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A7 i., i 1 r THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, SEPTEMBER 9, 1899. 11 LOCAL BREVITIES. W iA ; 4 LOCAL BREVITIES. .Orpheum tonight. A governess is wanted. Beautiful ribbons at Mrs. Hanna's. Manager G. C. Hewitt of Xaalehu is in the city. Mrs. W. M. Kineaid returned by the H)oric last night. It takes power to walk, but not to run a Cleveland bicycle. The Star baseball team left by the Helene yesterday for Hilo. F. S. Dodge of the Bishop Estate of fice has returned from Hawaii. Have you seen the Pearson & Potter Co. s display of pocket cutlery? i. a. August, manager of the Kona Kau telephone line, is in the city me ijoric wm get away for the Orient at 4 o'clock this afternoon. "Hans, the Boatman," is the play to oe given at the Opera House to night Mrs. Julian Monsarrat is in the citv. wnorning having arrived on the Mauna Loa yes- The Oriental and Occidental teraay. James Ihompson, one of the Circuit Court clerks, has been granted a two weeks' vacation. orteii mriie soup, oaKeu sole, veni son and spring chicken at the Home Bakery Cafe, tonight. a gentleman is wanted as private secretary, to travel abroad. See ad vertisement on page 12. . Mrs. Adams has been spending a lew days with the H. M. von Holts, on the Walpio mountains. The waialua case has" been submit ted to Judge Perry, the argument clos ing at 4 o'clock yesterday. J. D. Paris, a member of the lower house of the present Legislature, came over from Kona yesterday. Deputy Marshal Chillingworth ar rested a Japanese last evening for sell ing liquor without a license. Rev. Mr. Kincaid will preach at the Central Union Church tomorrow morn ing on "The Sure Foundation." Ahung & Co., merchant tailors, hav removed rom Holt's block to 335 Nuu- anu street, near Chaplain lane Among the Doric's through passen gers is Dr.' Vilas, brother of Senator and ex-Postmaster General Vilas. The First American Bank of Hawaii, Limited, purchases or receives for col lection drafts on any part of the world. There will be no matinee this after noon owing to the boat races. "Hans, the Boatman," will be put on tonight. Acting under the crusade against reckless and heedless driving, the po lice made a number of arrests yester day. . Mounted Patrolman Dayton Jones was dismissed from the force last night foT'conduct unbecoming a police ofh Charles J. Falk was yesterday elect veil secretary of the Honolulu Stock Ex change. All the other officers were re-elected. The bark Albert brought to the Ho nolulu Bicycle' Co. the largest single shipment of Cleveland bicycles ever brought to Honolulu. The rocky road to Dublin, or any other place, will not annoy you when you are equipped with a built-like-a-watch Sterling bicycle. There will be a Union Temperance service at Central Union Church to morrow evening. Rev. Wm. Gardner will preach the sermon. J. Lando, Fort street, has a new line of ties in. great variety; also Castor, Saranac and fireproof gloves just the thing for bee-protection. The coroner's inquest in the case of Wm. J. Murdon, the soldier who died at Buena Vista hospital, was postponed yesterday afternoon until Monday. The fair and luau in connection with the. Sewing Society . of St. Andrew's Cathedral will take place on Saturday, "September; 30, afternoon and evening. Two loads of salt water were sprink led on the streets yesterday afternoon, the water being taken from the bay just to give the pump a preliminary trial. C. R. Collins guarantees his harness, hand-made of the best material and workmanship, and second to none anywhere for durability, and appear ance. As a reliable store . the "Kash" is gaining much popularity. Goods that are right and prices also right are the main causes of this happy state of af fairs. Ripley & Dickey invite the attention of contractors to the specifications of work required in the moving and refit ting of a 2-story residence at Waikiki, now ready at their office. The Board of Education have not succeeded in holding a meeting yet. There are large numbers of teachers who would like to know where they are to be assigned this year. St. Apdrew's Cathedral. Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity, September 10: 6 a. m., Anaina Hemolele; 7 a. m., Ho ly Communion; 11 a. m., Matins and Sermon; 3:30 p. m.t Pule Ahiahi; 7:30 p. m., Evensong and Sermon. The Kapahulu Dairy Tract has been subdivided into lots and WTill E. Fisher offers them for sale on terms within the reach of everyone. Maps and par ticulars may be obtained at the office of WTill E. Fisher, Fort street. "God's Thought of Me" will be the subject of the sermon at the Christian Church tomorrow morning. There will be no services in the evening, as the pastor will ' speak at the Union Tem perance meeting at the Central Union j Church. At noon today at the salesrooms of Jas. F. Morgan, 33 Queen street, will be sold at public auctionby order of C. Brewer & Co., Ltd., an assortment of baggage and express wagons, hand carts, etc.; also a large lot of oars of various sizes. . GOING AWAY. L. B. Kerr, the Queen-street mer chant, will go away on August 18th and from now until that date an nounces a departure sale at his big dry goods store, at prices that will make competition impossible. The band will be in attendance at to day's races. Raw sugar is steady; refined quiet. Xo change in previous quotations. The Oceanic Athletic Club met last evening and perfected organization. Secretary Coleman is planning for a unique and interesting number for the Review's next issue. Mrs. I,. H. McEwen returned by the Doric last night after a two months' vacation on the Coast. y Tonight the popular Maggie Moore H. R. Roberts company will make their last appearance but three at the Opera House, when they will revive the de lightful comedy "Hans, the Boatman." M. C. Amana, formerly with the Tax Office and lately with L. C. Abies in the real estate business, has acepted a po sition in the First National Bank of Hawaii and enters on his duties this liner Doric is at Pacific Mail wharf from San Francisco and is scheduled to sail for Yokohama at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The Doric brought a number of pas sengers and a small freight, reporting good weather and uneventful voyage. At the Orpheum. The program for the Orpheum to night consists .of some fine sketches and farces. Boggs and Hae wood's work is very interesting and full ot comedy. Chandler and McPhearson, the popular duett artists, will intro duce some new operatic songs. These clever people are here for a short en gagement only. Trixie Coleman's Bowery songs all go well. All the numbers are strong vaudeville attrac tions and tonight will be the last per formance of this program. sir is mi OiSHiOH KctL m intern- 9. SCS TRADE MARK 181 Made in Worcester, Mass. ooo om PATROb SHOE Extra Quality. Calf Vamc. Leather Lined Butter Heel. Positively Waterproof Theg.H.Davies&Co -LIMITED Merchants and Commission Agents, Beg to call the attention of the tradt? to their complete line of mm : Mi : idle I : K PAINTS ami GENERAL i AND LIT k Tin M OILS. OUl 1 L1LJ Sole. ooo mm I6IS' Shoe sioie SOLK AGEISTS. Athletic Club Organizes. The Oceanic Athletic Club met last :ening and perfected organization. A ard of Directors consisting of Martin Dtmnj', WiU E. Fisher, C. J. McCarthy, Chas. Graham and O. St. John Gilbert was elected. The directors have power to appoint the president and otner officers. The meeting was wen attend ed, and a spirit of enthusiasm was man ifest which augurs well for the club's future. ($ of ifck-s-T ym3m- to II Pry Goods Co Fort Street. A fine assortment of Kitchen Furnishings. CRAY AGATE WARE a Specialty Keep the Skin. Read the Daily Advertiser. ORV QQQDS (S3 A Special Sale of i AD1E8 NDER6L0 IS NOW IN PROGRESS. WATER alone will not keep the face clean, any more than it would the hands. You've got to use soap. Some people imagine soap would ruin their complexion. Poor soap would. It would cause a lot of skin ills that would follow its use. But good soap, a pure, medicated soap, like Curative Skin Soap, will prove a positive bene fit to any complexion. It will cleanse and beautify the complexion as no cos metics, powders or lotions can. THE BLEMISH DESTROYER Curative Skin Soap IS good for any purpose, and particu larly where a pure soap is required. It beautifiies the complexion, Is delightful to use, Prevents blackheads, Has no equal in the nursery, Should be used for the hair, Cures pimples on the face, Does all that a pure soap can. Extraordinary Values will be found. -- 9 we would nave you re member that we are Sole Agents for the celebrated II ill RING AND FORT STREETS. Honolulu H. I. A. FOUS .LLNJS OF VeoDiimg Sidle . Combs AND Beit 3 9 C o o o o o .o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e D oooooo oo oo o o oooo oooooooooooo ooooo o CfaiMineo's Department CHILDREN'S DRESSES in dainty colors, white lawn and pique, all sizes, prices from 75 cents to $5.00. CHILDREN'S SKIRTS White pique, lawn and cambric colored duck and linen. CHILDREN'S SHIRT WAISTS V In white and colors. CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR In large assortment. CHILDREN'S WAISTS Double ve and Ferris. Buckles 71 oooooooooooeoooeocoooooooooooooooc A NEW SHIPMENT OF THE FAMOUS Sonnette Gorse Great Redectnoini TO mm UIVUIVU O 1 MAIS. Efiao Dry Goods COMPANY. Fort Street. ALSO SADLOK HATS Will be sold at less than cost. R and G CORSETS. MHE Y0 SEEN Positively the best COR- bti ever offered at tne price. S. S. SSEIS DD M u. LIMlTiiO. THE PEOPLE'S PROVIDERS. Hair Dressing anicuring TORL0RS Next to Y. M. C. A., Hotel St. Miss XI w tiff ARLINGTON BLOCK. HOTEL STREET. 66 mm, wry BEST9 I Line off Pocket (EutSery. Our stock embraces a very huge line of assorted styles. are made only of the very best steel manufactured, are Crocus finished, and are FULLY WARRANTED. Call in and look over our stock. ifOiir 25c. Knife is the best bargain 011 the market. A A A A' Orders taken for Em broidery and Point Lace, and Lessons given at regular terms. 00 MISS A. De LARTIGUE. PEARSON & POTTER 12 TOUT ST. CO.. LTD. TJELi. 5Gi), tbib LOW PRICES RULE. -ooo- MEN'S VERY FINEST SUITS made of best Cassimers, Che viots, Black Thibets. Cut in the newest styles. $8.50. MEN S FINE ALL WOOL BUSINESS SUITS made of pure All Wool Cassimers and Fancy Cheviots. $6.50. BOYS' CLOTHING ft remarkably low prices. - JUST RECEIVED: A LiAUGrJS INVOICE OF Yamatoya Shirts, PAJAMAS .(in Silk, Wool and Cotton,) GRASS CLOTH, CENTRE PIECES, DOYLIES, SILK GCODS, Etc., STYLISH GOLP SHIRTS. Just received of the Chicago Brand, WHITE DUCK CLOTHING Coats and Trousers. Barbers' and Bar Coats. All White Duck Trou sers are shrunk, sponged and pressed. One pair in a box $1.50 to $2.50. Come and see them. - j AT THE GAZETTE OFFICE. Joponooo I Hotel Street nd Dora 3 c Robinson Block. HOTEL STREET NEAR FORT. - s- O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o - .-: r m m - '':a i 1 i s : . a -if'. 1 Ji -1 4 -7