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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, OCTOItKR '20. lZ2. IT O Kailai Tract - Unrepairable Loss. . That is what you will suffer if you take your undeveloped films or plates to Manila or elsewhere, for the heat and dampness will ruin them. ...CAMERA... COOKING SCHOOL Career of Miss Morgan, the Teacher. a ruimer PLANTATION SAM. IN AS- of to What the School Is Doing, Arrange ments Made, Fees for Tuition and Other Matters This we keep for the benefit of our patrons. Situated on the east side uotiui aiiujt .Lilt; ic Pearl Harbor is the best in the FINISHED WORK AT fllfv nf TTnnnlnln TTip soil is verv TWO HOURS' NOTICE. A deeo: no stones or rocks on the Water will be laid before pur- A space will be set apart in memory of the late Princess Ka iulani for a park. The lots will be sold at the low- est prices in the market, with which other real estate agents will not afford to compete. Applications for lots will be received at our office, and will be given preference of chosing lots An the order they are received. The le Munyon 426 Fort-Street Photographic -ooo- The Housekeepers' League are re joicing in the fact that their teacher for the cooking-scnool has arrived and that the old Kaplolanl home at the corner of Queen and Punchbowl streets has been secured for the cooking school. Circulars in Jan.inpsp ami Chinese PHOTO SUPPLY C0 nave been issuej as these tw ciassc with a class for women of all nation alities will be the first started. The tuition for each of these classes will be o for twelve lessons and all materials furnished free of charge. The course will Include the cooking of meats, soups, eggs, vegetables, bread, etc., and as far as possible the students will be taught the dishes the especially cares to make. Miss Morenn Is si thormiehlv nnmn- Perfect satisfaction guaranteed tent teher. tho miinu-m nf b !rom !nJur b animal. u w I o -. - I , , . m ... ... . t . inis Mage u inc pro win nv nam irau plantatlon Is made. The roots being cut back to within eighteen Inches of the stem, the tree Is dug up and trans ferred to lis final resting Place In the Philadelphia. Sept. 12. 1S99. r ter and timetables received on Satur- years is attainetl It will be ready toll Publisher's PriCCS. aay morning, ana were iorwaraea toiiap. rue capuai omiay is not targe, me in Philadelphia immediately. It Is but tho money expended being locked just a little late to get a good teacher, n .tu- tn th Portraits, Th r..:ar.:ly increjin inIi:rU: impvrnr.c of Ind.u rubier rendT of peculiar interest th rxpr:nia: hU h have bvn made !y tae Aa IVr ! partnun: on the f the FU-u !a:!ea. According to a cor repoadea: of "The Fid 1. tho tnf.Ul attempts to tart ur?sf j! plantation ah resulted in failure, and it a. not ur.:ll isTU that any ucvc. a attain ed. At the outset an attempt was ni 1c to imitate Nature by planting the etd In clefts of tree. In the hope that th F:cus might. In germinating. Womo epiphytic on Its hot. but failure uas the result. Planting cutting was next resorted to, but though these struck readily the resulting tree was a'.aicK devoid of atrial roots, which are an Important factor In Its after life. In the end the plan was adopted, and has succeeded, of raising the plant from seed and transplanting It as Its stage of growth requires. Thus, the seed lings, when from two inches to three inches high, are transplanted to nur sery beds, where they are Inserted In ridges about one foot apart, and re main here till a height of twelve Inches Is attained. Kach plant is then trans ferred to a bed Ave feet squire, where it remains till a height of from ten feet to twelve feet is reached, it hav ing In the meantime been protected Stocks ano Bonds BOUGHT AND SOLD. Trust Funds TAKEN CARK OF. Investments SECURED. SAFE DBP0S1T BOXES Rented for keeping Valuables. Fire Insurance ISSUED. or money returned. PLATINUMS, CARBON EFFECTS, CARBONS, IRIDIUMS, and ALL GOOD PHOTOGRAPHIC PAPERS. SIX HUNDRED FIRST-CLASS VIEWS TO SELECT FROM; LATEST Mrs. Rorer shows, as Mrs. Rorer, after her twenty-five years experience stands at the head of scientific cooking in the States: Its teo IISttil (LIMITED.) GEO. R. CAD TEH. Treasurer. 4to Fort Street, Honolulu. Telephone No. 1SL MOIRE HEW HIE HBI flflffl CO OF HAWAII, LTD. Zscorror:r4 Under tie Lavs ct O Ir?M!c of lUvaU. AuthorlitJ CiplMl. St.000.CC3. ctrlti CtHUl. 750.CCO Pali tp CiplUl. 500.CCO. OFFICERS AND DIKCCTOZTCl Cecil rtrown Pres3 It. r. Dillictbin Vic W. G. Coorer II L Ilcyd G G. K. McLeoJ DirectorsCecil Ilrowti. D, F. llcchara, Msrk P. Roblstoa. Cinwricat aaa G. W. UcXartasa DILW nXCIUNGC OH: Svin lYaacUco TLe &Ua IUnk. Ualtd. Chlcaro Tie ISefcafits Trust Cos roar. New York J. 4b W. Sll&aa A ray. London The Aclo-C&2: Ilank. United. Ports Soclete Geeerale. lUcbarc M. M. Waxtmrs Pny. llocickosr a&d TokoToasa Chartered lU&k of India. Act: ad China. Australia Tbe Union Daak d trail. Ualted. Canada Dask of Montreal. Hcrlia GeTsruder Meyer. Exchnneo bouoht and ond Letters of Credit l&aucd ail parts of iho world. THE BANK (I? BAffJE -L4MITCD - Lavs d For further particulars apply PICTURES OF THE RECENT VOL- J gagements here in August : at least; Plantations which have now reached CANIC ERUPTIONS. W.C m -OfO- however, I telegraphed three or four who were in positions, as I want to send you a woman of experience. A tip w irrniliintf urnnlil novnr An In - nntv country; that is. where the work Is not Tho nct vrofku on the other hand, after organized. My first enort was unsuc-1 paying expen5es or collecting toe ruu the tapping stage are showing an ex cellent return on the original outlay, which amounted to ill 9s. 01. per acre. -THE SWALLOW. -GADFLY. GARDEN OF SW0RD3. lO & CO. Real Estate Brokers. WEST KING ST. October 4, 1S99. PHOTOGRAPHIC Co. VV LIMITED. MOTT-SMITH BLOCK. Corner Fort and Hotel Streets. WHAT A FUSS To Keep Your Cash Straight. ii Children's Photos Are the hardest of all to make well until you become accustomed to the task. Mothers tell us we are at our best when making photos of the little ones. Our quaint, unique poses faith ful likenesses and dainty style of fin ishing photos find favor in every mother's eyes. Preserve baby's pretty face In one of Walliams photos. J. J. WILLIAMS, hue i a. Fort Street. GITY HILL CO., LTD. iln on in mrrcEN & KEKAULIKE STREETS (Elwa side of Old Fish Market.) P.O. Box 951. Tel. 101. ft 101 (111 Nil Does tbe Business. o--o . MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS! -OOO- IRON FENCES, BUILDING IRON H. E. 1IEND1UCK, PROP. 641 King street. 'Phone 502. FOR Two Weets Only Great Reduction Sale. cessful; and I have not yet heard from the others. Miss Elvira Morgan, the teacher on whom I am waiting now will, I am sure, give most perfect sat is faction in every way. Miss Morgan has had a number of years' experience as a trained nurse. She was superin tendent of a hospital before she came to Philadelphia Cooking-School, from which she graduated two years oro. Miss Morgan has been teaching In our uuiitis, irom wnicn place she was called to be superintendent and dieti cian at the Maryland General Hospi tal at Haiti more. This year she left that place for n much better one at I-awrenceville School for Iloys. where she had to oversee nil the chefs, that the boys might have a perfectly whole some diet. Now, if I can prevail on Miss Morgan to take this position In n new field, I think she can come to you at once. I see by tno card you send that the Australia sails on October IS. I will try my best to have her make an earlier boat. The young ladies that I want to send, will have to give Just a little notice; and I do not want to send you anyone of whom I am not perfectly sure. You are Investing money, and it is too far away. I only wish that circumstances were such that I could come to you, simply to orga nize the work; but my school this win ter will be very full, and I am tied down until the 1st of February. Very truly yours. SARAH TYSON ROREIt. It Is hoped that the ladles of the town will interest their cooks In these classes. In a short time classes for housekeepers and young women and children will be started. The complete announcement for these classes will be made later. All who wish to register for the classes are requested to call at the headquarters between 1:30 and 4:30 Wednesday, October 5, when the work win be explained and members en rolled. ber and freight to London has hern C2 3s. 7d .per acre. Engineering. -REAL IIAWAIL -DROSS. CAPT. COURAGEOUS. NOT CLEA1L Cold water "My friend. I vote an 1 pray." Hibbler (on the front seat! IWm con. confesiAhun's good fr the nul. Tell us now winner you vote cirl'n often, or wuther you pray only once er year." DAY'S WORK. LADY URSULA. PRIXCES3 OF HOPC DREYFUS CASE. ENCHANTED STONE. ISLAND EMPIRE. TRELAWNY OF WELLS. OUTSIDERS. Incorporated Coder 1st Republic of HavalL capital wtajexo OFFICERS AND DIRECTCITL Chaa. XL Cooke P. C Jones Ylca a 1L Cooke F. C Atherton AstlsUst Directors Henry VTatrrbocsx May. F. TV. XUclixlixf; XL D. T J. A. UcCandiCSi. GolSctU tbm A CCO? St of Vlrri poralioss. Trusts. Individuals czil prompt and carefully axitrd ta btulsesa causer! cd xr?t& trotted to IL Sell and c!ra Extha&cw. Xasve Letters ct SAVINGS DEPAimiCOT. Ordinary a&d Terra Drpcctta rzszZ asd X&trrrst allowed la excs-rCi with rules and conditions prlst2 rt Dookjt. copies of mfclch had on application. Jodd Dull dice. Fort street. MESSENGER SERVICE. Honolulu Messenger Service dellvct messages and packages. Tel. 37 S. And a large number of others. r f u CLAU5 SPRDCKELS. W1L a LiUwX Clans Setts l Go.. C3. HONOLULU. IL L LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR PRO-1 SAN FRANCISCO AGENTS ' FESSOR I1I.ACKMAN-3 MAKING OF HAWAII. A few copies Jail received. core on the way. AHD OILCLOTH. Thos. a nm Li II I 10 I i Bugs, ESTAIIL1SHED IN 1&2. SISHOP & CO -Bankers TRANSACT A GENERAL DANKING AND EXCHANGE IIUSINES3. CENTER, SOFA AND STAND Heavy Stock and Great Choice. Beg to announce that they are now prepared to undertake all branches of the above business. Work undertaken by the day or by .contract; estimates furnished. E. E. HITCH Market Warehouse Building, Queen Street. Practical Sail Maker Estimates Given for all Kinds of AWNINGS, TENTS, TRUNK COVERS, TARPAULINS, WAG ON COVERS, FIELD-COVERS. ETC. McKINLEY IN CHICAGO. CHICAGO. Oct. 7. Thirty-five hun dred men gathered around the tables in the great banquet hall of the Au ditorium tonight at the annual banquet ; of the Marquette Club. The guest of honor was President McKlnley. On the right of the President sat Arch bishop Ireland of St. Paul. Oihers at the table were Secretary Gage. Attor- BrailCh Hat Store, NuuailU St. ney-General Griggs. Postmaster-Gen eral Smith. Secretary Hay. and Score- IB. ill. lie Covers. Be. chiya & CO. (Formerly Mnrata & CO.) HOTEL ST., COR. HDUARD. Of Best Value Ever Imported AT CHOICE VEAL, 1IDTT0R AND , PORK n t-rcl. OO tary Root . Addresses were made by Secretary Root and Archbishop Ireland. McKln ley s journey hither was a triumphal tcur. E. W. JORDAN rjo. .OstSEIt Hawaii Land Co. LIMITED. Commercial and Travelers' Lttra of Credit iMued. available In all the Principal ClUrs of tbe World, INTEREST allowed afle Jolj 1st ISO?, on Cxed deposits: 3 months 3 per cent: C months 3& per cent; 12 months 4 per cent- BISHOP a CO. SAVINGS BANK On October lit, 1S3S. and costisnlsc until further nolle. Savings Depojlu will be received and Interest allowed by this IUnk at fonr and one-half per cent per annum. Tea terms, rujes ana recuUtlons of th HawalUa rotLU divines IUnk will b adopted as far as It Is rraetieab! to apply Iters. the Cash Reervo of lv).OCO as reilrcd undr th Po:al Act will V9 rsala- talned. Irinird copies of th Ro!es axd Reg ulations cay b obtalt;ei oa applica tion. bishop &. CO. Honolulu. ?cp:aUr 7. llv. NEVADA NATIONAL DANH SAN KRANC1FCO. DRAW EXCHANGE ON-- SAN riLNClfCO-The Nevada tloml IUnk of Rin Frascio. LONDON Tbe fnloa llaak of dnn (Ltd.). NEW YORK American Excharc tlonal Hank. CHICAGO Mertha&U National PARIS-Cmdlt Lyonnals. RERUN Irr4aer lUak, HONGKONG AND TOKOHAHA Honickonc and Fhacghal T" J Corporation. NEW ZEAIAND AND AUSTRALIA IUnk of New ZeaUad. VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER F T o! DrltUh North Aacrlca, I naa o fiszia cnt i c Deposits RccelveKl. Loans Approved Security. Commercial Travelers Credits iBrsel. Dlllt Exchaaxe Docsht aad Roll. COLICTIONS PROUPTLT ACCOUNTED FOR. 3 THE YOKOHAOA SPECIE DAEU LIMITED. Paid Up Capital Yea 12,0C3jC3 Rcxrte Toad Yea 7.TT3JCT3 Stock Furnished at Fair Prices. Work Done Satisfactorily. All HUSTACE & CO., DEALERS IN Wood and Coal ALSO White and Black Sand Which we will sell at the verv lowest market raies. Telephone No. 414. RTT.L at ORPHEUM THEA- Sausages. Liver, Head Cheese and Breakfast Bo- logne at the CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. 214 Nauanu St. TeL 104. MERCHANT s TAILOR 23 Fort St., Op?. Club Stable. FINE SUITS TO ORDER AT REA SONABLE RATES Suits cleaned and repaired. Satis faction guaranteed. REING CAREFUL. Leonldas! exclaimed Mr. Mek ton's wife, on his return from a Jour ney. "I am at a loss to understand your conduct when we parted. I a!d good-by to you." "Yes. Henrietta." "Why didn't you say 'good-by In re sponse?" "I was Just about to do so. Henri etta, but I checked myself. I wa afraid you would accuse me of trying to have the last word again." Wash ington Star. Capital Stock Capital, paid up $50,000. $29,070. C. BREWER &COL'D. p-;il7c HEAD OFFICE: YOKOHAMA. MUNCHES AND AG EN CIO : KcV Loadoa. Lyons. New Faa rracclfcc. EhaechaL Doa bay. Hoaskoas. Tokyo. INTEREST A LI JO WED: Oa Fixed DepoOt for 22 ooaths 4 S tt. zv a. Oa Fixed lV;oJt for octtha !b.. r. - Oa HtM LHpoilt for 3 aoctts lp.a P. - INTEREST ALLOTTED DT TC3 HEAD OITlCn AT YOEOIIAUA. Oa Ccrrrat Depoiit 1 2-10 e per Czj. On Fixed Deposit for 12 faoatha, 613 rr rest- r. su The Daak Iny Ti1 rwive for es ltlaa lillU cf Exrhaar leszsa oa 123 OFFICERS. V. C. Achl President &. Maaascr J. K. Kahookano Vice President J. Makalnal Treasurer E. Johnson Secretary Geo. L. Desha Auditor MRS. L. F. MYERS, DRESS MAKER BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. K. Kahookano. J. Makalnal. J. V. Riplkace, Q4a Street : : Hoaolsla. IL t AGENTS FOR lUaiUa Acrlcattaral Cospaay. Oao- tr.e Surar Cospaay. Hosoaa Ezt Coaptay. Walluka Ssrar Ccrspaay. Atsertcaa Sscar Co ilake Ssxar Conpaay. Ookala Sacar Plaatauoa Oisracv Haleakala Itaach Cosv Pcy. h-apap-aU Raach ifoiokai Racch Plaatenk' Utf. Saa Fraadw Packtta. Charles Itrewcr it Coa Lta of lis ten Iackets. cnti Iloitoa Doard cf Underwrit er. cou for PhlUdelphla Board of Ta denrritfr. Standard Oil Co, It has I TL above Company will buy. lea. LONDON'S EXTENT, London now extends eighteen miles from Charing Cross all round. LATE FROM CALIFORNIA, "WILLI tli-,ifttl nf s 623.S04. enual to the or fell lands la all parts of the Ha- LIST CT OFFICERS. C. M. Cooke. Preildeat: Gecrct IL nobertjca. Maaactr; E. F. Elihop, Treasurer and Secretary: CoL W. F. aboTA Rraaehes aad Arraoe traaiaru a irreral taakiac baiacrx Ajracy Yokthasa Specie Baah New RepjV.Ic IKCc Hcaoisia. u. JUHEI 1SH1ZUKA AGENCY OF ICEI BIN BAWL LTD. Vineyard Street. Trartact Geaeral Daakirc aad Ci charr Datlaea. ilAD 0FFIC5 T0XT0f Draw Exchasre ca TTRST NATIONAL RANK. YOKOnitlL r w iv. Hrvm rrafle of RED nUD- Ailea, Auditor; P. a Joae, IL WaUf HER u K??? horn G. It. Carter. Directors. the HAWAILVN GAZETTL CO. SZER tonight. MVAUAtA AAV J J L V W A W W V HI - Of '