Newspaper Page Text
5V 1 3 4 :v KtAblUhe J air I Mil. VOL. XXX.; NO. 5371 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. TUESDAY. OCTOItEK, 24. TWELVE PAGES. i'UICE FIVE onset II II II -A 0 ft m r tV PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS. ATKINSON & JUDD (A. L. C. Atkin- eoa jk! Albert F. Judd. Jr.) Office over, Bishop & Cos bank, cor. Mer-l errant and Kaahumanu sts. I ACHI c JOHNSON (W. C. Achl and Enoch Johnson). Office No. 10 West King St.; Tel. 884. IX3RRIN ANDREWS. Office -with I Thurston & Carter, Merchant St., aext to postoffice. '.3.YL.E8 A. DICKEY. King and Bethel . Sts.; Tel. 806; P. O. box 786. '.FREDERICK W. JOB. Suite 815, Mar quette Bldg., Chicago, Hi.; Hawaiian Consul General for States of Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin. CHAS.-F. PETERSON. 15 Kaahuma na St. PHYSICIANS. iDIL GEO. J. AUGUR, Homeopathic Practitioner and Surgeon. Special attention given to chronic diseases; office and residence, Beretania St., aearly opp. Methodist church; office ienrs 10 to 12 a. m.; 3 to 4 p. m.; 7 to 8 p.m.; Sundays, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Tel. 733. C. L GARVIN, M.D. Office 537 King St, near Punchbowl; hours, 9 to 12 a. m.f ,7 to 8 p. m.; Tel. 448. . 33R. JENNIE L. HILDEBRAND. Of fice 512 Beretania St., near Alapai; hours 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m.; Tel. SIS. 3R. A. GORDON HODGINS. Office and residence, Gedge Cottage, corner Richards and Hotel Sts.; office hours U to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Tel. 953. ;DR. WALTER HOFFMAN. Beretania SL, opposite Hawaiian Hotel; office Jiours 8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m., 7 to 8 p. m.; Sundays 8 to 10 a. m.; Tel. 510; P. O. box 501. CDR. T. MITAMURA. Consulting rooms 427 Nuuanu St.; P. p. box 842; TeL 132; residence 524 Nuuanu St.; hours 9 to 12 a. m. and 7 to 9 p. m.; Sundays 2 to 6 p. m. 2E. I. MORI. 136 Beretania St, be tween Emma and Fort; Tel. 277; P. O. box 843; office hours 9 to 12 a. m. and 7 to 8 p. m.; Sundays 9 to 12 DR. A. N. SINCLAIR. 413 King St., cext to the Opera House; office hours S to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m., 7 to 8 p. m.; Sundays 12 m. to 2 p. m.; Tel. 741. "W. B. CLAPHAM. Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. Office Hotel Stables; calls, day or night, promptly ans wered; specialties obstetrics and lazseness. OR. TOMIZO KATSUNUMA. Veteri nary Surgeon. Skin diseases of all kinds a specialty. Office room 11.1 Spreckels Bldg.; hours Q to 4; Tel. 474; residence Tel. 1093. DENTISTS. :M. E. GROSSMAN, D.D.S. Alakea St., three doers above Masonic Temple, Honolulu; office hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. zzl. XDR. C. B. HIGH. Philadelphia Dental College 1892; Masonic Temple; Tel. Slg. -3EO. H. HUDDY, D.D.S. Fort St., op posite Catholic Mission; hours .from 3 &. n. to 4 p. m. 13 R. A- C. WALL, DR. O. E. WALL. Office hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Love B3g., Fort St. QDOWCPQ J. CAMPBELL. Office Queen St., QRposite Union Feed Co. O. J. -STALK. Member Honolulu Stock rstfinee: -room 301 Judd Bide. 9 ' WILLIAM SAVIDGE.-Real Estate In &ii uraria ui xaitmus uuugui or sold; No. 310 Fort St.; aicinerny Blk. ENGINEERS. .JAMES T. TAYLOR, M. Am. Soc. C. E. Consulting Hydraulic Engineer; SOS .Judd Blk, Honolulu. CONTRACTORS. WM. T. PATY. Contractor and Build er. Store and office fitting; brick, wood or stone building; shop Palace Walk; residence Wilder Ave., near Kewalo. ..J. A. BUTTERFIELD. Contractor and Builder. Store and office fittings, Bldg., Union St.; Tel. 702. shcTJ and repair work; Bell Tower PROFESSIONAL CARDS. MUSIC. COOK'S lUSIC SCHOOL. Love Bldg., Fort St.: Piano, Voice Culture, Sing- ing and Harmony; especial attention Daid to touch, muscular control and musical analysis. ANNIS MONTAGUE TURNER. Vocal Instruction; terms by the lesson or month; commencing on and after the 10th of July, "MIGNON"; 720 Bere tania St., Honolulu. DO YOU WANT TO LEARN MUSIC? An opportunity now presents itself to learn from a competent teacher of the piano, graduate of Leipsic Uni versity, for the small tuition fee of $5 per month; satisfaction guaran teed; pupils taught to play in six months. Address "Musician," Ad vertiser office. a t nr r-" I AnUnl I CU I o. I HOWARD & TRAIN. Architects. DRAUGHTSMAN. T. D. BEASLEY. Plantation and To pographical Maps a Specialty; room 306, Judd Bldg.; Tel. 633. STENOGRAPHERS. MISS A. A. ALLEN. Office cor. King and Bethel Sts. (upstairs); Tel. 751. MISS E. M. BROWN Office over Bishop & Co.'s, corner Kaahumanu and Merchant Sts. OPTICIANS. S. E. LUCAS. Love Bldg., Fort St, upstairs; P. O. box 351. I carry a full line of ALL KINDS OF GLASSES from the CHEAPEST to the BEST. Free Examination of the Eyes. MISCELLANEOUS. F. D. G RE ANY, A.B.. (Har v.) Pri vate Tutor, with especial reference to preparation for college. Office cor. Rnwns. and Weddinc Trousseau. 72 Beretania St nn?n7v.P ana Lapiaary, upai uutung a bpe- ciaity. JNO. bcnooi bt., near nnage. O. G. TRAPHAGEN.-223 Merchant show, that It will take Jutt I2I.0W of fair, with gla on three and will preclat Ion of the culture of Honolulu JSjfr la St., between Fort and Alakea; Tel. John Collmrn s hard-earned wealth to add - e month to the life of Kcnlal pio and of Ihe tx-auty of Hawaii NeL 0 ,hr rrwnt war. there can be but 734; Honolulu. settle Akana's claim. Jlr i 5 m "In all tny travel." ald llerr Krie- one endlnc. altboush the lloer will do King and Bethel Sts.; Tel. 62 and ed for that Colburn during theVommis- unrrlendiy snore, an.l m rr taken pr- UMin the IT-Kr jm-mhat In tb- mhi" ,,r tt natlte WaHb and ffwple, to SOS; P. O. box 759. sIon of the trespass first stated did "TtU manner a h- would a pic: to him h- 'T1? ( hul ... i . 11 . i nt , , and nls torture ixgun. This consist- alo for our l.ncht:eakicc ro&au MRS. B. V. McCALL. Latest designs 1"""l- ..r " fi"l In lnc vk J,.nK. W-r. . .lon.r. tUhr. brttllUal r. amo .hn, h..'clfu 4 in Tniinr.Mi,in pvninf nintior ",uu irum s',m prenust-s piainiiii si sn.i":'H from whUh tho i-iiMn lanK I rgiif. cmtent to iiawd bu lif s.way lapttluJe-ik rn43 bim ratot blchlr val- rlnHlntIff creit nientnl iifrerlne etr 11 l,,C;,mrn- uh? finally killed him. Ilelnr U hv a Mlhy lrj habit a U m!L I diM-JpllnexJ Ml and rcy. lo bU re "MAKAPALA BY THE SEA" Now P,alnli great mental sum ring. etc.. Wa orn tJ IcccH an,, placed over aM irnrint mm,.rh I markatde ordwi afcJ directed fadlltr ready and for sale at MISS PRES- COTT'S, QUEEN HOTEL, Nuuanu st- : P. SILVA. Agent to take acknowledg- ments to instruments, district of Ko- na, Oahu; at W. C. Achrs office, King St., near Nuuanu. WAIL Price 60c; beautifully illus trated. For sale by all newsdealers. DR. A. C. POSEY. Specialist for Eye. Ear, Throat and Nose Diseases and Catarrh; Masonic Temple; hours 8 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. HONOLULU SANITARIUM. 10S2 King St.; Tel. 639. Dr. Luella S. Cleveland, medical superintendent. Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; methods of Battle Creek, Mich., Sanitarium; baths of every description; trained nurses in bath rooms as well as In movement' "idty In clM Sties tor thorough examinauSn racimies tor thorough examination. ur. j. Li. viarvin, cousuiiing puysi - cian and surgeon. TRANSFER OF A SUGAR FACTORY. SANTA CRUZ, Oct. 13.-The largest "eeu ever recorded In this county was filed today. The deed conveys the Wat- gnville sugar factory and beet lands om me western ueei sugar turn- x f r w vauy io ine oprecKeis sugar uompany. stamps amounting to ?S,740 are on the i deed. TO MEET AT SEATTLE. CHICAGO, Oct. 13. Members of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union from many States gathered here today preparatory to leaving in a special train tonight for Seattle, Wash., where the national convention will open next week. The train, which will bo known as "the white ribbon special." will go west via the Northern Pacific route. COGHLAN GOES TO ALASKA. CHICAGO, Oct. 13. Captain Joseph B. Cosrhlan. formerly commander of the United States cruiser Raleigh, left here today for Sitka, Alaska, where he goes to take charge of the Government lighthouse district of that territory. SUIT FOR DAMAGES Aiana Waots Twenty-Ons Thou sand Dollars from Colio. FIVE THOUSAND FOR MRS. AKAIIA Suit for Fotclt e Ejectment. Personal in- juries aol Ucrawfui Eatry aol Trescjss. Deputy Marshal Chillingworth yes tpnl.iv returned to the Circuit Court I " I the papers in the trespass uit oflcrosni Wong Chan Akana against John V, I In the first place Akana wants an even ten thousand of Colburn'a dollars for what he did on the ICth of October, 1S99, wrongfully and forcibly enter the store and dwelling-house . of plaintiff on the corner of King and Alakea streets and then and there with force and arms violently eject and expel plaintiff and his wife ami employes thereon. A perusal of the complaint .i. tk. . r. I r,.i nAiHtnr- i.tit th hiehi Kroner prented claim to all tilt- from said premises and close and lockldav lfnm iho snillni; of tho tr.itnprli..iir..i i f ihoM iti rj. - up the same and retain therein thelAomngl to this port, by tin French goods and effects of the plaintiff, all I of which proceedings were In contra- vention of his private rights under the law and to his damage in the sum of , .... ten thousand dollars. Five thousand more is asked as spe - clal damages Tor that defendant while I con,m..,.K ,reS,M af.. IM uniawruuy assault, seize hold of plain-1 tiff and throw him violently and for- cibly down, by which the plaintiff was greatly injured in his feelings and per- sort in the amount stated. I Five thousand dollars more is want-I wife, who was then and for a long time theretofore had been ill and confined to her bed and caused her to remain a conskIerab,c llnw ParlI' n- ciotheil upon the sidewalks in front of . . of .uh nrfs. rntli vorui me sum ciaimeti. For other and special uamages plain- tiff wants the court to award him an- either thnimind fnr thit Iho .lerVn.lnnt oiner l"0santl r tnat tne uerenuant ln committing the unlawful entry and trespass aforesaid did takepossesslon of and retain in said premises certain perishable and other goods belonging to plaintiff, which were Injured and de stroyed, to plaintiff's further damage in the amount stated. A SUCCKSS." The Opening of the Huston Lyric Season Sent Sale. If indications are to be depended upon and they usually are in affairs of this kind the Boston Lyric Opera Company season will b the greatest success ever known in Honolulu amUf,en,cnl Th- ' ' ojs Co.. was a manifest evidence of the . 1 sn uui; iiiit-n-i. iiu u inuuk senuence While there aro some iisirabti this famous engagement. A larpe ; R hrlr ffljjl aJ.,, cnrr, an. Ur JaJa of hray anally. crowd waited patieutly from 7 o'clock w.ic, handkerchiefs, at If wr'.o.rnir.;: whrr it al.i- 1 a; ;ra;-J ar.d b fe until the opening hour. 1 a. m. Mes- r b!ir speaker cf t!. ir own riX a ti:!. of i: real worth ui l t K t'" r.?Uh S'ijjc.I senirer bov ind nitlve- were In line r1 f llll- H. n.eforth bo 4 a creat fa- r:.cly watched rt.r ajtrard. Wl.t oj tne.WJir jour for hobling p?aces and h our theater p,tro:;,." To cU. an M ..j lh, . Ar.l JI cp oUr men. quite a number of ladies were alo In ite nature and L-t. f the ir. If J f line. There was no jotltns: r.o Kawaialiao ArtcLm U'UI. M In liafwua I la?;e6H m In wom c.; ib crowding for the t.est places. The rule Tho ,..,. Niro nt lh., Klw.,aM I"' W;-t n tb- lUad. e.r ParlUmen- J t m of first came first served wa in order. The arte.,at lore a th- Kaaa.a..a. . Jy moMj-. 4t,i b-ard a d.M;on . , , . , . ..r,-ii-i4. church crour.! wa down 2t j feet at tin I i:rh. t.f co-4r.i on a r rvol U' ie 6(4 fjxdi.t5 our iaOitl . I T7ii.!f,?.,i tr ptnLSim nwu tnlti build a nw railroad. Ot! cjfaVr f'-r banc ro;a tne ci .1 niia khv un.-". iiuvuv v . - - , - - - i . . t!ll left, there are very few. and it behooves tho who propose to enjoy the initial production to get In line early for seats. The ?ab yester day amounted to about $vo. This, of course, is not cotinting the "season seats." which touched closely on to !3.o00. The muslo-loving pnb!!c of Honolulu want opera and they propose to clearly demonstrate this fact during the en gacement of the Lyrics. Get your seats early i. I advice. Sale daily from 10 a. m. Much Fertilizer Used. The growing of sugar cane tell on the productiveness of the soil'of thcse Islands and large amounts of fertilizer Very low price put on then arc for are now imported yearly to make upC-ii only. ftir thoe element lot in the produc- tlon of cane. Dunne tho last month four es.els arrived at Honolulu from New York with Io.o0 ton of fcrtillicr ar.ti a many more arc Mill rn rout. To arc also duo from Iqulqui with I.1.) ton of nitrate Wlllett Gray. Hand Concert. At Emma Square last evening the band was compelled to perform for nearly an hour in darkness through the neglect of the power thai ! to that arrangement were made for light Ing the square. After numomiw tele phone call, the darkness dispelled and the band proceeded with the program a advertised. I wild Crossing. Ovlng to the rapidly Increasing t rattle on the Iwilei nad and to lessen1 tlm 1 anger of accident at the railroad r i r t l J.1;" ."IV'J .TV a signal KATEN BY CAN SI HALS.' Horrible Story of SavnRery In New HcbriJcs InlaitdH. YANCOlTVnil. U. C. Oct. C-A re- mark able story of cannihalitm wa brought to Sydney, Australia, a ffw m ------ - - " - - - J- - - m m wm - ..... . tcanr Jeanetto. The victim of thol display of savagery was a native of Hawaii, named Amaru. ho actrl a vL1"1 ?ml? iV", tlTnm"M nl Noumea, in th New Hchrldr. w,tit u ninnii- nt.n V" B rl - l a nativo Ionian of Aola. In thnitti not etrt an tmpaftial opinion - ; ",r,,r an. f.n midk ,f(r rr t hxr n fP( mufh nf f&g'g tW lUi - W - etiilvins Islands. n- iWldcl to vUii hul wife's trilo. Accordingly thr- omple Wfri lt ff in a small and it j ol,l" f,nv lh.lf, ,h" --n'r fate By mistake thfv had landed .n an had U-eti removed to attack the. man' I v-- Thfn .a. nr ' l feet, and his leg were horribly Ifiriiotl fhntich llio Inlnrv n -r. tMal. so that the victim would not die ln h h.. ,:ncUlihman U muJikea: I tinder tho triMtment. Then he wal()r. tK.r na. mtne Uok-hU llim!e - - n a in a target for the spears of the fire with two sheep. In fact, accord- K to the story, he was e.iten with the HrvP- , . . . . th m.,';.n,,mo A mam wife had Hn provlde.l with n secon.I huhand. The matter was reporte,! to a British I man-or-war. imt it is tnoognt no ae - TIIK MOUNThllANK. Clay Clement mid Company in the I'iiinmiH Play. This evening the grand romantic play "The Mountebank" will pre - senu-d at the Op-ra Hue, with Mr. Clay Clement In the title, role. The Ifc'trolt Journal, commenting on Mr. l'ljnent Impersonation of lllphor. the MounteKink. mjh: "Clay Clement re;a:.d h; ma'fly "'L " lhal lM UtH1 xhL"tU' The Mar wa, calb.I lore the rmU!n at th- clo (jf f.Vf. ar an,, afIrr ho rmlMn h vl llow at a ib pth of alxrtt s - i s:rike a fe! DENNY-ARMSTIIONf;. have b-n uo;n at a l: :y I rat-s to!ay. The bulk of th IZ are already nr.arpl up ar. 1 an ir tm ! niale Into the ;. Amp!" arc:r.:r.!a tion. have been made for the rtoard. txeryone getting a chair. The pro cram will le a ar.d . wi;i u f'tll band in attend.mre. REMNANT SALE. . ... ... .. . . .. eauj- can raou.u ma :? ai lac I f.illfti tin tho nflic txn. :rpl I i 1 1 .... ... v . I f"it,VT v remnant clearing sa at I- II. Kerr , I tion. b it I bate ren r. nsor? ror Many bargain are Include., and therur!on than elwhre. Kr-J ;t b!a FATE OFTHE BOERS: Hen FriEdentbal Tell! cf CGialry atfl lis People. THE DYIIAMITE MONOPOLY Oors mrm Hospltabl to btranct but Sutplclou of ForeUn St tttrt of Any Nationality. In conversation lth a rcprecnta-1 tive of thU parr yemerday afternoon , ,. ,, . . rr r.lf.lcnth! Mprcu btolf .. denthal. -and I have yet to learn of a . ..!- . II..H . ... . p.m of thU habitable pber watch I have not yet vuitcu. I nave never narr wltnenjird the famed beauile of Ceylon Candla. Maddra aad the Ca- narie-.'bnt It U rcrvcl for Ihl. my Jat tour of the world and my econd vUit to lhre I!and. to find the mot f f t fill " f the Pacifir. Hawaii." jJpeaklnc of hi trait and In an mrr to a qttotion a to hi tour thro-.uh S-nith Africa an-flh" Tran- aal. Ilrrr Frllnthal ald: "With regard to that matur you Mronciti admlrrrA of prorT.n and aM.ird them all hor.or for the5r mlchty rff.irt toward the advancement of ihe world, and yet nn cannot but yropa thi with th" llo-r In hU tmutd-. The KnslUhman In the Trantiaal Irokly In trur IjtM' votk be-rv. nt only n raUlng a few he: and catllo fort- hln own u". and laklnc neither part I nor h.irn In the i!etrlor.ment of ih I . t . 1 1 . . . an,i he firmlr beliec in lt tearhinr: noX r4ro ror IK, world ou!!d thelln literary work, to bU vlroroua and Tranavaal: he U runnlnc. but It in the rnnnini: of the unMtjratol man only. nol ;bat of the cultivated awlndbr W Ith mhorn b- U brought In contact too oft- rn for hjj, nmn prosperity, but b i,njy bortltahie to every !ranret: be loe bU veldt, hi hore and hl r!!:! la the devr-af of o eminent a hU life, and mot certainly b will Cbrbtlan worker, we would thankfully cheerfully lay down the latter In en- tt Ditlne coiSte.a wbUh b deaorlni; to retain tb former. II- I- tar twenty-twn yearn uh abl loeji not wlh to cbe hU country, bke and fruitful hln to the thunU u nf lla rhln.i. but he dfe want the manas'- aj3(l bbh mrr1fully prolcnte4 meat i.f hU counter lo remain in bU M failing :renrib while bent unUI own hand: he know be already In I a minority so far a num!-em are c.n - 1 rerned. and he know that a n n he ;irf vntlr to !. tal!Lii.!cr ihe r!ght of franchise , 'in d Wr 'eull tenetjc g.mfrcr erur fra l.e r !ir.riih all !.';- f ?o d iing. lie !rral cndolrnc- to iLe m'artjJr.g cjct I wril aware that l.o u nt fighting fanion. wb for nj.y tnonthn ba lb- irncJSh a a nation, b-at the mil - linaire.. thr miM"Mi an I wtre - all r.illon wi:h tVll !!J.! at thir had. ar.d b lok toward th day. if !. ho iM fail. whn bi country wi:i cloly fcnrel a U th adja;ni:.g Kim!ery diamond di:r;r!. wher. ti th f.rdr of a !:;. j t'.itt." I to a trj't I uauk r:an. mre -jcn a rrn mut earry it I t-atl tht he t!id r.ot the r.wei ty f.r r ich a work; they already had or.e r, i t.e;r fatr.r dM r.oi dv it r.e-..aty. u why !.'---!! ther. The nrm oao obtain frt-ta Svath AltUa lu r -rd to the Iw-r be l- l.".-d in ;4rt ;ne ths y r!nr !;.! . .t.. t- the fa;- 7in;' at, J Arx. t- :h j:roar tto:ter of Mr. Ilhfr ar. I h5 imrla'.tic ;.;cy. Tbe! Ii"-r. a tl.ejr nam- :;nli. are lv ;- aar.:: they are. whlt a the uit ! :.!-r). he th;r own batrurchall 5 i Kt.:Jh. :(; :w abd a! '.!e ly tr a jo.. t ne; if try ba no loie f..r the I ultlander. are they to b bUned anl I '!Je,l t l a.rie-l iS m ihrv ate ,,.:. . ... . " millionaire. It ba bn IA thai Ce I r U i:ho-e oce used that for !: he c.uld buy lb IlowMt, but errnt hte proved the fallacy cf tjtb aatrmrsit. In rrcAru la ilie dyzuoalt m5so-ojr. the faxls afe tht A few ycAi a co. ihm the cvuntry suit so frmrry toiay. Lea It la fact. jr3r. ihb ;otrrsmrst olJ tho rUbt tt lnj;ort the nploUve to a for e!cn corror4tlon. Nov this company fHr t na pric-e. which tnuH bo raid, jrl the GotrrTjmrot ractiot tirrAk. Its contra!, for tth the IUer nch an act rra!4 te the cf u;on the ibo!e nation. 1 fir-n ariln tin rr! f Ia r the NetherUnd. lUllnr ton- pany, xo cmui isexr roaa am xx other corpora Uoa would So tn. Can the Iloers te Llamed for A plain bad nn transaction by the railroad no no;o1y, no matter tow bard It ttrikr the consumers? -As a matter of fact, the irold out put Is cot taxed to any such extent as Is the diamond output from the Klm berley (Cape Colony) district It U not generally known that the taonrfrr ration to Oow Virtorlt from lb ultlandeni followed by one qulla Ihe otSlt.r ,ur of lSl(. quUoa: oor I. n Jmmen amount of damage to iha mine-owner whom they rrjir,r nlt the prime mover nn rrrnt trouble, l or the Kxm- har a profound r-pert tut o oon 3 an ,:ncllbman. or. for that matter, Jnuy be br!17be ohct if IUkt' uplcion and dl:ike: but though lh war l a tnot lamrnUUo I a,r procrc mut carry tx day ai- ia. andjb fai cf th iUrr will add but another pac to the lok of bl tory." ON Till: DIIAI II OF lf'UK. I Kxrrc4oti of Sentiment of the Ministerial Union of Honolulu. Tb tl'r,C from iat1h of our be bitfl au4 hr.iu f--ju worker In lh Gm)k1. iLc luv. Char VI. Hyde. II. IK loiifhcn nh nxtw ih bejirta of thU MinhirMjl t'nlon. A trot he r ba Ik jj ik a frm a bo bad m!nileTe- btjj and drt o!- I W- deJre to put m rord cnar lew- I timony to the laclcne-Mi of cionMerra- I ilf. ii unr ( 1... ... Utt dilir. and pi4td lo all de,anmenu of crance:itic and tal laW. to bU ej controlUMj and JMful adai&iMtalioa cf tbr ixrpor- at. work under bU char re. ax4 to bU Ul ,f trlTul OcUCwl hich ofien rave wl- dirrsira at llmew of dUcrrTnt opinion. vvbije depy mcurnlnc our crnat I cTrald n4 bi honored life monc ,J d St " ty the tri?nj!e due to the memory of W"m'l brother I IO lVa. 1 to- heavy lnrden of bU inrrea- ia weakn;. bJ33;t,c her Suok witb 1 3?fal "r.t ltir t$ tb" borne boe Jt" l.- awkitu br td al who fin- !h tb;r ojre In Chrht. In lrba!f of Mln!?'?1al Cnlun of Honolulu and ommli3e cn Itetolu ti"? hII.AS r. li:itltY. Srriairy. Meat. in:ant t-ee-jr: take j onr iand t ;thrda it. Hchi, jtm f fr-e To c-ot.t zin 5-.. I Tbr. tfty rsillion Tt n abru1 't a ent -iJb you; I l"irc f:ih r bLr; Craw I ord; jur kow jo-r custjM j tn; A)e4 jtit -n tk - 1 Areir d lh-w-? M --;r drutn V ;.. iari; la frot !n:.e. t tc;y b-af1 II ;! to aJltni jo j Sa t 'erstil on u. Ii i, c4, tl r.t.,.,., r3ir - Frr.ri .y.:ral :snd - . Afr"-A:at f-r at.d t.enr. - I Cistern J. & HA! LEY.