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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVEKT1SER: HONOLULU, OCTOHKIt 17, 1S99. 00D TASTE IN DRESS THE PRIMA ONNA THE K MMM'YI)M nn How the Loading Artistes of Opera Company Co Throujjh Their Dally Routine. t p nothing but 5ood sense )Peep BeWnd the Scenes 7. -rr j j 1 of the Lyrics. ur, we ii say, ooa juuineiu i in picking out your clothier. If you wear Hart, Schaffner & Marx guaranteed clothes you'll be in good taste, in perfect fashion and money in pocket beside. H. S. & M. clothes fit perfectly, wear bet ter and keep in shape longer than any other clothes we know of. They are sold by the leading fashionable cloth ier in every lanje city in America. --COMPANY. LIMITED. i immporters g Coinniinnfesitoin) i QUEEN STREET, HART, SCHAFFNER &. MARX. COPyRiGMTEO MABT.XrtAf t NER I MARX GUARANTEED CLOTHING. M. McHMERMY, Merchant and Fort Streets. The United States of America. i i By act of their Congress have authorized the World's Columbian Com mission, at the International Exhibition held in the City of Chicago. State of Illinois, in the year 1893, to decree a medal for specific merit, which is set forth, below over the name of an individual judge acting as an examiner upon, the finding of a board of international judges, to Kihei Hesegawa, Ja pan, Hyoga; Exhibit, Mineral Water; Award for alkaline water, well carbo nated and well bottled. Permanent in quality, clear and sparkling, a good table water. (Signed) A. H. BRENEMAN, Individual 3 udge. JOHN BOYD THATCHER, Chairman Executive Committee on Awards. Curiosity keeps pace with the ad vancement of civilization. It scorns to be a natural element carried alons with the growth of enlightenment: it is contagious, and consequently the whole human race Is afflicted one way or another. The spark, however, seems to be imbued more strongly on the feminine gender than the genus man. The stage has ever been a mi crocosm, within itself. Its mysteries have a fascination that Is nlmply un controllable. Of the life of an opera singer the outside world knows really but little, but what little they do know is planted on fertile soli. and. needless to say, growing dally bigger and big ger, bearing a Mower called In I.atln "curlosltas." Perhaps If the amateur song birds were aware of the toll al lotted to the career of a professional prima donna (of the Doston I.yrlc Opera Company, for instance), there would not be so many operatic aspir ants in the field or at home begging papa "to send them to Italy" to study, that they may become great prima donnas in the near future. Hard work is the chilling rock ahead that has been the means of killing many an am bition. It is said that the duties of an opera singer are never finished: it Is one un ceasing round-of labor day after day. without any stopping-ofT place for a long rest. In the morning she must be up with the lark for a long walk to keep her digestion In perfect order and her physical power strong and vigor ous, so that the arduous task of sing ing an opera can be borne with vigor and strength, without the strain upon the system becoming evident by "pumping," as they say in operatic lore. After the matutinal peregrina tion a light breakfast comes In order; then a half-hour for the perusal of the Full Ljiue off I Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, 4 As well as all kinds of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. MtlOlS $ Tkents For 2 The Lancashire Insurance Co. of Manchester. England. Fire and Life. 2! The Baloise Insurance Co. of Basle, Switzerland. 4 The Union Gas Engine Co. Thn NAiir Piriftr Hinri scunner Mirhtnpc tnrt othr agencies- S i I W I" W w W A ft I W mm w w mm mmm m mm 9 mtm mm m w w w w y www w TO FIGHT Af lOfiaOE Filibusters Sail From New York. BY THE MARIE HACKFELD We Have Received a Large Assortment of Morton's and Crosse & BlzcfcwclPs General Jose V.lutlnl Says He WW Win Back His Confiscated Est te Wtlh the Sword NKW YORK. Oct. 2. New York ha for a month pant unconiouiy har bored an extensive filibustering plot. and did not discover it existence until It had been surresAfully carried 0:1!. It was planned and carried through by Hardware, Filters, Crockery, Glasware, Iron Bedsteads, Carborlineum, Stocltholm Tar, Demijohns, Etc., Etc., Etc. General Joso Antonio Velutlnl. for- morning paper to keep In touch with I merly president of the Venezuelan Con ine topic 01 me times, ami men two pr4 who u now -,f(. on m way to Trinidad with a large numbr of fob 'A A A A A "THE ABOVE AWARD TO "Hiraeo Water" was the only prize secured by any Eastern Mineral Water at xZA Jho Zltoi "i.y"i"nni the World's Columbian Exposition. hairdresser, ami then to her lire FOR SALE BY W. C. Peacock & Co., Ltd. SOLE AGENTS. 48 Bottles. hours of vocal exercises, which must never be neclected. winding un with flftoon tnlmilixt' ilnvntlnn tr rnlUihrn- I lower. T.C0 modem rlfie. lOrtiuu les: then comes the rehearsal, usually I round if ammunition and othr rai lukiuh iiwuiii iwui iiv.ui. twiiun ; "Inlllnn of tfjr. He WJA Iomiriy a light lunch: then a carriage drive. I n.,i another walk, or the receiving of clo friend and adviser of friends: a nap for an hour and dln-.ndrade. but quarreled with hlni over ner. a drive to the theater, ten mln-cmo t,f tho iHTnirloui Wi!ation uies :n me cnair 01 .Mons. .naioio 11 ff. i.. f.-.rr vr ur I.. . refine-1 inrougn uonKrw. room, wnere me mam nas aireauy lain .niraue u"nun muhh ...-. out the costume which she Is to wear letter wa forccI to Icmv tb country, for that nlghfa performance. She , lhn fnin,er ifro Andrad Innl-a It nil nfor tn enn ftilt It la oil mr. reel and then, with a sigh of regret- ordered his arrest and the ImprU m especlally If tights are worn, for they nient of a nnmUr of hU lrknd! and are the common nuisances with prima I jmrMKirtcr. That action dfrmlnd donnas-commences to put them on. an,, ho r.,m lo NVtc York iitrr i ill i lii.i iv ii ii i unit n n lit ... . .. When she Is about half through with i" a Pn to aM Hie rrvoiu.ion. 111 ihla nnrponirv nffrnllnn. I ho scrnninc I nr notinrctl wiirn lie arrived thlt be I Alo. ;i now line of which will Ikj on cxnhilion eoca PfipA 7 ui) HPr riCP I sound of the violins can be heard from I ,rro for lnr purpose of haias ino V.V w benoaln tne stage, and tne cauioy yens i , eeainiSc Gas AND 09 Ltd. I vas constantly cngacl in worx the revolutionists, he attracted no at tention. He necretly p-4rchae! largr (INCORPORATED SEPT. 8, 1899.) to 46 Merchant Street; H MME W asy Terms, out: "Fiften minutes!" The time soon ; " " ' " ; nnsses. The constant hum and flutter clallsts. He Urol qule'.ly. and while b lnfrrn thn rnrtnln nnnonnrc the ranld I vi ctmftlantlv cncaetl in work for assembling of the audience, and the rush of the stagehands and the merry f ..I n - 9 .l.A t.r..o nlrl nrnlltlil tfiO WtllHiliVI Ul Hit- Vliuiua !. ""V I ... , , . , .11.,. I wings tells only too plainly that 5 nan" w r - o'clock Is drawing near. Three raps them by regular s'.eamer to Trinidad, are suddenly heard on the stage; the when h had rnide his purrhajoi and places, a smile of recognition passe" self, and will reach Trinidad nn I rldy. around, the curtain goes up. the chorus ne il! k Joined theiv by a larxr is singing the opening song, and the forrf, ant al nco take the fiM prima uonna sianus reauy. jirr.uni i . . Th ha l- r,inniM,ni- fiiii ftfagalnst Andrade. Tfte w.ier na u- IUI llicr llltilll a . v.. 'IV 1 ... it at .lit orMHrn nn.l Wmi Tho musle ctielcland him an etlle and conriKatI h. la eminHpcl. sho ! on the stace. she I urntx ri v. bti ho he will win It hears the applause or welcome naHback at the point of th word. greets ner entrance, ami wmi "sound she feels amply repaid for the trials and tribulations she has under gone during the day preparing for the night's performance. of all descriptions in Hock and made to order from tho cheapest to the finest finished product 'A ft ft A ft 1 TRY. WMcf s Fwto 33TTHEY WILL CURE YOUR HORSE'S COUGH. COL. VALKMINi: KYAN. ! j 1 j Q 6 s-f 2 g SOLD 7 3 K 0 A L X A K O desa slde of the street; po dust. Perpetual water-right from Artesian well Roes with each lot GOOD LOCA TION; near car line. ONI2" PART CASH; balance on long time with low Interest WILLIAM SAVIDGE, ; Bio. 310 FORT STREET. MclNERNY CLOCK. Now First crccant f Cmipniiy 1). Thirty-fifth Infantry. Perhaps one of the most distinguish ed men of the Thlrty-lifth Infantry, now In our city. Is the flr.n sergeant of Company I Mr. Ryan. or. as he should be named. Colonel Valentine Ryan, of the Second Louisiana Regi ment (better known as the famous Louisiana Tigers"). He had the dis tinction of being the only man who was ever elected from the position of non-commissioned oflicer to the high est rank in the regiment, and that by the unanimous vote of the entire regiment. Colonel Ryan In public life Is one or the best-known ventriloquists, mimic and character impersonators In the world and is known all over four con tinents as one of the highest-paid ar tists in the profession. Strange to state this same Valentine Ryan Is the same man who had the honor of being the last entertainer who ever performed before the last King of these Islands. Associated Charities. A meeting of the executive commit tee of the Associated Charities of Ha waii will be held at 3 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday. October IS. at manager's offlce. Hotel street, near Y. M. C. A. building. All Interested are invited. Only the highest grade of RCD RUD DER Is used In the Stamps made by tne HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO. "I am told that you hate a gral many friends." "Oh. I don't know." anrrM the cynic In plaid rlnthe: "It all depend with me. the jciro' as with other p-o-ple. on whether I'm trying to liriv or willing to l-nd." HAWAIIAN' 0pera House ooo Mr. Clay Clement AND EXCELLENT COMPANY. oo Tonight! Tonight! The icntnmtlc t-vnieuy. "THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN." Island orders Satisfactorily Filled. ft A ft - C. R. COLLINS J P. O. BOX 507. ESTABLISHED 1891. ICING ST. near HUUAHU GT iCocrcumt Fire i IS NOW USED IN lattrcssc Thursday Night, October 19 Th Comedy. ( A SCRAP OF PAPER.; Trices evening. I1.S0. $1 and fc. Price matinees, II, TSc and Sr. SEATS NOW OS SALE AT Wall, Nichols Company. We have jut reccivel a larse fcliiinient of Fibre direct from the factory, ami arc now prepared to fill orders fcr tho-e d im ring Cocoammiit Folbire Mattresses. COYNE i HE1TEM F11HT1E CBUPffl Progress Block. Fort St.