Telephone 59 EZr X7- 3- Irwin: i IN ALL COLORS. w; T ADTi S 1 mo. to STREET E. KONG 'FEE. MERCHANT . TAILOR 23- Fort St., Opp. Club Stables. FINE SUJTS TO ORDER AT REA SONABLE RATES Suits cleaned and repaired. Satis faction guaranteed. Only the highest grade of RED RUB--BER is used in the Stamps made by the HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO. -O9O And in sizes, 36 in. in. and 120 44 in., in. 72 FOR HOUSE OR STORE. Worked Thirteen Years on the Great Salt Z-Ii.-l Lake Temp'e The Hawaiian Colony in Utah. Oohn ooo 1HEHETEI F1IT1E COMPANY. J. A. MEHRTEN, MANAGER. Progress Block. Telephone 398. O C Rnv A A A ITS. 4 ' w" HIiUEY'S IKE Henry Kailenamiko. a native ihe Sandwich Islands, who died of leprosy near the Hawaiian colony in Skull valley, a few days ago, was for years a well-known character in and around this city, says the Salt Lake Tribune of July 30th. He was one of the first of the converts to the Mor mon faith to leave the Islands. For thirteen years he was employed on the Temple, occupying the position of grip man. It was his duty, in connection with another man, to drill holes in each end of ihe big stones, into which the tips of the iron grips were insert ed, previous to the stone being hoisted. John Henry was well adapted to the position, being strong and muscular, and it was often said of him that he could easily do the work of two men. At the finishing of the rock work in the fall of 1S91, John Henry was laid off, and soon thereafter went out to the Kanaka colony, where, save a few visits to this city, he has since re mained. The malady that caused his death was first noticed, it is said, about three years ago. With others afflicted with the same loathsome disease, he was isolated, and since that hour he had never been allowed to visit the set tlement. John Henry was a man of about Go years, striking in appearance, and a faithful friend to those whom he liked. He was a general favorite among the workmen on the block. There are but two cases of leprosy now in existence near the colony, and both of the victims are women. A gentleman who recently called at the colony, which is called Josepa, and is in charge of Bishop Cluff, says the Kanakas are very prosperous this year There are about 130, all told, twenty one of whom attended the missionary reunion at Lagoon on July 24. The settlement is run on the united- order nlan. which was generally at tempted throughout the State twenty live vears aso. but which proved a fail ure in all but two instances. J A l A N ES E KEGUL AT ION. R. C. A. Peterson BROKER, RealEstat and Financial AGENT. Houses For Rent. Properties For Sale. Stocks and Bonds. Loans Negotiated. LIMITED Offer for Sale: REFINED SUGARS. Cube and Granulated. PARAFINE PAINT CO.'S and Buildlmfl Paints, Compounds Papers. ..J PAINT OILS, Honolulu, H. L Lucol Raw and Boiled. Linseed Raw and Boiled. INDURINE, Water-proof cold-water Paint. side and outside; in -white an colors. FERTILIZERS, Alex. Cross & Sons' high-grade Scotch fertilizers, adapted for m gar cane and coffee. N. Ohlandt & Co's chemical fertil izers and finely ground Bone Meal. STEAM PIPE COVERING, Reed's patent elastic sectional ply Covering. FILTER PRESS CLOTHS, Linen and Jute. CEMENT, LIME & BRICFS, OFFICE: P. i5 K&&HUM&NU STREET. O. BOX 365. The i 9 The handsomest Wheel made.. Three Crown Bicycle. If you put its exquisite appearance, the excellency of its workmanship, and its light running qualities, alongside the ordinary whee sold in Honolulu, no one of our nicely discriminating Honolulu people will for a moment hesitate which wheel to purchase. The Manson Three Crown Bicycle is the "Ldition de Luxe of the bicycle world. BAILEY'S HONOLULU CYCLERY, Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands. OPTIONS:- tiny Saddle, Tire or Chain PRICE, $60, SOLE AGENT FOR THE MILWAUKEE PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRE TH E BEST. Instructions to School Hoys'IIow to Treat Foreigners. The iiow of instructions in connec tion with the new treaties has not yet ceased. The last is issued by the prin cipal of the Kobe Higher Elementary School, and is intended for the perusal of the boys in school, who are com manded to treat the foreigner civilly and kindly and avoid acting rudely to him. Gathering round a foreigner and passing comments on his appearance or ridiculing him, should be carefully avoided, nor are rude words in Japan ese to be addressed to foreigners un der the impression that they do not understand Japanese and therefore i j rr i- mav De insuitea wun mummy. iue principal goes on to say that the boys should not be carried away by foreign customs and manners, to the oblivion of the good customs inherent in Japan. In conclusion the principal refers to the treatment of Eurasian children, and suggests that kindness should always be shown them and that they should not in schoolbov slanir. "be sent to Coventry. -r: '5,0 . . .... .-1.V. V. v; . . . - v . .... ' . -.-v-.v.. . , SEAMANS CLUB Pleasinsr Entertainment for tailors and Others Last Night. The fortnightly entertainment at the Seaman's Club last evening drew out a large audience, composed mostly spafarinc men. The following in teresting program was rendered: AGENTS FOR WESTERN SUGAR REFINING CO.. San Francisco, Cal. BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, Philadelphia, Penn., U. 8. . NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO., (Manf. "National Cane Shredder"), New York, U. S. A NEW and POPULAR BOOKS! IN VAIN, by Henryk Sienkiewich. THE TWO STANDARDS, by Wm. Barry. THE ROUGH RIDERS, by Ed. Mar shall. ALWYN, by Watts Dunton. THE OPEN BOAT, by Stephen Crane. TRISTRAM LACY, by W. H. Mal- lock. JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL AND HIS FRIENDS, by Edward Everett Hale. THE QUEST OF THE GOLDEN GIRL, by Richard LeGallienne. TWIRTON TALES, by Alice Brown. FROM SEA TO SEA, by Rudyard Kipling. A GENTLEMAN PLAYER, by Robt. Neilson Stephens. THE TRAIL OF THE GOLD-SEEK ERS, by Hamlin Garland. OHLANDT & CO., 1 San Francisco, Cal. RISDON IRON WORKS, AND LOCOMOTIVH San Francisco, Cal. itl tin 111 LIMITED. MERCHANT ST1JJ5KT. Hoffman Saloon . . . Miss Cook . . . Mrs. Petrie 1 Mr. S. Beasley . . Mr. Carlton rME beebe BieveL ass- Cones " A'fine whel at a verv low price. A hundred of them in use in Honolulu and no kick. coming. andCups equal to the best Always Excepting Manson. Price Single Tube Tires $30.00 35.00: Price Double Tube Tires ::::::: 35. OO 40 OO, Price Milwaukee Puncture Proof Tire : : 40.00 45 uu, 231 KING ST. Piano Solo Recitation Vocal Solo Recitation Vocal Solo Mrs. Annis Montague Turner Duet, Flute and Fiano, Messrs. Pinkham and Ofiley Recitation -Mrs. 1'etrie Talk on Navigation Capt. Carl Ryfkoyeb Recitation Mrs. Petrie Recitation Mr. Kelley Hawaiian Airs Miss Cook Recitation Miss Farmer Reading Mr. Tubbs At the conclusion of the program cof fee and sandwiches were served to those present. During the evening Mrs. Annis Mon tague Turner was presented with a picture, the frame of which was a life preserver, as a token of appreciation. ATI Bailey 9 S The Honolulu Cyclery Pioneer Repair Shop. Ill I And- MESSENGER SERVICE. HodoIuIu Messenger Service dllrer me-sas and packages. Tel. 378. NEW BILL TER tonight. at ORPHEUM THEA- ill !J 11 ON DRAFT. L. H. DEE PROPRIETOR. Cor. Hotel and Nuuanu Sts. A Model Plant 13 not complete with out Electric Power, thus dispensing with small engines. "Why not generate your power from one CENTRAL Station? One gener ator can furnish power to your Pump, Centrifugals, Elevators, Plows, Rail was and Hoists; also, fyurnish light and power for a radius of from 15 to 30 miles. Electric Power being used, save3 th labor of hauling coal In your field, also water, and does away with high-priced, engineers, and only have one engine to look after in your niill. Where water power Is available ii costs nothing to generate Electric Power. THE HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COM PANY is now ready to furnish Electric Plants and Generators of all descrip tions at short notice, and also has on hard a large stock or Wire, Chande liers and Electrical Goods. All orders will be given prompt at tention, and estimates furnished for Lighting and Power Plants; also, at tention is given to House and Marine Wiring THEO. HOFFMAN, Manager. WM. G. IRWIN & CO LIMITED. Wm. G. Irwin. .President and Manager Cluas Spreckels Vice President W. M. Glffard..Secretary and Treasurer H. M. Whitney, Jr Auditor SUGAR FACTORS AND tiobert Lewera. F, J. Lowrey. C. M. Cool e LEWERS & GOOKE. Importers and Dealers in Lumber and Building Materials. Office. 414 Fort St. COMniSSION AGENTS AGENTS FOR THE. Oceanic Steamship Company Of San Francisco, Cal.