Newspaper Page Text
THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVEKTISEK: l!o.U.l OCTOBKIt lfi. 3 . 1 M . C. A. Peterson BROKER, .... Real Estate and Financial AGENT. WHARF AND WAVE. The steamer Maui goes to flaraakua ports this week. The C97 Japanese immigrants off the Toyo Maru were taken to the Quaran tine Station last Saturday morning. The steamer Kinau arrived from Hi lo and way ports last Saturday after noon and sails on her regular route at 1 p. m. tomorrow. The steamer Hongkong Maru sailed for San Francisco on Saturday after noon, making a record for quick de" spatch, 900 tons of freight being dis charged here. The ship Helen Brewer was towed HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. Honolulu. H. I.. Oct. 14. NAME OP STOCK. pm. ;vi.l 1W.0PO w MERCANTILE. Duoof .r fn BCOaR. ' American AeMab!e I P1 up J i.rn F.wa 5.U . ' Hamca 17S." Hw. As. Co i Ha'nCon.'l A Sue Co. .S1,75' II&wmUD tfaicar Co....1 Honomo 3" .' HonokA t.ioi.m llmka .. Kataakn - V.mln Snj fV (1.1 I i.i.up.) ro.o to an outside anchorage off Kakaako KijielPian Co.m ajj , last Saturday previous to. sailing for Kipahalu -..t.. ...... 160jjuo Iquique, where ;she will load nitrates I Ko.o : wjw for New York. . "n h"T V0o Maanalei Saz.Co.aa. . O.CM) rum up) tv,ir. lf 1. evening the four United States trans ports, Valencia, Rio de Janeiro, City of McDryde a - " f . I.MO.CM) Para and Sikh,- will have all sailed for I Oabu, a?cabie , , Manila. Coaling .will Have been fin- 8SAKli:)j tJI" Ookala U!a tsag. Co.Ld. I 1 . "VI pd. up Souses Fop Rent. ished this evening, and If enough ice can be obtained they will be already for sea. The steamer Lehua broke her shaft while in the Molokai channel on her way from Kaunakakai to Honolulu last Saturday morning. It was broken off near the stern and the steamer was put under full sail -immediately. In the evening the Niihau, on her way to U i ii nnrto nacson . tnA I Anno str Tliol.i mnnd TTpad nnd finrlinc hpr In rlis-l STEAMSHIP COB. I nuaer o. o. OlowaJa Paaohaa 8ae. Plan. Co I Pacific 0.u Pal Pepeekeo ; Piouwr Aww, WalaJna Art. Co. api-. ' tint 1.1UIUI Waianae Watlaka... Walmanalo . I Properties For Sale. Stocks and Bonds. Loans Negotiated; onolulu, Mo L GHCE: 15 KIAHDIUSU STREET. P. O. BOX 365. Each and Every Schoolteacher tress, towed her into the harbor. With the exception of the broken shaft the Lehua is uninjured. The Kilauea Hou, which is due from windward ports to day, will take the Lehua's run. The United States army transport Sikh, from Portland, with a portion of the Thirty-fifth Infantry on board, the remainder being on the Rio, anchored in the stream Saturday morning and commenced- coaling yesterday. The Sikh has" 634 men on board, in com mand'of Major R. D. Walsh and the following officers: Captains C. D. Roberts, Earl W. Tanner, W. G. Schri- ber, S. R. Langworthy, Harry T. Mat thews; First Lieutenants Grover Flint, W. B. Thomas, Aloice G. Vocis, Rug- gles, W. F. Godson, Baker, Hughes; Second Lieutenants Chappelear," Hard, Lefort, Elliott, Hasson, Degen; Assist ant Surgeon J. A. Metzger, Acting As sistant Surgeon G. G. Bailey. The of ficers of the Sikh are Captain James Rowley, First Officer H. S. Best, Chief Engineer J. W. Welton, Steward Wil liams. For the next sugar crop eighteen vessels, the total tonnage of which ex ceeds 39,000 tons, have been chartered to bring sugar from the Hawaiian Isl ands to New York or Philadelphia. The vessels and their respective tonnages are as follows: Ships Tons May Flint 3.2SS H. B. Hyde 2,450 S. D. Carlton 1,788 John McDonald 2.172 St. Francis 1,811 SS9.1O0 7UJ.00O 1.23.UUO I 500.00 500,000 1'' !' 10 .... '. 10 12', 19 100 20 J' 50 - Mi 10O 100 .... too KO jc . . 1A int. w i:i ' VJr .', J : 17 tC ' l' . . .' ii iris 2i 10- 1JU 131 1-u Inter Uland 8. 8. Co... MIBCXXXANBOra. Htw'o El ecu Co ! Hoo. Rpd Tran. A L Co; MoDa-Kaa Tel A Tele g'h Co lid . Mataal Telephone Co.. KakahaCnf.Co. L.a.' " Fidau..... O. R. A L. Co :2.r.TO People' Ice A Rrf.Co 1MM' bonds. i , Haw'o Gov't fiver ct.. ' Haw'D Uov'tft !er ct. 1 la lor la loo 100 lut UK 100 150 71 . lu- it; 1 ..... 100 IX I IOC' A luu Ni:W OPENING Toil WOMKN". "An;ns tho new avenue f Ilvll. h:I which aro opninc up to wnnn-n. that which i prc-vminrntly f.ttcil for ihe Kontlcwtin;an I. th tE".-f f pri-vat- iiMrt'tary to om worain actl In a rart't-r. ithr literary. 4iial or I'Miaathropic. wh find hT duti'v crvutt r than -.e cm opt with !ni:I liandd." wrltrs Virginia Tatn.!l P.-a t-vk in "Woman ll)m Ciimpanlon. ' "Thv rcinl" if th jltia art frMiuntIy in th actual imi ! '.in of a wH-fiiucatd. inteJlicmt woman. In WaMiinKtou they are jMrhap mure f aitins than l.-w here. ; I ally when a society woman Ii the employer. With the chance of every Administration women go there stranger to the pecu liar r rilr'ments of their iH.ltlon. which, beins otTlcIal. place them in the very front ranks of tho oeial life of the city. Heme, the demand has been for hvretarle of superior quali fications. The secretary of one wom an conspicuously Identified with the present Administration in herelf a daughter of an ex-CaMnei oSlcer. Foremost among the attainment of a woman who would fill uch a plac should b a pod. clear ehlrocraphy. Furthermore, to be able to fill th of fice with that Intelligent which de- mand.H a proportionately high salary shi shotilii know how to wriln anv i tvji in ui umv iiu.ii i'i4UiiruiriiiA i 4ugood society might -rail for: hould know how to accept rr decline every form of Invitation, and nhould nosc a knowietlce of an additional language. pieferably French. A communication. If one lived up to th letter of rood form, should Ix answeretl In the lan guage In which It I delivered. In Washington many member at the dip lomatic corp send out their invita tion in the court language. French. There is also an extensive ytem of bookkeeping: pertaining to the duties! r the private secretary, Therr i a .1 :l: 20 . 1-.1. 2& 1 i tXTRA PURE 4 him w i i v-rx H'HACKIFELO &C0.Ltd. HONOLULU. H.I. i J I. .1. .T. .i. 3. 2-.7- .7- J. I. .5. I. I- 4-J- 1 :i: .7. ii!S?pitEI::::::::::! t fc-n. me dat. 4Hperct. j : 5.....of calls made and those rcturnM; a o r. a l. ro io: I rti'orii of dinners, luncheon and evening functions Riven, and a similar record of those to which Invltntlons have been received, with an additional note to 1h made of acceptances and regret." 4-17-20. Session Sales Two hundred Kihel. $1; 5 Walalua, assessable. $120: Olaa, assessable. $1.73; IZ0 Olaa. as sessable. $1.80; 100 Mcllryde, $1.73. Quotation Changes Thlrty-ciRht. B AILEY'S IKE ITS. Telephone 398. P. O. Box 441. VESSELS IN PORT. ARMY AND NAVY. U. S. tugboat Iroquois, Pond, cruise, October 4. U. S. A. T. Charles Nelson. Anderson, San Francisco, October 11. U. S. A. T. City of Para, Zeeder, San Francisco. October 12. U. S. A. T. Rio de Janeiro, Ward, Port land, October 12. U. S. A. T. Sikh, Rowley. Portland. Oc tober 14. , U. S. A. T. Valencia. Iine. San Fran cisco, October 14. MERCHANTMEN. Th MAJKSTIC GAS UAMP at II Uh a lia of CWUlUHi: Ibrcma In. This lamp Is th? rrrlet that Is taai!. and It Is taot oUrte! at a ridlco lotisly high price: burns plain rock cattMe. lUht In riM. aud. X:rr "I wish to express my thanks to the! having sold lf-J lamp). satUfattloniln rtry ca ba follatel. No 3-iicrr. manufacturers of Ch.imberlaln'it Colic, I Makes an etcrllent bugsr lamp. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, frir The MI!AV.rKi:i: prxCTt'IUMMtOOr TIIIK has s!oly. tut irrlr having put on the market such a won- won Its way Into the ronfidace of llonn'ulu tkyrlWl: It U an enery-iy derful medicine," says W. W. Massln- seller; th nor kinsman's standby; It U always ready for work, lo carry yra pill, of nonunion t, Texas, Thcro arc thre and HACK. many thousands of mothers whose STIIARN'S UICYCI.US art ttrUtly bleb iU In CVKItV r;t, ln chlldren have been saved from attacks cltidlns TIIUv A lartf shipment epetej sbortly. of dysentery and cholera Infantum who M.N.ON S CItOWN HICYCI.i: 1 th- acra- f rUcacr and it must also feel thankful. It Is for sale MODKllN HICYCI.I orffretl in llonolula. by nil dealers. Ilenson. Smith fc Co., Ltd., agents for II. I. (This list does not Include coasters.) R. D. Rice 2.10G I Br. bk. Antiope, Murray, Iquique, July A. J. Fuller 1,782 3. E. B. Sutton -1,639 1 Am. ya"ht Noma, Weaver, Yokohama, A. G. Ropes 2,303 September 3. Tillie E. Starbuck 1,829 1 Ger. sp. Marie Iiackfeld. Wuhrmann, Hamburg, September 10. MEETING NOTICES, ANNUAL MEETING OF THE shareholders of the Onomea Sugar Co. will be held at the offices of C. Ilrcw cr & Co., Ltd., Queen street. In Hono lulu, Wednesday, October IS. at 10 a.m. (Signed) ' II K. HISHOP. Secretary. Dated, Honolulu. Oct, 4. 1$3. &335 Repairing at the PIONEER REPAIR SHOP 231 Kinjr StreetL Tr rnfiirninrr fr tfioir fiaMc W. F. Babcock 2.029 " iB MaV""rrr Geo.-Stetson 1.710 Am. sh. Yosemlte, Anderson. Ncwcas of labor. should take with ?-?SS ! neury i.too Susquehanna 2,591 Erskine M. Phelps ". 2,715 1 Bangalore " 1,539 Bark Pactolus 1,535 them a copy of CdDC-A WMM Total 39,630 Planters' Monthly. MOVEMENT OF STEAMERS. tie, September 12. Haw. bk. Foohng Sviey, Wlllett, New .York, September 12. Am. bk. Coalinga, Evans, New York, September 13. Am. bk. Abbey Palmer, Uhlberg, New castle, September 21. Am. schr. A. J. West. Ogllvle. Gray's Harbor, September 21. Haw. bk. R. P. Rlthet. Bender, San Francisco, September 24. Haw bk. Iolanl, McClure, New York, September 26. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE shareholders of the Hamna Plantation Co. will be held at the offlccit of C. Brewer & Co., Ltd., Queen utreet. In Honolulu. Tuesday, October 21, at 11 a. m. (Signed) II K. BISHOP. Secretary Dated. Honolulu. Oct. 4, 1S99. THE MOOfl-CILASS IMWDIS. Men'n furnUhlnr U an art that krr saotlcc caatd mlth tilth ANNUAL MEETING OF THE will be held at the office of C. Brewer pc ihinpi ar aaiiy comicj; io me. .oisjuuoa cipi ii aaa. a wieji Steamers due and to sail today and I Am. bk. Ceylon. Wilier, San Francisco, no OTHER w SOngs For Children for the next six days are as follows ARRIVE. Steamers From America Maru S. F. . . Kinau Hilo . . Kilauea Hou Kaunakai Mokolii Kaunakakai . W. G. Hall Kauai Claudine Kahului TTords and music by Mary Dilling- Frear. For Sale at mPm. ii? ii lid iiLiiL HIS I, LIMITED. XH3KCHANT STREET. Pcdi Frean & Cos Celebrat ed London Biscuits. DEUCIOUSLY APPETIZING BIS CUITS FOR DELICATE DIGESTIONS LEWIS & CO., Leading Grocers 111 FORT STREET. Telephone 240. : : : : p. Box 207 Due Oct. 20 Oct. 21 ...Oct. 21 Oct. 21 Oct. 22 ...Oct. 22 & Co.. Ltd.. Monday. October 23, at 10 a. m. (SiKned) II F. niSHOP. Secretary. Dated. Honolulu. Oct. 4. 1SW. Sentember 27. Ger. sh. Theodor, Arfmann, London, September 28. Am. schr. II. D. Fendixon. Olsen, Seat tle. September :tS. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Am. bkt. Klikitat, Cutler, San Fran-1 shareholders of the Honomu Snpar Co. cisco. October 1. I will be held at the office of C. Drew- Am. bkt. Eureka, Sehou, Tacoma, Oc-1 er & Co., Ltd.. Wednesday, October 25. Into being new beauty and new tjU-. In ibli S!alte4 pan we ran net drutrlbe In detail our line of fajhlonab nk"jr. Irat raSne to t-ay toat It U the finol ever brouRbt to this nirkrt. The silks embrace all varieties pot nlb!e. Price ar rrarmaUe, and we know we ran rd4 Tot We bare CTtrytblcs In the lice of M-s Pcr&Ub Inw the let and the CneU at poplar rrlcrn. China Yokohama Oct. 24 Upolu Kohola Oct. 24 Australia S. F Oct 25 Miowera Sydney Oct. 25 Aorangi Victoria . . Oct. 28 Gaelic S. F Oct. 31 Doric Yokohama Oct. .31 Moana S. F Nov. 8 Hongkong Maru S. F. ... ...Nov. 8 DEPART. Steamers for Sails Upolu Kohala Oct. 16 W. G. Hall Kauai Oct. 17 Kinau Hilo Oct. 17 Claudine Kahului . Oct. 17 America Maru Yokohama ....Oct. 20 Mauna Loa Kona Oct. 23 China S. F. ....Oct. 24 at 10 a. m. (Signed) G. IL CARTER. Fwetary. Dated, Honolulu. Oft. 4, 1SW. tober 3. Am. schr. Endeavor, McAllep, Port Townsend. October 3. Am schr. Transit, Jorgenson, San Francisco. September 4. Am. schr. Honoipu, Olsen, Honolpu. October 7. Am. brig W. G. Irwin, Williams, San Francisco. Am. schr. Jennie Wand. Olsen. Seattle. October 10. I Pursuant to an order maue by Hon. Am. stmr. Ellhu Thomson. Whitney. W. L. Stanley. Second Judge of the Seattle. October 12. Circuit Court of the First Judicial Cir- Ambk. Edw. May. Hanson. San Fran- cult. Med the 27th day of September. ARrnl for DIL DCIMEIS LINHN-MIH UNDKRWIIAIL Acrntu for THE KNOX HAT. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF REAL I () (STT T7 TT ESTATE SITUATE IN HONOLU- I I ii ini LU. ISLAND OF OAHU. Mo 99 cisco.. October 13. Jap. stmr. Hongkong Maru. Filmer, Yokohama, October 13. Am. schr. Rertie Minor. Raven. Eure ka. October 14. Miowera Victoria Aorangi Sydney . Australia S. F. . Gaelic Yokohama Doric S. F. . . . Moana Sydney . Oct. 25 Oct. 28 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 .Oct. 31 Nov. 8 VESSELS EXPECTED. Vessel. From. Hongkong Maru Yokohama .Nov. 8 CHARTERED FOR ISLAND PORTS . Due in October. H. C. Wright. Am. sch. (via Klllis- noo S. F. Roderick Dhu, Haw. bk S. F. Mary E. Foster, Am. bk S. F. Ruth. Am. bkt S. F. Irmgard. Am. bkt S. F. A. D.. ISO?, In a cause entitled Rose K. Anahu. Hiram, Anahu. James Anahu. William Anahu, Ro Anahu and Maggie Anahu. by Roe K. Anahu. her guardian. ogalnt Mary Ka- mlkl. Deborah Pahau. Robert Pahau. Alex. K. Pahau. Richard Mahl Pahau, Miriam Amalu and S. K. Kane, the un- iicrsigneu as cuuiuuisiuui-i umij pointed will expose lor sale nt public auction, subject to confirmation by the Circuit Court, on SATURDAY. OCTO- 11ER 14. 1S03, afl2 o'clock noon, at the mauka entrance to the Judiciary bulld inc. all that niece or parcel of land sit uate on the mauka side of Printer's KOS. 9 AND 1 1 HOTEL ST. COR FORT AND HOTEL STS. TELEPHONES 070 AND 06. Carriage, Wagon and Track REPAIRING, PAINTING. TRIMMING AND MANUFACTURING 0. 17. McCHESNEY A Spna Grocers and Dealers In Lotto 1x3 Ztzt Finding Agenta Honolulu Soap Works Com pssiy, Honolulu, and Tannery. bcrt lowers. F, J. Lownj. G. M. Oooke IKERS & cooke: porters and Dealers in Lumber and Building Materials. Office 414 Port St. CJM Sflflfl DOtel QMS HO. LITMITED, Cor. Allen and Fort Sts. JtOILISTER & CO., AGENTS Only the highest grade of RED RUB- jClSIt Is used In the Stamps made by Cm HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO. m a a m ii niLiii ii. m. ill. I u rv I. . .a. . woveity, Am. senr Newcastle r Curtis Am sh ? v lane In the City of Honolulu, Inland or Hawaiian Isles. Haw. ship... Newcastle n2SCkS"?wbk s F Oahu. the same beln more fully de- Enrol. Br. ship Newcastle VlaUna AH Haw bk S K scribed in a certain deed of partition Lizzie Vance. Am. scbr Newcastle SvVLrm sch 5" v made by and between Llena and Mary Wm. Bowden, Am. schr. ...Newcastle fa m bk or K. Pauhau et al.. recorded In the office Wm. Carson, Am. bktn Newcastle p V ,;i bk v of the Registrar of Conveyance in Li- J. L. Stanford. Am. bktn. ...NewcasUe J o" "kel" Vm be I" v bcr 73. page 313. and bounded as fol- VLCT FINE HORSESHOEING a pecU!tr Agency of the Rubber Tire Wheel Co. Hawaiian Carriage 1Fffg QUJEEN STREET, NEAR FOUT. Co., Woolhahra, Br. bk Newcastle 5Kta.-mc5t V:?,L' Dominion, Br. bk. , Newcastle Ger bk WmSSS tuto lot 168 feel Great Admiral, Am. sh Newcastle ft?7 l?' a""-ViV" Jsl?Hl and running Golden Shore. Am. sch. ..Newcastle s. E.Moody. Am. ship Norfolk J0. W. oi5r rrtr i,v xwsti. Louis, Am. sch Nitrate ports 3U",,; V. lows: Beginning at a point at th makal side of the lot known as Pacinc insti tute lot 16S feet from Punchbowl street M5TBS WM WMLL Solveig, Nor. bk. ...Newcastle :' AVV,V"S Wm r.arRnn Am hVt ... VPwraaMo "laiuc, i. uiw. ....ewcasue aipt MoNTpii Am ht. TSTowstiP Wn8 Arthur, Br. ship Newcastle! Star of France, Haw. sch. ..Newcastle Nokomis, Am. sch. PL Gamble noHiMn v.VM,i. County Merioneth, Br. bk. ..Liverpool Adderly, Br. bk Newcastle Mary Winkleman. Am. bk... NewcasUe Inverness shire, Br. sh Newcastle Jonn A- Br,SSs. Am. sh. ...Newcastle Oceania Vance, Am. .sc Newcastle Due in November. Robt. Sudden, Am. bkt Newcastle , . ..... Chehalis, Am. bkt Newcastle aul Isenberg. Ger. bk.Newcastle. Eng. Sonoma, Am. bk Newcastle Onaway. Am. bk New York Gnlf Stream. Br. bk Newcastle Holywood. Br. bk Antwerp Beechdale. Am. bk. ...'..Nitrate ports Nuuanu. Haw. bk. New York St. . Katherine, t Am. bk. ...New York Due in December. W. F. Babcock, Am. ship ..New York " -1",, . V ' ' H. C. Wright, Am. sch Tacoma "enry BHf,demvfn -.Dec. xvison. Am. srh Tarnma Conway Castle. Br. bk. Liverpool Geo. C. Perkins. Am. be. .... Tacoma Poseidon, Br. sh Liverpool R. W. Bartlett, Am. sch. . . Gray's Har. Columbia, Am. sch Gray's Har. I NEW BILL AT THE ORPHEUM Thos. S. Negus. Am. sch. ..San Diego I TONIGHT. true 115 5-10 feet alonp Godfrey Brown's lot: 2. S. 22 45 E. true 95 feet alone lane: 3. N. 67 15' E. true 125 S-10 feet alon portion assigned to Licna: 4. N. 30 00' W. true SI feet along the Institute lot to Initial point, con taining an area of 10.00 square feet: being a portion of the land described in I-. C. A. 205 C. Royal Patent 5CD3. Terms of sale are cash In I. S. gold deed at the expense of the purchaser. For further particulars apply to GEORGE LUCAS. 3231 Commissioner. The above sale Is hereby postponed to Saturday. October 21. A. I. 1S?3. at the same time and place. GEORGE LUCAS. Commissioner. L L PINKHAM, COXTRAQpit Office With the Pacific Hardware CoM Honolulu U. I. Estimates given and contracts made for wells on any of the Island?. SIX NEW PLANTS fSinSiSSSSaS drilller?. tie Advertiser t 75 Cents a Month.