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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, OCTOBER 2, 183. HENRY R WQRTHINGTON, -(.12fO.)- COLUSA ALL RIGHT BY AUTHORITY. 1 1 1 m 7 r IS -ngineers and Builders lisiBi Pift Enoines lor water woiKs ontl irrioation o Arri? ?PECAL ATTENTION OF PLANTATION MANAGERS AND Aijtu lb is called to the fact that we carry in stock at our Queen Street warehouse a large assortment of pump for all kinds of sugar house service, including VaCXJni DUmDS. air Tllimns rnndpnra fonrl nnmna nnmna molasses pumps, etc., together with a complete stock of spare parts and valves for all sizes. Careful attentio given all orders and prompt shipment guaranteed. xt ?MATES FURNISHED FOR COMPLETE IRRIGATION PUMPING PLANTS OF AN 7 CAPACITY OR POWER. Diving for Lost Water Pipe a Failure. The Visit of Prominent Stock Bro! ers to Maul Plantations-! hs New Sprecke sville Dltcb. Office: Corner Fort and Queen Sts. Honolulu. H. 1. Warehouse: Corner Queen and Cook Sts. Telephone 590. msBm mm wows San Francisco, California. I ENGINEERS AND BUILDERS Pumping Machinery, Heine Boilers, Plain Tubular Boilers, Corliss Engines, Cane Gars, Vacuum Pans And all Machinery for the complete equipment of augar imns. OFFICE: Room 9, Spreckels Block, - HONOLULU, H. I. Special Machinery v J. J. IvlcCafie Double Spindle Lathe Heaviest Lathe Work. Two Lathes in One. Dnect Acting Electric Motor When Desired. ' rL i ii i.i i .;. XN" USE BY O. R. & L. CO. ORDERED BY-UAHU SUGAR CO., WAIALUA AGRICUL- mainder for Kihei TURL SUGAR CO., HONOLULU SUGAR CO. KIUEI SUGAR CO. OTHER SPECIALTIES: Gray Planers, Barnes & McCabe Drill Presses, Combined Upright and Radial Drills, Snapers, universal mining macnines, com Din ea boh ana ripe muers. MAUI, Sept. 30, 1899. The bark Co lusa seems none the worse for her 17 or 18 hours on the reef. She is not leaking except for the less of a part of her s:.oe is as good as ever. She was entered at the, Kahului Custom House Monday niorning last and has been busy discharging her cargo since then. She will finish unloading in sev eral days. During Monday, the 25th, some Ha waiians dived from a lighter at anchor near the reef in search of the two joints of water-pipe valued at $150 which were lost overboard from the Colusa last Saturday, but the water was so rough and dirty that they were unsuccessful. Since then there has been no good opportunity to dive owing to unpropitious, weather. A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. H. St. Goar, Miss Blum, Messrs. J. W. Raas and B. F. Dillingham have been sight-seeing on Maui recently. Last week they inspected Hawaiian Com mercial Company's plantation and en joyed a picnic to beautiful Halehaku gulch by invitation of It. R. Berg of Kahului whose guests they were for several days. With the exception of Mr. Dillingham the party on Monday, the 25th, visited Paia, Hamakuapoko and Haiku by the courtesy of H. P. Baldwin. The new Spreckelsville ditch is be ing pushed along rapidly. Three hun dred and fifty menare blasting and digging it. out in sections, one of which reaches as far as Haiku. Paia plantation following out the popular fad of "expansion" has steam plows at work on land just below Pu kalani dairy, Makawao. They have erected stables, plantation houses in fact established a. new camp. They have run a new waterway to the land, a branch from the old Haiku ditch, and at present "will plow 250 acres.' The Paia Plantation ' Co. when they con solidated .with Grove Ranch Co. ac-. quired about 4000 acres on the com mons reaching to the Kihei lands. There is no reason why the Paia sugar estate should no nearly double its present yield. Dr. Moore, the Honolulu dentist, left Paia today for a short visit in Wai-luku. Sheriff Baldwin has been in Ihna during the week. - The foundation for the new Mauua- olu Seminary at Paia has been begun. Plowing to the depth of G feet has been done for the stone-work of the basement. Kahului Arrived, Sept. 25, the schr. Mary Dodge, Olesen master, IS days from Eureka with a cargo of lumber. a- portion tor Kahului and the re- The schooner hav ing finished discharging her lumber for Kahului departed today for Kihei. Weather: Very dry. Roads dusty. FOREIGN OFFICE NOTICE. Under instructions of the Depart mtnt of State, Washington, D. C, da- ted September 13, 1S99, the following Executive Order is published for the information of whom it may.concern. E. A. MOTT-SMITH, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Department of Foreign Affairs, September 28. 1S99. By the President of the United States of America. " EXECUTIVE ORDER. The President of the United States hereby directs that all proceedings ta ken or pending for the sale or disposi tion of the pubjic lands in the Hawaii an Islands shall be discontinued; and that if any sales or agreements for sale of said public lands have been made since the adoption of the Resolution of Annexation, the purchasers shall be notified that the same are null and void and any consideration paid to the local authorities on account thereof shall be refunded. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I I have caused the seal of the SEAL United States to be hereunto affixed. Washington, Sept. 11, 1899. - - WILLIAM M'KINLEV, By the President: AVLEY A. A DEE, Acting Secretary of State. 3350 TENDERS FOR BEEF CATTLE. Tenders will be received at the Office of the Board of Health up to 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday, October 4, 1899, for supplying the Leper Settlement, Molo- kat, with Beef Cattle, for the period of six months ending March 31, 1900, under following conditions, namely: 1. The contractor to suddIi Fat Beef Cattle to weigh not less than 330 lbs. when dressed. 2. Cattle to be delivered in lots spe cified by the Superintendent of the Lepeiv Settlement, averaging from 70 to 90 heads per month, more or less. 3. Cattle dying within twenty-four hours after delivery from injury or other causes sustained previous to de livery to be the contractor's loss. 4. Cattle injured when delivered and killed for that reason to be paid for at twenty-fivb per cent, less than the contract price. The tender must be for the price per pound dressed. Hides, tallow and offal to be the property of the Board. The Board does not bind itself to ac cept the lowest or any bid. By order of the Board of Health. j CHAS. WILCOX. Secretary. Honolulu, Sept. 2S, 1S99. 5250 2111-3t LiNULLumoym.u.inwiN6iuu AND OILCLOTH. 11 11(111 f CHI ID FIBRE MlfTHIG. 0fO r- Rugs, -4-IMITED Gfr' for Sale: REFINED SUGARS. Cube and Granulated. PARAFINE PAINT CO.'S Paints. ".Compounds and DuIl(?Ing Papers. CENTER, SOFA AND STAIO PAT 0115, Heavy Stock and Great Choice, FOB loin 5. lie Ism, j Of Best Valne Ever Imported 4 1 Water-prtot cold-water Pint r vuiui a. - Mil AT V E. f . JO OUTFITTER AND FORiilSOER I. O. O. P. Building. Headquarters for Boss of the Road uverhaiis, Jumpers. Carpenters FERTILIZERS. Alex. Cross & Sons' hlgh-m Scotch fertilizers, adapted for su gar cane and coffee. - N. Ohlandt & Co's chemical Fertil izers and finely ground Bone Meal. STEA1I FIPE COVERING, Reed's patent elastic sectional pipe Covering. FILTER iPfiESS CLOTHS, Linen and Jute. LIME Aprons, Aprons. Cooks' and Waiters' AGENTS FQR WESTERN SUGAR REFINING CO., Saa Francisco. CaL Hats and Caps, Fine lines of Ties in Great Varie ties; Golf, Stanly and White! Shirts. Mens and Boy's Clothing, Nice Assortment of Wool and Cot ton Underwear: Pajamas, Sox, Handkerchiefs, Etc. Call and get prlcei at the store Sucessors to L. E. Tracy, Fort Street. BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. . Philadelphia, Penn., U. S. A. I NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO., (Manf. " Cane Shredder"), New York. U. S. A. OHLANDT & CO HAWAII'S Best Souvenir! ! l San Francisco, Cal. UISDOX IRON AND LOCOMOTIVE WORKS.' . San Francisco, Cal. IS SEALED TENDERS Henry D. Roberts, Agent, Pacific Hardware Co. Ttd. Machinery Department. is on " FIRST-CLASS SaRRIAGES A LTY HACKS AT ALL HOURS. " , . V.1 A i ? vxuers iur ourreys, wagonettes, notice. .' HACKS Nos. 45, 65, 70, 77, 97, 125 and 180. C. BELJLINA, Mgr. Stables Tel. 477. IS iiimfoinfi Tel. CONEY : ESTATE LANDS. A FEW VERY DESIRABLE BUILD ING LOTS on Nuuanu avenue, at Nlo lopa, Nuuanu valley for sale. Apply to j: m. monsarrat, Cartwright Block, Merchant St-.5267 buf to-dau f jrd to excel he. SANI householdHkness Purchasenaff are all goneXtial 1 At Km ill a Square, The Government band will give its first concert after vacation this even ing at Emma Square, commencing at 7:30 o'clock, with the following program: PART I. Overture"The Road to Glory" Kling Chorus "Tannhauser" Wagner Selection "Bohemian Girl" Balfe Songs (a) "Kapilina" "Waianuenue" ... Miss J. Keliiaa. (b) "Aloha no Wau" "Moani ke Ala" Mrs. N. Ala pa i. - PART II. Cornet Solo "Columbia." .. Roliinson Mr. Charles Kreuter. Selection "A Runaway Girl" Monckton Waltz "Artist's Life" . . . . Strauss March "Hands Across the Sea" ... - Sousa "The Star-Spangled Banner." Will be received at the Office of the Minister of the Interior till 12. o'clock noon of Mondny, October 9th, for the construction of a road from Hanawai to Keanae, Maui. Specifications and profile at office oi Supt. Public Works, also at office of H. Howell, liana. The Minister does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any bid. Sept. 29th. IS99. JAS. A. KING. Minister of the Interior. 5350 IRRIGATION NOTICE. Holders of water privileges, or those paying water rates, are hereby notified that the hours for irrigation purposes are from 6 to 8 o'clock a. m. and from 4 to 6 o'clock p. m. ANDREW BROWN, Supt Honolulu Water Works. Appropev by: J. A. KING. Minister of Interior. Honolulu. June 14, 1S99. 5255 Honolulu iron works co. Steam Engines. BOILERS, SUGAR MILLS, COOLERS BRASS AND LEAD CASTINGS, And machinery of every diacriptlon made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's blacksmithing. Job -work executed on the shortest notice Our Repair D is doing wondi old furniture new5. J.Hoppfi LEADING FURMTURl DEALERS. ... The Cohen Smuggling Case. The case of J. CY Cohen, charged with smuggling, came up for trial at the police court on Saturday, and was put over until the arrival of F. B. Mc Stocker and J. F. Clay, who are wit- nesses needed on tne trial. Ne?r Bill at the Orjiheum Tonight. L During the winter of 1S97 Mr. James Reel!, one of the leading citizens and merchants of Clay. Clay Co., W. Va. struck his leg against a cake of ice in suchja manner as to bruise it severe ly, ft became very much swollen and pained him so badly that he could not walk, without the aid of crutches. He was treated by physicians, also used lseveTal kinds of liniments and two an'a half gallons of whisky in bath- KING and BETHEL STREfi u but notninS gave any relief until he began using Chamberlain s SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Balm. This brought almost a Lomplete cure in a week's time and . believes that had he not used this i' v.nrlTr' K?c. Tact T-riiTil liovo fnfl to VP x tlputated. Pain Balm is unequaled sprains, bruises and rheumatism. ' I lii5Ale by a11 dealer Benson, Smith TEP Ltd agents for H. I. SOLE AGENTS. GITY MILL CO., LTD. in mil IK QUEEN & KEKAULIKE STREETS (Ewa Side of Old Fish Market.) P. 0. Box 951. Tel. 101. Beg to announce, that they are now prepared to undertake all branches of the above business. Work undertaken by the day or bj contract; estimates furnished. The Silent Barber Shop Ladies' Boot-Black Stan In rear of shop. JOSEPH FERNAN RZ. Propr Arlington Hotel, Hotel Street. Forty of the Most Populr.r Hawaiian Songs Bound In One V :iie. Some thing Which no .One Ouc to Forget to Take When Going Away From Here. "Aloha Collection of Hawaiian Songs," Price ?3. For Sale by CHARLES A. K. HOPKINS, Hawaiian Bazaar, Masonic Temple. v IS NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Carriages and saddlehorses will meet the arrival and departure of every Ki- nau at Kawaihae; also for any other point. SHERIFF ANDREWS OF HAWAII says: "The only way of reaching tne present lava flow by wagon road is ria Walmea carriages; can go with'n two. miles of the flow. For particulars apply to H. AKONA. Proprietor, Walmea, Hawaii. 5287 Stage Line. HENRY BRYANT, Prop. The stage for Kaneohe, Hecia, Wai kane, and Kuoloa. will leave Postofflce. Bethel street side at ? a. m. on Mon day, Wednesday and Friday, calling for passengers and packages at Love- joy Ac lo3, No. io Nuuanu street. EX BARK ALBERT THE HONOLULU BICYCLE -company r Received the largest a'Jigle shipment of Cleveland bicycles ever brought to Honolulu. This was necessary to sup ply the extraordinary demand for this superior wheel. I it n A 3Ioda int is not complete with out Elecf U Power, thus dispensing with smai oi&es. Why nd generate your power from ona CENTRAL Rfntf rn y rknA 9AnA ator can imfeh power to your Pump, CentrifiTgjl Elevators, Plows, Rail ways ana Kaists; also, furnish light and power lot a radios of from IS to miles. f : ElectrlJ Biwer beirur para h labor of iaulii'g coal la your field, also water, art tes away with high-priced engineer! aid cnlr have one n?tnA tn look aftcf lalyour mill. Where waier power Is available it costs ahld to generate Electric Power. ! j - j j THE IAW1IIAN ELECTRIC COM- PANY Isnbw ready to furnish Electric Plants to j Generators of all descrlp Uon5 ttBlort lotice. and also has on hand klafge;stock of Wire. Chande liers ant tledrical Goods. All n4et vfii Ka tIt-a . tcntbn. aad eRtfmatAo tn i.v a Llghilnf snd! Power Plants; afso. at tentbnLs eivti tr" TTrmco na rn. flZO.1 HOFFMAN. Manager. I Li. KOX FJIE. MERCHANT i TAILOR 23i Fort St., (Opp. Club Stables. INE SUITS TO. ORDER AT REA SONABLE RATES Suits cleaned and repaired. Satl etion guaranteed.; - EAT I nnffiinhfi'fl nrnnlfflnt Hnm I lHIIIIIIIII V if I UIIB IIIX I I r minimi i j in iii niiiiii nil I. Villi VII - W IJIIIUIII'W VI VIII I Yf.T. CjlRWIM it C0 LIMITED. plrwlnl .President and Manager j5 o Vlce President ffarcLSecretary and Treasura yiitney, Jr. Auditor 1 SUGAR FACTORS 1 - AND COIISSION AGENTS Wm. Clua W. JJ H. M UGENTS FOR THE 0c6 Steainsblp Comcnn l Saa Francisco. Cal i s J 3 jsiirouR ckocekfor it! J i t