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i THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, SEPTEMBER 15, 1S9D. ... i 1 Ship THE KOSMOS LINE New Steamship Company in the Pacific. Ihainidllerv0 Do You Ever Need Any? Fl RST-CLASS FN iJOKSEM FN T. Rates From San Franc'sco to South American Ports WU be Cut In Two. We have all sizes of Manila Hope up to 6-J in. Sisal Hope to 2 in. Wire Ropes to 4 in. Seizing Wire, Marlin, Spunyarn, House line, Hambroline, Ratline, and lots of other Lines even to Cod Line and Lead Lines. All sorts of galvanized ship and boat hard ware such as Cleats, Chocks, Rowlocks, Turn buckles, Shackles, Ringbolts, Eyebolts, Chains and Anchors, Lead for keels and Trucks for mast heads and about everything that is needed between these two points am Be Fominidl Rt 0. MA. i j SOI, LIMITED. READY ROCK ROOFING Best Roofing on Earth. ijlf IS IT NOT EXPENSIVE; comes ready to lay"; any workman can lay it; Tighti insurance 50 per cent less than shingles on buildings covered with it. :Not affected by any climate. SEND FOR SAMPLE. Mawannaim Tradlmg (., Ltd. Office: Nos. 6 and 8 Love Building;, Fort St. TEL. 1132. THE CALIORIA HARNESS SHOP Can Furnish at Short Notice Any and All Kinds of Work AT CALIFORNIA PRICES Give them Sample Order. oo fi39 KING STREET. BELOW ARLINGTON HOTEL. D. 0. & M. S. HAMMAN. : : : : Tel. 641. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 3. The Kosmos line of steamers that is to con nect Antwerp, Hamburg, London, and South and Central American ports in a monthly service will be a great boon to this Coast. California dried fruits and canned goods will go direct to a European market, while English and German products will come here near ly three months quicker than they can by sailing ships. Between Guatemala and San Francisco alone the time will be shortened from two to three days, that is, if the steamers do not stop at Gulf of California ports. The Kosmos Company was formerly one of the largest steamship owners in Europe, but during the last year it has sold fourteen of its oldest vessels. Now none of the fleet is more than ten years old, and all of them are 12-knot ships or better. They are splendidly fitted out for the first, second and third-class passengers, and are light ed throughout with electricity and all modern improvements. All the steam ers are thoroughly equipped for the handling of freight. It is not the intention of the com pany to do any rate cutting in Central American trade. There will be no fight on those lines with the Pacific Mail Company, but the rates to Colom bo and South American ports will be cut in two. This will give the mer chants of San Francisco and the busi ness men of the interior a chance to build up a trade with the west coast of South America, enabling them to hold their own with New York and other. Eastern points. At the present time over 2,000 tons of merchandise is sent out of New York to South American ports via the Straits of Magellan. The principal intention of the com pany is to give a fast steamer service from San Francisco and San Diego to Havre, London, Antwerp and Ham burg. Special inducements will be of fered to shippers of canned goods and dried fruits and quick dispatch will be guaranteed. The coffee and sugar crops of Central American ports will be attended to, and once the Kosmos line is in operation there will be no such thine as coffee lying on the wharves in Guatemala and Costa Rican ports for five or six months awaiting shipment. The steamers of the new line will dock at the Oceanic wharf and all sup plies for their outward voyages will be purchased here. Captain Howard, the able superintendent of the Oceanic Stpamshin ComDanv. will handle the steamers, so they are sure to get good dispatch and be well cared for. John D. Spreckels & Bros. Company will be the local agents for the new line. If matters progress as well as is an ticipated, the Kosmos Company will nut a line of steamers, under the Ger man flfltr. on the run between San 0 Francisco and the Orient. Leudal M. Grav. eeneral agent of the Kosmos line, leaves for Mexico on Saturday to arrange matters in connection with thP mi vent of the Tanis. the first steamer of the line, at Mexican ports next month. PANAMA, Aug. 29 Advices from Guatemala state that the agency of the Kosmos line of steamers has made the announcement here that the steamer Tanis, leaving Hamburg on September 15, will inaugurate a service to ban Francisco in competition with the Pa cific Mail Steamship Company. (Established 1S70.) AEMRICAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH. 150 Fifth Avenue. New York, August 14. 1S09. CAPITAL BREWING CO., Tumwater, Washington. Gentlemen: The article regarding your beer has been prepared for our columns and we would ask you to make any technical corrections in the same that may be necessary to insure its accuracy and completeness. It will be published in the reading columns of the Journal of Health without the slightest cost to you, as we accept no pay for the article and charge nothing for the circulation we give it. and would ask you to send us all the in formation in regard to pure food. Yours respectfully. . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH. J. A. DAVIS. M.D., Editor and Manager. THE RPHEOM . TONIGHT! TONIGHT! -NEW COMPANY First Appearance of the Eccentric Mus ical Comedian In His from EMIL WALTON Original Musical Act Direct the Leading Vaudeville Houses of America. OUR BIG FEATURE! Engagement Extraordinary ) EL NINO EDDIE King of the Bounding Rope In Mar velous Feats of Daring. The Society Duetists, CHANDLER AND M'PHERSON. The Handsome and Charming LILLIAN LESLIE Descriptive and Comic Vocalist. The Charming Soubrette, TRIXIE COLEMAN. Premier Buck and" Wing Dancer. The Talented Sketch Atrista, - BOGGS AND IIAEWARD In an Original Sketch THE FIRST KISS- A Famous M Y T U R N Farce- N E X T. Only last week we examined the beer , brewed by the Capital Brewing Com- 1 . . 1 V . pany.oi uiympia, wasn., ana it is a perfect illustration of the quality of beer which we are always glad to com mend, for the analysis showed it to be entirely free from any trace of any injurious substance. Such a high grade of beer is most beneficial in its use, for none of the pure malt and hops have been displaced by harmful ingredients. Every hygienist will concur with us in saying that a beer of such superior excellence is a very wholesome bever age. Physicians often have occasion to prescribe a pure beer for cases of debilitation, and they can safely order this beer, made by the Capital Brewing Company. L. H. Dee has in his keeping the American Journal of Health and can be seen by anyone. This beer can be had in bottle or on draught at the HOFFMAN, corner of Hotel and Nuuanu streets. A large as sortment of the very best of American and foreign liquors. We are pleased to sell you and give you value for the benefit of your health. Yours, L. H. DEE, Proprietor of HOFFMAN. Stubb What does it say on that sign Wilkins is nailing over his store door? Penn It says "Honest Dealings Here." Stubb Hra! Another lie nailed. i'COOO OS3NOM awa f isnuiXl ( 3H1 I A8 30VW ) i nil I mm i Xjised pur peejq eui0800iM 180LU PUB 189199M9 IB9 -mSliem eoieiu ieiunieo General Admission, 25c and 50c Las t six rows for Children under 12 10c. Reserved Chairs, 50c Seats can be booked by ringing up telephone fc41. Special Sale RIBBONS AND -LACES oinmmemicflinig Rmq. 7th9 At the TEMPLE OF FASHION. - Laces! Laces! Ribbons! Ribbons ! Ribbons! Laces r At Prices That Can't Be Duplicated, at The Hawaiian Dry Goods Association MOSES PALAU. MANAGER. Furniture Cheaper Than Ever. If you want to save money, give us a call; you will save 25 per cent oo everything you buy. Do you want a pretty Baby Carriage? Come at once, as they are going fast and will not last long at the low prices we are asking. Cheffonieres from $6; Bureaus, from $10; wire-spring Mattresses, $3.50; double-wool Mat tresses, ?3; Extension Dining Tables, $5.50; strong Hammocks, $2; an excellent assortment of pictures, all subjects, 50 cents. Cutlery at Prices Unheard of. Plated Teaspoons, warranted, 50 cents per dozen; Tablespoons and Forte $1 per dozen; Ivory-Handled Knives and Forks, 25 cents per pair. Everything at similarly reduced prices to be had only at Li. S. MATHEWS & SON, Furniture Dealers. 26 Berotania Street. Opposite Progress Block. ANNOUNCEMENT. Miflitota Tobacco Ltd. IMPORTERS OF HAVANA AND MANILA SMOKERS' ARTICLES. a&M Fine Grades of Smoking Tobacco. Corner Fort and Merchant Sts Honolulu. LI sosliima 5 HAT MANUFACTURER. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. KING ST., Next to Castle & Cooke. JSX CARMATHENSBTRJE. I xgQ shipment of the latest styles in STRAW HAT New Style Shirts, Neckwear, Gents Furnishings, Etc., at the lowest reasonable prices. s NOTABLE DEATHS. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 5. Mrs. Sarah A. Baker, who has just died at Forest Home, was the oldest American actress. BOMBAY, Sept. 5. Dr. Peter Peter son, the distinguished Sanscrit scholar and brother of Principal William Pet erson of McGill University, Canada,' is dead. NEW YORK. Sent. 3. John Y. Mc- Kane died at his home in Coney Island at 6:15 o'clock tonight, aged 58 years. NEW YORK, Sept. o. Annie Van Sant, aged 22, of Salt Lake, Utah, who had been missionary in the Levant for three years, died September 4 of con sumption on board the steamer State of Nebraska, which arrived here to day. HARRISBURG (Pa.), Sept. 5. Char les L. Bailey, aged seventy-seven, pres ident of the Central Iron Works, and one of the most prominent ironmasters in Central Pennsylvania, died today at his home here of stomach trouble. He was a large owner of property in Seat tle. His son, William E. Bailey, form erly proprietor of the Seattle "Press." married a daughter of ex-Secretary Al ger. MEMPHIS (Term.), Sept. 5. Bishop Pierce, Episcopal Bishop of Arkansas, died today at Fayetteville, Ark. Bis hop Pierce had more than a quarter of a century been Bishop of Arkansas, and was the first to hold this position. The J. J. EGAN CO. has been succeeded by WHITNEY & MARSH, Ltd., who will organize and conduct a thoroughly up-to-date Retail Dry Goods Business at the present Egan location. The Egan stock i shortest possible Goods . must be closed out in the time to make room for New Further Announcement of this sale will soon appear in this space. For more than half a century the famous old Jesse Moore Whiskey has been a favorite with connoisseurs. To be had at Lovejoy & Co.'s, Honolulu. A )