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ft TTTR PAOTFin f!0'M"f"R'Rr! f A T. AmrupTiouD. nnvATrnt .xj.iKjit. uu.uiiULu, ILIKLK 2o, 1879. HENRY R. WQRTHINGTON, TRADE IN LUMBER i i r r (INC.) Engineers and Builders oiiim ail! mm Bis hi fflto Mb i in imaano Op THE SPECIAL ATTENTION OF PLANTATION MANAGERS AND AGENTS is called to the fact that we carry in stock at our Queen Street warehouse a large assortment of pump for all kinds of sugar house service, Including vacjum pumps, air, pumps, condensers, feed pumps, juice pumps, molasses pumps, etc., together with a complete stock of spare parts and valves for all sizes. Careful attentio given all orders and prompt shipment guaranteed. ESTIMATES FURNISHED FOR COMPLETE IRRIGATION PUMPING PLANTS OF ANY CAPACITY OR POWER. Office: Corner Fort end Queen Sts. t Honolulu. II. 1. rsdon San Francisco, California. ENGINEERS AND BUILDERS Pumping Machinery, Heine Boilers, Plain Tubular Boilers, .Corliss Engines, Cane Gars, Vacuum Pans And all Machiuery for the- complete equipment of Sugar Mills. OFFICE: Room 9, Spreckels Block, HONOLULU, H. I. Special Machinery. J. J. McCabe Double Spindle Lathe Heaviest Lathe Work. Two Lathes in One. Direct Acting Electric Motor When Desired. fe P. 'Mi' f& Hz $1 1 Jyrtfe IN USE BY O. n. & L. CO. OltDJSHJCD BY-oaHU SUGAR CO., WAIALTJ A AGRICUL TDRaL SUGAR CO., HONOLULU SUGAR CO. KIHEI SUGAR 00. OTHER SBECIAL.TIES: Gray Planers, Barnes & McCabe Drill Presses, Combined Upright and Radial Drills. Shapers, Universal Milling Machines, Combined Bolt and Pipe Cutters. Henry D. Roberts, Agent, Pacific Hardware Co. Ltd. Machinery Department. ere Are D mto ill Plumbers. OUR SPECIALTY IS Sanitary Phi There's aa much difference between plumbing and SANI- ' 7ARY PLUMBING as there is between daylight and darkness. Anyone can put a lot of pipes together and run them off anywhere, but with Honolulu's surface sewerage the essential point is to have the plumbing done in a way that makes the Sanitary conditions perfect. -ooo JOHN NOTT. 75-79 KING ST. TEL: NO. 31 GATTON, NEILL & CO. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. 213 Queen St., bet. Alakea and Richards St?., Honolulu. Invite Enquiries for General Ironwork; Iron and Brass Castings Steam Boi?ers, Water Pire and All Kinds of Sheet Tron Work Made and Repaired, Machine and Ships' Blacksmithing. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. . Warehouse: Corner Queen and Cook Sts. . Telephone 59G. urn wows fflbmg TEL 410 i jSome Statistics From the Northwest. i The Tacoma Ledger Suras Up the Lum ter Business With Hawaii for the Year. The American schooner Olga, M. A. Ipsen master, cleared yesterday and sailed later in the day, with a cargo of lumber for Honolulu, says the Ta- coraa Ledger of August 31. She took i 39.J.G3C feet of rough lumber, 4G3 piles : and two spars, the cargo being valued j at $4,SS5. She was loaded at the St. Paul & Tacoma mill. This is the fourth lumber vessel to sail from Tacoma for the Hawaiian Islands this month, a number almost as large as the total number ,of lumber vessels clearing for the Islands in the previous seven months of the year. This fully illustrates the growth of the lumber trade with the Hawaiian Isl ands since their annexation to the United States. RECORD OF THE .YEAR. The record of the year is interesting. It shows in January one vessel, the American schooner Prosper, took lum ber from this port to Hawaii. She cleared for Honolulu. In February the Albert Meyer took a cargo from Ta coma for Kahului. The steamer Ma nauense, carrying a general cargo from this port, had a large amount of lumber aboard when she cleared in March for Honolulu and Hilo. In April the American ship Stand ard took lumber as a part of her gen eral cargo for Honolulu. The schoon er H. C. Wright left in May with a lumber cargo for Kahului, the second cargo from this port to Kahului during the year. The American schooner F. S. Redfield, leaving in June, took lum ber from Tacoma for Honolulu. The Dashing "Wave, from Tacoma for Ho- of this nort for the Hawaiian Islands J r . . . . during juiy. AUGUST THE BIG MONTH. August is the big month for the Ta-coma-Hawaiian lumber trade. It promises to establish a record far above any other month of the year and to set the mark so high it will be hard to reach it again soon. The schooner Helen C. Kimball left Tacoma with a lumber cargo for Mahukona as the first of the August lumber fleet. The Inca, for Honolulu, followed, and then came the barkentine George C. Per kins, from Tacoma for Hilo. The Ol ga, clearing yesterday, was the fourth of the fleet. The month's record is not yet done. The following are among the lumber vessels now in port loading for points in the Hawaiian Islands which may get away this month: Claudina, Me tha Nelson and Eureka. The Metha Nelson has just, arrived for lumber, and it will take fast work to get her cargo aboard and clear her during the njonth. BRIGHT FUTURE OF TRADE. Lumbermen see a bright future in i the Hawaiian Islands trade. The Pu- get Sound lumber has secured a firm foothold in Hawaii, and it is expected the trade will grow to enormous pro portions with the growth of the Isl ands. Hawaii must take its lumber from the Coast and as Oregon and Washington are the chief competitors, San Francisco having little or no suit able timber, the trade will naturally center in Puget Sound. The Tacoma lumbermen, thus far, have shown the best results in the efforts to capture the trade. The lumber trade with Hawaii has been an important, one, but recently it has made gigantic strides. ' May Visit Honolulu. If sufficient encouragement in a fi nancial way is had, says the Hilo Her ald, the baseball grounds will be lev elled and put in condition. A picked nine will then practice in team work until they are considered worthy foes of the Stars. When this time arrives arrangements will be made whereby the boys will visit Honolulu and get some of the honors they failed to achieve last week. Honolulu being large and wealthy the Stars feel that there will be no great difficulty to se cure sumcient tunas to meet all ex penses of the trip. Before the Hilo boys go down they will have to pur chase new uniforms. Exclusive of shoes they will cost ?50 for eleven men. A WONDERFUL CURE OF DIAR RHOEA. A PROMINENT VIRGINIA EDITOR Had Almost Given Up, but Was Brought Back to Perfect Health by Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy. READ HIS EDITORIAL. From the Times, Hillstille, Va. I suffered with diarrhoea for a long time and thought I was past being cured.- I had spent much time and money and suffered so much misery ; that I had almost decided to give up all hopes of recovey and await the re sult, but noticing the advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy and also some testimo nials stating how some wonderful cures had been wrought by this reme dy, I decided to try it. After taking a few doses I was entirely well of that trouble, and I wish to say further to my readers and fellow-sufferers that I am a hale and hearty man today and feel as well as I ever did in my life. O. R. Moore. Sold by all dealers. Ben son, Smith & Co., Ltd., agents for H. I. tl Hi 0 i S 6 U i (healthful 5 V FCOO J :1 PtfSCBVBHflP NOT MADE MftSSlr BY THE i TRUST. iJ Powder BHAVA1S1 mU (KI1 BHAVAISi. in CoTzcortisatad Drons li the r.---t Moil, cine lor AHEMM, POORNESS OF BLOOD VI.' I ','T7-- .- ! V v.w.m' Ipon is Prescribed V; y'-'-Y , ! ; th'. ! in Physicians ytc-riijf rN?5 j o; aii Cu-itries. STr&T 0 i'i ui milker Taste nor SmelL Dees tiui v..Jt..' t) leeth. Scon brings back HtAlTrt. STR'M'jTH, A Nil A n. Pf wf of Irn wines, ' xir au'l .tti r unit of tb Genuine Article. S'-1J T I lirmi?.i and Iru .'ci-t. Wholesale: I -,o, Ktie Lafvptte. Papis. BRILLIANT ENDORSEMENT. By Health Journal of New York Au gust 24, 1899. Only last week we examined the beer brewed by the Capital Brewing Com pany of Olympia, Wash., and it is a perfect illustration of the quality of beer which we are always glad to com mend, for the analysis showed it to be entirely free from any trace of any injurious substance. Such a high grade of beer is most beneficial in its use, for none of the pure malt and hops have been displaced by harmful ingredients. Every hygienist will concur with us in saying that a beer of such superior excellence is a -very wholesome bever age. Physicians often have occasion to prescribe a pure beer for cases of debilitation, and they can safely order this beer, made by the Capital Brewing Company. L. H. Dee has in his keeping the American Journal of Health and can be seen by anyone. This beer can be had in bottle or on draught at the HOFFMAN, corner of Hotel and Nuuanu streets. A large as sortment of the very best of American and foreign liquors we are pleased to sell you and give you value for the benefit of your health. Yours, L. H. DEE, Proprietor of HOFFMAN. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FIRST CIRCUIT OF THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS IN ADMIRALTY. James W. Percival vs. The Schooner Noma and Nicholas Joseph Weav er, the Master and Own-er. Action on Bottomry Bond. Stamps. The Republic of Hawaii to the Mar shal of the Hawaiian Islands or His Deputy, Greeting: Whereas it appears from the libel and complaint of. James W. Percival against the schooner Noma and Nich olas Joseph Weaver, the owner and master thereof, now at the port of Ho nolulu, before the Circuit Court of the First Circuit, sitting in admiralty, that said libellant has an action on an Bot tomry Bond which said action is civ il and maritime and which said schoon er is now at Honolulu within the jur isdiction of this court, and whereas it appears from said libel and complaint that there is due upon said bond the sum of five hundred and fifty pounds sterling, or about twenty-five hundred dollars, which is now due and unpaid; and whereas the Hon. Antonio Perry, First Judge of the Circuit Court of the First Circuit aforesaid, has authorized process of attachment to issue as prayed for in said libel and complaint of said James W. Percival. Now therefore you are commanded to attach the said schooner, her boats, sails, tackle, apparel, and furniture forthwith, and to detain the same into your custody until the further order of this court respecting the same as provided by law; and you are further ordered to monish and cite peremp torily and personally the said Nicholas Joseph Weaver, the owner and master of the said schooner Noma and all persons intervening or claiming any interest therein to be and appear be fore the Honorable Antonio Perry, First Judge of said Circuit Court of the First Circuit sitting in admiralty at his chambers In the Judiciary building, in Honolulu, Island of Oahu, on the 2Sth day of September, A. D., 1899, at 10 o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said li bel should not be granted, and have you then and there this writ, with your doings thereon, and further it is or dered that notice by publication of these proceedings until the' return day herein be given daily in some daily newspaper published in Honolulu cit ing all parties interested herein to appear and show cause why the pray er of the libel here should not be granted. Witness the Honorable An tonio Perry, First Judge of SEAL the First Judicial Circuit, Republic of Hawaii, this 18th day of September, A. D 1S99. By the Court: P. DANSON KELLETT, JR., Clerk Circuit Court First Circuit. Let process issue in this form. A. PERRY, First Judge Circuit Court First Judi cial Circuit, September 18, 1S99. NOTICE. In pursuance of the above order, I have attached the schooner Noma, to gether with her boats, sails, tackle, apparel, and furniture, and all parties interested in the above proceedings are notified to be present at the time and place above stated to show cause why the prayer of tne above-stated li bel should not be granted. CHAS. F. CHILLINGWORTH, Deputy Marshal, Republic of Hawaii. Honolulu, Oahu. Sept. 18, A. D. 1899. 5341 AND OILCLOTH. Mil LINOLEUM (WEI ID FIBRE . Rugs, CENTER. SOFA AND STAND Heavy Stock and Great Choice. lie to, tie. Of Best Yalne Ever Imported -oo- Ar E. I. JORDAN MO. lOsSgglr HAWAII'S Best Souvenir! I is Forty of the Most Popular Hawaiian Songs Bound in One Volume. Some thing Which no One Ought to Forget to Take When Going Away From Here. "Aloha Collection of Hawaiian Songs," Price ?3. For Sale by CHARLES A. K. HOPKINS, . Hawaiian Bazaar, Masonic Temple. J. LMMD OUTFITTER AND FURNISHER I. O. O. F. Building. -NEW LINE OF- TIES, In Imperial, Bandanas, Clubs and Bandbows. GAUNTLETS, In Buckskin, Saranae, Castor and Fireproof Gloves. OVERSHIRTS, In Black Sateen, Blue Flannel and Negligee. SOX, COLLARS, HATS, ETC. Boy's and Men's Clothing. Call and See Our Goods and Prices. FORT ST., NEAR KING. SUCCESSOR TO L. E. TRACY. I KEA VIEI'I HOTEL. IS NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Carriages and saddlehorses will meet the arrival and departure of every Ki- aau at Kawaihae; also for any other point " SHERIFF ANDREWS OF HAWAII aays: "The only way of reaching the present lava flow by wagon road Is ?la Walmea carriages; can go within two miles of the flow. For particulars apply to H. AKONA, Proprietor, Waimea, Hawaii. 5287 Line. HENRY BRYANT, Prop. The stage for Kaneohe, Heeia, Wai fc&ne, and Kucloa, will leaa Postofflce, Bethel street side at 9 a. m. on Mon day, Wednesday and Friday, calling for passengers and packages at Love Joy St Co8, No. 19, Nuuanu atreet. EX BARK ALBERT THE HONOLULU BICYCLE -COMPANY- Received the largest single shipment of Cleveland bicycles ever brought to Honolulu. This was necessary to sup ply the extraordinary demand for this superior wheel. WOMAN'S EXCHANGE. 215 Merchant St. NIIHAU MATS, CALABASHES, HA waiian Hats, Niihau Shells, Black eyed Susans, Fans and Curios of all Kinds. Li. KONG FJEE. MERCHANT . TAILOR 23 Fort St., Opp. Club Stables. TINE SUITS TO ORDER AT REA SONABLE RATES Suite cleaned and repaired. Satis faction guaranteed. M ills. Stage LIMITED Offer for Sale: REFINED SUGARS, Cube and Granulated. PARAPINE PAINT CO.'S Paints, Compounds and Bulldlmj Papers. PAINT OILS, Lucol Raw and Belled. Linseed Raw and Boiled. INDURINE, Water-proof cold-water Paint, ia side and outside; in white and colors. FERTILIZERS. Alex. Cross & Sons' hlgh-ffra Scotch fertilizers, adapted lor ea gar cane and coffee. N. Ohlandt & Co's chemical fertil izers and finely ground' Bomt Meal. STEAM PIPE COVERING, Reed's patent elastic sectiorjil pipe Covering. FILTER PRESS CLOTHS, Linen and Jute. CEMENT, LIME & BRICKS. AGENTS FOR WESTERN SUGAR REFINING CO., San Francisco, Cat BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORK8. Philadelphia, Penn., U. 0. A NEWELL, 'UNIVERSAL MILL CO., (Manf. "National Cane Shredder"). New York. U. 8. OHLANDT & CO., San Francisco, C&l. RISDON IRON AND LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, San Francisco, Cl A Model Plant is not complete with out Electric Power, thus dispensing with small engines. Why not generate your power from one CENTRAL station? One gener ator can furnish power to your Pump. Centrifugals, Elevators, Plows, Rail ways and Hoists; also, furnish, light and power for a radius of from 15 to 30 miles. Electric Power being used, saves the labor of hauling coal in your field, also water, and does away with, high-priced engineers, and only have one engine to look after in your mill. Where water power is available it costs nothing to generate Electric Power. THE HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COM PANY is now ready to furnish Electric Plants and Generators of all descrip tions at short notice, and also has on hand a large stock of Wire, Chande liers and Electrical Goods. All orders will be given prompt at tention, and estimates furnished for Lighting and Power Plants; also, at tention is given to House and Marine Wiring. THEO. HOFFMAN, Manager. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., LIMITED. Wm. G. Irwin.. President and Manager Cluas Spreckels vice President W. M. Giffard..Secretary and Treasurer H. M. Whitney, Jr Auditor SUGAR FACTORS AND COMniSSION AGENTS AGENTS FOR THE Oceanic Steamship Compan? Of Sn Francisco, Cal. 13