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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER:, HONOLULU, SEPTEMBER 25, 1S99. LOCAL BREVITIES. LOCAL BREVITIES. Orpheum tonight. No change in sugar quotations. Paul Isenberg came over on th Mi-kahala. the Subscribe for the Delineator Hanna's. Mrs. Dr. J. Wight and wife of Kohala are in the city. E. H. Wodehouse has returned from his trip to Eleele. uctries u. vvaiKer is jnst recov ing from a severe illness. Atkinson & Judd, attorneys-at-law, are located over Bishop's bank. Cleveland ball and roller bearing iuh one-mira iignter than all ball bearings. Why not eat where good, wholesome, well-cooked food is served? Home Bakery Cafe. The best kodaks are the Eastman's. The people who use them know. Ho bron Drug Co. Senator A. Hockin isaniku plantation, came over from Maui last night. J. S. Canario will erect a 2-story building on the corner of Church and Front streets, Hilo. , The Hilo hospital now uses econom ical candles instead of the more lux urious electric light. For six dollars your old wheel can be made to look like new at the Pa cific Cycle & Mfg. Co James Renton, manager of the Un ion Mill Company at Kohala, is in the city with Mrs. Renton. The wedding of James A. Wilde and Miss S. W. Harnden took place in Alameda on September 12. J. R. Wilson's yacht Mabel won the Hilo yacht race on Regatta. Day for the third time in succession. William Blaisdell, a prominent plan tation man, is in the city, having.come up from Hawaii on the Claudine. A tremendous sale of remnants starts at L. B. Kerr's, Queen street, today. All remnants must be sold. The regular meeting of the Catholic Benevolent Union will be held at 7:30 this evening at the Catholic Missio At noon today at the boat landin near Brewer's wharf, Will E. Fisher will sell at auction the schooner Nory ma. Another large shipment of autogra phic standard cash registers has just been received by Pearson & Potter Co., L-td. Wm. A. Henshall and Wong JKwai have returned from a trip to Maui in the interests of the Maui Sugar Com pany. There was a small fire in the West ern Sugar Refinery, at San Francisco on the 13th, but very little damage was done. Thomas S. Kay, manager of the Ha- lawa plantation and mill, came over on the Claudine, accompanied by his wife and son. . Scalp treatment a specialty at Miss e Lartigue's hairdressing and mani- H. T. Hayselden came over on Claudine. Philip Peck came over on the Clau dine yesterday from Hilo. Assessment No. 4 on the Kona Su gar Co. was delinquent on August and must be settled at once. .uiba irixie coieman has recovered kirom her illness sufficiently to contin lie tier engagement at the Orpheum. A musical and descriptive recital will be given at the Y. M. C. A. hall tonight y vvxieraniKO Kawei. li. A th To- T , . .. ' - " -eaianu native orator. Admission z md 50 cents. Donre rnon o t- 7. on. I " w i.OV, L II itrnainment commences at S. ...v. jiuuiuicift oi me uiaa sugar Company are closing all thp nnHna on Olaa land for which patents have oeen granted as fast as they mature. in seerai instances the money has been advanced to pay for the patents Herald. There are four regular armv men manager of the among the line officers of the Thirtv- 1UU1U1 iniantry. These are Lieuten ant Shaw, adjutant first battalion, eat Point, '79; Captain Xewbill, reg imental adjutant, West Point '9t- Lieutenant J. T. Dunn of Co West Point, '95: and Lieutenant' Pnr- liss of Company D, West Point, '9: Orpheum ' heater. Saturday night the Orpheum was crowded to the doors. The program was well received and nil tu, Ul received encores. Hamilton Hill is more popular than ever. Mr. Winton still continues to be the big feature. Tonight all the artists will change their acts and a big program is pro mised. The opening act entitled "Bur glar Alarms" is a good comedy and has some startling situations. II: CUSHION HE?!' jj TRADEMARK Mimm SHfiK mwmmm xx 1 Made in Worcester. Mass. 0m PATROL SHOE Extra Quality. Ca!f amp. LcatIieiLlcea Futtcrliec!. Positively Waterproof Sole. Theo.H.Davies&C.o LIMITED Merchants and Commission Agents, iin Beg to call the attention of the tido to their complete line of n . ft Mr : I ooc iiiottfers' Sloe M SOLK AG ETS. Km.-...,.. ... . WH Hotel Arrivals. Hawaiian James Renton and wife, Thomas J. Kay, wife and son, Kohala: H. C. Reck, Edwin P. Stoddard, W. J Burridge, San Francisco: Harrv cott Bradstreet, Boston; and Wm. J. ryant. Nebraska. Arlington J. W. Atkins, Kohala; . A. Bailey, Hilo; H. Thrye, Kahuiui; Andrew Dempster, Kauai; and H. Sreubeck, Wailuku. MILLINERY SLAUGHTERED. AT KERR'S ALTERATION SALE for one week. Everything in this de partment will be sold at prices that win amaze customers; $2 Sailors, $1.60; $1.50 Trimmed Hats, 75 cents. Remem ber, the sale lasts for one week only. PHOTOGRAPHIC SIMPLICITY Reaches the highest stage of development in the Bulls-Eye Kodak I IN Y PAINTS AND OILS. GENERAL PLANTATION SUPPLIES. A fine assortment of Kitchen Furnishings. GRAY AGATE WARE a Specialty .a-x3.-u Street. & MARSH LJi- curing parlors, Hotel street, next to ,Y. M. C. A. building. v 1 1 The NAZARETH WAISTi FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. 1 BUTTONED front or back. WORN in place of the untlervest and the ordinary underwaist. It is KNITTED like a ribbed vest. Has enough elasticity to make the little ones comfortable, but cannot stretch.. Tapes over the shoulder support the garments. The buttons won't tear off. The beauty of it is that it costs even less than the ordinary kind. C. R. Collins manufactures harness of every description, and carries the largest variety of horse, stable find carriage goods in the Islands. The bark Roderick Dim has bee fitted up with a cold-storage plant and Hilo people expect to get quantities of fresh fruit from the Coast by her. After the sale of Egan goods, Whit ney & Marsh, Ltd., promise a careful ly selected stock of new and up-to-dale goods. Watch for future an nouncements. If the gentleman who left a new straw hat on the cricket grounds on Saturday will call at this office he can obtain the same and thank Viggo Ja cobsen for it. Some of the material for the Hilo railway is expected to arrive by the Roderick Dim. The balance will fol low on the Santiago and Falls of Clyde. Herald. The stock books of the Ewa Planta tion Co. and also of the Waimea Su gar Mill Co. will be closed to trans fers from 26th to 30th insts., both dates inclusive. The stock ledgers of the Ookala Su gar Plantation Co. and also of the Ha waiian Agricultural Co. will be closed to transfers from the 26th to 30th insts., both dates inclusive. WThitney & Marsh, Ltd., successors of J. J. Egan, still continue the closing sale of the Egan stock of dry and fan cy goods, at one-half and one-third former values. See page 2 for list of In rtro ? n o ir Yo nlitnlnoH The Coyne-Mehrten Furniture Ct. ' lias been compelled to augment their I staff of upholsterers on account of theSJ large quantity of work piling up. They K are now m a. position 10 turn out worK cheaper and in less time than ever. ine new .uaison warenouse is com-: pleted and is being used to receive the cargo of the Falls of Clyde. This ' warehouse is of greater capacity than j any building of its kind in Hilo and ! will hold 2,500 tons weight of sugar. ' Herald. - ; 1 Every member of the Triangle Lit-' erary Club of the Y. M. C. A. is earn-! estly requested to be present at the regular meeting on Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock sharp, Sept. 25. Business, j election of officers. A very interesting ! program has been arranged by the ; committee. j By order of the court, W. O. Smith, i guardian of the property of Edward j Vivian, Thomas Everett and Lucy Ka- ! waiolohia, minor children of George '. E. Richardson, late of Wailuku, Maui, I will offer for sale at auction on Satur- j day, October 21, at noon, at the sales- ! rooms of Jas. F. Morgan, certain land ! situate at Wailuku, as particularized j on another page. j Intended purchasers of a home should not fail to see the desirable lots i n the Baseball Tract, only one block j from the Beretania street car line. f the finest residence portions ofj broidery and Point Lace, and this city and lots 50 by 90 feet can be T nConnC! critm nf kought for the reasonable price of . issons gi en at 1 egular terms. $1,250. Terms $250 cash; balance on j O&O Installments, payments to suit the rareGrhre Setg&Co' Judd.MISS A. Dc LARTIGUE Daylight loading with non-breakable film cartridges, the finest-fixed focus, achromatic lenses, simple rotary shutters that are always set, ready for use on No. 2 Bulls-Eye Kodaks. Thev OQRg3SnVE:3TOf2f are fitted with sockets for tripoi screws. CRT 6 U Closing SALE of EGAN STOCK con tinues. One-half to two-thirds former prices on many staple goods. Read our advertisement on page 2, as an in dex to our offers. Call and see what you can buy for future use. We ask you to BEAR IN MIND that after this sale we will place as good aui' cuituuuy seieciea new stock as was ever offered in the city. Special attention being given- to line dress goods, dress trimmings, white goods, and ladies' lingerie. Finest materials Newest patterns and ideas. O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o 9 8 OUR SPECIAL SALE HAS FILLED OUR stoie with customers, but we still have . few lots left from stock-taking that must be closed out ntbt away, prices are cut down accord:ngly. Entire lot of Ladies' all-Lineu Collars, regularly sold at 20c each, latest shapes, we will close out at 2 for 5c. Entire'l it at Cuffs, regular 25c quality, going at 10c per pair. One lot of Ladies and Gents' Ties,, worth up to 7oc each, to close out at 5c, 10c and 15c each. price 10c o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 71 A line of dainty Organdies and Lawns that were sold at 40c a yard on sale now at 7 yards for $1.00. wiie case or strong, serviceable Ginghams, regular and 12c a yard, reduced to 14 yards for $1.00. Some extra bargains in Sailor Hats $1.00 quality reduced to 50c; $1.00 quality reduced to 75c; $1.25 quality reduced to $1.00; A bargain in Gents' cotton Sox, fast black, regular 20c qual- j 2 ity, reduced to 2 pairs for 25c. I a o o o o o o OOOOOOO OtJ 00000000900000 000 0000000 ?Gr a large assortment of The Eastman Kodaks always on hand. All sizes, 1 to 12 years, at same price. s. skis nry Good LIMITED. THE PEOPLE'S PROVIDERS. SCI; Hair Dressimig 1 1 vO WHITNEY IiiBliPi Cor. King ani Fort Sts. jJJJ Ltl t mm.. ,jmm t s V A SAIL01 HATS LATEST STYLES. Will be placed on sale for a few days only. PRICES: 25cts., 50cts., $1.00. oo Miss A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E mi ARLINGTON BLOCK. HOTE STREET. IT TELLS W Who sold floods, anJ amount. Who paid cash, to whom, and amount. ho paid cut money, what for, and amount etc Manicuring PHRL0RS. Next to Y. M. C. A.; Hotel St. SSPOrders taken for Em- Pearson & Potter Co. Ltd. t r12 FORT ST. irffl-TRT. r,n f I - 1 Sale, f 000 J VST RECEIVED: a :lai?g-e lvvoicb of Yamatoya Shirts, PAJAMAS (in Silk, Wool and Cotton,) GRASS CLOTH CESTBE PIECES, DOYLIES, SHE GGODS, Etc., STYLISH GOLF SKIRTS. ' 3 Every GARMENT in this has been reduced ... ....?. , - - - . a m . This is the opportunity you've been lookine for We are satisfied with our Midsummer business, and it doesn t bother us in the leist to see the entire stcck go now at prices that'il make your hasr stand on end "u nec When such values as these exist if hardlv essary to say a word more-.'fs conclusive in Jsel - O Joponeoo I nr pa Hotel Street rtersand Donloro. PIT2ER. HOTEL STREET NEAR FORT. Robinson Biock.