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8 own.-ip COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, SEPTEMBER 13, 1899 WHARF AND WAVE. Alameda from Frisco this morning. The stmr. Kinau is on the marine railway. The ship Marie Hackfeld is dis charging at Irmgard wharf. A foreign bark off Koko Head bound in was reported at 7 o'clock last night. The steamer Iwalani sails for Hono kaa and KukUihaele at 10 o'clock this morning. The United States army transport jnoved yesterday from Oceanic to Pa cific Mail wharf. The barkentine S.N. Castle cleared lor San Francisco yesterday with 11, 205 bags of sugar, 1,035,575 pounds, valued at $6G,944. The 3,500-ton S. S. Lennox will sail for Portland, Ore., on or about Septem ber 16th. Theo. If. Davies & Co., Ltd., are the local agents". The collier Yosemite, from Newcas tle, is anchored in the stream. The Yosemite brings a big cargo of Greta coal and sailed from Newcastle July 18. Two barks, the Martha Davis and Alden Besse, both arrived from San Francisco yesterday with general mer chandise. Both sailed from San Fraa- cfeco, August 25. Down at the boat-landing the gaso line engine and attached centrifugal pump is successfully filling the water ing carts for sprinkling the streets with water from the harbor. The pump of the new dredger at the foot of Alakea street is being re placed by a larger one. It is claimed the other apparatus is working very satisfactorily. It was a busy day at the railway wharf yesterday with the bark Mohi can loading sugar for San Francisco, the ship Charmer discharging coal, the schooner Eric discharging lumber and the bark Albert getting ready for a load of sugar. S. K. Pinao, formerly a native boat boy here, who shipped on the ship T. F. Chapman hence with sugar for Philadelphia March 14, was lost over board off Cape Horn on April 14. The news came through a letter to John Mahuka, the boatman. The Hawaiian bark Focmng Suey, from New York with general merchan dise, is anchored in the stream, arriv ing yesterday at noon after, a long and tedious voyage of over five months, sailing thence April G. Foohng Suey is Chinese for good luck, but the good luck was not attending her this trip. Captain McPhail, for many years mate of the bark Andrew Welch, who brought down the yacht La Paloma from San Francisco, takes command of the bark R. P. Rithet on her arrival here, vice Captain George Calhoun, transferred to the ship George Curtis. This is the latest waterfront rumor. This makes five of Captain Drew's mates who have been promoted to be masters of vessels within the last few years. When a man has served his time under the skillful master of the. Andrew Welch ship-owners are in the habit of picking him out for a more responsible position without further examination. A 15-ton piece of ma chinery was discharged from the An drew Welch yesterday most quickly and without the slightest hitch. PERILS OF DIVERS. How a Tacoma Diver Met an Untimely End. Further details of the death of Diver William Baldwin, in his attempt to make a second visit to the cofiinship Andelana, under 190 feet of water in Tacoma harbor, state that " his last words to the members of the wrecking company when he put on his helmet at 11:39 a. m., on Thursday, were: "I'll either take a ride across the river Styx with old Charon as pilot, or this line will be passed through the main hatch of the Andelana today." Eleven minutes afterwards he was on his jour ney across the Styx. Baldwin wore but the light armor, with which he worked on the Umatil la wreck at Victoria, and in search for the Northern Pacific safe and the bod ies of those left in the landslide of sev eral years ago. As the glass face-plate was being brought to be screwed on the face, he made some remarks about the air, and also gave instructions regarding the third cylinder in the air pump. In the prior descent this cylinder had caused much trouble. Baldwin undertook to remedy the defect, and secured an old, worn gasket which he placed on the valve. Baldwin had descended about 150 feet when suddenly there came a hiss of escaping air from the pump. As fast as man's arms and muscles could haul on that life line, the diver was brought to the top, and the bolts which fasten the helmet to the diving-suit loosened. Had but a minute more of time elapsed the surgeons . would have been forced to have cut away the flesh from about the throat and jaws that the skull might be released from the helmet. His body and limbs, from the feet to where the neck joins the trunk, were normal, but his head was swollen to three times its size, and was as black as ink. Victoria Colonist. HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. Honolulu, H. I.. Sept. 12, 1WJ. NAME OP STOCK. cult a! Paid. Par Va!. Mercantile, C Brewer k Co SCGAB. American Aertable up i,Oooj 1(X Ewa Hamoa... U&w. Ar. Co. Ha'nCotc'l Ji Sug Co ' 2,12,75u 70,000 5 UJO,UUi 175,W Honomn Honokaa.... Haiku Kahako I.O0U.00"' 500,000. 2C i - 78 25o Co Id a; Kihei Piau Co. M as- jd. upj Kip&hnla Kou.a ! S "O.OXJ Hon a bagar Co. Aa I ; Pd. qp I Mianalei Sug. Co. as ; Plrt nr. I 250,000 i00,00: 160.000 ISO, WJ0.000 McBryde a ' " pd.ap f 1,650,000; Oahn, a?eeeable .... i Oahu, paid up J :' 2 4.00; Onomea l,00u,000, Ookala 600,uuu Olaa Sup. Co.Ld. ae f i i pd. upf, i Olowaln ; 150,00r, Paanhaa Sag. Plan. Co i Pacific 5nG.OH Paia 1 Pepeekeo 1 7V100H rionecr , 2,000.W, npj 100 .. li .. 20. loo .. l'0 100 liv! ior 20 31 10" 100 20 2' 50 50 100 10C 100 no ... loo : IOC 20 3 5-5 20' 19 100 V2&A So 1.10 3C0 50; Kahuku, $185; Kihei, $6; Kipahulu, $120; Koloa. $225; Kona, $32.50; Mau- nalei, $11; McBryde, assessable, $3.90; McBryde, paid up, $20.50; Nahiku .75; Ookala, $22; Olaa, .30; Paauhau, $41; Pacific Sugar Mill. $302.50; Pioneer Mill Co.. $260; Waimanalo. $175; Ha waiian Electric Co., $200; Hon. R. T. & L. Co., $30; O. II. & L. Co.. $1C0; Hon. Brewing & Malting Co., $10. Sales Reported One hundred Ooka la, $21.75. ON THE 225 "SI 10 5JS 200 10 Waialua Agr. Co. as. Walanae 66 .000 pd. 1,500,0001 100 20 W 2 2f Wj 100. u rot ; ioo 1 Ho mi 29V 2-jO 2U Wailuku i 700,000, Waimanalo -. 1 252,'XO Walmea 125,000 - hteamship cos. ! Wilder 8. 8. Co 500,00 500,000 10U H7J lOti' .... 10" ... ioo .... 100 ... 20 22 7-2U 13 165 30j 300 253 lL'l b5 I 1?0 127 100 lOl'j ioo 100 12) 165 2C0 SO Inter Island S. S. Co. MISCEIXANEOUfc. Haw'n Elect. Co j 225.000 Hon. Rpd Tran. & L Co 20.000, Mona-Kuu Tel & Teie-' I g'h Co lid ...... : 15, W Mutual Telephone Co..! 139,000' KakahaCof.Co. L.aa.i ! " Paid up... .i 31,000. O. K. & L. Co. 2.C0O,000: BONDS. i tiawn uov't o uer ct... i Haw'n Gov't 6 per ct. . Haw'n G. Post Savin cp - 4jperct ; I ; 95 O. R. te Ii. Co 1 , ! 107 ICS J . I 1 15U ioo . ioo ' 100; 150 loo . .. 102K.- luu ... DEWEY'S "BEAUTIES." Admiral Dewey is quite proud of his "gallery of beauties," as he calls the array of photographs that decorate his cabin on the Olympia. "This one," he said, "writes me she is a distant cousin of mine. Isr.'t she pretty? I am sor ry she is so distant. I wrote, thanking her, and told her I was proud to ac knowledge the relationship. Wouldn't you be?" 17-20. Session 100 Kihei, Session Sales-Morning Twenty-one McBryde, $3.80; $5.50. Afternoon Session Five Ookala, $21.50; 575 Olaa, .30; 50 Honokaa, $32; 60 Honokaa, $31.87; 100 Ookala, $21. 62; 76 McBryde, $3.80. Outside Sales Reported Two hun dred Ookala, $21.75. Quotation Changes Forty. Good temper, like a sunny day, sheds a brightness over everything. It is the sweetness of toil and the soother of disquietude. Washingtonvjrving. HAWAIIAN STOCK EXCHANGE. Honolulu, H. L, Sept. 12, 1899. Bid Honokaa, f 31.50; McBryde, as sessable, $3.80; McBryde, paid up, $18. 50; Oahu, assessable, $125; Oahu, paid up, $175; Ookala, $21.50; Olaa, .25; Pa ia, $275; Waialua, assessable, $95; Wilder Steamship Co., $118; Mutual Telephone, $15.25; Hawaiian Govern ment 6 per cent bonds, $102; Hawaiian Government 5 per cent bonds, $100; J Hawaiian Government Postal & Sav ings 4 per cent bonds, $95; Oahu R. & L. Co., $106. Asked Am. Sug., assessable, $85; Ewa $27; Hawaiian Agricultural Co., $300; Haw. Com. & Sug. Co., $100; Haw. Sugar Co., $225; Honokaa, $32.- BICYCLES VS. CARS. Don't pay 10-cent car fares; it is much cheaper to ride a Sterling Bi cycle. The average person rides four times daily; at 10 cents a ride this amounts in a week to $2.40, or $12 per month. The Pacific Cycle & Mfg. Co., on Fort street, will sell you the highest-grade Sterling Bicycle ever manu factured for $60, on small weekly or monthly installments. After you have once experienced the pleasure and advantages of cycling, you will not want to ride on tramcars at even 2-cent fare. The rocky road to Dublin, or any other place will not annoy you when you are equipped with a built-like-a-watch Sterling Bicycle. They will stand more rough usage, while looking graceful and riding easy, of any wheel made. Their construction is perfect, and they are light, strong and speedy and built like a watch. Down under the highly polished enamel and glittering nickel is the real bicycle; the thing you're paying your good money for, and on the strength of which may depend your life. Are you going to buy a bicycle of known reputation of a kind that has never been known to "fall down" un der any ordinary accident or will you take your life in youir hands and ride recklessly to no one knows what, on a wheel that is without a reputation, just because its first cost is n few dollars less? Installment Plain o o o WanknkiL At Opposite lake Island The great success of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the treatment of bowel complaints has made it standard over the greater part o the civilized world. For sale by all dealers. Benson, Smith. & Co., Ltd., agents for H. I. The Only High Grade Baking Powder Offered at a Mod - erate Price. f NOT v MADE BY I THE V TRUST. J iEU Powder NONE SO GOOD. RIPPLY T TTTTT W o ti tt o o n mam mywk Mclnerny Block. Fort Street Fear PdDitt 312 FORT STREET. TELEPHONE 565. EAJM DWELLINGSTORE AND OFFICE AWN INGS, LANAI CURTAINS, ETC., ETC. We keep a fine line of assorted Fancy Awning Stripes, in the latest and prettiest patterns. And A can take measurements, make, deliver ana put up i awnings on short notice. We pride ourselves on 0 doing a stylish, durable, neat fitting job. Lanai Curtains, Canopies, Dray Covers, and all kinds of canvas work. We carry "a very complete line of Ladies' and Gentleman's Bathing Suits, in the latest, up-to-date styles and patterns, in cotton, wool and alpaca. Call in and Look Over Our Line Rifles, Shot Guns, o Large line kept in stock. Special styles or sizes made to order. 1 5 f, urn ii iiiiMiiiMii iinjji'iiiiiiiiiiit mii ii-iiilltoiiirwiril4M1irwi.AiluDi,lwnBi4.ulMilbJ I Revolvers Ammunition, Belts, Hunting Coats, Caps, Game Bags, Hunters' Sundries of all kinds. GUNSMITHS AND REPAIRERS. SOLE ISLAND AGENTS FOR THE CELE BRATED DIEBOLD SAFES. . We have now on hand a fine assortment of small and medium sized safes, also av few large ones. BANK SAFES, OFFICE SAFES, PLANTATION. SAFES, JEWEL CASES, HOUSE SAFES, SILVERWARE SAFES, ETC., ETC., ETC., ETC. 2 Vaiuilt Wmk A SPECIALTY. Tents TO Rent Perrs0n Potter 312 FORT STREET TELEPHONE 565. Ltd t I