Newspaper Page Text
12 1 Paic Goflii&'d isiiiisei Issued Evevy Morning, Except Sunday, by the HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY, Voo Hoi', Block, King Street. A. W. PEARSON. Business Manager. 110 RAILWAY i LSI CO.'S TIME TABLE From and After Jan. 1. 1800. STATION'S Duly Daily 'OutwarU) i'Z.Suh. IjaI'v ci, S im. A.M. A.M. A.M Daily iHllv PM P.M HoBoltiln.. 7:10 :15 11:'5 3!f VI'1 Pearl City. 11:40 3:47 5:ryt iCvva Mill.. fc:33 lOr'tf Ui'jO 45 6:10 Waianae... .... IfhVi 4:tt .... Waialna 11:5j ..... :40 X&hriku. .. .... 12. 8:15 STATIONS- IMiiv Inward) ei. .iun. Daily Dhily Dally A.M. A M. JCahuka.... 5:3 2:" Walalua.... 6:10 i':.r, fValanae... 7:1' :55 Ewa Mill.. 5:i't 7:43 1:05 4. 2 Pearl City. :15 8.0i 1;30 :.r2 Honolulu.. t;i0 8:--tt 2:05 f6 G. P. Denison, F. C. Smith, Sopeiirt' ndeot. Gen. P-. ''v Apt. TIDES. SUN AND MOON. 5 7S a. - A 'X t p. m j n.ia i irises i I ;.r,3 ij.31 ; 9 .in; 10.2 5.41: o.l t ii so : 1 .1 . p 111. 11 1 2 Uo o 5.41 8.13 am.; 0. 0u1 U..iJ 1. n 5 4 5.4li 0 4i .121 9 02 y. vj lu 'M II v7 ; 21! Last quarter of the moon on the 27th at 1:2 p. m. The tides and moon phases are giv en In Standard time. The time of tun and moon rising and setting being given for all ports in the group are in Local time, to which the respective corrections to standard time applica ble to each different port should be made. The Standard time whistle sounds At 12h. 0m. Os. (midnight), Greenwich time, which Is lh. 30m. p. m. of Hawa iian Standard time. SHIPPING S3TELLICEHCE. AltHIVED AT HONOLULU. Friday, August 25. Schr. Ada, Nelson, from Hanalei: 50 bags rice. Schr. Blanche and Ella, Dudoit, from Hanalei: 4G5 bags paddy for Waialua and 70 bags rice for this port. Stmr. Ke An IIou, Mosher, from Ma kaweli: 5 sundries. Stmr. Noeau, Wyman, from Lahaina: 4,152 bags sugar, 1 package sundries, 2 deck passengers. Am. schr. Inca, It. P. Rasmussen, from Tacoma, August 3, to Lewers & Cooke: 1,306,202 feet lumber. Haw. schr. yacht La Paloma, A. Mac phail, . to Clarence Macfarlane, from San Francisco August 3. Am. bktn. Planter, D. McNeil, from San Francisco, August 10: 1,000 tons general merchandise, 38 mules, 2 pas sengers. Jap. stmr. Nippon Maru, Allen, 10 days from Yokohama: passengers and merchandise to H. Hackfeld & Co. SAILED FROM HONOLULU. Friday, August 25. Stmr. Upolu, Henningsen, Kohala and Kona. Schr. Concord, Mana, Eleele. Schr. Ada, Nelson, Kahului. VESSELS IN PORT. ARMY AND NAVY. U. S. tug Iroquois, Pond, Waimea, Au gust 15. MERCHANTMEN. (This list does not include coasters.) Br. bk. Antiope. Murray, Iquique, July 3. Am. sch. Alice Cooke, Penhallow, Pu get Sound. August 1. Am. bk. Harvester, Edwards, Newcas tle, August 3. Am. sch. Emily F. Whitney, Pendle ton, New York, August 6. Am. sh. Fort George, Morse, San Francisco, August 7. Am. bk. Empire, Knacke, Newcastle, August 14. Am. sh. Dashing Wave, Lancaster, Ta coma, August 14. Am. sch. Robert R. Hind, Hellingsen, Port Ludlow, August 14. Am. schr. Robert lowers, Goodman, Kaunakakai, August 15. Am. schr. Esther Buhne, Anderson, Eu reka, August 17. Am. schr. Mary E. Russ, Wikender, Eureka, August 20. Am. sh. Lucile, Anderson, Nanaimo, August 20. Br. Cr. Egeria, Smyth, San Francisco, August 15. Am. schr. Aloha, Jorgenson, San Fran cisco, August 16. Am. bktn. S. N. Castle, Hubbard, San Francisco, August 23. Am. bk. S. C. Allen, Johnson, San Francisco, August 23. Am. schr. Inca, Rasmussen, Tacoma, August 25. Am. bktn. Planter, McNeil, San Fran cisco, August 25. Jap. stmr. Nippon Maru, Evans, Yoko hama, August 25. PASSENGERS. Arrived. From Yokohama, per stmr. Nippon Maru, August 25. For Honolulu Mrs. H. Kojlma, Mrs. S. Wada, and DAY. I Si g-.: i J ; r zz l p.ill J a.m. i Mou. 2l! 4.( V 3.11' Taen 2i 4 4.2 I it 111 . p. til . Thin, 21 G.04 5 4 jfilfl. Uo! ?.fli fc.l.V rat... -JO; ti.4 Muii.. 27'' U.iU ..!' 24 Japanese In steerage. Through Oahu Lumber & Building Co.. Ltd. Mrs. J. F. Allen, J. C. Bentz, M. Enya, ! Finder return to Oahu Lumber & Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Cheerkoff, Rev. and Building Co., Ltd., and receive a re Mrs. J. Carrington, Dr. J. G. da Silva, j ward of $5. 5318 Miss A. C. da Silva, I). Dickson, James II. Ebersolo, M. Fujita, A. J. Hughes, Lieutenant Commander (I. Hanus. U.S.N., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heroult, Mr. Kisseliff, Dr. Mooskowsky, F. Morgan, A. J. Neville, A. Tempieman, Mr. Ta koda, N. Takahashi, Dr. Luther von Wedekind, Mr. and Mrs. Percival. From San Francisco, per bktn. Plan ter. August 25. Charles Andrew, Charles M eCullo u g h . From Makaweli, per :umr. Ke An IIou. August 25. A. Herbert and S deck. Departed. For Japan and China, per stmr. Hongkong .Maru, August'24. Miss Iko hara, C. M. Jenkins, Hainan Mizuno. T. Matsuoka, H. F. Bowles. F. H. Brcoke, C. B. Ostberg, Miss Mary H. Krout and 300 Asiatic steerage. BOOKED. For San Francinco, per stmr. Nippon Maru, sailing August 20. Rev. and Mrs. Edw. Abbott, E. C. Richardson and wife, H; H. Clark, Miss II. Tim mons, Miss Tomlinson, W. Maertens, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, W. E. T. Neu mann, Rev. G. L. Pearson, H. A. Allen, R. Colgate, T. F. Archibald, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Jacobs and infant, A. 11. Adams and "wife, C. M. Cooke Jr., G. P. Cooke, Mrs. F. Graham, Misses Har ris (2), E. Pollitz, Col. Hodge, H. Gra ham, H. A. Parmalee, E. E. Richards, P. Martin, A. Raas, E. E. Paxton, B. T. McCullough, Mrs. Geo. A. Ordway,' Chas. Desky. BORN. DANFORD In this city, August 24, 1S09, to the wife of H. G. Danford, a son. DIED. WINTER At Oahu plantation. August 25, 1S99, John Winter, of Whitley Bridge, Yorkshire, England, aged 52 years. NOTICE. THE FALL TERM K A W A I A H A O SEMINARY will begin MONDAY, Sep tember 4th, 1899. 5321-2102 DIVIDEND NOTICE. A DIVIDEND IS DUE AND WILL be payable to the shareholders of the Koloa Sugar Company on August 29th. The stock books of the company will be closed to transfers on August 28th. J. F. HACKFELD, 5321 Treas. Koloa S. Co. WANTED. TO RENT UNFURNISHED HOUSE six to eight rooms. Address P. O. box 799. r.99 21 WANTED. . SITUATION, ANY KIND, BY young man; five years' experience as salesman in store. Apply "A. J.," Ad vertiser office. 5320 WANTED. j a young man who had expe- rience In making out bills and is a good accountant. No others need ap ply. Good references are required. Ap ply "Z," this office. 531S POSITION WANTED. A MAN OF SIX YEARS' EXPERI ence as bookkeeper desires a situa tion; can furnish exceptional refer ences. Address J. L., Advertiser office. 5320 FOR RENT. A VERY COMFORTABLE FUR nished room on Vineyard between Nuuanu and River streets; rent $12.00 per month. Address D., box 320, P. O. 5321 TO LET. FOR THREE MONTHS, NICELY furnished new house; six rooms; de sirable neighborhood, near car line. Address "A. B. C," this office. 5320 FOR RENT. COTTAGE OF SIX ROOMS AND bath in the rear of Dr. Alvarez' resi dence, Emma street. Inquire of Dr. Alvarez. 5319 FOR SALE. THREE OR SEVEN DESIRABLE lots located in Kapahulu Tract; excel lent location; good sea air and ma rine view; water on premises; owner desires to leave town. Apply to WILL E. FISHER, 5321 Real Estate Agent. FOR SALE. A WELL - EQUIPPED COUNTRY resort; good access to Honolulu; must sell; party leaving the Islands; busi ness pays well. Apply of P. H. BURNETTE, 5319 No. 13 Bethel and King. FOR SALE. ' A DOUBLE TEAM OF MULES OR horses, well broken; sound and strong: a trial given. Apply to Arthur Harri son. Contractor, Fort and Queen streets. 5303 FOR SALE. BEACH LOT AT PENINSULA. FOR particulars apply to C. J. FALK. B27S Room 301 Judd Building. LOST. MORTGAGE PAPERS (ACKNOWL edged) in the name of Maeeida to the HUHBKfiA SUGAR CO. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the stock books of the above company will be closed to transfers from the 2Sth inst. to 01st inft., inclusive. . W. LANZ. Secretary. . Honolulu. Aug. 20, 2 SCO. '.V21 WAIMEA SUGiR MILL CO. THE STOCK LEDGER OF THIS company will be closed to transfers from August 2Sth to 31st, 1S0D, inclu sive. W. A. BO WEN, Treas. Waimea Sugar Mill Co. :j319 KOHALA SUCiB GO- THE STOCK LEDGER OF THIS company will be closed to transfers ifrom August 2Sth to 31st, 1S93, inclu sive. J. il. AimJKlU.N, Treasurer Kohala Sugar Co. 5310 HAWAIIAN SUWR CO. HOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the stock books of. the above company will be closed to transfers from the 28th Inst, to the 31st inst., both inclu sive. W. L. HOPPER, Secretary. Honolulu, Aug. 24, 1S99. 5319 EWA PLANTATION CO. THE STOCK LEDGER OF THIS company will be closed to transfers from August 2Sth to 31st, 1S99. inclu sive. , W. A. BOWEN, . Treas. Ewa Plantation Co. 5319 MEETING NOTICE. ' ALL JEWISH RESIDENTS OF THE city are cordially invited to attend a meeting to be held tomorrow evening at Orpheum Hotel (upstairs) at 7:30 o'clock for the purpose of making ar rangements for holding service during the forthcoming Holidays, receiving reports of committees appointed at last meeting, etc. LIONEL MATHEWS, 5321 Hon. Secretary. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the stock books of Paia Plantation Company will be closed to transfers from Monday, the 2Sth, to Thursday, the 31st insts., inclusive. J. P. COOKE, 5320 Treasurer. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the stock books of the Haiku Sugar Company will be closed to transfers from Monday, the 2Sth, to Thursday, the 31st insts., inclusive. J. P. COOKE, 5320 Treasurer. NOTICE. THE STOCK BOOKS OF THE HA WAIIAN AGRICULTURAL COM PANY will be closed to transfers from Monday, the 2Sth, to Thursday, the 31st insts., inclusive. E. F. BISHOP. 5320 Sec. H. A. Co. NOTICE. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE shareholders of the Ookala Sugar Plantation Company will be held at the rooms of the Hawaiian Trust & Investment Company, Saturday, Aug ust 26, at 11 a. m. A full attendance is requested, as business of importance will be considered. E. F. BISHOP. 5318 Secretary. FOR SALE. THE STEAMER "KAENA," IN perfect condition, with chains, anch ors, etc., complete; carrying capacity about forty tons. For further partic ulars inquire at office of Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co., Queen Street. 5250 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREtlTORS. The undersigned having been ap pointed administrator of the Estate of Kamila Paulo Wilhelm, deceased, by order of Hon. W. L. Stanley, Second Circuit Judge of the First Circuit Court, bereby notifies all persons hav ing claims against said estate to pre sent the same with vouchers within six months from the date hereof, at the office of Frederick J. Wilhelm, in Ho nolulu, or thev will be forever barred. FREDERICK J. WILHELM. Honolulu. August 5, 1S99. 5203-5tS FOR SALE. A GOOD FAMILY HORSK, HAR ness and single-seat buggy; for sale at easonable figure. P. O. box 603. 5319 FOR SALE. AT A BARGAIN. AS A WHOLE OR in lots to suit, 20,000 feet of pipe, suit able for steam, gas or -water, including 1. i and 3-Inch galvanized, and 3. 3 and 4-inch black standard screwed pipe; 3, 4 and 6-inch lockjoint pipe. WM. F. THOMPSON, 40 Main St., Snn Francisco, Cal. 5319 STiNOCRAPHEB. MISS A. A. ALLEN. EXPERT STE nogxapher and Typist, will be pleased to receive orders. Office cor. King and Bethel sts. (up- stairs); telephone 751. 5298 THE FdVurite Route FOR THE Island People AND Tourists i (lull T: J PiCTO' A Superb Train Ma Every nay in the Year VJA THE IWI0R PACIFIC. SAN FUAN'CICO. PORTLAND TO CHICA(?G WITHOUT CHANGE. BUFFET SMOKING AND LIBRARY CARS WITH BARBER SHOP FROM SAN FRANCISCO AND OGDEN. DOUBLE DRAWING ROOM SLEEP ERS. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. ORDINARY SLEEPERS. DINING CARS (A LA CARTE). ONLY 0V2 DAYS' TO CHICAGO. Leaves San Francisco dally at G p. m. Leaves Portland daily at S p. m. J. H. LOTHROP, General Agent, 135 Third street, Portland, Oregon. D. W. HITCHCOCK, General Agent. No. 1 Montgomery St.. San Francisco. E. L. LOMAX, G. P. & T. A., Omaha, Nebraska. New York Line, Ship "St. Katherine" will sail from New York for Honolulu October 1. For freight apply to CHAS. BREWER & CO., 27 Kilby street, Boston, or CHAS. BREWER & CO., Ltd., Honolulu. Steamer Upolu Will leave Honolulu at 10 o'clock a. ra., touching at Honoipu, Mahukona, Kawaihae and Kona ports, as follows: LEAVE HONOLULU. SEPTEMBER 5 SEPTEMBER 13 SEPTEMBER ; 26 OCTOBER C ARRIVE HONOLULU. SEPTEMBER . 2 SEPTEMBER 13 EPTEMBER 23 OCTOBER 4 For freight and passage apply to THE0. H. DAVIES & CO., LTD. AGENTS. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. In accordance with an order of Hon. W. L. Stanley. Second Circuit Judge of the First .Circuit, the undersigned hereby gives notice of the sale of that lot of land on the east corner' of Hulu and Keeaumoku streets, Honolulu, II. I., being 90 feet by 200 feet, belonging to the estate of Inga L. Bergersen, at 12 o'clock m., on Saturday, Septem ber 2. 1S99, at the auction room of Jas. F. Morgan, on Queen street, Honolulu, H. I. (Signed) W. A. BOWEN, Administrator. Honolulu, Aug." 21, 1899. 1G ELECTION OF OFFICERS. AT A MEETING OF THE STOCK holders of Henry May & Co.. Ltd., held on the 22d day of July, the following officers were duly elected to serve un til the next annual meeting: T. May President & Manager H. E. Mclntyra Vice President F. T. P. Waterhouse Secretary F. B. Au er bach Treasurer F. W. Macfarlane Auditor E. F. Bishop and E D. Tenney Directors F. T. P. WATERHOUSE, 5313 Secretary. NOTICE. THE STOCK BOOKS OF THE OO KALA SUGAR PLANTATION COM PANY will be closed to transfers from Monday, the 2Sth, to Thursday, the 31st insts., inclusive. E. F. BISHOP. 5320 Sec. O. S. P. Co. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS WHO ARE TEN ants of what ha3 been known as the KapiolanI estate are hereby requested to make prompt payment of the amounts due by them to. the under signed at their office on Kaahumanu street. D. KAWANANAKOA, 5283 J. KALANIANAOLE. NOTICE. DURING MY TEMPORARY AB ence from the Hawaiian Islands Mr. W. F. Allen will act for me under full f 1 V power of attorney. (Signed) F. W MACFARLANE. 1 5313 Oceanic Steamship Company, 5 4 I IVi E Tne Fine Pafnger Steamers of Tliis Port as Hereunder: I FRO SAM FRAriCISCO: AUSTRALIA ALAMEDA . AUSTRALIA MARIPOSA . AUSTRALIA MO AN A AUSTRALIA ALAEMDA ., AUSTRALIA AUG. SEPT. SEPT. . OCT. . OCT. . NOV. . NOV. . DEC. . DEC. 30 13 27 11 25 S 20 Ia connection with the sailing of the above steamers, the Agents prepared to issue, to Intending passenger, coupon through tickets by anj railroad from San Francisco, to all points in the United States, and front N'ew York by any steamship line to all European Ports. For further particulars apply to Wm. G LIMITED General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co. Pacme Mail Steamship Go. Occidental's and Toyo Kisen Kaisha! Steamers of the above companies will call at Honolulu and leave port on or about the dates below men tioned: FOR JAPAN AND CHINA: CHINA SEPT. DORIC SEPT. NIPPON MARU SEPT. RIO DE JANEIRO SEPT. COPTIC OCT. AMERICA MARU OCT. CITY OF PEKING OCT. GAELIC OCT. HONGKONG MARU NOV. For general information apply to M. a;oiO&F-E:za St Cont'd. Agents CANADIAN-AUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. Steamers of the above line, running In connection with the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver. B. C, and Sydney. N. S. W., and calling at Victoria. B. C, Honolulu, Suva (Fiji), and Brisbane, (Q.), are On or about the dates below stated, viz: FROM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA, B.C. For Suva. Brisbane (Q.)4aol Sydney: MIOWERA SEPT. 1 WARRIMOO SEPT. 29 AORANGI OCT. 27 MIOWERA NOV. 24 WARRIMOO DEC. 22 The magnificent new service the "Imperial Limited" is now running daily. BETWEEN VANCOUVER AND MONTREAL Making the run 100 hours without change. The finest Railway service in the world. Through tickets issued from Honolulu to Canada, United States and Europe. . ; For Freight and Passage and all general information, apply to Theo. R. Davies S Co., Ltd., Gen'l Agts. Surreys, Road Carts, Etc, Also, a new line of And other carriage supplies. ALL STYLISH AND UP-TO-DATE. IB lifili. Sliii in Bun Mis los, liu, -OeO- HONOLULU CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, W. Ar. WRIO T This Line Will Arrive at nd Le' FOR 3AM FRAWCiSSts? AUSTRALIA SEPT. i MARIPOSA SEPT. IS AUSTRALIA OCT. S MOAN A OCT. II AUSTRALIA OCT. tl ALAMEDA NOV. 10 AUSTRALIA NOV. 28 MARIPOSA DEC. 8 AUSTRALIA DEC. 26 1 1 ...................................... WIN & Co. 1 .lftit Tientai meamsaiD t.o. FOR SAM FRANCISCO: li NIPPON MARU .. AUG. 25 9! RIO DE JANEIRO SEPT. 2 19 iCOPTIC SEPT. 12 26 AMERICA MARU SEPT. 19 6 CITY OF PEKING SEPT. 29 13 GAELIC OCT. 7 21 HONGKONG MARU OCT. 14 31 CHINA OCT. 24 8 DORIC OCT. 31 .. i NIPPON MARU NOV. 10 iw i i.u .i.iidllVJ .......... iJ . Xi FROM SYDNEY, BRISBANE Q.) AND SUVA For Victoria and Vancouver 'B.C.): WARRIMOO AUG. SI AORANGI SEPT. 28 MIOWERA OCT. 2 WARRIMOO NOV. 23 1 AORANGI DEC. 21 Ex Mauna Ala A LARGE SHIPMENT v - -- .." '!! 1 1 I Corvn.cT t 1W