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10 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, AUGUST, IB. 1S99. LAXATINE THE KIND YOl' HAYi: ALWAYS bought has borne the signature of the Western Chemical Co. of Chicago, 111., for years. Allow no one to deceive you with counterfeits. Imitations and "just as goods" are but experiments, and en danger the health of children. ooo What is Laxatine? LAXATINK IS NOTHING HUT THE FINEST CASTOR OIL, with its objec tionable taste removed by our new process. LAXATINE is as pleasant to take as honey. Children like it. No trouble to get them to take it. It con tains neither opium, morphine, nor other narcotic substances. It relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency; it assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giv ing healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea the Mothers' Friend. Prepared only by the Western Chemical Co., Chicago, Ills. GONSALVES&CO. -LDUTED.- Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR'S New Book BulletinT BOOKS : AND : STATIONARY. 31G FORT STREET. "The Development of E n g 1 is h Thought," by Simon N. Patten, Ph.D. "Swallow," by II. Rider Haggard. "The Wizard," by H. Rider Haggard. "The Fowler," by Beatrice Harraden. "The Rough Riders," by Theodore Roosevelt. "The Trail of tho Gold Seekers," by Hamlin Garland. "The Downfall of the Dervishes," by E. N. Bennett. "Waldtraut," by M. Rudiger; transla ted by C. LeDuc. Crook, Ph.D. "The Minor Tactics of Chess," by F. K. Young and E. C. Howell. "The Major Tactics of Chess," by F. K. Young. "Outsiders," by Robert W. Chambers. "Dross," by Henry Seton Merriman. "With Kitchener to Khartum," by G. W. Steevens. "Prisoners of Hope," by Mary John ston. "The Open Question," by Elizabeth Robins. WHAT SHALL WE DRINK? The sensible housewife would say a Good Cup of Coffee, Tea, Cocoa or Chocolate. We have any of the above in endless variety to suit the palate and pocket. COFFEES Mocha and Java, in berry or ground; pure Kona, in berry or ground. TEAS Uncolored Japan, Green Japan, Young Hyson, Natural Leaf Japan, Japan Oalong, Orange Pekoe, English Breakfast in variety, Gunpow der, Maravilla Garden Ceylon, Nirvana Ceylon, Oolong Mixed, Blend ed, etc., etc. CHOCOLATES and COCOA Gheradell is Chocolate, cake or ground; Bakers' Sweet Chocolate, unsweetened, cake or ground; Breakfast Cocoa, Va nilla Chocolate, Webb's Homoeopathic, Phillips' Digestible, Van IIou ten's, etc. AT ' Salter's ORPILKUM J5LOCK. TELEPHONE 6S0. Special Machinery. J. J. McCabe Double Spindle Lathe Heaviest Lathe Work. Two Lathes in One. Direct Acting Electric Motor When Desired. 1 1 . . ,.:- v -"-- - 111 M J I Y IN USE BY O. R. & L. CO. ORDERED iY OAHU SUGAR CO., WAIALUA AGRICUL TURAL SUGAR CO., HONOLULU SUGAR CO. KIHEI SUGAR OO. OTHER SPECIAETIES: Gray Planers, Barnes & McCabe Drill Presses, Combined Upright and Radial Drills, Shapers, Universal Milling Machines, Combined Bolt and Pipe Cutters. Henry D. Roberts, Agent, Pacific Hardware Co. Ltd. Machinery Department. Another This time it is SNDOJiRATEl FBBRE WAR NEAT AND DURABLE. Tubs, Buckets, Dish Pans, Pitchers, Wash Basins, Infants' Baths, Slop Pails, Measures and many other useful articles fGT Prices are cut 25 per cent. All marked in plain figures. We are making this reduction be cause we have too large a stock of these goods and want more room for two carloads of JEWEL STOVES and one car of GURNEY CLEANABLE REFRIGERATORS, which are on the way. LIMITED. IMPORTERS OF Crockery, Glass and House Furnishing Goods. SOLE AGENTS, HAWAIIAN ISLUDS JEWEL STOVES for Coal or Wood. GURNEY CLEANABLE REFRIG ERATORS. NEW BLUE-FACE WICKLESS OIL STOVES. PRIMUS OIL STOVES. Grocery. FORT STREET ft. If awaiiai Gazette 'NARROW STREETS To Relieve Traffic on a Main Artery. Suggestion That the Next Legisla ture Will Probably Be Asked to Decide Upon. Some time ago this paper mentioned a plan which had been proposed in or der to relieve Fort street of some of its traffic. It was suggested that a cut be made through the premises oc cupied by the Arlington Hotel, then through the lumber yard of Lewers & Cooke, th(nce to Queen. It would take comparatively little trouble to com plete it from that point to the water front. As Union street starts at Ho tel street, just opposite the Arlington entrance, this plan, if carried out. would afford a continuous thorough fare connecting the waterfront with all parts of the city. "The idea is most certainly a good one," said Minister King yesterday, when the subject was brought to his attention. "On account of Fort street being as narrow as it is something will have to be done in the near future to relieve it of a portion of its traffic. The idea suggested would accomplish the end sought for. It will probably be a long time, however, befyre that could be done, as a special appropria tion by the legislature would be nec essary. The traffic of all the streets has largely increased lately, but this is especially true of Fort street, which is the great business artery of the city. There is no easier way for a Kamaaina to realize Honolulu's growth than to walk nown Fort street on a pleasant afternoon and compare its present ani mated r-.ppearanee with that of a few years past. AWESOME TREES. We made a side trip to the big trees of the Mariposa group, which are about one hour's ride from the '"hotel, says ia correspondent. If the smallest of these trees could be planted any where in Pennsylvania the railroads would run excursion trains to it and make money. The trees dn this grove are so large that it takes a good Avhile to fully appreciate the facts about the size of the biggest of them. The 'Grizzly Giant" is 34 feet through at the base and over 300 feet high. This tree would overtop the spires on the Pittsburg Cathedral by about 100 feet. The trunk of this tree is 100 feet clear to the first limb, which is 20 feet in circumference. Many other trees here nearly as large as this one, and there are 400 in the grove. Through it several tunnels have been cut, and a f 01111 orse stage can go through thes tunnels on the run and never graze a hub. You get an ap proach to an adequate idea of their size by walking off a hundred yards or so While the stage is standing at the foot of a tree and glancing from top to bottom, keeping the stage in mind as a means of comparison. The stage and horses look like the little tin out fit that Santa Claus brought you when you were a good little boy. trpps longer to be called the largest in .the world, how ever. A species of eucalyptus has been found in Australia as large or larger. Emerson warns us against the use of the superlative, but when you are in this region of the globe vou can't get along without a liberal use of it. He 'himself says of Yosemite "It is the only spot I have ever found tVinf initio im to the brag." And as I stood in the big tree grve I remem bered that some one called Emerson himself "the Sequoia of the human race." Pittsburg Dispatch. STEVENSON AND THE BEGGAR. n American who visited the Stev ensons at Samoa relates that the Sa- moans have a practice of begging. They boldlv ask for whatever they may covet wherever it may be found. The novelist became tired of this practice, and therefore said one day to a Sa moan friend who had acquired from him a necktie, handkerchief and some other trinket, "Is there anything else vou want?" The Samoan made a hasty survey of the 'room. "There is the piano." suggested Mr. Stevenson, ironically. "Yes," replied the native, "I know, but," he added apologetically, "I don' know how toplay it." Philadelphia Saturday Press. The operation in the British nava maneuvers which began July 3, were to decide how best to protect grain vessels from American attacks. The plan of the maneuvers began with two vessels in charge of a cruiser crossing the Atlantic. One squadron made an effort to capture the vessels, and an other atempted to defeat the plan The first squadron brought the vessels safely to England. Each squadron was equipped as in actual war. JAS. F. MORGAN fine b 33 Queen Street. P. 0. Box 594. Telechone 72. Real Estate Corner Alapai and Beretania Streets. FOR SRLE. The undersigned offers at private sale the residence of Mrs. C. II. Damon on Beretania, Young and Alapai streets Containing 2 075-1,000 acres, and having frontages of 233 feet on Beretania street; 331 feet on Alapai street; 3S0 feet on Young street; 295 feet at rear; Together with all buildings and im provements. Plan of property at my office, where all needed information can be ob tained. JAS. F. MORGAN, 33 Queen Street. Residence Sites AT MAN OA FR SHLE. oo- HAVING PURCHASED A TRACT of the finest land in Manoa for resi dence sites, I will now receive appli cations from parties desiring to pur chase. These lots are immediately in front of the residence of H. E. Cooper, Esq., and command a grand view of Manoa Valley and the picturesque country to Diamond Head. There are 10 lots in 2 series, 5 front ing on the west, or main, Manoa road, ami 5 facing on Liholiho street. The lots are each 100 feet wide and rom 1C0 to 28G feet deep. Government water main laid past the lots on West Manoa road. Early applications necessary. Map of the property and all information in regard to terms of purchase, etc., at my office. Terms One-third cash, balance In one and two years at C per cent. Early application necessary. JAS. F. MORGAN, 33 Queen street. JAS. F. MORGAN ftl 33 Queen Street. P. 0. Box 594. Telephone 72, B fll RETIRING BUSINESS SHLE TO THE PUBLIC: The firm of A. E. Murphy & Co. will retire from the shoe business, com mencing July 24th. 1S9D. Wa intend to close out within two months' time, and to do so will reduce the price of our stocks of shoes BELOW COST. This is a bona fide sale; no catch trap; no buncombe about It a genuine retiring sale. Now is the time to get shoes, and our shoes are all new and the correct shapes. The sale will be for cash only. OOO A. E. MURPHY & CO 205 Hotel St.. HONOLULU STOCK YARDS Co LIMITED W., S. WITHERS, Manager. o For 4 FINE TEAMS t addle and Draft fftorses, -ooo 3 Corner Queen ani Just Received: Ex Mauna Ala The Largest Shipment of SURREYS, PHAETONS, TRAPS, BUCKBOARDS ahd ROAD WAGONS Ever Imported to .Honolulu. These Goods were shipped direct from the factory and are of the very latest styles. If you want in and see this display. We have rnces almost as low as in TW RETML STORES, Corner Fort and King Streets, and Waverley Block, Bethel Street. EIWMAY&CO. - L . SUCCESSORS TO Waterhouse. Henrv May & Co. H. E. Mclntyre & Bro. J. T. Wholesale and Retail Tea Dealers and Coffee Merchants Atoi1 Qinrc ' Corner Fort and King Streets, KCldll OlUIC. j Waverly Block, Bethel Street. Wholesale Department, Bethel Street. Telephones: FR0M Arlington Block. Alakea Streets. anything in the Carnage Line drop an immense variety to choose from the East. CARRIAGE AND HARNESS REPOSITORY, FORT STREET. SCHUMAN GMOCEIRS Fort Street, 22 and 92. Bethel Street, 2t and 919. 7