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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Newspaper Page Text
TUE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: IIOKOI.ULU. OCTOHEK 1S00. 11 LOCAL BREVITIES. LOCAL BREVITIES. Mrs. Sam. Johnson died last night. Harry Murray Is expected home by the Coptic this afternoon. The usual game of cricket is an nounced for Saturday afternoon. The Commissioners of Agriculture, have a meeting tomorrow morning. Rawei's farewell entertainment at Y. M. C. A. hall comes off tomorrow evening. The regular monthly jollce inspec tion will be held this morning at the station house. The Oahu Lodge. K. of P.. will hold a meeting this evening at T:CO for work in the-third rank. The Beretania Street Commission to award damages for street widening purposes meets again this afternoon. Mrs. Rice, wife of Colonel Edmund Rice of the Twenty-sixth Infantry, who is accompanying her husband to Manila, is a sister of General Miles. She was with her husband in the Cu ban campaign, and, like Miss Annie Wheeler, was qualified by the War Department to be an. army nurse. Orphcum Theater. , Tonight the change in program will take place at this popular theater. All the artists will introduce new acts. Ml Hamilton Hill will sins some new songs in his usual grand style. Tra velle will appear in some new and startling tricks in magic and nystery. Armstrong and O'Neil have a clever act to present. Hives are a terrible torment to the little folks, and to some older ones. Doane's Ointment nerer fails. Instant . . reuei auu permanent Cure. At any cnemist s. su cents. CAPTAIN OF THE MEjTEOIt. SOUTHAMPTON, Sept. 23. Captain lien Farker, skipper of Emperor Wil liam 6 yacht Meteor, is a passenger on the steamer New York. DRY QGODO e IJ. THE GREAT OPERA SEASON WILL SOON COMMENCE. YOU WILL WANT ONE OR I MORE SWELL COSTUMES. Orpheum toaig&t. Rep-Rep at the Elite. Fall novelties. Mrs. Hannfus. The Kohala term of court opens to day. Only one way to beat the repair shop Ride a Cleveland, Regular drill of Company -A, N. G. H., tonight at the usual time. The new timetable for the steamer Upolu is advertised in this issue. For quick riddance to ants. Black Maria Ant Poison. Hobron Drug Co. , A furnished double cottage is for lease. See advertisement on other vertise for a good, bright office boy at once. There was a tig crowd at the Ha waiian Hotel grounds last night to lis ten to the band concert. The charge of forgery against F. Iau kea will be heard before Judge Wil cox on Wednesday next.. The United States tugboat Iroquois is again in Naval Row after a cruise around Maui and Hawaii. A mail is due by the Coptic on Fri day, but will probably come to hand this afternoon or evening. The regular monthly meeting of Nuuanu Chapter, Rose Croix, will be held tonight at 7:30 o'clock. A wise man will make more oppor tunities than he finds. Be wise and board at The Home Bakery Cafe. The Hawaiian band plays at the hotel this evening, commencing at 7:30. Program in another column. All members of the Amateur Orches tra should be present at rehearsal this evening at 8 o'clock in-the Y. M. C. A. hall. Admiral Dewey's fleet was lubricated with vacuum oils. Pacific Hardware Company, agents for the Hawaiian Isl ands. . .. ... . , The charge of selling iiquor without a license against Lily Spencer was nolle prossd. in the Police Court yes terday. . ; i : : ' The Research Club of Honolulu -will meet a week from today, 7:30 p. m.t at the residence of Rev. William Kincald. : . The battalion from the Tacoma re turned from Waialae yesterday morn ing, after having camped there since Tuesday. An elegant line of side combs now in stock at Miss De Lartigue's hair dressing parlors, Hotel street, next to Y. M. C. A. Frank Curtis, manager for Clay Clement, expresses himself as very much pleased with the opening sale of reserved seats. , Lots, for sale in the Kaiulani Tract at lowest prices ln the market. W. C. Achi & Co., real estate brokers, No. 10 West King street. A meeting of the Pacific Tennis Club will be held at the club-house at 5 p. m. today for the transaction of important business.' The regular quarterly. meeting of C. Brewer & Co., Ltd., will be held at the office of the companion Queen street, Friday, October 13, at 10 o'clock a. m. The fact that good milk is appreci ated here is demonstrated by the few goats left out of the large shipment re ceived by the Honolulu Stock-Yards Co., Ltd. All orders for the "Aloha Collection of Hawaiian Songs" for the other Isl ands should be addressed to the pub lisher, at the Hawaiian Bazaar, Mason ic Temple. Our black silk sale crowded us. with customers yesterday, but there are still some very choice bargains awaiting your; inspection. B. F. Ehlers & Co., Fort street. The annual meeting of 'the share holders of the Honomu Sugar Company will be held at the offices of C. Brew er & Co.,. on Wednesday, October 25, at 10 o'clock a. m. The annual meeting of the share holders of the Wailuku Sugar Com pany will be held at the offices of C. Brewer & Co. on Monday, October 23, at 10 o'clock a. m. During the absence of Y. Ahin from the Islands, Messrs. Shea Dick, Yong Chu Quon and Yong Chock Quon will transact all business for him under full power of attorney. f Miss Cecelia K. Poepoe gave a Ha waiian luau on Tuesday night at her home on Kuakini road to Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Mills, who are soon to leave for their home in California. There will be a special meeting of An AtfrHPtiVP TAHITI 1 eh Pfl 0 the shareholders of the Ewa Planta- A" iillldCUVC riUUlMlLUIX . ' ' i it. a V I m. m I tion tompany at me - rooms ot ine Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, October 12, at 10 o clock a. m. The annual meeting of the share holders of the Onomea Sugar Company will be hejd at the offices of C. Brew er & Co., Queen street, on Wednesday, October 18, at 10 o clock a. m. The annual meeting, oX the share holders of the Hamoa Plantation Com- oany will be held at the offices of C. Brewer & Co., Queen street, on Tues day, October 24, at 11 o'clock a, m. A dividend is due and will be pay able to the shareholders of the Koloa Sugar Company on Wednesday, ucto ber 11. The stock books of the com pany will be closed to transfers on Oc tober 10 and 11. A dividend is due and will be pay able to the shareholders of the Kipa- hulu Sugar Company on Wednesday, rtrt nher 11. The stock' books of the ti 1 Tie Bunion Shoe MADE BY HEYW00B. union SI mm i tin 4 1 1 1 v rliH in Uu lit tin fimi with a Imuioii or an world (lint will onlartl joint. I'lfiity of room for iiilaril joint tin; lsvlnr. This 1srilNs. In a liiHf mailt on tli r.tinion Iist. , r!Mlv fit ffV wnnls. Manufacturers' Shoe Store. Sign of the Big Shoe. Fort Street. Have YoulAnts in Your House? IF SO Black Maria Ant Poison Will rid them for you. : : K ills I a nt ly, : : Ants, Bedbugs AND Vermin of All Kinds. WffllMY & MA ESI Mi Competition t ratio. I thf life of oo- WHAT ABOUT GIVING ORDERS NOW? YOUR ooo- -ooo WE WERE NEVER IN POSITION TO SATISFY YOUR ...WANTS... COO SILK ORGANDIES IN ALL, COLORS. PURE SILK GRENADINES THE . . .UNCRUSHABLE KIND. . . LACE OVERSKIRTS IN BLACK AND : WHITE AND LOTS OP OTHER SWELL MATERIALS SUITABLE FOR ....THE OCCASION. Why he bothered with these I i. 1. 1 y a betteri uouoiesome pesis wnen a lew ccilts purchases a bottle of BLACK MARIA i MM. Foison which insures ;i rlean homo free from these small insect s? '111. I tt Dl) GOOdS LIMITED. THE PEOPLE'S PROVIDERS. il 1 i) I Cor. King and Fort Sts. Every dry kooiU store In Ho nolulu announce a ftpecial alo. Theo.H.Davies&Co LIMITED Merchants and Commission Agents, tit to call the attention of the tiac to their complete line of Il : n PAINTS AND OILS. GENERAL PLANTATION SUPPIK A fine assortment of Kitchen Furnishings. CRAY AGATE WARE a Sjccialty RIELTIiIBS M. lTnininMedl H&ti Black Silks. SjHvinl mnuiH iu Wi-1ih-jm1;iv. iVi. lilt, tine uivk. Hrornill S.nin. Tannn. Fitiul Cn-jKixiis Salin StriHtl '.rvii.iilini- ami Fmirv ;n-uailitiYf nil mnrLrtl away ilowii, any nf iIh-jm. will maUo an !.uit llie.ifrv lrj. Xiiiif-i i In window. CAPES.. WHY? Closlnj; SAI.K of KG AN stock continue. Samples of Ni:V COOPS rx hlbltctl arc PKIIFECT In STYM: ami QUALITY. I'HICIIS arc almost as low as Ni:V YORK and SAN KUAN-CISCO. t Iiih arrm-il an ilfpiiii ai-Mir iiii.-in nf lin,- u ra van in; Mack Wiiiir ami I'olnrK. Tln-y an Hm IaU-t New York iat li nis :uiil :m rxmilinsly noMiy mul 9f Iih. C!all early n' lin n? U nly urn nf .ac-!i iIr. ami ilir hnt.i hmmui i "jul -niiiiunt-iii. i VESTS. Our n-nlar Zt mils Tliivail v-ji u Mlo now at fr $JHi; Hwv Until veM ami lr.n rv rvubr qual. ity. at 1.(ki parttu-nl; Iht limM union miJi. J.O0 quality, at l..Vl Miit. i 5 - I M POUT DIUKCT from MANfFAC-...TURIIRS... Children's Hose. : One- l.t nf in ami 'Si n-nin P.I.m k Slm-LSn rlmM t.i 10 j o " I 0 TT m r v ' itsoys vvaists. i ( Om lot of Shirt W aUt nt viifi arli. iWuur line- of MUCH l . UNTLKKO V ULOUKS. 1 . JFoir Sale: H Piece ol Pftpcii) near the business center of Honolulu. For Remiit: Residence. Vi- an? miK? aciilH fur tin fanuun ii Royal Worcester Corset 9.9 HQWG For particulars apply to il Tmsl S Hint Co.; LIMITED. 409 FORT ST. HONOLULU. H. I. WANTED. 0 0 0 t 0 w. Vs.--: t' V J A LARGE ROOM OR LOFT OF from 1,500 to 2,000 square feet floor space suitable for a night industrial school for boys. It should be easily accessible, dry, and at reasonable rent. Second or third floor satisfactory. i . ... . - . ocnooi win De unaer airection of re sponsible man and no rowdyism will be allowed. Any one having Informa tion on this subject will do a favor to company will be closed to transfers onl the Industrial Committee of the Boys' October 10 and 11. I "y uuuressmg t ai. rona, cnair- lAV.m. of th nrpmlsM. x- 5351 corner or r on ana ereiania streets, Jas. F.- Morgan . .. will sen tne enure household furniture. At the same olace at noon the wooden buildings will be disposed of. w Onl. W. J. Withers. Coast agent of the Honolulu Stock-lards Company, today purchased five mules, two from! Frank Chiles and three from u. f. Diggs. The aggregate weight of the animals is 7,310 pounds. It is conced-J ed that these mules are the finest ever nurchased in this city, Mr. Withers I shiDned them, together with others he had previously purchased, to tan Francisco today for consignment to Honolulu. Yolo Mail. IT TELLS YOU - T- M f - ir- x X. ocoo h 01 Who ?oIJ Ktxxl.s nnJ nmon;t. Who paij cnh, to whom. ruJ amonnt. Who rnl c.ut money, vfut for, nnJ amount, WATCI MS SPACE! . Pearson & Potter Co. Ltd. Br:U2 FOKT ST. tfO-TJSL. 55. JERSEY BULLS. MPVW V m . nifi LLAHl DAIRY HAS FOR sale a few thoroughbred Jersey bulls, yearlings; pedigree guaranteed. Apply to WALTER BLACKER, 6347 Mgr.; Tel. 211 Red. c '-- - MRS. L. F. MYERS, DRESS MAKER LATE FROM CALIFORNIA, WILL, cut, fit and make all kinds of ladies' costumes; will go out by the day. Ho nolulu Hotel, opposite the Queen. 5353 JUST RECEIVED: A LAltGJS INVOICE OF . Yamiaitoya Slhnrits, PAJAMAS (in Silk, Wool and Cotton.) GRASS CLOTH tLRTnri WKl'fcS, DUlLIbb, SILK GCUDS, ElC, STILISH GOLP SHIRTS. Mess M. E. KilDeaEn ARLINGTON BLOCK. HOTEL STREET. Hotol Stroot nd Dorlo Robinson Block. II X