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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: Unveil n r O 'TOER 10. fr BESKS. DESKS.' BESKS. S eHRDRS. Office Furniture OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Best Goods. Lowest Prices. Warehouse. Merchant Street. Telephone 313. THE- LIMITED. 518 Fort Street. STABLES. Stables Tdtphom Hack Stand Tel. 777. 319 and 477. -oo- C. M. BeMimia MANAGER. CASTLE & COOKE, UG HONOLULU. COUIIISSIOIl UERCHA11TS, SUGAR FACTORS. -AGENTS FOK The Ewa Plantation Co. The Waialua Agricultural Co., Ltd. The Kohala Sugar Co. The Waimea Sugar Mill Co. The Koloa Agricultural Co. The Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis, Mo. - The Standard Oil Co. , The George F. Blake Steam Pumps. Weston's Centrifugals. The New England Mutual Life In surance Co., of Boston. The Aetna Fire Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. The Alliance Assurance Co., of Bos ton. Castle & Coofce, LIMITED. LIFE and FIRE AGENTS FOR i OF BOSTON. io flie iDsnce iioii? OF HARTFORD. Sugar Factors AND Commission Merchants JUDD BUILDING. CONEY : ESTATE LANDS. A FEW VERY DESIRABLE BUILD INO LOTS on Nuuanu avenue, at, Nio lopa, Nuuanu valley for sale. Apply to J. M. MONSARRAT, Cartwright Block, Merchant St 6267 EAT s II i'lil II II Club Stables Livery. Mil i 1 Din lleii OOlODd ALEXANDER & BALDWIN Mil's UBlfii. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT Tho UNITED STATES NAVY and the UNITED STATES ARMY TRANSPORTS USE THE Uf I H !l . il I H o in OILS ADMIRAL DEWEY'S was lubricated with FLEET it VACUUM ILS: The BRITISH, ITALIAN, JAP ANESE and other Navies Use Vacuum Oils ADMIRAL CAMARA, has order ed for the CARLOS V. and PELAYO of the Spanish Na vy the VacMMinro Oils IN THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS the standard of merit is The "Vacuum 99 LIMITfc D. AGENT FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Fort ana Merchant Staets. K1n? and eethel Streets. . r r am w I A WW. The best at the lowest ...Price at HOPP'S. Chamber O Q. a. Suits... "D -o Of Oak, Birch, Maple and Mahogany to satisfy the pock etbookt)f the wealthy as well as the poor. One does not have to go to extremes in placing out money In order to have nice Furniture in their house. Our prices are such that one cannot but be pleased. No house is complete with out MIRRORS. Mirrors are like anything else there are good and poor ones. What woman cares for a poor mir ror? One that would not give justice to her beauty. We carry no such mirrors. Only the best make can be had from us. CD o w a. o Portoeres o Are also a necessity; if you wish to have a comfortably appearing home. Many va rieties to select from. 8 Q- We have the Genuine Curled c z air n ttresses. t o a. If you are fond of sleep our hair mattresses will allow you to slumber soundly. Those who have no Genuine Hair Mattresses for their bed do not know the comforts of life. 29 O WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF UPHOLSTERING. O o3 - leading Furnitare Dealers KING AND BETHEL STS. - - J. HOPP & CO. (I ill (10 la 1 GO 1 HOSTILE FORGES Moving Towards Boun dary Lines. Boers Dispatching Trooos to th Front British Troops Also Steadi ly Moving Forward. a WAR INKVITAHI.K. XKW YORK. Sept. 3. A ta ble to the World from I.ondoti says: War is inevitablo. All the false issues raised to pro voke the crisis have been cleared away. Kreat HritainV aim to assert her paramountry in South Africa is fully revealed as the actuating motive of her policy. The pretense that there ii a question of franchise for the UitlanJers has leen abandoned. It is now one of vassalage or extirpation to thf Boers. Krueger's reply to Chamber lain's dispatch of last Friday was received this evening nt the Colonial Offlce. It Is un flinching and cart, declaring his adhesion to the convention of 1SSI. which Chamberlain pro fessed to ov?rrid. The World correspondent hears that energetic represen tations have b.n made to Iord Salisbury by the Embassadors it it it it it it it it it it it it it it of Germany. Russia and Portu- : S acainst the. proposal In amberlains dispatch to de- troy th? independence of the it H it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it H Transvaal by reverting 10 the condition of tilings under the Pretoria convention of issi. These representation probab ly will lead to n modiflratlon if not the omis-5on of that propo sal, although rlnglaad will ulti mately carry h:r ioinl when the war Is over. The British agrnt at Pre toria. Conyngham (Jrcenc. Is fully confident that the Itoent cannot b restiained. Th'ir position Is T-aelly trying, rent between a natural desire to strike while .they yet can strike effectively, and t!n?Ir reluctance to furnish a relentls foe with an apparent moral advantage. Though th? . impending war wholly absorbs attention here, there is no manifestation r.f popular -xeit:mnU London preserves its normal calm, pro bably because a i large 1km 11 en of troops are pacing through. There is intense activity at the War Office and the vol unteer regimen!-. LONDON. 0.:t. !. The Sun day Times this morning says the first clai-s of reserves in London have !en ordered to parade at nocn today (Sunday) r.t Wellington V.rracks. Thee troops number about HUi men. According to other pa pers, this step i taken in or der to brin up the regiments ordered to South Africa or now there to a fall war footing. V.- LONDON, Sept. 30. A dispatch re ceived this evening from Johannesburg says the Traiiaval officials today re quisitioned 70 hor.-s, provisions and general equipment fcr the burghers. Horses were even riulsltloned in the streets and sta'il-s-, and the town was depleted. The Wt Rand command of COO men startfd lor the front this morning, an 1 the Johannesburg corps of T"0 men is fallowing. In the mean time business is -ia?tiint. and the ex odus of ritlandrt- ontinues. leav ing Johannesburg oa one train today. About !.S Bor artillerymen. In cluding th res-"rvt'Kt ure encamped at Volksrust. whetc th field cornet has now issued ri:l-s and 4."mm) car tridget. It Is reported that a down train due at Durban tomorrow has leen stopped at Volksrust for the purpose of seiz ing prominent Uitlanders. From Vrybergh, it i said, a native laborer has sworn an affidavit In'fore a magistrate that he saw troops, between twelve and t?nty arsietl IUkts. enter the colony from 'lie Transvaal and vis it a farmer named Hasbrouck. They remained In the house a considerable time and crept hick across the fron tier by a dry va:r course. A telegram from Allwal. In the north, says the Orange Fre State Is stopping wagons, produce and live stock en route tc Cape Colony. The burghers, it is further said, are al lowed to cro?s the frontier for busi ness, but ar-5 expected to return Im mediately. From Bloemfontein come advices which ay the town is begin ning to present a deserted appearance. A number of inhabitants, chiefly wom en, have lett. The Government has Issued a circu lar to railroad employes, who are most ly British subjects, notifying them that in case of war they will Im dis missed and paid In full. According to agreement those volunteering to bear arms will be allowed to do so. and those resigning will be allowed to re main in the country without being commandeered, but they will be ex- naot ail trt crvd fi Stff n On the British side the forces arel steadily moving near the frontier. The! beyond Glencoe. in the direction of Laing's Nek, on the main rail toad. The British camp at Glencoe Is situa ted on a stony koppje, with strong breastworks of stones erected oa top. All the railroad bridges from Colenze to Newcastle ar crisnJc-l Uy anI r.lght by a mivl forre of -!ic afcl ' " T mt ar allot:! to! .n li ma:i brbfgr art) four tit th l.rgj Lrbigt. Thf battrri- tf artlllry AhMi U tx (;:. rr . ti:nM!ly for Dm-j .!-. u Ivw tnil. s .1st ir.t. Lave 5:..!. It n-i 1 i...n :! r. I to Ni- c.i:l-. nhuhj !. i:; ..'!v.i:; f th !rtt!h b .?. T!-1 ..i.:-rs or tu',: nrthTnni: prt ! .v.lii. whi.h eat- t!.. Tr.i:;.iul u wetlg. arr b-.ning thtlr t.rnj 1 . on ni n::ntrv. 'h. l!hn!ei.i. which U rpo to a .. '-r uttat k. the Hritl-h colon!, are u ttei pn purine fr l-.Vn. !! AdniinJitratir at llul!'iay has tn .'ormed the Cham!., r of Mine. tha; t!.e iiirc.1.. will Ih doubil ar.d the forts stzensthened and m u hlr.egun mount etl. There are contant patrols In the .our try district. Water U Matte tn lilodfsia. but there Is rr.otzh if it irins siMin. A dispatch from PSetrrmar itzlmrc announces that the Governor of Natal has issued a proclamation In view of the impression that many of the Dutch farmers may Join the IWrs. The pto lutuatlon warns "w ickedly 1U po.f .1 iersns" that the punUhment of treason Is death and the con fi nation of the rebeU property. The mottntrd Natal volunteer. Including the re serves, have been warned to !r in readiness. MalU from Durban fr Cape Town are now sent by se.t In stead of across the Transvaal. The ritlanders at Capo Town arr In dignant at the Transvaal ronlWatlon law. which practically places at the of the Transvaal their whole property, the nature and definition of the offense leipg such ns to rmhran every possible contingency and ren der them lialde to confiscation what ever they do. even In claiming their rights. The Time correspondent at Cape Town say he learns that the Dutch farmers throughout the Qucento-n district have Transvaal Mausers' and ammunition. The strip of Colonial territory from which the most danger Is apprehended Is Cole burg, acre the Allway north, a it lie along the extreme southern Inirder of the Or ange Free State. Although the cottn try west nt.d southwest U mainly Dutch, it gle no sign of anxiety The Durban Infantry, with three gun and a detachment of naval vol ti nti era. left Durban this afternoon for Colcnso. Enthusiastic crowd bid thf troops farewell. The stoppage of a train atVcdksnisi by the nMr I confirmed. The caue of this Hep I unknown. Subetiently the train prcnrce!e to Johannesburg. The wires are Interrupted. A telegram from Pretoria, datrd yes terday, say the wildest excltt-mrnt prevails there and that the war prep arations are proceeding apace. lug guns, field telegraph, burgher, tnu nitions of war and provision ar Ink ing hurried off to Yoikru.l. the pro Jctcil tMse tT the iuht jra!ton. against Natal. Crow! gather at the stations to witl;es the d iiatttirc of the military trains, tleneral Jotlert goes to Yolksrust tomorrow. The iuer War Office Is working night and day and organization is actively- prt-eed lag. The Uaad. In order t utiiip the ui:;ort of many ritlmders. has de cided that I'ltlanders who help the 4Wrs will receive the franchise. Sev eral of the Transvaal Government de partments close tomorrow. Including the High t Court. Immediately after mail!:.! law I priM"l.iiuiel outside -tal commuuicnt!on will I Mnpj-d. The .-cret session v.hich the Uaad I holding this evening will probably ad journ until Wednesday for the result of the British Cabinet meeting. DCNDEi:. Natal. Sent, no. It l as serted the lUn ra have uifblllx-l at t"tnchi ami at the new railway bridge on the Transvaal side of the Buffalo river. There are a thousand mti at each place. The (Umts have cut a route through the high lank and are tcadv to cross to Natal. IWTI.IOTIC OKKIIIt. IIONCKONC. Sep:. over f;f;y of the llongkonn volunteer hae anrcreii their services t the IJivernment In t!i eent of war in the Tfansaal. Two r:n have similarly offereil in th twn: of th. valuntf .-rs offer leing a a pled to provide them with Maxim guns and to bear the cos: of transpos ing them to South Africa. THK OLYMPIA MKN. WASHINGTON. Sept. 2.1. The Navy Department has arranged to have ZZtt of the Olympia's men take a sjecll train for Washington on the Pennsyl vania rtMl at Jersey CUy at D:Ii next Monday night. They will come In tourist sleepers, whkh.will be their headquarter, while they nre In Wash ington, and will leave the Tuesday fol lowing for New York. N0TOA0E BY THE TRUST. iaikji: wm Made to order at short B. LICHT1G, 05 Fort Street Above Dcwcy HestrauranL OiUioiit to ) uooerateX t- n ftraiar v:.i j - - . , 1 1 . luf 1- V (r .r! . CRDWH DiSnilERItS CGMPAJiY. New Shipment SILK GOODS. JLUBO 9 ham : Cloth, : Haxdeesoiieii, DoYUCfv : Tadlc : Covr&t SILK SHiElS, SILK PiUSlS, ETC Daclsomc Carets for Umu and JAPANESE RUGS. VERY FRETTY PATTERNS. A largo rlock on hand to irelect from, t pricts that will ivurprW fox 5. OZAKi, AYKLE1 bUXk btltL iiiin ititiLi.iANT i:niiO!isi:h:nt. Ity Health Journal of New rk Au- g'it 21. IO. J. A. David. M.H.. IMitor and Manager. Only la i week ue rxara!nel th hr bremM by the Capital Itrewinc Cora iviny of Olympfa. Wah.. atd It U a pexfcTl llliutratiun cf lh! vaauty ol beer which wc arc always gUd t tom mc isI. far the &r.a)U howcd It to l. entirely ftc from any tract? of any In'urlouit fubjiiancr. Such a high rrai of IWr U racut bencSclal In IU uk, fur nouc of the pure mall a&d hop have been dlnplacetl by harmful 1 client Lrry hyglcnbt will concur il!h u in raying that n bver of ah u;erior excellence U a very bo!corae b-cv er ase. 1'hynlclanji often hate oocai.o to prrrllc a pure leer for ex.w of debilitation, and they ran wfely or!r thl) Ur, made by lr Capital Ilrrvlcg Comjany. I- 11. DC has In bin keeping the American Journal of Health and ran 1h seen by anyon. This Lcr ran te had In UtttSc or on draught at th HOFFMAN, comer of Hotel and Nuuanu street. A Urge a- sortmrnt of the Yery wt of American and foreign Uatiorf c arc peae4 to ell yo4 and Klrr you ralnc for the eneflt of your health. Yo:tr, U II. DLIL Proprietor of HOFFMAN. IT IS CHEAPER to pay a fair pric to bar Tonr watch repaired ty .... IX EDERT UlTCBDUEE than to rtk bsTlnc It rulced In order to saT a few cents. W. R. COUNTER, Practical Watchmaker B07 Fort St Glte pertofisl sttectlon to rersirlcx fine and conpllcated watch ex. LOWEST PRICES CONSISTENT WITH OOOD WORKHANSH I P. Uncle Sam Cafe. 512 FORT STREET. Open from S a. ta. to 12 p. nx. Excellent menu at all ceals. FInt-lajs French chef cpojc4. All the delicacies of tho ason. Hani or Krc Sandwiches with Cof fee. Tea or Milk. IS cents. LOOK WO SING CO. SEATTLE BEER AT THE- CRITERION SALOON. if, ZXXZs M j! CYRUS J .J it'. iii'n' 'ML' GIVEN AWAY! "i: .NEAKLY SO. K-r n fer tlayp. 1 tll ell ihf fain -xytV rx:l til at 16 Crn! lt-tllr tTWill Not Gum Yoar flachine. L. F. C?resS(iDiltt Fort Strcot noar Hotel. Dealer in Seuir. KacMnis. 1 A R 5 JJ UQ rrcm it cnV .at wdli ihr ttit LOLA MONTE2 CREME nr rret t& inh lviArt. f.r6 .-ie wtxm i 1 irtjti ik td motxtr it 4 DAY HAIR RESTORER vt r 4 4.-?rnW c8x FACE BLE1CH EEEOTES FSECKIXS. m : x-m. ftre. TUw t4 e Lmnltom U Off Ult. trtArt M C3r it MRS. NETTIE HARRISON D CRM AT O LOOt ST For cJeamScc the .r:. j'.lnu the k!n of the head. reJicrJrc be-3' ache caud ty overwork ad ortital worry, rradlcatlcc ian2rcrr. and tea crally maklnc yxw frri ijke a ti-- ntn or uowia. Thtte is noihltz ccsl f Pachcco's Dandruff Killer. For ty all c!ri3rcl nl at the Union lUrUr Fhop, Tejcjdjaae C. FIRST CLASS Bicycle Repairing !kae ai Very !trosiMe Flcurr. C1VC US A TRIAL- CLSTEUn) BICYCLES F02 HEHT. We hare a few aoccc9hand ht!s bUh w are serine at rct rsJc prSrra. city ncPAin c::cp E. Jonos. R. Clark. IIS Dctbcl Street Orpol Water hocK Crorrry Co. HAWAII SH1NPO SHA the nemt nmisi nnmrc cma The jnUlihers of "I U wall Fhlrpo, The oz.1t daily Jspsnee paper pob HheU In tha Islands, roiToa TsKsjtssat. ror tefoMMMMc satorawA.. OSce Nonas avenne, alora Ucte tanla street. The Silent Barbershop Ladles' Boot-Black Stan! In rear of ahDp. JOSEPH FERNANDEZ, Vrcpr Arlington tlot!. Hotel Street- HONOLULU IRQH VORKS cc. Stoam ErjRlnon. BOILKHS. SCGAIt MIU.. COOI-CitS. CRASS AND UZAD CASTINGS. tcl tnachlaery of ery dlnpUoa oai to oricr. Parti ra'ar :ieaUoa pa 4 to sh!? JoTs s-ork execaiO oa iha abones: ictlra LEAVER LUMCH ROOUS. 1L J. NOLTi:. Prcr. Foit Street, Opn. W.:lcr H Co. FiretC(ats Lunches Served With Tea. CoSe. Soda Wafer. Clcccr Alo or Milk. Open from 3 a. m. to 10 p, o j?mokers Iteuliltra a Ffecialty. 5- V. w" .-w -i T 7" - w.' i Cfk N 12 R f f Jv j JTL i feT. '!Z S . m I