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ffltiiMiffiffi! 1 lltiffifefff - J- . Mm" - V m Ml . - . KtMrMn1 Jnlr , IK VI. VOL. XXX., NO. 6365 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. TUESDAY. OCTOHEK, 17. 199. TWELVE PAGES. rnicE five cunco PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS. .ATKINSON & JUDD (A. L. C. Atkin rxra and Albert F. Judd, Jr.) Office ever Bishop & Co.'s bank, cor. Mer chant and Kaahumanu sts. J-CHI & JOHNSON (W. C. AchI and Enoch Johnson). Office No. 10 West King St.; Tel. 884. -BOBBIN ANDREWS. Office -with Thtirstoa & Carter, Merchant St, T2s:t fc postofflce. f.TLI3 A. DICKEY. King and Bethel Stt; Tel. 806; P. O. box 786. 1&&SDERICK W. JOB. Suite 815, Mar i 'inette Bldg., Chicago, 111.; Hawaiian Consul General for States of Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Wiscon sin. vCflAS. F. PETERSON. 15 Kaahuma- to. St. PHYSICIANS. a L. GARVIN. M.D. Office 537 King St.- near Punchbowl: hours, 9 to 12 a- m., 7 to 8 p. m.; Tel. 448. XIR. JENNIE L. HILDEBRAND. Of fice 512 Beretania St., near Alapai; hours 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m.; Tel. 315. DR. A. GORDON HODGINS. Office and residence, Gedge Cottage, corner Richards and Hotel Sts.; office hours 8 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Tel. 953. DR. WALTER HOFFMAN. Beretania St, opposite Hawaiian Hotel; office hours 8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m., 7 to S d. m.: Sundays 8 to 10 a. m.: Tel. 510; P. O. box 501. DR. T. MITAMURA. Consulting rooms 427 Nuuanu St.; P. O. box 842; Tel. 132; residence 524 Nuuanu St.; hours 9 to 12 a. m. and 7 to 9 p. m.; Sundays 2 to 6 p. m. MIX. R. I. MORI. 136 Beretania St., be tween Emma and Fort; Tel. 277; P. O. box 843; office hours 9 to 12 a. m. and 7 a .m to 8 p. m.; Sundays 9 to 12 X)I1. A. N. SINCLAIR.413 King St., next to the Opera House; office hours 0 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m., 7 to 8 p. m.; Sundays 12 m. to 2 p. m.; Tel. 741. T. B. CLAPHAM. Veterinary Surgeon I nrxA nintfcf Office TTnfoi QfoKioc I ralls, day or night, promptly ans wered; specialties obstetrics and lameness. mi. TOMIZO KATSUNUMA. Veteri nary Surgeon. Skin diseases of all kinds a specialty. Office room 11, Spreckela Bldg.; hours 9 to 4; Tel. 474; residence Tel. 1093. DENTISTS. 31.: VL GROSSMAN, D.D.S.-Alakea St., iuiw uwio auuvc iuasuuic jl tjui uic, i Yr rST rV..Tv I m 1 I Honolulu: Office hours 9 a. m tn 4 p. m. DR. C. B. HIGH. Philadelphia Dental College 1892; Masonic Temple: Tel. 313. EO. H. HUDDY, D.D.S. Fort St, op posite Catholic Mission; hours from d a. m. to 4 p. m. OR. A. C. WALL, DR. O. E. WALL. Office hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Love Bldg., Fort St. BROKERS. -A. J. CAMPBELL. Office Queen St., opposite union Feed Co. C J. FALK. Member Honolulu Stock Exchange; room 301 Judd Bldg. 'WILLIAM SAVIDGE. Real Estate In all Parts of the Islands bought or sold; No. 310 Fort St.; Mclnerny Blk. ENGINEERS. A JIGS T. TAYLOR, M. Am. Soc. C. E. Consulting Hydraulic Engineer; 305 Judd Blk, Honolulu. CONTRACTORS. r?'U. T. PATY. Contractor and Build er. Store and ofilce fitting; brick, wood or stone building; shop Palace I Walk; residence "Wilder Ave., near j Kewalo. .r. A. BUTTERFIELD. Contractor and r.,.;iai. cf m. fitHncra tTi Tnwpr shop and repair work; Blfig Union St.; Tel. 702. OPTICIANS. 3. E. LUCAS. Love Bldg., Fort St, upstairs; P. O. box 351. I carry a full Una of ALL KINDS OF GLASSES from the CHEAPEST to the BEST. .Free Examination of the Eyes. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. MUSIC. COOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL. Love Bldg.. Fort St.; Piano, Voice Culture, Sing ing and Harmony; especial attention paid to touch, muscular control and musical analysis. PIANO TAUGHT IN SIX MONTHS. New quick method; special attention given to adult beginners. Terms $5 monthly. Address "Musician," Ad vertiser office. ANNIS MONTAGUE TURNER. Vocal instruction; terms by the lesson or month; commencing on and after the 10th of July, "MIGNON"; 720 Bere- tania St.,. Honolulu. ARCHITECTS. HOWARD & TRAIN, Architects. Suite 7, Tel. 9S9. Model Block, Fort St.; O. G. TRAPHAGEN. 223 Merchant St., between Fort and Alakea; Tel. 734; Honolulu. DRAUGHTSMAN. T. D. BEASLEY. Plantation and To pographical Maps a Specialty; room 306, Judd Bldg.; Tel. 633. STENOGRAPHERS. MISS A. A. ALLEN. Office cor. King and Bethel Sts. (upstairs); Tel. 751. Miss iu. ai. uiioWN Office over Bishop & Co.'s, corner Kaahumanu and Merchant Sts. MISCELLANEOUS. F. D. GREANY, A.B., (Harv.) Pri vate Tutor, with especial reference to preparation for college. Office cor. King and Bethel Sts.; Tel. 62 and 806; P. O. box 759. MRS. B. F. McCALL. Latest designs in Tailor-Made Evening, Dinner Gowns, and Wedding Trousseau. 73 Beretania St. J. MORGAN. Opal Merchant, Jeweler and Lapidary; Opal Cutting a Spe cialty; No. 2 School St., near bridge. MISS PRESCOTT General Writer and Business Aeent: Commissions Un dertaken for the other Islands; ring I up Queen Hotel; Tel. 809. P. SILVA. Agent to take acknowledg- , t t- na, Oahu; at W. C. Achi's King St; near Nuuanu. office, LESSONS GIVEN IN THE ART of J Magic Illusions, etc., by the only aVf:.aareS3 r Ca" at orpne" TOURISTS GUIDE THROUGH HA- WAIL Price 60c; beautifully illus- trated. For sale by all newsdealers. I DR. A. C POSEY.-Speclalist for Eye. TTon V J f I I 11 , imuai uuu nuso iiseuses UUU I Catarrh: Masonic TomnlA honra R tn I 12 a- m 1 to 4 and 7 to ft n. m. HONOLULU SANITARIUM. 1082 King St.; Tel. 639. Dr. Luella S. Cleveland, medical superintendent. Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; methods of Battle Creek, Mich., Sanitarium; baths of every description; trained nurses in bath rooms as well as In sick room; massage and manual movements; electricity in every form; classified dietary, etc; ample facilities for thorough examination. Dr. C. L. Garvin, consulting physi cian and surgeon. A WORK OF INTEREST. Issued Under Direction of Bishop Museum Curator. Professor W. T. Brigham, curator of the Bishop Museum, will probably ar rive by next Kinau, with a representa tive of the Smithsonian Institute, sent out by the United States Govern ment, says the Hilo Tribune. Mr. Brigham goes to Puna on investiga tions of an historical and ethnological nature. The Bishop Museum is issuing a se ries of works under the editorship of Professor Brigham upon Hawaiian subjects. The first one has already ap peared and is magnificently gotten up from a mechanical point of view. as well as being intensely interesting to the general reader no less than to the special student of Polynesian and Ha- Z1"VUI"r, '"Jtoiias vuiuuie it, iuaau r eamery. n ueais with a11 the implements, wearing ap paici uuu uiiiuxucnis maae irom or decorated with the feathers of Hawaii an birds, with illustrations of the same and descriptive and historical com ments thereon drawn from every known source and authority. It seems as if these works, as they are issued, should be placed in tho Hi lo Library, as indeed they probably will be. CAPT. J. A. KING Striclen Willi an ApipUclic Tit While BatMnt. AIIO OROVIIED AT MOKAPU Sketch of the Life stl Career of the Minister of Interbr of llawal Ii3 HeputU The community was horrified about 1 1:43 o'clock yesterday afternoon when1 DDDDDDaDDDDDDDDDDD nDOODDDQDQODDD I www ClZs CAPTAIM JAS. A. nnonnnnanDnnDnnnaanoonnnonannnna word was received from the Kancohc courthouse that Captain J. A. Kins, the MlnUtPr of tho Interior, was dead and L. t rmn!n, worp alrendv on the I that Ills remains were aireacij on way 10 mis cuj. iiici un learned that he had died suddenly while bathing off Mokapu Point, and in the immediate vicinity of his brother-in-law's nlace there. The body arrived in the city about 4 o'clock and wa3 deposited In Henry William' un- uertaKing panors ior It appears that about 10 o'clock in t,A mnmin ttnuiop u'lnc in mm- with his G-vear-old son. went iWn tn thn hMrh for tho nuriKlJ,0 of - - - - - ... . t. leaciuuu me- .. w He was standing In about two feet or water talking to the boy when sudden- ly he fell forward faco down into the water. The boy endeavored to raise him but could no't. He says that his father gave two or three short gasps. and then lay still. leaving his father in the water, he ran to the house and raised an alarm, but- when help ar rived it was found that Captain King was beyond all human aid. Wally Davis, brother of Mrs. King, procured a boat and placing the body therein rowed round to Kaneohe land ing, arriving there at 1:13, and from the courthouse telephoned the news to town. On receipt of the sad Inteiu- gence .Minister .Mott-smiin ami ney General Cooper at once left town . - - ft. m -m mi m m ... t a ft ft 4 to meet me oouy. ami mnuirn.nw-, about a mile and a half this ldo of.aRlI a rrjjpe W3Jt obtained fr him. T" 1 Ua..u It'MltAlrlJ " Vl V1 ... .. - . ... iviiutuuf. uvuij ". also notified, went to Kaneohe for the purpose of bringing the remains to Ho- nolulu, and later on Marshal Brown and a squad of patrolmen also started. but were met about a mile this side of the Pall by a company escorting the body. On arrival In the city the re mains were taken to Henry Williams parlors, where they will be embalmed and prepared for burial. The body will lie in state in the old throneroom of the Executive building on Thursday from 11 to 3 o'clock, and the funeral will take place on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Arrangements are not yet completed, but the deceased Minister will receive a full State fu neral, while the Masonic body, of which the deceased was a very active member, will conduct the services at the grave. The late James A. King was born In Scotland and was 67 years of age last month. He came to these Islands firt Just after the close of the Ameri ca n Civil War, and shortly afterward took command of the old trading schooner "Kona Packet. owned by William & Co.. a Honolulu shipping firm. As master of thin vessel he made a number of voyages to Alaska. Kami rhatka and the Japan sea on tradinc expedition. When the steamer Uke llke was brought out by Wilder & Co., he accepted the portion of chief oSl- err. which he retained some time. wh.n th !rk i:,kba0k off Uaikikl and tho wreck purchased by S. G. Wilder. Captain King was Riv en charge of the wrecking operation. There were so very successful that it hi been said the Kskbank waj the foundation of the Wilder fortune, an It has become the name of Mr. Wil- Ider's beautiful residence. After this Captain King wa made master of the Molokai and when thelraptaln and three Ueuleoinu txlosc O I a a a a rs a u Kin.iu was addetl to tho rompany'n licet ho was given tho mmmand of that fine vessel. Iter the company gave him charge of all It Mramcr. making l.lm wharf superintendent, and In thl osltion he remained until he entered the Cabinet of the Provisional Govern ment at the time of the overthrow of the monarchy. Up to that time he had had no experience In political affair, but he took a prominent place at onre In the new Government. Captain King was for a long time an honored member of Hawaiian Itodge. K. & A. M., but upon the Insll tutlon of Pacific I!ge he became one of Its charter member. He was alio member of Itoyal Arrh Chapter andTr f' . I? llth l of the Honolulu Commandery. Of the men who have become prominent id nee the monarchy none have Mood higher in public estimation thin Captain James A. King. Among his Masonic brethren tho opinion Is general that captain King over-eerted himself on Sunday after noon in attending tho funeral of John Phillips. Against the advice of nearly every one of hi friend, who remem bored that he had but lately recovered from a long, serious and almost fatal sickness, ami wlhrd him to ride In a carriage, ho porsitcd In walking by , . . . f . f . . . . f . . , r(om Ma5onlc ha n lho mUcry. The -- - - walk was too much for him and ! Wln ern (, 1m? ,,,1 from llt he wjen Jlitl hlrrt,t UJJ rrjciltd .ner tno lunerai o ctinriu:-i to go mrr lo lho olhcr Jo rf hc for a ,ljy or rrM an j rirl hu catn j jn noxl morning. Dropped Dead. At about 2 o'clock yesterday af;er- noon woni was sent to tno ro'.ice sta tion that Mrs. Moes. wlf.j of Capt. Moe of the schooner Kawailanl. had dropped dead in her re!dnco at Ka- llhl while conversing with a n.imVrlan l Senior Capuia of Police il&v-i of friends Th ... Mr . f..r A v....- choir and mas poel of a very Ha! soprano voice. ItKMNANT FALK. An early call nhould be made at thel remnant clearing sale at I- II. Kerr's, Many bargains are Include!, and the V'" r . lat the ceremoaJe were X IX. lxxVra- flrft to come will set:re them. Thl. They reported to the Marshal aadL, . ... very low prices put oa them arc for,,Jml advixd in go before I llardy. c t. trajui aaa cash only. U. S. OFFICERS i 0 tte Oceanic D:ci. PROTECTED BY THEIR SUPERIORS the HtwatUi fjtk fmrtt Otrit Derkl Wkt Tfcrr Atnartrl U Sen Wtnuti, At I o clock yotcrday afternoon two I Inj; to the rertmrnt on the transport Cll" of 1 ara bo mre tandinc In front of The Kxh" tore. railed crat to Charlr II Ihinwrll. a llcecied tklr er of the Pantheon backjland. to bring hit hack acro4i the street. He did to. and the five oScrrs rot In. four be hind and one In front. Ke was told to drire to the City of Para, and urted down Fort street. Whrn oppolt the bank of Hawaii one of tbcta ajked what the fare wa. DanmcU thcnchl there were but four cSctn In all on the hark and promptly anjwcred . mm mm & nr uoiur. lie mat toJ4 to go ahead, and drove on to th u hirf aloncid th rcMl. tin rrachlnff th vharf lh driver ua a)rd hat he o:ild tal.r thn en tire urty ont to San Soud for. thc2rrui for the uncal!tdfor lnjortcc be trip to ccrupy to hotint. Ihinrll .TtiirrTl thai h iull do It fur 15. but on dirutering that thrrr nrrc five in !h" ivinr Inntrad of four told it uuuld tiorih fin. One of th? oSl- rrr .ild hr would fcUe him II, that Prank I.U1U monld take thrm out forj that ar.d that ma all they mould pay. liinwrij rrplirI that he ma mmkinj: for the Panthrm f tabic, mblle UUU dnive hi own hack and could make blV omn rale. I lo rrfur.l tn iKmI lor Icm than fli and dcmandel hi fare for bringinc Iheni to th mharf. u en inrm in rem- a hairniir t anil loi.i him that ma rnouch. Ihinmrll forllr,l that be mould have a dollar or nothlnc Th. Tr . inai unr- mere tanIlnc aUrat tb hark. A Dunmrll toopcd to gather up the rrln mhlch had fallen during the runtrmeriy. one of them, mho more a captain aouMer iinm them and tm bted them around lhin --- - -- mcll.hand. forcing him domn in the front of the hack. He then grabbed the mhlp by the thong and untrtrci- fully belabored him mith It btitt end mer th head. ot nathSed mith thl rxhlbltlon cf brutality. to of the oth- or the hark. e!xed the unfortunate drhcr around the neck and poached ntm mith their fin errely. Thl mo!i disgraceful proceeding ma fur ther aggravated by tho um by alt tho orHrer of tho fout language, that man could give tongue to directed acalnn the drtter. The evnrraaion uy mnuM-No gentlemen againi an In- I norent hackdrlter mm fcot bear print- ing. but they uro prrrel in tao rec ord of the Police Htatioa for future Tho udden appearance of either the ctilonrl tr major In ctiraraand on tbe gangplank of tio city of Para and LU room ierenip:ory orders to the foal-1 moutne.1 onjcern u.dtr hi command to lsln mas all that aed the Lack- m - m jp&. Am mm m-zm Msm mt-vv w n i I driver from being nearly killed As It is ho i ,o much Injured that he may ft-.. ft. . - m. - ao in I fni U t&o boapiUl. IMnmrll cannot remember mhribrl i ji a coionei or ma ior mho -afl ....... - ittt.uK aai oncerea lae Wrf-ft- fl . m mm m. m mm m m m - m . :jcrrs on loard. b4t mhai.rr rank ma ho gate tho driver ibo d&i - i-ir r.o r.a.i Ucmandol and meat LacVlUoa galloo rr II htrar and marked and enters a comrdalnL la IsZ hah Ho mas adtiMl to irr ffiIU oo b-Isg IstUlJf d and mill be ma- iae matter in some way as the tes.1 m - a aooui to leate. Ho loucht tli services cr hi a'lorcer. f?ri Creiehton. and callevl oa the Ilfltiih Ko i juul for advice In tbo meantime Marshal Bromn had ent I)rp-ity Manhal Chllllcrmrih I '-Tr to tae vessel mith otStb to ee. - "rX7IlV.k i ioj irjnweu wna thra and wMlo 'landing on the mharf the latter Id a - I os of tho oncers on the ship mm r- ft k iU' 1 T J KT I 1 Tr 1 1 r a M-w ff . a a . Alter l-cinc Lrri m.a!j!-!- fr.r ..r.-m. iIm..! tho oncers mere Cnallr told that iv-M1 r"Janding aicr mould se-o no osel"3'5 e!s rarMt aal 1 3 n' ltirT ou! l tot be allomed oalother thlar. Tho.e lavitei lo arairt I Jado wilex an 1 smear to a cor-.p!alct chrgicg th oSfrm with amuU mnd ittrrj. TfcU Le did. the warrasta ere rrosptly tnade out and jcltra ia ivrmty Marshal Chnilncworth Captain Parkrr with orders to tbeta If pol!il and to demand aa la trrTlew with the cxmnia&ln oCcrr the troortt oa board the City of Para. Tm oa the iucgilank aad told they coaU cot fro oa board. They permitted ta trlsc allomrd to trtid a taesaxre to tbm roamandlnc oZkrr. which was Cnail? ukrn by a corporal, w ho brought hcrtt rltir ordm to the r&ts1s to alkrer co on oa latd uaSer aoy ttrr-iraoa. Chllll&gortb thta detrralaei ta taakr an attempt to rve the warracla an tow an4 made a data to rl ca board. The ratrlet were loo quick for bia. borter, and bad tbelr bayoaeta rrmMS la frost of bla. The oQorra roaU do co oore and went bsxk to iba Po'.lce Nation with tle warraata ca- s-erted. The M-c tries and rorroral at the bead of the g:a&g?la&k were saad full qual&ted witb the oScial posltloa CZ the two oJSfm aad tborougbly uader- stood their object la trying to get ca toard. but they etxdal&ed to the o3- crr that they were powerless la tba matter and could do nothing but obey the orders of their superiors. Charles II IunelL the taaa who was so brutally tied la this affair, ta not a man to rrt under bis l&jurtea. He la the same man who was arrestad by the late Marshal lllirbeock for al legel complicity In the tale reroltatioau He flared bis cxm la the bands of Um late llrltUh CommlKsloner A. C. IL Ha cs. with the rrrult thit bis i&ao- wtK ! rnbrd bis claim at a cot of about tZ,- ) rather than take bsnets of hav ing to iuy metre to thc'IUitlth Gov ern meat. It U understood that be will appeal lo the British reprrseitativrs boUa bera ar.d at Washington for immediate has attained at the bands of cb United States array oScers. The farts of Dunne 11 cae as re- lat abate have been carefully reri- flM by the pollor. and there 1 riery reaon to leJleve that they are sub stantially as gltrn. tiii: rrHii:i)ii Hal co.vci ut. Very Large Audience t V. 3d. C A IIaII Lat Mglit Krlr! nihil firt ilaso reviul at tho V. M. C A. tU Ut night at tends! by a largo nd select audience. rriodenthal fa mo a a master of thm piano ma lal night mell utaJced. There U an c14 ailcg llut Good mgo &! to bah.w and after readl&s tho rtitirim m lf 1.5 n thai f. lay lax mhlch ha to a;.;--ared la almoU rrery rjem;arKr of ftote throughout the cJv lllrevl morld. there Is little need cf add ing to them. Tho eiquitite txauty of Ik-lhovraa -Moonlight Sonata" ma brought oat In It follett OeArare, The evo jurat pa tho of Chopin" "fleseral XluxhT mhlch 1 considered one of the txtoat magnlSretJl of dlrg mutt le heard played by a matter lo he appreciated to It full value, and the artirt'a tra&a- "iHloa of WrTm -.Storm and !letnma ong from he Fly- leg l?i-hxaan" I a rawt remark) trantlation loto'mtjlc of a tturm at m-x. Tho STorJ mero truly reallnlc All of the numtr cn the jirograa met ecthula!kally fmrlied. Tho neit relta mill to on Ve3ne- lay J:rtjJti at 2 o'cJck k. a&d lha tcrn mill lo arrangod mita a view lo tho rpx!al apyir-Jation of piano lttrwior and 1u3r.t. HONOLULU MTHAU I'AK Party of Inspection VJt the Ncmr KtfrJoti I'umpt. Oa IViday la!, HoMr. II. P. IlaJd ;a. L. A. Th?r3a aad II. 3drrlwaa :s.aaager of tho 3daka!l jdaataJloa .l!d lb llonolta:u Sagar Co. tt In :t tho am i::w1ca j-ut.ljje fdai . i ... .i.. I 9 Tho .etca aal oao.ia:f raUlioa gal- la f3? ;-edJ t.- to tda 11 A x'Uc P lalag mitbla s!i:y days. The new ymap It very tabtlaaUaZl bT.t and roatalait raay laprovetaeata that are well m-orth Krlng. M w w mm 9 mw w m- rw wm J. T. ?tackr. tdltor cf the Hamail Herald, hat ballt hlmlf a de era the hark Uwa of bis prei-e paaon. to 1 m5,,f hct It Is aofierKxry I to di a harJ think aad retire from the j a m .mm t nxe 01 tao u'j . rr m rjo. tho rot rr at oa rrSdty Trivia