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THE PAC1FIU COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, SEl'TEMIJER ID, lS9s- THE TRANSVAAL Krueger Gets a New Pro test From the British. DREYFUS ISGUILTYjTHB RPHEOM FAMILY THEATIH. TOWICHT! TONIGHT! hamidleryo Do You Ever Need Any? We have all sizes of Manila Rope up to G in. Sisal Rope to 2 in. Wire Ropes to 4 in. Seizing Wire, Marlin, Spunyarn, House line, Hambroline, Ratline, and lots of other Lines even to Cod Line and Lead Lines. All sorts of galvanized ship and boat hard ware such as Cleats, Chocks, RowlQcks, Turn buckles, Shackles, Ringbolts, Eyebolts, Chains and Anchors, Lead for keels and Trucks for mast heads and about everything that is needed between these two xoints. am Be Found Rt J MM LIMITED. SOH, n jnt READY ROCK ROOFING Best Roofing on Earth. IT NOT EXPENSIVE; comes ready' to lay; any workman can lay it; is light; Insurance 50 per cent less than shingles on buildings covered with it. "Not affected by any climate. SEND FOR SAMPLE. Mawaniaim Trading (Bo., Ltd Office: Nos. 6 and 8 Love Building, Fort St. TEL- "S2- THE CALIFORNIA HARNESS SHOP Can Furnish at Short Notice Any and All Kinds of Work AT CALIFORNIA PRICES- lxj Give tlTem Sample Order. o.o C39 KING STREET, BELOW ARLINGTON HOTEL. D. O. & M. S. HAMMAN. : : : : Tel. 641. IHUmolulu Tobacco (2., Lttd IMPORTERS OF HAVANA AND MANILA COG-MRS SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Fine Grades of Smoking Tobacco. Corner Tort and Merchant Sts., Honolulu. I. Isoshima 3 HAT MANUFACTURER, GENTS' FURNISHINGS. KING ST., Next to Castle & Cooke. JSX CARMA THJBNS HIRE I vg shipment of the latest styles in STRAW HAT New Style Shirts, Neckwear, Gents Furnishings, Etc., at the lowest reasonable pi ices. s Railway Officials Ordered to Protect Their Line Support Pledged to the Transvaal Republic. PRETORIA, Sept. 11. The British diplomatic agent. Conyngham Greene, has made representations to the Trans vaal Government regarding the recent arrest of Mr. Pakeman, editor of the Transvaal Leader, and the Govern ment is sending a reply. President ivrueger nas issued a no tice warning burghers who intend to go shooting beyond the river Limpoo, which forms for many miles the north west and north limit of the Transvaal that they will be severely punished unless they first obtain permission from the local authorities. The tension remains high pending the receipt of Mr. Chamberlain's dis patch. It is asserted on excellent au thority that the Transvaal Govern- ment, with a view of keeping the min ing industry moving has decided to protect It in every way. As a first step the Government has notified the Rand ...... companies mat tneir men win receive protection as long as they remain peaceful, and should war unfortunate ly occur the men will be given a rea sonable time to leave the country if they desire. It is officially announced that the article in the gold law about the con fiscation of claims and mines belong ing to people convicted of treason or conspiracy against the State, which was last year eliminated, will be: re- enforced. The article also gives the Government power to order that the mines be worked, and provides that if this instruction is disregarded the Government may work them through ts own agents. Commander General Joubert denies that the War Department is ordering heavy ordnance and rifles. He declares that he is anxious for the preservation of peace. Secretary of State Reitz has left this city for Johannesburg and Cape Town. The likelihood of war is much discussed. The coming of British troops is not regarded as meaning cer tain war, but merely as making up for the paucity of troops in South Africa, much commented upon during the past month. The burghers of this place are offer ing the Government gifts of meal. The town has a deserted appearance. JOHANNESBURG, Sept. 11 The of ficials of the Netherlands Railway Company have been notified to hold themselves in readiness to guard the line in the event of war. The Italians in the Transvaal have decided to remain neutral should hos tilities arise. The Transvaal Holland ers here held a meeting today and adopted resolutions of sympathy with the Transvaal Government, pledging their support. CAPE TOWN, Sept. 11. Four trains containing refugees from Johannesburg have, arrived here. Four hundred ref ugees have also arrived at Durban. During the past week the relief com mittee of Johannesburg assisted 2,000 cases of distress reported throughout the Transvaal. LONDON, Sept. 11 The activity in the Admiralty and War Office contin ues. It is said that orders have been sent to America for light iron girders and bridging sections, for probable use in South Africa. Transports are moving to the docks, preparatory to embarking troops. LONDON, Sept. 10 A dispatch from Bloemfontein reports the distri bution of arms and a considerable ex odus to Cape Colony. According to the correspondent, the Boers are mass ing on the frontier and there is no abatement of war preparations in the Transvaal. It is understood nhat General Sir Redvers Bulleiv will start for Cape Town next Saturday. The Indian au thorities are chartering steamers transport troops to South Africa rapidly as possible. LONDON, Sept. 9. The troops ing to South Africa, as the result the decision of yesterday's Cabinet council to" send 10.000 soldiers, will proceed to Natal, bringing the total number of men in that colony up to 15,000. Re-enforcements numbering 5,000 men will be drawn from India. The Northumberland Fusiliers will embark next Saturday for Cape Colo ny, leaving from Southampton. The First Royal Sussex Regiment has been ordered to be ready to embark within three days. An infantry brigade with division of field artillery from Alder shot, with eighteen guns, has been or dered to leave. MALTA, Sept. 9 The First Battal ion of the Border Regiment, stationed here, has been ordered to hold itself in readiness to embark for Cape Colony. to as loot THIEVES IN CUSTODY. LONDON, Sept. 9. The police of Ge neva have in custody two men, Ed ward Wilkinson, said to be an Ameri can, and John Ronan, an Irishman, whom they believe to be the chiefs of an international gang of swindlers who have been workingthe whole Con tinent of Europe this year with re markable success. This daring gang was exceptionally clever in robbing people on bank premises. At Milan they got 00,000 lire, at Turin about the same, at Rome 30,000 lire, and at Lu cerne 65,000 francs. These men are also believed to be the authors of the recent big jewel robberies at Ostend, Brussels, Basle and Hamburg. Detect ives from a score of cities have gone to Geneva to have a look at the inter esting couple. (Continued from Page 1.) is, as he was confined in a cell for nearly five years, this punishment is equivalent to ten years' imprisonment in a military fortress. She says her husband will be a free man on Octo ber 13. An eminent French lawyer confirms this statement. The answer to Dreyfus' appeal is ex pected within ten days or two weeks. If the decision is adverse and Dreyfus is sent to Corsica his wife may accom pany him. She will not be allowed to live with him, but will have the privi lege of visiting the prisoner on regu lar days. During the Dreyfus trial between eight and nine million words were sent from this place by telegraph. The re ceipts amounted to C1S.000. After the verdict and sentence were announced on Saturday 3,000 direct were sent. RENNES, Sept. 11 A calm prevails here. All the troops and gendarmes quartered in the town and its environs have left, and the journal ists and others interested in the trial have departed since Saturday. The cafes, which for the last few weeks have been thronged with excited crowds, are deserted. This afternoon a solitary gendarme paced up and down before the military prison, and there was not a policeman or a soldier near the Lycee, which last week resembled a barracks. Workmen were busily dismantling the courtroom and packing the chairs, tables and benches on a trolley-car outside. Mme. Dreyfus visited her husband in the prison this afternoon, but not the slightest interest was shown in their meeting by the population. She found him as calm as yesterday. The prison er smoked a pipe today for the first time in many days, which indicated that he was in better spirits than could be expected. -NEW COMPANY First Appearance of the Eccentric Mus ical Comedian EMIL WALTON Th Eminent Young Australian .Baritone. . . MR. HAMILTON HILL. Direct from the Tivoll, Sydney, N.S-W: In His Original Musical Act Direct from the Leading Vaudeville Houses of America. OUR BIG FEATURE! -Engagement Extraordinary- ...Of... -EL NINO EDDIE The Society Duetists, CHANDLER AND M'PHERSON. King of the Bounding Rope In Mar velous Feats of Daring. telegrams state of The Charming Soubrette, TRIXIE COLEMAN. Premier Buck and Wing Dancer. The Handsome and Charming LILLIAN LESLIE Descriptive and Comic Vocalist. The Opening Act. 4 THE STAGE-STRUCK YANKEE- GOLD FROM KLONDIKE. SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 9 The steamer City of Seattle arrived here from Alaska this Ynorning with $600, 000 in gold. Four hundred and seven ty thousand dollars was consigned to the United States Assay Office by the Bank of British North America. Food Prepared With "Calumet" la Free from Rochelle. Salts Alum, Lime and Ammonia Calu met" is the Housewife's Friend. NOTV MADE BY V THE I V TRUST. NONE SO GOOD. General Admission. 25c and 50c Las t six rows for Children under 13 10c. Reserved Chairs. 50c. Seats can be booked by ringing up telephone 4t. Special Sale Of RIBBONS AND LACES (Bommeiniclinig Ru. 7th9 At the TEMPLE OF FASHION. Ribbons! Laces! Ribbons! Laces! Ribbons! Laces! At Prices That Can't Be Duplicated, at The Hawaiian Dry Goods Association; MOSES PALAU. MANAGER. Furniture Cheaper Than Ever. If you want to save money, give us a call; you will save 25 per cent on everything you buy. Do you want a pretty Baby Carriage? Come at once, as they . are going fast and will not last long at the low prices we are asking. Cheffonieres from' $R; Bureaus, from $10; wire-spring Mattresses, $3.50; double-wool Mat tresses, $3; Extension Dining Tables, $5.50; strong Hammocks. $2; an excellent assortment of pictures, all subjects. 50 rents. Cutlery at Prices Unheard of. Plated Tftasnoons. warranted. 50 rpnti? Tier dnipn TsMpsnnnno nnd TTor'kfi-. $1 per dozen; Ivory-Handled Knives a nd Forks, 25 cents per pair. Everything at similarly reduced p rices to be had only at L. S. 3LATHEWS & SON, Furniture Dkalerb. 2K Beretania Street. Opposite Progress Block.. WMtney Mar Successors to J. J. Egara, Ltd. Closing Sate of the Ep Stock. DRESS GOODS. We realize that prices only will induce the public to carry off a big stock of dress goods and silks in a few days. Here are some of them: Wool Albatross, 15c per yard. $1.75 Henrietta, 75c per yard. $2.50 Serges, $1.50 per yard. $2.25 Tailor suitings, $1.50 per yard. $1.25 Habit cloths, 60c per yard. $1 Brocades, 55c per yard. HANDKERCHIEFS. Printed border school Handker chiefs, 25c a dozen. A Variety of the 10c quality in hem-stitched or plain, while they last, 5c each. COO dozen plain and fancy Hand kerchiefs, a profusion of styles, at 10c each. Ladies' and men's hem stitched by the dozen at 50 per cent below value. KNIT UNDERWEAR. Ladies' ribbed vests 5c each. A better grade, edged and taped, $3 a dozen, quality, at 15c each. Silk, lisle and balbriggan Underwear for men, women and children, new and thoroughly all right, at prices that should quickly empty our shelves. PRINTED WASH GOODS HOSIERY. A stack of Lawns, Percales, Sat teens, Dimities, Organdies and Ginghams have been marked 5c a yard. We do not promise you will find them when you call, but if you are in time you will secure a bargain. All the high-class novel ties in this department at the pre vailing reduction. SHIRT WAISTS. A table full, Egan's price $1.50, going at 50c, for your choice. An other lot worth $2 to $2.50, at $1 each. A new lot of exquisite pat terns bought far below manufac turers' prices, will be opened about the 20th inst., and offered at near ly corresponding prices. There are many broken lines; excellent goods but not all sizes. We save you a handsome margin. Fifty dozen ladies' balbriggan and fancy colored, Egan's price 25c, our price 5c. Another lot, 10c. Fine Lisle and Silk-Solid or Drop Stitch, black, white, pink and blue. correct goods, on which you save about half. RIBBONS. CORSETS. It is well known in Honolulu that our "SONNETTE" brand of Corsets are fully equal to the best French makes. During this sale the following prices will prevail: The 75c corset, 40c; $1 corsets, 50c: $1.75 corsets, $1; $2 corsets, $1.25; $3 corsets, $1.50. Don't wait till your size is gone. TRIMMINGS. WHITE GOODS. This was an important depart ment with Mr. Egan. Several large importations have recently arriv ed, including some of the latest Parisian novelties. As we make no reservations in this sale these goods must go. Our loss will be your gain. We intend to make this a spe cial department. An importation of 10 cases is now in the ware house, which we shall open when the present stock is disposed of. The prices will soon make room. The goods are fresh and staple, but must go. About 500 pieces, odds and ends, 3c a yard. Baby ribbons, 5c roll. Entire plain and fancy ribbon stock much of it new and choice, includ ing late 4 fads in fancies, all at prices strongly your way. HOUSEKEEPING LINEN. This department includes dam asks. Napkins, Doylies, Tray cloths, Dining and Library Table Covers and Towels; also Comfor ters, Blankets, Quilts, Sheets and Pillow Cases. The prices should induce purchases for future use. FANCY GOODS. Such as Purses, Belts and Buck les, Fans, Jewelry, Gloves, Brush es, Combs, Hair Ornaments and Small Wares general-. We can't quote prices, but the reduction is large and you will buy if you call.