Newspaper Page Text
. -A? 12 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, AUGUST, 22, 1899 Ilie Pilic GommerciQl MM Issued Evevy Morning, Except Sunday, by the HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COM PANT, Von IIo.U Block, King Street. A. W. PEARSON, Busines3 Manager. V? i,.rr7V itf II GO.'S n TIME TABLE From and After Jan. 1, 18f)9. STATIONS Dally Dally 'Outward; ex. Sun. Daily ex, Sun. iaily Daily A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M RAILWAY s i Honolnlu . 7:10 :15 11:05 S:15 5:10 Pearl City. 8:03 9:H 11:10 3:47 fi:50 Ewa Mill.. 8:33 10;M8 12:00 4:L5 8:10 Waianae... .- 10:50 4:4 Walalaa 11:S 5:41 ... Kabaka 12.P-2 6:15 STATION3. Dai iv Inward) ex. Sun. Dally Daily Dally A.M. A M. P.M P.M Kahuku.... 5:3? .... 2:8 Waialna.... 6:10 2;5'J Waianae... ... 7:10 3:55 Ewa Mill.. 5:50 7:45 1:05 4 :32 Pearl City. 3: 15 3:01 1:30 4:52 Honolulu.. 6:t0 8:&i 2:C5 :l6 Q. P. Dssisoit, F. C. 8MITH, Superintendent, Gen. Pas. A rvt Act. METEOROLOGICAL, RECORD. By the Government Survey, Published Every Monday. IIAIitM I i H KP.H ! -a 51 CO 3 r" 3 a ' a. 4 f i fc3 83 H J.OO; W 4 1 0 OS: f,7i 5 j it). 07; ib't , iO.20i 7 4-S .o.i i; ?s 8 0 02 - 2( 4 ! ; j Oaif.1! 2 ! ! I i N8 K SK n ESE 3-5 4 4 4 5 5 5 - Barometer corrected to 32 P. and sea level, and after the 1st of February for. standard gravity of Lat. 45. This correction i3 .06 for Honolulu. TIDES, SUN AND MOON. c- O ! g ! CO 3 3 O c rji 0 2 or. art -i fa DAT. Ci I i o : ! I 2i! p. iii.1 a.m. 4.C0! 3.41 p.ic jam. rics 6.53 7.3t Hon. Tnea. Wed 10.31 It 01 .40 5.41 -25- J4 4.34 4.2J a m.1 p.m. 5.14 oli iu.2 11 30. 11. IV p.m. a m. ! li li O.00: 1.2- U.ot o Oil 1.1 " s 5.41; 6.2J S.19 ! 271 Tbnrs G.Cl 7.V1 5 45 5 41' 6.23! 9.02 ft.4i: 6.22! 9.49 5 4i 21 1U 36 .4 - 1 7 jfria. Sat... Sun ti.4 S. .Alt' Last quarter of the moon on the 27th at 1:2 p. m. The tides and moon phases are giv en in Standard time. The time of un and moon rising and setting being given for all ports in the group are in Local time, to which the respective corrections to standard time applica ble to each different port should be made. .The Standard time whistle sounds at 12h. Om. Os. (midnight), Greenwich time, which is lh. 30m. p. m. of Hawa iian Standard time. SHIPPING I'tlTELLlGtllCL ARRIVED AT HONOLULU. Saturday, August 19. Am. sh. Lucile, Anderson, from Na nalmo, July 2S: 2.1S0 tons coal to In-ter-Is'land Steam Navigation Co. . SAILED FROM HONOLULU. Monday August 21. Stmr. Noeau, Wyman, Lahaina . Stmr. Ke An Hou, Mosher, Makaweli. Stmr. James Makee, Tullet, Kapaa. Stmr. Mokolii, Dower, Kamalo. Stmr. Lehua, Bennett, Kaunakakal. Stmr. J. A. Cummins, Searle, Oahu ports. Schr. Lavinia, Palila, for Eleele. FOREIGN PORTS. NEWCASTLE In port for Honolulu July 31, Am. sh. Great Admiral. MOVEMENT OF STEAMERS. Steamers due and to sail today and for the next six days are as follows: ARRIVE. Steamers From Due Hongkong Maru S. F Aug. 24 Upolu Kohala Aug. 23 Nippon Maru Yokohama Aug. 25 Mokolii Molokai . . ..Aug. 26 Lehua Molokai Aug. 26 Claudiue Hilo Aug. 26 W. G. Hall Kauai Aug. 27 Maui Maui Aug. 27 Mauna Loa Kona Aug. 29 Australia San Francisco . ...Aug. 30 Warrimoo Sydney . . Aug. 31 Miowera Victoria Sept. 1 China San Francisco Sept. 1 Rio de Janeiro Yokohama Sept. 2 DEPART. Steamers for Sails Mauna Loa Kona Aug. 22 Maui Maul : Aug. 22 W. G. Hall Kauai Aug. 22 Claudine Hilo . . Aug. 22 Hongkong Maru Yokohama .Aug. 24 Nippon Maru S. F Aug. 25 Upolu Kohala Aug. 25 Mokolii Kaunakakai Aug. 28 Lehua Kaunakakai . Aug. 28 Warrimoo Victoria Aug. 31 Miowera Sydney Sept. 1 China Yokohama Sept. 1 Rio de Janeiro S. F Sept. 2 Australia S. F Sept. 5 VESSELS IN PORT. ARMY AND NAVY. U. S. tugr Iroquois, Pond, Waimea, Au-, 8 12 29.98 It H tl 2.9 ! 75 M 14 30.01 .!)." 7 i T l" 3 ..02 29 55! 71 W UJIiO.O.V'J Ml: 12 T 17 30 00 VJ.v:i 7-i F IS 'J..-7,29 92; 74 i gust 15. MERCHANTMEN. (This list does not include coasters.) lir. bk. Antiope, Murray, Iquique, July Am. .sell. Alice Cooke, Penhallovr, Pa get Sound, August 1. Haw. bk. Mauna Ala, Smith, San Fran cisco, August 3. Am. bk. Harvester, Edwards, Newcas tle, August 3. Am. sc-h. Emily F. Whitney, Pendle ton, New York, August 6. Am. bk t. Skagit, Robinson, Port Lud low, August C. Am. sh. Fort George, Morse, San Francisco, August 7. Am. bk. Empire, Knacke, Newcastle, August 14. Am. sh. Dashing Wave, Lancaster, Ta coma, August 14. Am. sch. Robert R. Hind, Hellingsen, Port Ludlow, August 14. Am. schr. Robert Lewers, Goodman, Kaunakakai, August 13. Am. schr. Esther Buhne. Anderson, TZu reka, August 17-. Jap. stmr. Toyo Mam, Tomita, Yoko hama, August 18. Am. schr. .Mary E. Russ, Wikender, Eureka, August 20. Am. sh. Lucile, Anderson, Nanaimo. August 20. VESSELS EXPECTED. Due in August. Vessel. From. S. C. Allen, Am. lk S. F. Mohican, Am. bk S. F. S. .N Castle, Am. bkt S. F. Alden Besse, Am. bk S. F. Andrew Welch, Haw. bk S. F. La Paloma, Am. yt S. F. Diamond Head, Haw. bk S. F. S. G. Wilder, Am. bkt S. F. Albert, Am. bk S. F. City of Adelaide, Br. bk Newcastle King Arthur, Br. ship Newcastle Biairmore, Br. ship Newcastle Amelia, Am. Bktn Blakeley Victoria, Br. stmr Lisbon Kin fauns, Br. bk London Albany, Ger. bk Westport Marie Hackfeld, Ger. ship ...Liverpool Chas. E. Moody, Am. ship Norfolk Helen Brewer, Haw. ship... New York Coalings, Am. bk New York Louis, Am. sch Nitrate ports Inca, Am. sch Tacoma Due in September. McNear, Am. bk Laysan Isld Fooling- Suey Haw. bk New York Eclipse, Am. ship Newcastle Abby Palmer, Am. bk Newcastle Martha Davis, Am. bk S. F. Due in October. Iolani, Haw. bk . New York Obed Baxter, Am. bk .New York County Merioneth, Br. bk. ..Liverpool Due In November. Paul Isenberg, Ger. bk.Newcastle, Eng. Onaway, Am. bk New York CHARTERED FOR HONOLULU. Novelty, Am. schr Newcastle Hawaiian Isles, Haw. ship. . .Newcastle Erral, Br. ship iSiewcastle Louisiana, Am. schr Newcastle John Smith, Am. bktn Newcastle Yosemite, Am. ship Newcastle Lizzie Vance, Am. schr Newcastle Wm. Bowden. Am. schr. ...Newcastle Wm. Carson, Am. bktn Newcastle Geneva. Am. be: Newcastle J. L. Stanford, Am. bktn. ...Newcastle Newsboy, Am. bktn Newcastle Seminole,' Am. bk Newcastle Woolhahra, Br. bk. Newcastle Marv Winkleman. Am. bk.. .Newcastle Dominion, Br. bk Newcastle Omega, Am. bktn Nitrate Pts. Beechdale, Am. bk. Nitrate ports St. Katherine, Am. bk. ...New York Nuuanu, Haw. bk New York W. F. Babcock. Am. ship ..New York Conway Castle, Br. bk Liverpool Poseidon, Br. sh Liverpool J. B. Leeds, Am. schr. ..Gray's Harbor A. J. West, Am. schr. ..Gray's Harbor Colusa, Am. bk Departure Bay PASSENGERS. Arrived. From Maul and Molokai, per stmr. Lehua, August 20 G. Kanekau, C. W. Schleiffer. P. McLane, W. Auld and wife, E. Renkin and wife, W. Crook, Mr. Weis and 9 deck. Departed. For Kapaa, per stmr. James Makee, August 21. B. A. Leban. .For Lahaina, per stmr. Noeau, Aug ust 21. H. Robinitz. The Waiahia Case. In Judge Perry's courtroom yester day W. J. Lowrie gave his testimony in the Waialua case. E. D. Tenney was then put on the stand until his cross examination was finished, after wThich W. A. Bowen took the anxious seat and was still holding it down when ad journment came for the day. A BIT OF INGERSOLL'S WIT. Some years ago Ingersoll was a guest at a dinner of the famous Clover Club in Philadelphia. He entered the room some time after the diners had been seated, and, being told that his chair was near the head of the table he walked to the designated spot and found it temporarily occupied, and stood there in momentary embarrass ment amid a scene of beauty whose charms were contributed to by masses I of flowers and lights of many colors. Ex-Governor Bunn, who sat at the far end of the table, noticing that Ingersoll had no place at the mahogany, greeted him aloud with, "Colonel, this is heav en; there is no seat reserved for you here." To which came the quick reply, as the tardy guest looked about him, "Judging from the company I find my self in, I thought it was the other place." INTERESTING RELIC. Cantain Clifford Anderson of Boston has in his possession the first letter .written by Zachary Taylor to his daughter after her marriage. This daughter eloped with Jefferson Davis. Captain Anderson came across the let ter in an autograph dealer's stock, and will return it to Mrs. Davis. Zachary Taylor was a colonel at the time of writing. DIED. SIMS On Monday, August 21, 1S99, in this city. Mary Minerva, only daugh ter of Wm. H and Katie E. Sims, age 4 years 4 months 27 days. Fu neral services at residence," Kalihi, 3 o'clock p. m., and at the Roman Catholic Cathedral at 4 o'clock p. m., Wednesday, August 23. lSS.i. Friends are respectfully invited to attend. Only the highest grade of RED RUB BER is used in the Stamps made by rhe HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO. HAWAIIAN LODGE, NO. 21, F. & A. M. 6c There will be a special mating of Hawaiian Lodge, No. 21. F. & A. M.. at its Hall, Masonic Temple, corner of Hotel and Alakea streets, THIS ( iuesday) EVENING. Aug. 22. at 7: .10 o'clock. WORK IN SECOND DEGREE. Members of Pacific Lodsre. Lodzo of Progres and all sojourninc brethren are fraternally invited to attend. By order of the W. M. K. R. G. WALLACE, Secretary. MEETING NOTICE. COURT DADOES, nu. 8110, A O.F. THE REGULAR MEETING OF Court Camoes, No. 8110, A. O. F., takes place THIS (Tuesday) EVENING at 7:30 o'clock, Aug. 22, at K. of P. hall, tort street. All members of the order are respectfully invited to be present. (Signed) A. H. R. VIEIRA, Honolulu, Aug. 22, 1S99. 5205 ATTENTION, 1ST REG WENT, N.G.H. THE REGIMENT WILL ASSEM- ble at the drill-shed for drill and pa rade, on TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1S99, at 7 o'clock p. m. By order of Colonel Jones. (Signed) JNO. SCHAEFER, p-o FT Capt. and Adjt. NOTICE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT a 25 per cent assessment has been lev ied on the assessable stock of the Or- pheum Company, Ltd., which is due and payable at the office of J. C. Co hen, C39 King street (Lincoln block), on August 22d. Delinquent Septem ber 22, 1S99. By order of the Board of Directors. HERMAN M. LEVY, Treasurer. i317 BARB.R WANTED. FIRST-CLASS. JEI'F, Fort Street. 5317-3t WANTED. YOUNG LADY IN DRY GOODS store. v 5315 J. J. EGAN, Ltd. FOR SALE. ONE SHETLAND PONY, CART and harness complete at a bargain. In quire at J. LANDO, 5315 ' Fort street. FOR SALE. THE STEAMER "KAENA." IN perfect condition, with chains, anch ors, etc., complete; carrying capacity about forty tons. For further partic ulars tnquire at office of Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co., Queen Street. 6250 FOR SALE. A DOUBLE TEAM OF MULES OR horses, well broken; sound and strong; a trial given. Apply to Arthur Harri son, Contractor, Fort and Queen streets. 5203 MEETING NOTICE. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE hareholders of the Kohala Sugar Com pany will be held at the office of Castle & Cooke, Ltd., on Wednesday, August 23, 1S99. at 9 o'clock a, m. Business of importance. W. A. BOWEN, 5312 Sec. Kohala Sugar Co. DIVIDEND NOTICE. A DIVIDEND IS DUE AND WILL be payable to the shareholders of the Kipahulu Sugar Co. on August 22. .The stock book of the company will be closed to transfers on the 22d and 23d I E. SUHR. 5315 Sec. K. S. Co. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. In accordance with an order of Hon W. L. Stanley. Second Circuit Judge of the First Circuit, the undersigned hereby gives notice of the sale of that lot of land on the east corner of Hulu and Keeaumoku streets, Honolulu, H I., being 90 feet by 200 feet, belonging to the estate of Inga L. Bergersen, at 12 o'clock m., on Saturday, Septem ber 2, 1S99, at the auction room of Jas. F. Morgan, on Queen street, Honolulu, H. I. (Signed) W. A. BOWEN, Administrator. Honolulu, Aug. 21, 1S99. 5316 THE Favorite Route FOR THE Island People AND Tourists " 'pJcTOV A- Superb Train Every Day in the Year VIA THE UNION PACIFIC. SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND TO CHICAGO WITHOUT CHANGE. BUFFET SMOKING AND LIBRARY CARS WITH BARBER SHOP FROM SAN FRANCISCO AND OGDEN. DOUBLE DRAWING ROOM SLEEP ERS. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. ORDINARY SLEEPERS. DINING CARS (A LA CARTE). ONLY 3 DAY'S TO CHICAGO. Leaves San Francisco daily at 6 p. m. Leaves Portland daily at S p. m. J. H. LOTHROP, General Agent, 135 Third street, Portland, Oregon. D. W. HITCHCOCK, General Agent No. 1 Montgomery St.. San Francisco. E. L. LOMAX, G. P. & T. A., Omaha, Nebraska. CHAS. BREWER 5 GO.'S New York Line. Ship "St. Katherine" will sail from New York for Honolulu October 1. For freight apply to CHAS. BREWER & CO., 27 Kilby street, Boston, or CHAS. BR EWE R & CO., Ltd., Honolulu. Steamer Upolu Will leave Honolulu at 10 o'clock a. ra., touching at Honoipu, Mahukona, Kawaihae and Kona ports, as follows: LEAVE HONOLULU. AUGUST '. 25 SEPTEMBER 5 SEPTEMBER 15 SEPTEMBER 2G OCTOBER C ARRIVE HONOLULU. AUGUST 23 SEPTEMBER 2 SEPTEMBER 13 SEPTEMBER ". . 23 OCTOBER 4 For freight and passage apply to THE0. H. DAVIES & CO., LTD. . AGENTS. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. AT A MEETING OF THE STOCK holders of the KAPIOLANI ESTATE, LIMITED, held this day, the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: D. Kawananakoa President J. Kalanlanable ....... Vice President John F. Colburn Treasurer M. K. Keohokalolo Secretary and Auditor The above officers, together with John H. Wise, constitute the Board of Directors. M. K. KEOHOKALOLE, Secretary. Honolulu. Aug. 18, 1899. 5315 ELECTION OF OFFICERS. AT A MEETING OF THE STOCK- holders of Henry May & Co., Ltd., held on the 22d day of July, the following officers were duly elected to serve un til the next annual meeting: T. May President Sc Manager H. E. Mclntyre Vice President F. T. P. Waterhouse Secretary F. B. Auerbach Treasurer F. W. Macfarlane Auditor E. F. Bishop and E. D. Tenney Directors F. T. P. WATERHOUSE, 5313 Secretary. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS WHO ARE TEN ants of what has been known as the Kapiolani estate are hereby requested to make prompt payment of the amounts due by them to the under signed at their office on Kaahumanu street. D. KAWANANAKOA, 52S3 J. KALANIANAOLE. NOTICE. DURING MY TEMPORARY AB ence from the Hawaiian Islands Mr. W. F. Allen will act for me under full power of attorney. (Signed) F. W. MACFARLANE. 5313 FOR SALE. BEACH LOT AT PENINSULA. FOR particulars apply to C. J. FALK, 6278 Room 301 Judd Building. Oceanic Steamship Company: TIME TABLE:- The Fine Pa?enger Steamer of TaL- Line Will Arrive at and Lear This Port as Hereunder: FROM SAri FRANCISCO: AUSTRALIA AUG. 30 ALAMEDA SEPT. 13 AUSTRALIA SEPT. 27 MARIPOSA OCT. 11 AUSTRALIA OCT. 25 MOANA NOV. S AUSTRALIA NOV. 22 ALAEMDA DEC. 6 WSTKALIA DEC. 20 ... In connection with the sailing of the above steamers the Agents r prepared to issue, to intending passenger, coupon through tickets by any railroad from San Francisco, to all pc'.n'ts in the United States, and froa N'ew York by any steamship line to all European Ports. For further particulars apply to Wm. G. IRWIN & Co LIMITED General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co. Pacific la Stea Occidental & Oriental Steamship Co. AND Steamers of the above companies port on or about the dates below men FOR JAPAN AND CHINA: 24 1 9 19 26" 6 13 21 31 8 HONGKONG MARU AUG. CHINA SEPT. DORIC SEPT. NIPPON MARU SEPT. RIO DE JANEIRO SEPT. COPTIC OCT. AMERICA MARU OCT. CITY OF PEKING OCT. GAELIC OCT. HONGKONG MARU NOV. For general information apply to CANADIAN-AUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. Steamers of the above line, running In connection with the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver. B. C, and Sydney, N. S. W.. and calling at Victoria, B. C, Honolulu, Suva (Fiji), and Brisbane, (Q.) are On or about the dates below stated, viz: FROM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA, B.C. For Suva, Brisbane (Q.hand Sydney: MIOWERA SEPT. 1 WARRIMOO SEPT. 29 AORANGI OCT. 27 MIOWERA NOV. 24 WARRIMOO DEC. 22 The magnificent. new service the "Imperial Limited" is now running dally. BETWEEN VANCOUVER AND MONTREAL : ' Making the run 100 hours without change. The finest Railway service in the world. ' Through tickets issued fromHonolul'j to Canada, United States and Europe. For Freight and Passage and all general information, apply to Theo. H. Davies & Surreys, Road Carts, Etc. Also, a new line of IB' Hies, sup si en is. mi if Will And other carriage supplies. ALL STYLISH AND UP-TO-DATE. oo HONOLULU CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, fS. W. WRIOHT, Prop. FOR SAN FRANCISCO: AUSTRALIA SEPT. S MARIPOSA SEPT. IK AUSTRALIA .. OCT. S MOANA OCT. II AUSTRALIA OCT. 11 ALAMEDA NOV. 10 AUSTRALIA NOV 28 MARIPOSA DEC. 8 AUSTRALIA DEC. 26 i i : 1 msniu Co. Toyo Kisen Kaishai will' call at Honolulu and leave thil tioned: FOR SAN FRANCISCO: NIPPON MARU AUG. 25 RIO DE JANEIRO SEPT. 2 v COPTIC SEPT. 12 AMERICA MARU SEPT. 19 .CITY OF PEKING SEPT. 29 GAELIC OCT. 7 HONGKONG MARU OCT. 14 CHINA OCT. 24 DORIC OCT. 31 NIPPON MARU NOV. 10 RIO DE JANEIRO NOV. 17 'cS. Agents FROM SYDNEY.. BRISBANE (Q.) AND SUVA For Victoria and Vancouver ( B.C.): WARRIMOO AUG. 31 AORANGI SEPT. 28 MIOWERA OCT. 2S WARRIMOO NOV. 23 I AORANGI DEC. 21 Co., Ltd., Gen'l Agts. Ex Mauna Ala A LARGE SHIPMENT "I'll, : l! I.. I mm A, V 0 (: -J r r V . J M. 4. 1