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7? THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, SEPTEMBER 30 1899. - - - . ... a. A 4 M RIP PftRTHflllfilfF m-m- 1ARM iER OUTFITS RAW ft I If. ill 1 If 4 Y'-V. V f 1 A y, J LIGHT UN LI NED COATS. LINEN or DUCK TROUSERS, WORSTED SUJTS OR WASH SUITS, FANCY .WAISTCOATS, SUMMER SHIRTS and FURNISHINGS, MEN'5 WEAR FROM THE BEST MAuERS. SUMMER SUITS FROM HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX i HART, SCHAFFNER St MARX. 4 t grreiKAttSMKivattgti23 GUARANTEED CLOTHING. TJE can't think of anything more liAiSj attractive, unless it's our way of selling these fine goods for little money. t fit i U II I i Overturn Mountains in H Alaska. New Islands and Peninsulas Form ed and Old Ones Submerged Phenomenon of Recent Days- At At V COPyBI&MTEO l9fl 6 HAST SCMAFFNCB S. MARX M. McHNERNY, Merchant and Fort Streets, The United States of America. - By act of their Congress have authorized the World's Columbian Com mission at the International Exhibition held in the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, in the year 1893, to decree a medal for specific merit, which is set forth below over the name of an individual judge acting as an examiner upon the finding of a board of international judges, to Kihei Hesegawa, Ja pan, Hyoga; Exhibit, Mineral Water; Award for alkaline water, well carbo nated and well bottled. Permanent in quality, clear and sparkling, a good table water. . (Signed) A. H. BRENEMAN, Individual J udge. JOHN BOYD THATCHER, Chairman Executive Committee on Awards. THE ABOVE AWARD TO ''Hirano Water" was the only prize-secured by any Eastern Mineral AVsiter at the World's Columbian Exposition. oo FOR SALE BY W. C. Peacock &Co., Ltd. SOLE AGENTS. 48 Bottles. Price, $3.50 per case. WE HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO SELL fflERBR At $5.00 per case of 50 bottles. Owing to Spurious I irritations hiving been brought to this market, the public is hereby notified that the only 66 GENUINE SAUERBRUNNEN" IS BOTTLED BY THEXZ IHlarzer Bioenigsbrunnen -Quelle, and every bottle bears their trademark and stamp. -O.-fO Ho Hackffeld & Ltd. SOLE AGENTS, HAWAIIAN ISLAXPS. Hair and loithes BRUSHES! BRUSHES! aSIcT above Tcost. See Them in Our Window; also a Few Dozen TOLU TOILET loAP lX?t From Our Last Week's Soap Sale, Only 15c Box; two Boxes, 25c. . Honolulu Drug Co. JUNEAU, Alaska, Sept. 14, via Se attle. Wash., Sept. 20. The Alaska Commercial Company's steamer Dora, Captain Johansen, arrived from the westward last night with news of an extensive and terrible earthquake ex tending from Bituya Bay, 150 miles be low Yakutat, 500 miles northwest into the Cook Inlet country. It was the greatest phenomenon witnessed in Alaska since a similar occurrence in the earlv days of the Russian traders. After a short period of darkness the earth literally sank down into the sea and new islands and peninsulas rose up like huge leviathans showing their backs above the surface. Mountains were shaken down and their tops slid into the ocean. The whole was ac companied by several tidal waves, one of them fifteen feet high. The shocks occurred every day for a week, from Sunday, the 3d inst.. to Sunday, the loth inst., and were felt last Sunday at Juneau. Three very hard shocks were felt here. One early in the morning and another about 2 o clock in the after noon and the third about 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Buildings were badly shaken and neonle ran out into the streets in their fright. There were minor tremblings all day long. The laree buildings, such as the Occidental Hotel. Stannis Hospital and the church, shook and rattled like a crazy ship in a gale. No damage to property was done here or elsewhere.The moun tains are all in Dlace around Juneau. The shocks here continued steadily from thirty seconds to two minutes. A gale Was blowing at the time. The earthquake seemed to be traveling south and taking plenty of time to shake un the country as it passed alone. The most severe shocks -were felt at Yakutat and Kayak. At Yakutat there is a large Indian village and several traders stores. It is headquarters for miners prospecting in that section of Alaska and up the Alsek river. Around the noint of Ocean Cape, at the en trance to Yakutat Bay, is an island named Kanak. This island sank twen ty feet into the sea. At high tide only the tons of the trees are visible. Huge fissures opened in the earth of the mainland and steam is said to have noured forth. Some of these fissures were three feet across. Captain Johan sen says that in tw-o minutes the ocean rose twenty feet above high tide mark and almost as quickly subsided. The natives the high ground in terror. -and fell on their knees be seeching the great Father to save them and their village. This high water caught up all manner of drift wood, loirs, canoes, etc., and these raced back and forth and across the bay carried bv stronc currents which swept in ev ery direction. When the Dora arrived at Yakutat a few days ago on the re turn triD the Indians had deserted their houses near the beach, and were living in tents on the high ground. Thpv were still in great alarm. At least thirty Yakutat Indians are now in Juneau, having deserted their homes and all their property in seek- ine safety in flight. A cood story is told on the two Swe dish missionaries at Yakutat. Rev. Mr. Johnson and Rev. Mr. Hendrickson. They wanted to leave, but the Indians would not let them go. The natives told them that the Maker of heaven and earth had his back up and was angry, and they wanted them to stay and "Skookum Wah Wah" whicn mpatis bisr nrav. to Dacify the Al miehtv. And they had to stay. Dr. C. W. Chamberlain of Tacoma, a dentist, who has been copper mining in the Prince William Sound country, was a Dassenger on the Dora. He says that at Kayak, about 175 miles west of Yakutat, the shocks were so severe that the tops of several mountains rolled and tumbled into the ocean at their .base. This is a sandstone range and erreat clouds of dust were raised by the detachment and the slide. The Dora in runnine along her usual course be tween Yakutat and Bituya, where there has been heretofore fifty fathoms of water, stirred up the mud with her wheel. It was reported that her keel had found the bottom, but Captain Jo hansen denies this. He says that the stuff the Dora stirred up was as thick as cream gravy, while the water oh the surface had the usual clear appearance. Captain Johansen says he feels certain there had been a violent disturbance of some kind beneath the ocean there. COMPANY, LIMITED. Hinmpoirteirs Commmnidssiioini Merchamilts QUEEN STREET. O.O-: Full Line off Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Notions As well as all kinds of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Agents For The Lancashire Insurance Co. of Manchester, England. Fire and Life. The Baloise Insurance Co. of Basle, Switzerland. The Union Gas Engine Co. The Domestic Sewing Machines. The New Pacific Hand Sewing Machines, and other agencies. f T r VON HOLT BLOCK. p. O. BOX NO. 679 .v AdwdHT.TBcntsaQonti) Will our flag come down in Cuba? Certainly it will if we are true to our promises. And the day that it comes down will be the brightest day in our history, because it will show that we are a "great, unselfish nation devoted to the eternal principles of right ana honesty. If the Cubans want to be an nexed later, that is another question. Why cannot we deal with the b Hipinos in the same way? FIESTA AT NOG ALES. NOG ALES, Ariz., Sept. 20. 'ahe fies ta is now in full blast, 'i he main game it is said lost $5500 in the last two nights play. Other games admit losses. Monte and roulette are attrac ting the heaviest play. CHE HOME BAKERY CAFE SATURDAY, SEPT. 30, 1S9D. DINNER. SOUP. Mulligatawney. FISH. Baked Lobster. ENTREES. Kidney Saute. Egg Currie and Rice. Ox Tongue with Mushrooms. Apple Fritters. VEGETABLES. Boiled Potatoes. Boiled Rice. Mashed Potatoes. String Beans. Stewed Carrots. ROAST. Chicken Stuffed. Leg of Mutton. PASTRY. Green Apple . Pie. Assorted Cakes. DESSERT. Nuts. Raisins. Bananas. Oranges. Citron Pudding. Tea. Coffee. Ice Tea. Lemonade. RRRW Business Lunch from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. Dinner from 5 to 7 p. m. Cafe open at all hours. FAIR AND LUAO In Connection With the Sewing So ciety of St. Andrew's Cathedral. SATURDAY, SEPT. 30, In the Cathedral Grounds. Flower, Fancy, Hawaiian, Fijian, Sewing, Candy, Lemonade, Ice Cream, Coffee Tables, and Grab Box. HAWAIIAN LUAU. Emerald Quinette Club in Attendance. Doors open 11 a. m. to 5 p. m. and 7 to 9:30 p. m. 5341 Hair Dressiimgi -AND OPPOSES THE WAR. Senator Mason of Illinois Attacks the Administration. WASHINGTON, Sept. 20. In an in terview today Senator Mason of Illi nois said: "On the floor of the Senate I shall continue my opposition to the war up on the Filipinos. I would sooner re sign my seat that treat a dog the way we are treating those people. I am ashamed of my country. People make a great mistake when they say that I am against expansion. I am not. But expansion by purchase or other honor able means is one thing; expansion by force is another. I do not believe that there was any necessity for this war upon the Filipinos. I believe that if we had adopted a resolution in Con gress assuring those people as we as sured the Cubans, that we had no sel fish ripsiens imon them, we never would have met with any opposition in the Philippines. The fact is that we ! have given ine rmpiuus ecrj icasuu to distrust us and they are fighting for their own liberty. "Talk about hauling down our flag. Manicuring Next to Y. M. C. A., Hotel St. Orders taken for Em broidery and Point Lace, and Lessons given at regular terms. oo MISS A. De LARTIGUE. The Silent Barber Shop Ladles' Boot-Black Stand In rear of shop. JOSEPH FERNANDEZ, Propr Arlington Hotel, Hotel Street. s of all descriptions in stock and made to order from the cheapest to the finest finished product. LARGEST VARIETY OF .... . Horse, Stable and Carriage Goods ..... IN THE ISLATCS Riding; Saddles and Bridles, PLANTATION WORK HARNESS, VETERINAY REMEDIES Finest line of WHIPS ever, shown. Island orders Satisfactorily Filled. C. R. COLLINS V TELEPHONE 662- P. O. BOX 507. ESTABLISHED 1891. KING ST. near NUUANU ST UPHOLSTERING, REPAIRING and CABINET MAKING. - Owing to the immense Increase of work in these lines, we have been compelled to augment our force of first class workmen, thus enabling us to execute our work in less time and considerably cheaper than ever before. ....... FDR ORE COMY. Progress Block. FORT AND BERETANIA STREETS. op d H. Hackfeld .& Co Beg to announce the arrival of - Iron Ship "KMORY" From London Iron Ship "WEGA" ...... From London Iron Bark "H. HACKFELD" From Liverpoo 'Vith a large assortment of EUROPEAN GROCERIES, OILS AND PAINTS, CEMENT, FIREBRICKS, CORR. and PLAIN IB'' FENCE-WIRE, BUCKETS and TUBS, SAUCEPANS, TEAKETTLES, FILTERS, CROCKREY,r wTr DEMIJOHNS,- For Sale at Lowest r1088' , H. Hackfeld & C 0 . f i) if. V t G: j