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10 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, OCTOBER 23. 139. BATHE THE KIND YOU HAVE ALWAYS bought ha3 borne the signature of the Western Chemical C?. of Chicago, 111., for years. Allow no one to deceive you with counterfeits. Imitations and "just as goods" are but experiments, and en danger the health of children. What is Laxatine? LAXATINE IS NOTHING BUT THE FINEST CASTOR OIL, with its objec tionable taste removed by our new process. LAXATINE is as pleasant to take as honey. Children like it. No trouble to get them to take it. It con tains neither opium, morphine, nor other narcotic substances. It relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency; it assimilates the food. regulates the stomach and bowels, giv ing healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea the Mothers' Friend. Prepared only by the Western Chemical Co., Chicago, Ills. mom- GONSALVES&CO. LIMITED. Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. New Book Bulletin'! 'T Spend Your Money You are making it here. oo We beg to announce to the public that we are making great preparations for the coming Holiday Season, and will have a large stock of Well-Selected Goods from the principal factories of the world. Our buying 13 done by a concern who have had many years experience in this business and control the largest trade on the Pacific Coast We promise our patrons that many new articles in our lines that will be shown in San Francisco can be found in our stre. Our stock will comprise STERLING SILVER, FINE PLATED WARE, HAWAIIAN SOUVENIR SPOONS, (New Designs.) HAWAIIAN SOUVENIR CHINA. (Something New.) RICH CUT GLASS, FINE BOHEMIAN GLASS. FRENCH CHINA... GERMAN CHINA. ...ENGLISH CHINA. ::: FIGURES. : : : . : : : BRONZES. : : : ::: ORNAMENTS. ::: ::: JARDINIERES. ::: LAMPS. ::: And Many Novelties. FLYING SQUADRON To Overawe the Jealous Powers. JAS. F. MORGAN KB pi 1)1 g i lie Qoie How Great Britain Replies to the Bit ter Hostility of (ho Conti nental Powers. 33 Queen Street ?. 0. Box 594. Tclccbone 72. SAFE FOR SALE ! ONi: LMtr.E SAFE Box attachment. Two Weeks More, That is All TO GUT SilOi: at W o.t piUt: !sa It U U err jo-4 mil; trtrrl o4 d;d no: a1a nir f vsr 11 lit It. C JviV. tor ATT orr.-:hir.e yo-4 aljr r.rl; ar ilj actrvl, tWi lhs now l fore I: U too Utr. Tty are no: hop torn: tny a?r tn. No:r taU ale. Golden Rule Bazaar, Fort St. -oo- "A Monk of Fife," by Andrew Lang. "Cromwell's Own; A Story of the Civil War," by Arthur Paterson. "That Fortune," by Charles Dudley "Warner. "From Comte to Benjamin Kidd," Dy Robert Mackintosh. "From Sea to Sea," "The Day's Work," by Kipling. "Strong Hearts," by George W. Cable. "Nada, the Lily." "The People of the Mist," "Montezuma's Daughter," "The Wizard,"' "Swallow," "Joan Haste," "Heart of. the World," by Rider Hag gard. ' . "DAVID HARUM," by Wrestcott. "The Scape-Goat," by Hall Caine. 'The Dreamers," by John K. Bangs. "The Downfall of the Dervishes," by Bennett. "The Story of the Revolution," by Henry Cabot Lodge. "The Wind-Jammers," by Hains. "Through Asia," by Sven Hedin. And many others all sold at PUB LISHERS' PRICES. TO OUR All goods sent out as presents will be prepared in a separate department, where they will be put up in the best small gatherings of idlers of style, using fine boxes, paper, etc. passers-by. NEW YORK. Oct. 12 The World London cable says: The prp ! formation of a British flying iu.idroii is a purely defensive measure and in spired by the bi:tr hostilltv En gland displayed by th Cmt in i:a! press. The Russian official organs art foremost in threats and incitements t: joint action against Great Britain, and though official Germany proclaims it self neutral th German press t er:nl only to Russia in i:s lnun i.i:in of England's South African policy. Though not believing at present that these outbursts of rancor will mater ialize the British Government is t.ikiuu precautions against eventualities. Thp difficulty and delay In .mobiliz ing an army corps for S.m;h Africa l regarded as most unfortunate and cal culated to induce Great Britain's ene mies abroad to take advantage of the present crisis to satisfy o!d animosities The formation of an Irish corps with Krueger excites violent resentment. The Globe advises commanders of British forces that their duty, shoald thev capture any Irishmen among Krueger's forces, would be to ""hoo them like dogs." The meeting of the Cabinet fimor row furnishes occasion for a big de monstration by the supoprtcrs of t:it Government and elaborate police ar rangements are being made to cope with the anticipated crowd. This Is aa innovation. Heretofore the assembling of the Cabinet, even at the most crl tical times, has been witnessed by only or casual For further particulars apply o JAS. F. MORGAN. Auctr. Auction Sale A, mm & CO IF- 205 Hotol St.. Arlington Block. API BOOSi i LO FURNITURE Books eiosed. ash iraOy. ISLAND OrtDCrtS Mail tW Accoaranlrd by Ch. ON THURSDAY, UCT. 2rt. AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.. II HOT At the residence of Mr. S. II. U"'e. I II II ft L Green itrert. between Kaninlani and I w Victoria. I will sell at Public Auction the household furniture. ronl5ttn. tn part, of HANDSOMi: IWULOIt fi'iustfui:. imcti:hi:.s and nrr.s. Writing-desk. Center Table. M:i!c I.ox. Oak I led room St. Chiffonier. Cttrtalns. role. Hall Carpet. Malting. llig Walnut Intension Table. II. Wal nut Sideboard. ICG llox. Meat Safe. STOVi:. KITCIIRN rTKNSII?. cn.isswnre. Crockery. Wilcox & GIM Sewing Machine. GHNTLi: SAI)I)Ii: HOItSi:. I'AI.MS AND FEUNS. Received. An Exceptionally Fine Lot of MULE JAS. F. MORGAN. Auctr. Our Holiday Season will open about the middle of November, which will give our friends on the other Islands ample opportunity. You will be able to give more presents this year be cause our prices are right. Special care given to mail orders. II1I.O Sympathy With hi:soi UI IONS. of Late ooo- LIMITED. KINO STR , Merchant street entrance next to the Postoffice through our Arcade. 1 S D WE oo REPH K 9 -Have you tried any of those -CHOCOLATE or COCOANUT -(fresh) cakes from the German -Bakery? They are only 25 and -50c each and pronounced delie--lous by those who have tried -them. Order one for your Sun day dinner. We also have a -sponge cake which we sell for -the moderate sum of five centi -each. WELL I GUESS YES! ! WE'LL MAKE OLD BIKES NEW. BROKEN-DOWN TYPEWRITERS UP-TO-DATE. -THE GERMAN BAKERY, 833 Fort Street., NEW KEYS FOR OLD LOCKS. Family Minuter Kin. At a meeting of Hilo citizen held at the courthouse on Wednesday last the following resolutions were unanimous ly adopted: RESOLUTIONS. The hand of Providence having re moved our late Minister of Interior, the Honorable James A. King, from the scene of his temporal labors, and the people of HIlo being desirous of testi fying their respect lor his memory and expressing their earnest and affection ate sympathy with the household de prived by this dispensation f l5 earthly head, be R therefore Resolved, That it is only a Jut trib ute to the memory of the departed to say that, in regretting his removal from the duties of his great office anil from our midst. wr mourn for one who was in every way worthy of our respect and regard; Resolved. That in the death of ('apt James A. King, tin people of these Islands have lost a true, honest execu tive officer, who was respected by those who knew him best for his sterling qualities and manliness; Resolved. That we sincerely condole with the family of the deceased on the dispensation which it has pleased God to afflict them, and commend them for consolation to -Him who orders all things for the best and to those ehas tisements which are meant in mercy: Resolved, That this heartfelt testi monial of our sympathy and sorrow 1 forwarded to the widow of our departed and distinguished citizen, and copies to the members of the Cabinet. -Headquarters for genuine ginger -snaps, sugar cookies, etc. -Telephone 677. GUNS OVERHAULED... ...AND CLEANED. EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY HONOLULU kin d i n mm 1 Supported by Voinwtary Contributions. FREE TREATMENT to the Poor of all nationalities. For information as to cards of ad mission and to the service, etc., etc., apply at the TOFIRMHRY THIRD FLOOR, PROGRESS BLOCK. HAVE JUST OPENED WE'LL RESTRING YOUR TENNIS RACKET. ORDO ANYTHING ELSE YOU ...WANT DONE... At the NEW YORK. Oct. 7. It is announce. that the United Hatmakers of America has been merged into the United Hat ters of America, which union now con trols the workmen in the trad. Auction OK Sale At Low Prices. em jp an Honolulu Stock-Yards Co., ox ; atu UUAV, ocTor.Ei: 2s At my .iterooin, ZZ Queen MrctrL I will sell at Public Auction AT 12 (VCiJOCK NOON. Ily order of the treaurer, Mr. Thoraal Rain Walker, the follow Inj: certificate of Mock In this McltRYDi: St'CAIl CO.. LTD.. If tho delinquent a!ejmnt. with intercut thereon, l not paid te- foie the alnnf date: LIMITED. W. S. WITHERS, Manager. Corner Queen and Alakea Streets. G. SCHUMAW'S Of. Shr. ...IT IN-'. -1 . liv:. I I c'tf. Shm. 13. 3 t V. . ..a :2... 1 f 0 . . . 2 .V2... 1 . . .'"l ... IS .. 3 121... ! ..3 1 6 ... 4 f juirt f l.") 311 Ctf. . 1117... Uu7... ?l. . . 3 ... 13... ... nr.9... lira... T. I s I 10 17 CARRIAGE REPOSITORY FORT STREET. ii JAS. F. MORGAN Auctr. Residence Sites AT MANOA FOR SHLE. -04-0- EHLERS BLOCK, FORT STREET. R. A. DEXTER, Manager. A Shop in the Aloha Buildin street, near Vineyard. cr Of Fort I am now prepared to do all kinds of PLUMBING, TINNING and GENERAL REASONABLE PRICES THE HOME mm CAFE IB telrlPa kl rJ.iv.M Unto. 1 r - ...1 WM. W. GRAHAM. Aloha Collection -OF jobbing hnre 1 r-e rX r S3 1 mmmm i HawaiianSongs V IQQQD 40 HAWAIIAN SONGS FOR $3. Forty Songs in Sheet Music Form at 25 cents per Copy Will Cost Yon $10. This Collection Is the Best Bargain Yet. For Sale at the J I i i 9.1 ;i ii 1.1 i HAWAIIAN Opera Mouse ooo Positively Last Performances OF Mr. Clay Clement AND EXCELLENT COMPANY. 040 MONDAY EVENINO. (H!T. 23 Th Famotis Comrtlv, -CASTE" TFKSDAY. OCT. L'l Tho Power fnl Mtdndram.i. The Mountebank. THTRSDAY. OCT 20 By Request. Mr. Clement's Masterpiece. - The New Dominion.! SATFRDAY. OCT. 2 Shakespeare's Croat Tragedy. HAVING PURCHASED A TRACT of the finest land in Mjloa for resi dence site. I will now rccivo appli cations from parlies dciring to pur chase. These lota are Immediately In front of the residence of II. IZ. Cooper. 114., and command a grand view of Ma&oa Valley and the picturesque country lo Diamond Head There aro 10 lots In 2 eri. 5 front ing on the went, or main. Manoa road. and 5 facing on Llhollbo street. The lots are each 100 feel wide and rom 1C0 to 2S6 feet dep. Government water main laid past the lots on West Manoa road. Early applications ncrMary. Map of the property and all Information In regard to terms of purcha, etc., at my of2e. Terms One-third cash, balance one and two years at 6 per cent. Early application necessary. Keeps Constantly on Hand a Full Line of Studebaker Farm Wagons, Lumber Wagons, Dilivery Spring Wagons. Plantation and Contractors Dump Carts A FILL LINE OF SINGLE AND DOUBLE IUUNESS. Hamlet. Sole Agent for the Studebaker Goods. F0RTDFY YOURSELF WITH A COX OF in JAS. F. MORGAN, MONDAY. OCT. C Positively jm iVrforman. The Ticket of Leave Man. PUPILS WANTED. Hawaiian Bazaar, MASONIC TEMPLE. The Best Heal Cafe. OPEN AT ALL HOURS. A YOUNG LADY OF GOOD Elt cation will take pupils for a select pri mary school; terms reasonable. Ap ply at cottage opposite Orpheum The ater, Fort street, between 0 and 12 For Safle: i or ipm. That narcel of land on tho n:ithitl jcornrr of Hcrctanla and Miller treU. The property has a frontage of SI feet on Iteretanla and 33 ft os Miller street. Area 4.730 square feet. There aro two cottage on th prop erty, one of which is now rented for 123 pr month. ....BEST CANDIES.... And watch for our lit of NEW fJOODS to arrive ly the Australia Wctlnelay. 2-BIG STD5ES2 For further particulars and tercj ap ply to JAS. F. MORGAN, .TM WATERIIOUSE STORE Bethel Street. ' .TMC. McINTYRE STORE Corner Kinf and Fort Sis. Tolophono Oa. u. ill. W Tolophom