Newspaper Page Text
n i KtJtbIUur Juljr ll, IH'.II. VOL. XXX., NO. 5368 IIOXOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. FKIDAY, OCTOltEI JO. lfiO'J. TWKLVE PAGES, PHICG FIVC envzz. y) ! i I f i PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS. ATKINSON & JUDD (A. L. C. Atkin- son and Albert F. Judd, Jr.) Office over Bishop & Co.'s bank, cor. Mer chant and Kaahumanu sts. ACHI & JOHNSON (W. C. Achl and Enoch Johnson). Office No. 10 West Kin St; Tel. 884. LORRIN ANDREWS. Office with Thurston & Carter, Merchant St., next to postoffice. X.YLE A. DICKEY. King and Bethel Sta.; Tel. 806; P. O. box 786. FREDERICK W. JOB. Suite 815, Mar quette Bldg., Chicago, 111.; Hawaiian Consul General for States of Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Wiscon sin. . CHAS. P. PETERSON. 15 Kaahuma nn St. PHYSICIANS. 23R- GEO. J. AUGUR, Homeopathic I Practitioner and Surgeon. Special attention given to chronic diseases; nearly opp. Methodist church; office nours xu to 12 a. m. , o lu t p. m. , i i top. m.; Sundays, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.l Tel. 733. C. L. GARVIN, M.D. Office 537 King St, near Punchbowl; hours, 9 to 12 a, m., 7 to 8 p. m.; Tel. 448. DR. JENNIE L. HILDEBRAND. Of fice 512 Qeretania St., near Alapai; hours 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m.; Tel. 915. ,OR. A. GORDON HODGINS. Office and residence, Gedge Cottage, corner Richards and Hotel Sts.; office hours 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 7. to 8; Tel. 953. DR. WALTER HOFFMAN. Beretania St., opposite Hawaiian Hotel; office hours 8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m., 7 to 8 p. m.; Sundays 8 to 10 a. m.; Tel. 510; T. O. box 501. DR. T. MITAMURA. Consulting rooms 427 Nuuanu St.; P. O. box 842; Tel. 132; residence 524 Nuuanu St.; hours 9 to 12 a. m. and 7 to 9 p. m.; Sundays 2 to 6 p. m. OR. I. MORI. 136 Beretania St, be tween Emma and Fort; Tel. 277; P. O. box 843; office hours 9 to 12 a. m. and 7 to 8 p. m.; Sundays 9 to 12 a .xn i DR. A. N. SINCLAIR. 413 King St, next to the Opera Houseoffice hours 9 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m., 7 to 8 p. m.; Sundays 12 m. to 2 p. m.; Tel. 741. T. B. CLAPHAM. Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. Office Hotel Stables; calls, day or night, promptly ans wered; specialties obstetrics and lameness. 3R. TOMIZO KATSUNUMA. Veteri nary Surgeon. Skin diseases of all kinds a specialty. Office room 11, Spreckels Bldg.; hours 9 to 4; Tel. 474; residence Tel. 1093. DENTISTS. Jtf. E. GROSSMAN, D.D.S. Alakea St.; three doors above Masonic Temple, Honolulu; office hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. xn. SR. C. B. HIGH. Philadelphia Dental College 1892; Masonic Temple; Tel. 318. 43EO. H. HUDDY, D.D.S. Fort St., op .posito Catholic Mission; hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. OR. A. C. WALL, DR. O. E. WALL. Office hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Love Bldg., Fort St. BROKERS. A. J. CAMPBELL. Office Queen St.. 3. J. FALK. Member Honolulu Stock Exchange; room 301 Judd Bldg. WILLIAM SAVTDGE. Real Estate In all Parts of the Islands bought or sold; No. 310 Fort St; Mclnerny Blk. ENGINEERS. JAMES T. TAYLOR, M. Am. Soc. C. E. Consulting Hydraulic Engineer; 306 Judd Blk, Honolulu. CONTRACTORS. -WM. T. PATY. Contractor and Build er. Store and office fitting; brick, wood or stone building; shop Palace Walk; residence Wilder Ave., near Kewalo. .J. A. BUTTERFIELD. Contractor and Builder. Store and office fittings, Bldg., Union St.; Tel. 702. .shop and repair work; Bell Tower PROFESSIONAL CARDS. MUSIC. COOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL. Love Bids.. Fort St.; Piano, Voice Culture, Sing ing and Harmony; especial attention paid to touch, muscular control and musical analysis. PIANO TAUGHT IN SIX MONTHS. New quick method; special attention given to adult beginners. Terms 35 monthly. Address "Musician," Ad vertiser office. ANNIS MONTAGUE TURNER. Vocal Instruction; terms by the lesson or month; commencing on and after the 10th of July, "MIGNON"; 720 Bere tania St., Honolulu. ARCHITECTS. HOWARD Suite 7, Tel. 989. & TRAIN, Architects. Model Block, Fort St.; O. G. TRAPHAGEN. 223 Merchant St., between Fort and Alakea; 734; Honolulu, y . . - , i DRAUGHTSMAN. I T. D. BEASLEY. Plantation and To- "o - , .ww. 306, Judd Bldg.; Tel. 633. QTPMnnRnPHPRQ I MISS A. A. ALLEN. Office cor. King and Bethel Sts. (upstairs); Tel. 751. MISS E. M. BROWN Office over Bishop & Co.'s, corner Kaahumanu and Merchant Sts. OPTICIANS. E. LUCAS. Love Bide Fort St. 3. upstairs; P. O. box 351. I carry a full line of ALL KINDS OF GLASSES from the CHEAPEST to the BEST. Free Examination of the Eyes. MISCELLANEOUS. F. D. GREANY, A.B., (Harv.) Pri vate Tutor, with especial reference to preparation for college. Office cor. . King and Bethel Sts.; Tel. C2 and 806; P. O. box 759. MRS. B. F. McCALL. Latest designs Gowand "tSSuS:,, Beretania St. T motji-iam nnni Wii Twir and Lapidary; Opal Cutting a Spe- cialty; No. 2 School St, near bridge. MISS PRESCOTT General Writer and Business Agent; Commissions Un dertaken for the other Islands; ring up Queen Hotel; Tel. 809. P. SILVA. Agent to take acknowledg ments to instruments, district of Ko na, Oahu; at W. C. Achl's office, King SL, near Nuuanu. TOURISTS GUIDE THROUGH HA WAII. Price 60c; beautifully Illus trated. For sale by all newsdealers. I DR. A. C. POSEY. Specialist for Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose Diseases and! Catarrh; Masonic Temple; hours 8 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. HONOLULU SANITARIUM. 10S2 . King St.; Tel. 639. Dr. Luella S. Cleveland, medical superintendent. Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; methods of Battle Creek, Mich., Sanitarium; .baths of every description; trained nurses in bath rooms as well as In sick room; massage and manual movements; electricity in every form; classified dietary, etc; ample facilities for thorough examination. Dr. C. L. Garvin, consulting physi cian and surgeon. THE CORONER'S VERDICT. Exonerates steamship Alameda for the Death of a Chinese. The verdict of the jury empaneled to inquire into the death of the Chinaman who was killed in a collision between his fishing-boat and the steamer Ala meda last month, entirely exonerated the steamer'ft'people from all blame In the matter in rendering the following verdict: "That the said Sin Chleu, a China man, came to his death in the channel near the entrance to the harbor of Ho nolulu, Island of Oahu, Hawaiian Isl ands, on or about the 13th day of Sep tember, 1S99, he, being at that time a member of the crew of a Chinese fishing-boat which was accidentally run down by the steamship Alameda while the said steamship Alameda was en tering the harbor of Honolulu afore said." The jury consisted of six prominent Chinese merchants. LYING IN STATE Remains of Late Uinister Eiecntive BDildiDg. at THE FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS Msoy Beautiful Rememtrances-E Cftot De corations -Order of Procession Pail-teirers. The body of the late Minister Jamw A. King lay In state In the old throne room of the Executive building yester- dav from 11 a. m. to 3 o'clock p. m. and ' , , iA iiuuiuria ui iiculic iao-oi. . r-. . i . i .i i t. Tfenl view me oouy uunug muse uumo. remains were taken In a hearso from I Tinnrv Williams undertaking parlors I shortly before 9 o'clock escorted by alltratlon In a Japanese paper of what squad of foot police under Capain Iar- Ker; u uuiivrjr ui uiu ouiu nn. drawn up in line and aaluted as the casket was borne into the Exccu- tive buildlnc. The large hall waa beautifully decorated with foraa and palms, the speakers stand being liter- any a mass ui ive piams, miv uuum the elegant black casket were numer ous floral designs sent In by friends and admirers of the deceased Minis ter. Some of these were exceedingly pretty. In front was a large mono- gram In nowers forming me leucr J. A. K. in red and set upon a green base and upon the casket was a heart in red, carnations from the widow. while lene.ith the casket a veritable mass of beautiful flowers and ferns. The face of the dead looked most peaceful and natural, like that nf n sleeping man. the lody was drrsM In the uniform of the Honolulu Com mand cry and upon the casket his cha- peau and sword of that order. A guard of four men and a cor;oral on dut: ihroi'ut ;hc ,1y.ar1 -" so continue till the funeral, being re lieved from time to time by fresh men om uic same win. i ne uovcrnmeni m a - - n .. band, stationed In the grounds, played dirges between the hours of 11 and 12 a. m. and 1:30 and 3 p. m. The body will again be open to the view of the public from 1 to 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoon. The funeral of the late Minister King will move from the Executive building at 3 o'clock on Sunday afternoon. The pallbearers will be: E. A. Mott-Smlth. W. O. Smith, J. A. Hasslnger, W. K. Allen, J. A. McCandless. C. 1). Ripley, C. L. Wright and K. IL G. Wallace. The order of procession is not yet mmnirtoii im win .frmt.i i.A na tm. lows: Company of Police. National Guard of Hawaii. Detachment Sixth Artillery. 1-.S.A. Detachment of Bluejackets from U.S.S. Iroquois. Masons. Hearse. Chief Mourners. President and Staff. The Cabinet Ministers. Justices of the Supreme Court. Special Agent of the United States. Consul General of the United States. Officers of the U. S. Army and Navy. President of the Senate. Senators. Speaker of the House. Representatives. Consular Corps. Circuit Judges. Government Officials. Public. New Puna Plantation. All the preliminary arrangements for the formation of the new Puna Plan tation Company have boen completed. and work will be commenced in a few days. Ground Is tojbe prepared at once for putting in 200 acres of seed cane. from which the first Planting can be done. While the appointment of the manager has not been definitely de cided on. it seems to bv generally un derstood that Robert Rvcrof: will be the man. Lot at Sea. Fred. Gieseke. the cabin-boy of the George Curtis, was washed overboard and lost from that vessel on the ev nlng of the 9th inst. The vessel was running in a very heavy sea at the rate of thirteen knots an hour at the time and before any assistance coum ie ren- -dered the unfortunate young fellow was I lost to sight In the darkness. QUEER CASE ONE mm V 0 T6 flbOUt the VefSatjle C0mm0d0r6UlGirTFULC::--niYU'aLA5TK of the Yacht Worna-Uhat Coast Paper Under the heading of "Queer Caw of Two Weavers." the San Francbco Ilul- ...... - - o o. wi.. . . .v gentleman named W. J. Weave- should be In trouble at Honolulu over tho pub- Tt I . n tmnpii mlnrMonm f?ir tk purported to be the gentleman' rec- ord. Weaver went to the Islands on the acht Noma and has pod as a well-known yachtsman and a wealthy fellow. He objects to the atatrmenl made In the Japanese paper that ho was forced to leave Yokohama In a hurry. -Commodore Weaver, referred to in the above. Is not. in all probability, the W. J. Weaver who startlM Port land. Seattle. Spokane Falls, and. la- tcr, Pranclico mlth queer lorc; of news-paper nyndicafe. and who had several IlaMern publication. Including Harries chasing him all over eounio lor mnenmn,; r . . - at .1 - . ..... was foiircirti on ni ur-t-r uimm n. j "Yet Commodore Weaver. It I 1 , riii i,-.t it .iiV'. I Ing almiiarity to his namefake In the' matter of claims thai th? Honolul man la putting forwanl. The local Weaver, who was known as a danger ous fakir to the local pre- and the newspaper rnen of the North, was a! He was nlwi a big newnpaptr owner (In his Imagination! and a fn hai'd hi prolurlng souvenir programs. He was always armed with lettera from I various papers, and In many cases the letters were pronouncetl apurloua by rren who were supposed to have signed them. There Is a long, unsavory rec ord after the trail of the local Weaver, and the Honolulu gentleman has un doubtedly been confused with the tall Augimlus Howard like creature who I Is ao well known to the Sound. Port- land and local publishers.' Th Augustus Howard referred to Is probably one of the numerous aliases adopted by the onc' Weaver In some TI1E Y0K00AKIA MURDER. Miller. CoQvtcteiof the Crime. Makes a Fall Confession. Miller baa confc.Mcd hi crime. H ray that after killing with a hammer the mm who had n54aulted him Ir th bar of the IlUinc Sun a!oon, ho dropped the hammer, and Suyc, laying down the lamp he wa carrying, took up thr hammer and mad? for the door. Imagining that hc wan going to gtvn information, he Interrupted hr, and sent hr and the maidservant up!alr, bidding them go to bed. He then locked the door, and helped himself to whl.tey. While he wa drinking, the two r.omen came down again and tried to get in, but finding the door locked, retliej once more upstair. Pretest ly Miller himelf would have gone up - ... . tali?. but the ma!datrvant prevcntel him. ami tried to puh him down. He then struck her on the head with a f cr-w-urench that he had In hU hand. Tin woman fell, and Suye. whom he had no Intention of Injuring, begin to fere. to. railing him a crying for the police. there was nothing for ll bui her, and he did so with the to kill yrrcw- wrench. He then took off his ih'.rt.. wrapped the wrench In It. and putting; the bundle under bis coat, wnt In the when he recovered his nii the J had dawned, and peop'.c wrre begin - - ? tnererore of Cjcaninc ln a u,,, .btll ,h rtl.nA orr.cLils being already at their poats. he had to abandon that Idea. Procf.1- direction of the Grand Hot!, where h tl nettMnB lo Capuln Jam A. the Utl K mi:n0!uW Tw Vcncn.n sr rrr- aBi:KiBe Minuter of the latcrlor U thai ly ih oa.r rUr rr-at hp Vlr1 in.!hr"P!J-?3?,f A. McCandWs. Itd u esrartment. e After that ho loat conacioaaaejm. and . 1311 Jca texday aflemooa ' u 0 WE AVEfrMi3 tf "A tf fctf a Says of Him. of hli advcrtlftlng cbee:r on the Coaat For there ta but -one- and oaly one Weaver, which la probably a good thing for th real of busa&ity. The proof that the Honolulu man la th jane oM newfrvaper fakir trUm to by the San Frandaco Italletia caae from hU own month while here la autemecta made to averal rartlea la mhlch he detailed hli oairrfal achlevemenu for omiaper ayndl- ii.Kinflrm. ti u . ,ri.. r.,f li. that In a little Interview bad In tb Marshal' oSce be gavo a aim liar a Laic- ment of bla newspaper a!orle. Cartoon on board the Noma In thla harbor he ahould have again given an almost I Identical hlMory of bla rarrer In the I qr&i ta having irUd;!l la an -al-n-raper buln-.a iih tb f htiaor- rtK.a Lla rtlm tba Information that be had a!o Coa newrarT mork In AtrW. ad ihrrr. What haa l-rrs of Weaver?" I "fien aalrl. The anrr la that be all over the5n,,, rM i rancinu i ouuin I me money r.rt-jrr 10 rT,r-ax ine yac ffm h Un8u mho $lU baa rM'-iM.on. II wa arcotnpaaieu ttj bla alMer-ln-law. ho came on tb yarht lth him from YoVnhama. A I I , w . 1 nil ,.-- it-, iitvial tgtJktn ' Norna yeicrday. Mam ha I l!ron I4: -I Mill have M-.a!oa of the m- a I. Mr. Weaver and tb aUor&rn In the raje fiiel up maltera In aome way atifactory to Ibem!ve by whlrh be was gltrn tlrae lo obtain Ibe money neeMry to tr'.eaa lb tl the yacht b--ing left In my charge In the meantime. To relur rvpetJM-. It wa asree.1 that all the sails aho-4jl I smpp irotn in mams ana swrva In the pnlicti atatlan. This was done to that ll would b nxe.ary for me only to kep on man on th vtl Instead of a larger fore. Th crew. with th exception of on or two men. uu iur wtu iiu i- jaiui a tufai, time, have been paid o3 and. 1 believe, the latl of them will leave oa Mon day. I hardly think Weaver will coma back her, but that tbe money neces sary to release the vcl will be paid through his attorneys, here, la that ras a crew ran d pat on ta yacat and th vejnl sent any ll." here be wants ing to CartU luloon. be mad a chin re of clothe, his Idea being to fiy ml once, but Wn overcame bla. and when be anke the police had come to arfr-u him. Kobe Time. CAPTAIN SLATr.KVS COMPANY. Ila In;; n (Imk1 lime Mnrtturg ItotinJ the Inland in the KaWi. The mn of the SUlh AftJll ry are experiencing anything but pWurv oa their march around the lnd. Oa Wednesday morning they broke camp at Moanalua for Redmond Grove, but oa account of the heavy m!t It Uxk them three: hour to make the dis tance about ix or rtcn ml Ui. No effort wan made at order on the march an 1 ai the grove Cupula Slater, j liberty. Durlcs the night the rain fell ..... . very heatlly and the trts were Cool ed. The men resumed thtlr march to ward Walalca ye:erday momtcr fil ing very slirr and mlrabje, Xtt night they had L-A arrltol iLcre and the prousptlon it thai ihey a:e murderer, and camped by the b!g atrram oa the moua Ile saw that tain midway between ivarl City aad Wala.u and that they will arrlte at the latter piai today. For .Minuter of Interior. . . ,- ti.u.. v? tsaaj- name-f metiuoae llic o;!c!oa had tirtually cryalal- ! lliM la hit favor. Ther. wat .om- : ,Io:lU expre.r,i a Ma. Quarters. h"vterf a to whether he coali be! Induced lo take the ciScr. Of hli Ct-I i-cf for it there met none. AT OPE ll Clay Cleat Co. Cart us Bilm far SanrUr Ki Tm OrtJkat- at A Crsaa A Srsoa. -A Scrap of Pa pre." an KntfteJi xiinn bv Kmdl frosa Lb Prrocil iv.i iMwiniunniitfif krtKta of Vlul alau ?lrr of . roarer. RrSm. and prrratr4 I f Clay CJetaeat Coapany at lb opera boo"Ut debt, la fontinat taasssci b tirlghtnea of the great aalbcr. . . fc , OTk U arrr4 to any eitcet 7 tranlatloa and adaptation to the Hss- I u,, Ucjruir a&d aadlmcca. L, u ,,00 lh XUim llcterrtlcg advmtorea of 1 UllxX d'amoar rittrn lire rara prior to jjr naniax lr Uaronea Uoaiaa a i. Ooramont Uat not reoeJvca ih lor itm yara. orxlzz lo bU aW( frca tb ccmatry, ctma- llaronera rejtteta Ha 3rrinctioil which la rr.'ml upon the grxmad Lbxt a letter la lb rrcjny of the craca to whom It la 4je-wd. ud Mile- Ca raane. a rjln of the Iimona,aTC-rr-talet to rojl Cmiramotil to CiijfT d.f!rt,y ftT te!t:m the lelMa! ra.aUre. Uat durl&g aa lctrl-w the peop3 discover a mutual rrrard for rach other tariff ft l!r-r at fi tttti ibtri late! fltt- , . MM t . . . . . . . t CanntaanX ta 4rtr H ibrtiwa It ra be flw toear a Crv td iwrt thoaly tot of mub la tbe trom In rirfria,joa that Cooraraoat will . . ... lj5l lo ,J fcU J1' 13 rJT, lJt throw a It half tumttj not cf tb wl4crw t2Ka thm I g?mit4, from )tft Jt la i.Jtk4 ttp Iry lb ttaroa hlm:f. The t?oru of All concerned lo obtain It axd at th aasa time prve&i tb husband from leara- lcg Its true hiory are memt amaai&s aJJJ ptwnl otift ut lhoh t4taUont tauch enjojed by tbt Fmcb dramatic!. I Ion ever, tbe xasllrr In. la a way, ex plained and ail cada bap;42y a fa dr bound. As lrrnper Coaramoat, Mr. Oeoeat aMre&e a. chxrrur cjaile dlffrrr&l ta laay of fcU f-t delineations, and. al though there If no err at trope for lb actor. It may, la He Lands of a lxa competent man. caae tb wbol fday to drag and n:i faUcre. In Mr. Cto ment'a interpmaiJoa cd the part hm Is at all Mm ry and natural. Sirs. Of meal as th p!rlied Mile. Scraaao demo&trated a Cm crxrp of tbe char acirr a.tunl, hi )41k Allt Ixm boa a the llarone. and 34U Tolls km MathUde. br 4Mer contributed la o mal ay to tbe urr of a dOlgLl fal comedy. Oa SiUirtxy Clay 0mai and his company U1 a;;ar in io cf tb Hr !roncet playr lVr the mati&ev. hlch. by the ay. ta the lal afler (wa irformanc' to tx cic by this ic;ml orpuilralioa. the cvlebralrd romantic, drama. Tb Coraican ! Urother, ill te jrrnied. and for ymo , 1. . . , . ' A . i ramout tut La a rarcej bvncrefla of tbr:aoda .f dollars for rvtrjbody concrad In Its prx5urjJca, Tbe cart cm thU cxraaloa will be augments by th; Crt a;.;arance of Jlr. Kraak Ccnia, Oa nnt Wcnday Mr. Clement . w tgia th Ian ek of U racaxe- meet, arj-eiliJg la th Robenacialaa cody -Ca!e,- q . fc:iod 03 mmir by -The Mouatcbaxk." Re ir:rrts have la o numeroua to re leat Mr. ClemtnlV "The jcw iv-aln-lon-jhat ih raanagrmmt ! serJonidy roaslierltg lu rniitioa one night la Whitney i Marah. lj!d, ajc LoMiaj: aj ccuerwrar saJe thU rk. Sx-e Ad- vcrtUmeat on pare z. MiifiLNCini snuvicn. Hcaa!a!a Urr.uzztr JVrvJre dearer txcagcs and package. Tel. 27 g. 0 m